Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-17 Thread Vaj

Hi e-Bill:

On Jun 16, 2007, at 11:08 PM, emptybill wrote:


Namaste, you rascal. After your post about sourcing errors, I  
finally realized how you play your role here in the forum. I know  
my profound insight is true `cause the symptoms of my of my  
realization are on G-Spot's kundalini list. Vaj, you are indeed a  
contrarian dissenting from the party line but you are also a bomb  
thrower – a type of Buddhist Newt Gingrich in this FFL congress of  
democrats. I may find you amusing, but some of the others find you  
highly exaggerated.

If I exaggerate I do it for a reason (i.e. comedic value), but not to  
divert from an underlying point. I've been accused of being a  
traditionalist which I can understand, but I guess it would depend on  
which party line you're referring to if I am a dissenter.

Who's the one dropping bombs here?

Vajra Naught:

I'm not getting that at all e-Bill. My take on where Swami G is  
coming from is that she's followed the practices of the tradition  
to their completion.


The fact that G was invested as a Swami says nothing about what she  
practiced. It says even less about some kind of completion  
finalized as the result of following a particular path. Swami-hood  
is a title of renunciation and that is all. It is like someone  
becoming a Buddhist monk. It doesn't tell you anything about what  
practices they shall do, actually now do, or will do. Other than  
that, swami-hood is a way to garner some respect in India and now  
even in American too.

What's she's accomplished has little to do with her title but what  
she claims to have accomplished, which is realization via a tantric  
path. This has been a common approach in the Shankaracharya tradition  
since the beginning. It works, therefore it's a tradition that's  
still followed.

Consider the title of Lama. Lama doesn't mean someone is a Khempo  
or Geshe, (much less a twenty-year cave dwelling yogin or a tulku  
either). However at least we would expect a Lama to have the  
customary three year and three month retreat. How else would they  
seize the clear appearance of a Yidam and become identified with it  
enough to enact the four karmas on behalf of self and others.

Exactly. And in her tradition she has done her equivalent training,  
from what's been said. Different traditions have their own training.

In contrast, swami-hood does not include any specific practices  
like kyerim/dzogrim from common transmission lineages that anyone  
would recognize or know. Swami-s might engage in any or all kinds  
of path practices. So if she had a tantric guru then those Tantric  
rites should be her practices. Investiture is completely different,  
it's just formalized sannyasa.

Again, you're getting tied up in the title. The title, in the context  
we're talking of here simply means she had experiential access to a  
broader swath of her tradition. That's the point. That is not to say  
that sannyasi-hood grants some magical realization, although celibacy  
is said to be helpful in a kundalini based path for obvious reasons.

 Vajra Naught:

Some of her students are ex-TMers who claim to come from her  
tradition. There are problems with some people having very negative  
reactions to TM/TMSP (from suicide to kundalini disorders) and so  
she's trying to help from the POV of someone who's tread the path  
to it's logical conclusion: realization.


If that were the whole story then I'd be for it too. However her  
specific claims are many:

She is a swami, MMY is only a Brahmachari secretary who wouldn't  
take sannyasa.

Again, the point in this case, is that she simply had fuller access  
to the teaching--and then allegedly realized those teachings--and so  
therefore has something complete to teach.


This is her investiture claim. Monastics don't think this way. They  
look to see the types and qualities of practice that someone does.

Yes, I agree. Even better if they realize the goal of those practices  
so they can teach others based on their own direct experience.

MMY gives out mere bija mantras – just a part of real mantras.


Come on Vaj, not even you could believe this one. So you would have  
distain for A-khrid because it is not polysyllabic enough and is  
too simple?

Not the point really. The point was more about full tradition vs.  
selling a piece.

She possesses the secret signs and language of her akhaad to  
distinguish real sadhu-s from fake. She's the real thing.


Secret signs and speech mean nothing about someone's spiritual  
status. Trappist monks observe silence in their daily routines.  
However their monasteries are well known for having the fastest  
gossip network of any Cistercian order. Silence of the mouth  
actually assists the disgorging of the mind. Swami G-spot's so- 
called secrets are fluff for naïve and innocent westerners.

