Thank you Obba...I fully appreciated the thought and the great musical posts.

Here's a little story for you.

A woman walks into her weekly cranial sacral appointment.  Let's call her 
Maria.  She arrives a bit disheveled, having thrown herself into the shower 
just 15 minutes prior to the appointment, and is only just 10 minutes late.  
She bursts in to the backyard studio and starts apologizing. The cranial sacral 
guy is quietly looking at her and gently interrupts:

Cranial Sacral Guy (CSG):  " look different...have you lost weight?" 

(Note:  Yes, Maria wants to ideally drop 20 lbs, but that is not the primary 
focus of this work, nor has CSG even ever brought "weight" up before.) 

Maria:  "Uhhhh....well, I did get on the scale today, and no, not yet."

Cranial Sacral Guy: " look lighter."

Maria:  (Bursts out laughing)

Intuit what you will.  YMMV :)

From: obbajeeba <>
Sent: Monday, November 7, 2011 6:22:12 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Yo Denise!

I thought starting a thread for all to post a little something for Denise to 
read while she is on vacation. 
The weather is good, the water is fine, wish you were here.

Here are memories from your childhood riding in your parents car...



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