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| M | ajor campus renovation projects are nearly completed and two
more are underway on the campus of Maharishi University of |

| Management. Thanks to continued support from our generous donors, we are 
reinvesting in our infrastructure, upgrading our campus to reflect the dignity 
of Maharishi’s knowledge. It’s encouraging to see these campus renovations 
underway as our student body grows. |

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| The Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome roof is being completely resurfaced.
The work has a 10-year warranty. |

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| Residence Hall 113 has undergone a complete interior and exterior renovation.
The building is now occupied by students for the first time in 15 years. |

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| Golden Dome Way is being resurfaced 
near the Men’s Dome including new
curbs and an adjacent sidewalk. | The south section of Guild Drive has been
newly paved and reshaped for
proper drainage. |

| To make a donation click here |

| We also need to resurface the Bagambhrini Dome roof. If we can do it this 
summer we’ll save money, because the roofing company is already here. The cost 
will be only $250,000. Thank you to everyone who stepped forward last October 
to support repairs to both Dome roofs. Because of your generosity, we were able 
to make critical repairs to the Women’s Dome roof before winter. |

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| Our two Golden Domes are the centers of invincibility for the United States 
and the symbols of Consciousness-Based education for the world. Since the early 
1980s when they were constructed, tens of millions of person hours of 
transcending have taken place within them. And day after day, the most profound 
experiences of higher states of consciousness have been emerging from them.Will 
you please join us in making a gift to complete this project? This will help 
ensure that the largest number of women come together for group program and 
create maximum coherence in our national consciousness.Thank you so much,Vicki 
Malloy, Barb McLaughlin, Sandra Rosania, Melissa Pearson, Carol Markowitz, Nora 
Mylett P.S. The Golden Domes are open to us all for group program and many 
other special events free of charge. We are very grateful to those of you who 
contribute each year to the Golden Dome Support Fund. This fund covers the cost 
of utilities, insurance, cleaning, sheets, and general maintenance of the 
Domes, but does not extend to such major work as roof repair. |

| To make a donation click here |

| Jai Guru Dev |






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