Not according to what her students say. I am 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-15 Thread Vaj

On Jun 14, 2007, at 10:58 PM, new.morning wrote:

 Anyone could make the claim, but ones who had their progress  

 and their realization authenticated by their master could truly make
 the claim.

 If you ever get the chance to read the spiritual biography _Baba:
 Autobiography of a Blue-Eyed Yogi_ by Rampuri you might find it
 interesting to hear what realizations these ganja smoking yogis do
 have. It's a fun and insightful read.

My thought was not to dis charas smoking sadhus -- more power to them
-- and Shiva is the lord of charas (as uncomforatble as that be to
western devotees.) But my thought was, rather, stemming from my
observation, and impression, that there are a lot of swamis out there
(western and Indian) that are not deeply infused with experience and
engrained in scripture. Nor intellectual giants. Nor deep in  

That was the refreshing thing about _Baba_, the yogis of his akhara  
were more tapped into the source of these books/texts. Rote learning  
had little meaning. In others words they'd orally be given the text  
and it would just unfold inside them and become a part of them. He  
gives the example of the Maheshvara-sutra which is really just this  
sequence of the Sanskrit alphabet which is said to emerge from  
Shiva's damaru (double-sided trance drum). It becomes internalized  
and he sees creation as the unfoldment of this code (the text). He  
becomes the text.

I know in my own case when I really, in my heart, wanted to know a  
teaching and it's text, one of the dakinis/shaktis from my gurus  
mandala would energetically unfold it inside of me. Search your mind  
as you would, you could not even find the question in your being  
after she has encoded it inside your primordial nature. All doubts or  
questions were simply gone. In reality it was always already a part  
of you, from the beginning, primordially. It just needed nudged awake  
like a homeopathic medicine nudging awake some asleep part of your  
immune system.

Thus, Swami g's, seeming reliance on swamihood as being THE criteria
for being an effective teacher, seem odd.

I wasn't getting that. It was just a systematic and tried and true  
method for creating sat gurus in their tradition. It's advantage is  
that it's verifiable.

Maybe Kapleau Roshi had a good point when he said Masters of old  
lashed out at those who claimed enlightenment yet refused to be  
tested, calling them earthworms living in the slime of self-validated  

There are a lot of slimy earthworms out there ready to teach and lead  

And what is a guru? vs. a teacher. Can someone be a legitimate hatha
yoga teacher and not be a Guru / swami / ordained by his/her Guru to
be a Guru? The same for a meditation teacher?

Well a guru by it's simplest definition is someone who can lead from  
out of darkness (gu) to the light of realization (ru). It can be  
trained in, as in these various akharas and lines or as in the  
traditional training's for lamas, and is verifiable by knowing the  
stages on your own. Of course someone CAN have that experience  
outside of any tradition but that's not only rare, it also has it's  
own dangers (particularly deception).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-15 Thread Vaj

On Jun 15, 2007, at 6:01 PM, qntmpkt wrote:

---G's symptoms of being on the path:
Blue Light
Seeing of Auras
Heat up the Spine (can be extreme)
Cold feeling flooding a chakra area
Feeling the Nervous System is short-circuiting (can be extreme)
Pulsing Energy at the Base of the Spine (can be painful)
Red Flame Pattern over Heart Chakra Area
Sounds internally heard:
1. Birds
2. like a train sound
3. Bells
3. A hissing or whistling sound
4. Someone quickly saying something in your ear (like Ha)
Extreme Sensitivity to Sound, Vibration Etc...
Siddhis such as complete knowledge on energy work
Feeling what is happening in someone else's body
Picking up others emotions
Normal photographs that pick-up light phenomenon and mists etc.
Body awareness changes - feeling larger - feeling smaller
Feeling as if you are here and not here
An absolute absence of thought
Extreme Fear (note :this one is temporary)
Dreams of Snakes and Fires
Dreams of - religious and spiritual symbology
Samadhi states of Feeling Utterly connected with ALL - yet also
witnessing and not involved...
Finding the consciousness expanding to where you are not in the
body.. (example seeing over the trees while you are at ground level)
Mudras (hand gestures ) spontaneously happen
Asanas (body postures) spontaneously happen
Body may move with certain music - uncontrolled pulsing or swaying
Feeling as if you are in a strong earthquake
Ability to manifest what is needed - once again a siddhi but do not
attach to these phenomena, let them go
Seeing of internal lights (flashing lights in vision rotating
Seeing the world in enhanced coloration
Yawning - Laughing - Crying

