Re: [FairfieldLife] The View From Canada

2009-04-10 Thread Kirk
My ego requires none of this to feel okay.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert 
  Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 11:37 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] The View From Canada

SaLuSa  8-April-2009

We know that our messages reach far and wide, and some people do not
take them seriously. We tell you it is no joke, but a very serious
time in your evolution. Failure to comprehend the gravity of the
situation you are facing, will leave you at the mercy of those who
would enslave you for the rest of your life. The opportunity you have
to make a quantum leap forward comes very rarely, but it is there for
all who are prepared to live the vision of Ascension. You have a once
in many lifetimes opportunity to completely leave the lower dimensions
behind. We are aware that so many of you tire of the never-ending
turmoil that the dark forces create on Earth. That is their way to
stall your spiritual progress, and have you make believe that there is
no way out of the dark.

Dear Ones, you cannot beat the dark forces at their own game, but have
the advantage of being able to create a future that breaks their hold
upon you. You of the Light have so much power that you can change the
time line you are on. It requires dedication and trust that your
efforts will produce results. It is the visualization of the end
result you seek that will attract the energies that bring it about.
Time is not a factor, as events will proceed in the manner that is
best suited for success. As more of you envision a similar end time,
so the energy becomes even more powerful. This is why an important
part of our mission is to help you understand what is required of you.
You moved yourselves beyond the Millennium when you might otherwise
have experienced the end of the cycle. You created a chance for
everyone to find their god selves, thus giving more souls the
opportunity to break free from duality.

You must admit that the last few years have given you a roller coaster
ride, but what you are experiencing is no funfair ride. It is your
future that is at stake, and although many higher Beings accompany you
and give of their help, it is you and your actions that will determine
the outcome. We are confident that you will rise to the occasion, and
overcome the odds that seem stacked against you. You really have all
of the answers, but many just do not believe in their own creative
power. We can only do so much without being seen to interfere, but
give us the chance to mount a peace mission with you and jointly we
shall be a formidable force for good.  The Creator has expressed
a desire that all within your Universe shall ascend, and it is only
your Earth that is experiencing a battle to be part of that
upliftment. All other planets and dimensions are sufficiently
advanced, to move with the changes without any difficulty.
Nevertheless, the Earth is considered a success in bringing souls into
the knowing of the changes, so that each one can make their own
decision regarding their future.

It is time for the people to make their mark, and be responsible for
the direction they go into. It is clear to many that you cannot return
to the old ways, but use your power to ensure that your governments
are aware of your interest in determining your own future. They will
listen, as they know the power has shifted from them to you. This is
all part of the necessary changes that will restore your freedom and
right to choose your own destiny. It is far too long since you had a
firm say in your lives direction. These are times when seemingly
miracles can happen, and some events will both shock and amaze the
people. Be prepared to adopt a new mindset, but be sure to look for
what is for the good of all.

There are days to come when at a single stroke the U.S. President
shall astound his critics by the changes he will authorize. No
President of late has been one specifically chosen by the people, and
therefore his decisions will reflect that aspect of his appointment.
He is in any event, a highly motivated soul bringing much wisdom and
authority with him. He has a great responsibility thrust upon his
shoulders, but is equal to the task. Already he is making overtures to
foreign powers that would otherwise be considered enemies of the
Western World. Obama seeks peace instead of hostilities, and knows
that he must build trust where previously there was nothing but
confrontation. Humanity is being

[FairfieldLife] The View From Canada

2009-04-09 Thread Robert
SaLuSa  8-April-2009

We know that our messages reach far and wide, and some people do not
take them seriously. We tell you it is no joke, but a very serious
time in your evolution. Failure to comprehend the gravity of the
situation you are facing, will leave you at the mercy of those who
would enslave you for the rest of your life. The opportunity you have
to make a quantum leap forward comes very rarely, but it is there for
all who are prepared to live the vision of Ascension. You have a once
in many lifetimes opportunity to completely leave the lower dimensions
behind. We are aware that so many of you tire of the never-ending
turmoil that the dark forces create on Earth. That is their way to
stall your spiritual progress, and have you make believe that there is
no way out of the dark.

