"... John McCain should publicly apologize for putting the nation he loves at 
risk by choosing Palin as his running mate ... The reasons she gave for 
stepping down are not just contrived or implausible but literally nonsensical 
... The thing is, Palin's unsuitability for high public office has been obvious 
all along ...

There are basically two reasons the political class and the commentariat 
continue to speak and write about Palin as if she were a substantial figure 
whose presence on the national stage is anything but a cruel, unfunny joke. 

The first is fear -- not of Palin and her know-nothing legions, but of being 
painted as elitist and sexist.   [...]

The other reason Palin is taken more seriously than she deserves is that she 
has a constituency. Heaven help us.

~~ 'A Starter, Not a Finisher' - Read full excellent article at link:
http://snipurl.com/mak6c  [www_washingtonpost_com] 

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