That's just cultural baggage quant, we should just ignore it. ;-)

Nice list actually!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-15 Thread Peter
Sounds like my normal day ;-)

--- qntmpkt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ---G's symptoms of being on the path:
 Blue Light 
 Seeing of Auras 
 Heat up the Spine (can be extreme) 
 Cold feeling flooding a chakra area 
 Feeling the Nervous System is short-circuiting (can
 be extreme) 
 Pulsing Energy at the Base of the Spine (can be
 Red Flame Pattern over Heart Chakra Area 
 Sounds internally heard: 
 1. Birds 
 2. like a train sound 
 3. Bells 
 3. A hissing or whistling sound 
 4. Someone quickly saying something in your ear
 (like Ha) 
 Extreme Sensitivity to Sound, Vibration Etc... 
 Siddhis such as complete knowledge on energy work 
 Feeling what is happening in someone else's body 
 Picking up others emotions 
 Normal photographs that pick-up light phenomenon and
 mists etc. 
 Body awareness changes - feeling larger - feeling
 Feeling as if you are here and not here 
 An absolute absence of thought 
 Extreme Fear (note :this one is temporary) 
 Dreams of Snakes and Fires 
 Dreams of - religious and spiritual symbology 
 Samadhi states of Feeling Utterly connected with ALL
 - yet also 
 witnessing and not involved... 
 Finding the consciousness expanding to where you are
 not in the 
 body.. (example seeing over the trees while you are
 at ground level) 
 Mudras (hand gestures ) spontaneously happen 
 Asanas (body postures) spontaneously happen 
 Body may move with certain music - uncontrolled
 pulsing or swaying 
 Feeling as if you are in a strong earthquake 
 Ability to manifest what is needed - once again a
 siddhi but do not 
 attach to these phenomena, let them go 
 Seeing of internal lights (flashing lights in
 vision rotating 
 Seeing the world in enhanced coloration 
 Yawning - Laughing - Crying 
  In, jim_flanegin
  --- In, Alex
  j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
   --- In,
 nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
Yesterday you claimed to have given up this
 list, presumably 
too many here posessed enough knowledge to see
 through your 
rethoric... and now you continue !  Don't you
 see that it is 
laughable for a socalled Guru to denonce
 someone for having 
secretary or wearing white ?
   She takes all that hierarchical lineage and
 tradition stuff very
   seriously. And, as Dr. Pete pointed out, it's
 all just divisions 
   the mind. It's Indian cultural baggage, dusty
 codified duality, 
   for some people, apparently, is inextricably
 intertwined with
   awakening itself. 
   You can get a taste of how very seriously she
 takes herself and 
   whole guru shtick from what she writes on her
 contact page:
   1. Save the Hey there or the Hi for your
 buddies. When seeking
   someone's Wisdom have the Courtesy to come with
 the greeting of 
  Looks and feels to me like a poser. No energy hit
 at all. No 
  awakening. No offense to any followers- just
 offering my sense of 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-15 Thread Peter

--- Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In, jim_flanegin
  --- In, Alex
  j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
   --- In,
 nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
Yesterday you claimed to have given up this
 list, presumably 
too many here posessed enough knowledge to see
 through your 
rethoric... and now you continue !  Don't you
 see that it is 
laughable for a socalled Guru to denonce
 someone for having been 
secretary or wearing white ?
   She takes all that hierarchical lineage and
 tradition stuff very
   seriously. And, as Dr. Pete pointed out, it's
 all just divisions 
   the mind. It's Indian cultural baggage, dusty
 codified duality, 
   for some people, apparently, is inextricably
 intertwined with
   awakening itself. 
   You can get a taste of how very seriously she
 takes herself and the
   whole guru shtick from what she writes on her
 contact page:
   1. Save the Hey there or the Hi for your
 buddies. When seeking
   someone's Wisdom have the Courtesy to come with
 the greeting of 
  Looks and feels to me like a poser. No energy hit
 at all. No 
  awakening. No offense to any followers- just
 offering my sense of 
 Well, not every teacher or teaching is going to be
 everyone's cuppa
 tea. Certainly not everyone is going to be drawn to
 the Waking Down
 teachers who really gave me a jump start, but if any
 of them had
 insisted that I address him with 'namaste', I'd have
 laughed in his
 face and told him to get over himself already. Heck,
 last year when
 Saniel Bonder was in town, I ended up taking a
 weekend course that I
 had not planned on taking because I didn't like his
 description. I told him right to his face that it
 sounded like
 saccharine new-age dreck. Some teachers/gurus
 might have thrown me
 out on my ass for saying something like that, but
 Saniel loved it.
 And, the course turned out to be immensely valuable
 for me.

Reminds me of people asking SSRS what they should call
him. He said you could call him anything you like that
it really didn't matter. When asked about him being a
guru, etc., he got this pained bemused look on his
face and said all these concepts aren't necessary.
Just the mind labeling things for no purpose at all.
He said to treat and to think of him as your friend,
because he was. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-15 Thread Vaj

On Jun 15, 2007, at 7:14 PM, Peter wrote:

Reminds me of people asking SSRS what they should call
him. He said you could call him anything you like that
it really didn't matter. When asked about him being a
guru, etc., he got this pained bemused look on his
face and said all these concepts aren't necessary.
Just the mind labeling things for no purpose at all.
He said to treat and to think of him as your friend,
because he was.

What a nice guy.

You just gotta love Ravi.

But I also don't confuse this with the fact that there is a natural  
lineage of evolution, and if someone is at a higher state of  
evolution, I just appreciate that there are patterns that will  
naturally imprint towards me in part due to that appreciation. I  
try not to get wrapped up in the cultural trappings of that  
appreciation because I appreciate why they're there, even if they  
seem foreign to my own culture. Why be a spiritual and/or cultural  
xenophobe when understanding increases appreciation and appreciation  
is a major mechanism for transmission?

Wouldn't it be great if gurus would just appear in the clothing you  
could get at the local mall and appreciate cultural absurdities like  
Christmas? Wouldn't it be cool if Santa was replaced as a guru  
worshipping holiday, collective America and Europa surrendering to  
the morphogenetic field of human evolution?

If only.

But in case that really happens, remember where you heard it first. ;-)

RE: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-15 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Alex Stanley
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 9:45 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's
deathbed instructions to Maharishi)



 Do you get kicked off here for writting letters like this? 

No. Just don't write more than 35 of them per week.

He did 38 this week. The reason we have this rule, Ron, is that some people
were posting excessively without putting much thought into their posts, and
were squabbling back and forth with one another, indulging in petty personal
disputes which didn’t interest the majority of the group. After some
deliberation we decided to establish a posting quota, hoping that by
restricting quantity, we would improve quality. It worked. At first we
limited it to 5 per day, but decided to average it out to 35 per week.

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11:31 AM

RE: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-15 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Rick Archer
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 9:55 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's
deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

No. Just don't write more than 35 of them per week.

He did 38 this week. The reason we have this rule, Ron, is that some people
were posting excessively without putting much thought into their posts, and
were squabbling back and forth with one another, indulging in petty personal
disputes which didn’t interest the majority of the group. After some
deliberation we decided to establish a posting quota, hoping that by
restricting quantity, we would improve quality. It worked. At first we
limited it to 5 per day, but decided to average it out to 35 per week.