Dear Ones, you cannot beat the dark forces at their own game, but have
the advantage of being able to create a future that breaks their hold
upon you. You of the Light have so much power that you can change the
time line you are on. It requires dedication and trust that your
efforts will produce results. It is the visualization of the end
result you seek that will attract the energies that bring it about.
Time is not a factor, as events will proceed in the manner that is
best suited for success. As more of you envision a similar end time,
so the energy becomes even more powerful. This is why an important
part of our mission is to help you understand what is required of you.
You moved yourselves beyond the Millennium when you might otherwise
have experienced the end of the cycle. You created a chance for
everyone to find their god selves, thus giving more souls the
opportunity to break free from duality.

You must admit that the last few years have given you a roller coaster
ride, but what you are experiencing is no funfair ride. It is your
future that is at stake, and although many higher Beings accompany you
and give of their help, it is you and your actions that will determine
the outcome. We are confident that you will rise to the occasion, and
overcome the odds that seem stacked against you. You really have all
of the answers, but many just do not believe in their own creative
power. We can only do so much without being seen to interfere, but
give us the chance to mount a peace mission with you and jointly we
shall be a formidable force for good.  The Creator has expressed
a desire that all within your Universe shall ascend, and it is only
your Earth that is experiencing a battle to be part of that
upliftment. All other planets and dimensions are sufficiently
advanced, to move with the changes without any difficulty.
Nevertheless, the Earth is considered a success in bringing souls into
the knowing of the changes, so that each one can make their own
decision regarding their future.

It is time for the people to make their mark, and be responsible for
the direction they go into. It is clear to many that you cannot return
to the old ways, but use your power to ensure that your governments
are aware of your interest in determining your own future. They will
listen, as they know the power has shifted from them to you. This is
all part of the necessary changes that will restore your freedom and
right to choose your own destiny. It is far too long since you had a
firm say in your lives direction. These are times when seemingly
miracles can happen, and some events will both shock and amaze the
people. Be prepared to adopt a new mindset, but be sure to look for
what is for the good of all.

There are days to come when at a single stroke the U.S. President
shall astound his critics by the changes he will authorize. No
President of late has been one specifically chosen by the people, and
therefore his decisions will reflect that aspect of his appointment.
He is in any event, a highly motivated soul bringing much wisdom and
authority with him. He has a great responsibility thrust upon his
shoulders, but is equal to the task. Already he is making overtures to
foreign powers that would otherwise be considered enemies of the
Western World. Obama seeks peace instead of hostilities, and knows
that he must build trust where previously there was nothing but
confrontation. Humanity is being offered the opportunity to consign
the past to your history books, and broker a new understanding between
each other that leads to friendship and cooperation.

Support for the new look way of governing is vital; as the dark forces
will do all they can to disrupt its progress. Read carefully into
reports that twist Obama’s words, as much disinformation will be
circulated. Be intuitive, and measure the soul that is Obama by his
intentions as expressed with wisdom and love for all people. He is
charged with a task that holds the future of Mankind in its grasp, and
it must not, and cannot fail. His emergence is one that the people of
the world can take credit for, as your prayers and longing for a
trusted and worthy leader to make peace a 

[FairfieldLife] 'A view from Canada'

2008-04-27 Thread Robert
In my lifeFor millions of fans,
the Beatles provided a soundtrack for life. They symbolized a
generation in all its aspirations and failures
Robert Sibley,
Citizen SpecialPublished: Sunday, April 27, 2008
I was spellbound the moment I heard that crashing chord. Chaang ... It's 
been a hard day's night ...
was, as best I can remember, the summer of 1965. I was sitting in a
metal folding chair in the recreation hall at the Fort Nelson airport
for the local premiere of the Beatles' movie, A Hard Day's Night. The
film had been released in 1964, but towns along the Alaska Highway were
low on the distribution pecking order. When Beatlemania finally
penetrated the forests of northern British Columbia, us kids packed the
musty war-era hall to watch John, Paul, George and Ringo.
not to say I was so backwoods not to have heard of the Beatles before
then. Like millions my age, I loved their music -- songs like I Want to
Hold Your Hand, She Loves You and All My Loving provided the lyrical
references for our emerging adolescent emotions. But A Hard Day's Night
was different, at least for me. I suspect it had something to do with
being a 13-year-old desperate to be 16, 18 or, best of all, 21. The
movie and the music provided a talismanic key to a world beyond my
small town. I could suddenly imagine myself on the London streets shown
on the wobbly projection screen.

 var addthis_pub = '';

if (field.value.length 
 maxlimit) // if too long...trim it!
field.value = 
field.value.substring(0, maxlimit);
// otherwise, update 
'characters left' counter
var divLabel = 
divLabel.innerHTML = 
maxlimit - field.value.length +  characters remaining;



later, I read David McFarlane's novel Summer Gone, in which it is
explained what a Beatles song meant to one character, Bay: It was the
pause in All My Loving -- the instant of silence between the end of the
last bar of the second verse and Paul McCartney's suddenly clear,
suddenly unaccompanied vocal introduction of the song's refrain -- that
Bay found irresistible ... Bay imagined everything rushing into that
second of perfect emptiness in All My Loving. There he was 12 years
old; briefly happy ... balanced between his childhood and whatever came
That's it, I thought, that's how I felt hearing A Hard
Day's Night. George Harrison's strident opening chord on his 12-string
Rickenbacker contained all the compacted dreams and pent up desires of
an adolescent just starting to glimpse the mystery of his future. The
rest of the movie and its songs -- Tell Me Why, If I Fell -- only
reinforced that sense of future possibilities. The Beatles woke me from
the long slumber of childhood.
I doubt I'm alone in my
modest revelation. Joey Ramone, the vocalist for the Ramones, once
referred to Harrison's chord as an amazing wake-up call. Rolling
Stone called it the most famous chord in all of rock 'n' roll.
judgments are no surprise to those whose adolescence spanned the '60s.
Collectively, Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr transcended the
niche of pop entertainment. When they burst out of Liverpool in 1963,
the first edge of the Baby Boom generation was turning 18. For the
millions that followed, the Beatles provided a soundtrack for their
lives from early adolescence through to adulthood. They symbolized a
generation in all its aspirations and ideals, as well as, arguably, its
confusions and failures.
You can practically track the boomers'
psychic shifts through the development of the Beatles' music. From the
cheerful, if sardonic, optimism of the early songs -- Can't Buy Me
Love, for example -- to the acid-dipped explorations of Revolver, from
the dark undertones of cultural despair in the Sgt. Pepper album and
the White Album to the retrospective sadness of Abbey Road, that
glorious swan-song released a few months before the Beatles' 1970 break
up, you have a lyrical portrait of the mental and emotional terrain
travelled by a generation. Those near-to-last lines on Abbey Road serve
as both a commentary on and epitaph for the Boomers. And in the end,
the love you take/ Is equal to the love/ You make. To a generation
unable to share the faith of its fathers, that's about 

[FairfieldLife] 'The View From Canada'