I reset the count every Friday at midnight Central Time.

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Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 269.8.17/850 - Release Date: 6/15/2007
11:31 AM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-15 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 15, 2007, at 5:01 PM, qntmpkt wrote:

---G's symptoms of being on the path:

Blue Light

Just turn on your TV.

Seeing of Auras

That too.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-15 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jun 15, 2007, at 9:57 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

I reset the count every Friday at midnight Central Time.

If you've written more than 35 do you turn into a pumpkin?


RE: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-15 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Sal Sunshine
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's
deathbed instructions to Maharishi)


On Jun 15, 2007, at 9:57 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

I reset the count every Friday at midnight Central Time.

If you've written more than 35 do you turn into a pumpkin?

If people willfully violate the rule I put them on moderated status. I
figured Ron didn’t know about it or understand the reason for it. I presume
he’ll stick to 35 from now on.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 269.8.17/850 - Release Date: 6/15/2007
11:31 AM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-13 Thread billy jim
But if I can somehow find a danda-thingy will it be a pranic tracking device? 
Maybe I should be worried. I might inadvertently say something unbecoming about 
the franchising swami-g-spot. What if I claimed that the little she-coil 
(kundalini) was the fundamental ignorance at the root of this suffering 
universe. Would she send some naga sadhu to beat me up or maybe stick me with a 
khatvanga? I don't do drugs. I don't have any ganja for the ganga. When I see 
the naga's eyes rolling around and flashing red bindus I'll know I'm in big 
  Help me Obewan. The dark side of the shakti might track me down.
  Got an multi-syllabic mantras I can jap? Maybe that might save me?
  Oh I'm so empty.
  Does that make me a Buddhist? Maybe Vajra-naught would know.
  Vettali, Vettali - blood, life!
  Please don't cut my juggler! I'm too empty to satisfy your insatiable thirst.
  t3rinity [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In, emptybill [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
And what is that tall orange thingy 
 she's holding? Is it like one of those telemetric ankle bracelets 
 that authorities use to track people out of detention? Kinda cool 
 So I'm wondering … how can I get one of those thingys?
 Here's the link-

I looked at the picture, and it certainly is Swami G with, as you
righly say a pujari. Please go also to and you
can see that it Swami G is an American woman who has taken sannyas
vows. About the stick I am also puzzled, by I don't think its a Danda
(stick often wrapped in an orange cloth) Only Brahmins could become
Danda Swamis. Guru Dev was one, and you can see such a stick on his
photo. It is regarded as a holy symbol. So I suppose it must be some
other tool.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Confused aboiut Swami-G (was Re: Guru Dev's deathbed instructions to Maharishi)

2007-06-13 Thread Bhairitu
t3rinity wrote:
 --- In, emptybill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  And what is that tall orange thingy 
 she's holding? Is it like one of those telemetric ankle bracelets 
 that authorities use to track people out of detention? Kinda cool 

 So I'm wondering … how can I get one of those thingys?

 Here's the link-


 I looked at the picture, and it certainly is Swami G with, as you
 righly say a pujari. Please go also to and you
 can see that it Swami G is an American woman who has taken sannyas
 vows. About the stick I am also puzzled, by I don't think its a Danda
 (stick often wrapped in an orange cloth) Only Brahmins could become
 Danda Swamis. Guru Dev was one, and you can see such a stick on his
 photo. It is regarded as a holy symbol. So I suppose it must be some
 other tool.

She learned tantra from a tantric near Rishikesh. There are not a lot of 
rules on the left hand path as there are on the right hand path. 
Tantrics also believe that anyone who becomes enlightened is a Brahmin 
regardless of caste by birth. Westerners though go ga-ga over the right 
hand path because they want to be become holy not realizing they can 
become just as holy on the left hand path which fits much better our 
western lifestyles though you do have to find a qualified guru. She also 
has learned a lot of the same things that I learned from my tantra guru 
and even makes a point about the common message you get from gurus in 
one of her videos.

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