2008-03-24 Thread Robert
Mantra Meditation Reveals a Hidden Agenda: Are the Gods Alive and Well and 
Working Towards the 'New World Order'
  by Bronte Baxter 
What I expected to see when I came back to the 
Fairfield scene after 20 years away from Transcendental Meditation was a group 
of mainstay meditators true-blue to Maharishi and a group of robust dissenters, 
whose minds questioned everything they learned from their guru days. Instead, I 
found the true-blue meditators, but not the kind of dissenters I anticipated. I 
encountered people who had left the TM movement but hadn’t substantially 
changed their belief system. This latter group had changed in the way that 
people change hats, or redecorate their homes, leaving unaltered the structure 
underneath.   The dissenters had splintered into a myriad of Eastern or 
Eastern-related philosophies: Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie and Andrew Cohen were 
popular, and Neo-Advaitin gurus had rallied many behind their minimalist 
philosophy. “Saints” like Ammachi visit Fairfield regularly, dispensing 
dharshan and picking up new recruits.   Across town, small groups meet in
 “satsangs” to discuss their growing enlightenment or to chant songs to the 
gods. Heated debate is common between adherents of competing gurus, and people 
grow vitriolic over whether Maharishi has slept with young women or not.   
There is a smattering of hedonists and atheists, but ex-TMers in the Fairfield 
circuit mostly show up with an intact Vedic worldview. That worldview is a lens 
through which they perceive and measure all gurus and reality itself.   I find 
this disturbing. It’s rather like people who’ve been swindled by a con man, 
despising him for how they were treated while they continue to invest money in 
the enterprise he sold them on. Why doesn’t the skepticism extend beyond the 
procurer, to that which he procured for?
   And what did Maharishi procure for? The Vedic gods. He sold 
us a meaningless word that was supposed to guide our minds to transcend 
superficial consciousness. Later we learned those meaningless words, our 
mantras, were names of deities. He taught us advanced techniques with the 
Sanskrit word “namah” at their core: “I bow down.” Mantra meditation is a form 
of paying worship to those who call themselves gods. When you scrape away all 
the fancy and misleading explanations – like “meaningless sounds” and “impulses 
of creative intelligence,” what you get very simply is people with their eyes 
closed bowing down in their minds to an assigned Hindu deity.   Of course we 
can explain this away using TM explanations, much like the townsfolk explained 
away the emperor’s nakedness using the reasoning they were fed by the 
tricksters who paraded him through the town. But the emperor has no clothes. 
Mantras worship the gods. “Namah” means “bow down.” It’s right there on
 the surface for anyone to see if we toss out the excuses we were handed and 
look at the situation with even a shred of unbiased observation.   Who are 
these gods, that we’re so willing to explain away as “impulses of our own 
consciousness”? The same gods have appeared in other religions and cultures, 
even in societies that had no contact with each other. They go by different 
names, but the entities are the same. In Hinduism, you have Indra, god of 
thunder, ruler of the gods, married to Indrani, queen of the gods, known for 
her jealousy.   In Greek mythology, you have Zeus, god of thunder, ruler of the 
gods, married to Hera, queen of the gods, known for her jealousy. One-to-one 
correspondence like this is common. The gods are a global phenomenon, with 
their imprints on every society.   Historically, the gods exacted worship and 
sacrifice – blood sacrifice commonly, including the murder of humans. While 
Hinduism has a history of human sacrifice, it has been reduced today to
 worship of Kali, the goddess with her bloody tongue hanging out, whose body is 
adorned with a necklace of bleeding, decapitated human heads... Or Shiva, 
adorned with serpents, who dances on graves... Or Vishnu, whom Arjuna perceived 
in His cosmic form with pieces of devoured victims’ flesh sticking between his 
teeth. These 'Gods' appear to feed on the energy of suffering, the fearful 
energy of the victim.   In one South American sacrificial ritual, a bull has 
his throat slit, as slowly as possible. The reasoning given is that the gods 
cherish “live blood” as the blood with the greatest energy, so the animal must 
be kept alive while the blood drips from its body. In other words, the greater 
the fear and suffering of the sacrificial beast, the greater is the pleasure of 
the gods.   The Shrimad-Bhagavatum, among other scriptures, explains the 
antipathy of the gods for human enlightenment. According to the Vedas and the 
mythology of other cultures, the gods feel threatened by
 the human race, afraid mankind might grow as powerful as they. The gods want 
humans to remain ignorant and