Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: [examma] Re: Facts & Evidence (MORE LINKS)

2007-10-28 Thread Bhairitu
My brother was a defense contractor during the Vietnam war. So I've seen 
it from that side too. There is a lot of slight of hand going on and it 
has been going on throughout history. There are just those who are so 
guarded about their egos that they are afraid what will happen if they 
play a hunch they have about something and they'll be called conspiracy 
theorists. If you are truly successful at your meditation then there 
would be no ego to get hurt if you play a hunch. And a lot of the time 
these hunches (or intuition) pan out to be right and those that weren't 
still may turn out to be long after we're gone.

Angela Mailander wrote:
> I love it: Strategy theorist.  Maybe people don't know what a conspiracy 
> actually is. Every scandal involving corruption in high places of government 
> or big business is a conspiracy come to light—and haven’t we seen our share 
> of Enrons and Attorney firings, etc. lately? The savings and loan crisis of 
> the eighties was a big conspiracy.  Every corporation that sells products 
> dangerous to consumers, the tobacco and the pharmaceutical industries, for 
> example, is a conspiracy against those same consumers.  Every secret service 
> of every country is, by definition, a conspiratorial society.  If a cardinal 
> launders Mafia money in the Vatican bank, then this, too, is a conspiracy, as 
> are all the secret financial dealings of this, the biggest religious 
> corporation/state in the world.  When the CIA, in collusion with Mafia 
> hit-men, attempts to murder Fidel Castro, then you can call that a liberal 
> democratic conspiracy in the name of freedom for all I care, but it is a 
> conspiracy just
>  the same. And when the CIA with the help of the industrial giant IT&T and a 
> few military men topples a democratically elected government, in Chile, just 
> for example, then we are dealing with a conspiracy, as we are, too, when this 
> same CIA secretly finances Christian-democratic and Social-democratic 
> political parties in Europe, bribes journalists of free media and allegedly 
> independent newspapers, or establishes secret terrorist commandoes, which, of 
> course, doesn’t say that every conspiracy is necessarily an evil one.  If, as 
> happened in 1985 and at the behest of the CIA, it was attempted to smuggle 
> five tons of synthetic drugs from Germany to the U.S.  in order to finance 
> the Contras in Nicaragua with the profits then this is a conspiracy.  When, 
> for those same reasons, the national security advisor of an American 
> president works together with the drug bosses of Medellin, then this is a 
> conspiracy, even if President Bush Senior under the aegis of the War against 
> Drugs
>  then tries to remove all the witnesses.  When America secretly imports Nazi 
> scientists with the help of the Vatican after the war so that they can 
> continue doing what they had been doing (including medical experiments on 
> human beings) what could this possibly be if not a conspiracy?  And when 
> international finance with the assistance of the Communist experiment kept 
> half of Europe at the standard of living of developing countries for decades, 
> then this was a conspiracy.  The fact that it depends on the goodwill of a 
> few international banks whether or not a government gets credit and thus is 
> allowed to live is a conspiracy against every single citizen who believes in 
> democracy.  And the men who met to plan the Federal Reserve System did so as 
> “secretly as any conspirators” by their own published admission.  These are 
> just a few of the conspiracies I can come up with off the top of my head, but 
> there literally hundreds more.
> And nineteen Arabs with box cutters!  The dumming-down of America has been 
> especially successful if people can believe that.  I've seen what airplanes 
> do when they hit buildings---they never behave as the twin towers did.  And 
> building seven was a dead give-away.  The targets were symbolic---the whole 
> thing was obvious drama and designed that way for effect.  If I were a 
> terrorist seriously interested in harming America, I could bring the 
> food-distribution system to a stand-still with four car bombs and there would 
> be a famine in this land.  
> Conspiracies are nothing special, but are an ordinary part of every day 
> politics.  And making the term conspiracy taboo is without a doubt a 
> conspiracy in collusion with the spin meisters and opinion fabricators of the 
> world  in the interest of all conspirators and against all free and inquiring 
> spirits. 
> But all the conspiracies I’ve mentioned above are small potatoes compared to 
> Nazi Germany and the New World Order.  That conspiracy has consistently been 
> pursuing certain goals for hundreds of years and, possibly, for two thousand 
> years and more, or at least since St. Paul conspired with the court 
> philosopher Seneca to turn the cult of Christianity into a state religion.  
> Winston Churchill, as ev

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: [examma] Re: Facts & Evidence (MORE LINKS)

2007-10-27 Thread Angela Mailander
I love it: Strategy theorist.  Maybe people don't know what a conspiracy 
actually is. Every scandal involving corruption in high places of government or 
big business is a conspiracy come to light—and haven’t we seen our share of 
Enrons and Attorney firings, etc. lately? The savings and loan crisis of the 
eighties was a big conspiracy.  Every corporation that sells products dangerous 
to consumers, the tobacco and the pharmaceutical industries, for example, is a 
conspiracy against those same consumers.  Every secret service of every country 
is, by definition, a conspiratorial society.  If a cardinal launders Mafia 
money in the Vatican bank, then this, too, is a conspiracy, as are all the 
secret financial dealings of this, the biggest religious corporation/state in 
the world.  When the CIA, in collusion with Mafia hit-men, attempts to murder 
Fidel Castro, then you can call that a liberal democratic conspiracy in the 
name of freedom for all I care, but it is a conspiracy just
 the same. And when the CIA with the help of the industrial giant IT&T and a 
few military men topples a democratically elected government, in Chile, just 
for example, then we are dealing with a conspiracy, as we are, too, when this 
same CIA secretly finances Christian-democratic and Social-democratic political 
parties in Europe, bribes journalists of free media and allegedly independent 
newspapers, or establishes secret terrorist commandoes, which, of course, 
doesn’t say that every conspiracy is necessarily an evil one.  If, as happened 
in 1985 and at the behest of the CIA, it was attempted to smuggle five tons of 
synthetic drugs from Germany to the U.S.  in order to finance the Contras in 
Nicaragua with the profits then this is a conspiracy.  When, for those same 
reasons, the national security advisor of an American president works together 
with the drug bosses of Medellin, then this is a conspiracy, even if President 
Bush Senior under the aegis of the War against Drugs
 then tries to remove all the witnesses.  When America secretly imports Nazi 
scientists with the help of the Vatican after the war so that they can continue 
doing what they had been doing (including medical experiments on human beings) 
what could this possibly be if not a conspiracy?  And when international 
finance with the assistance of the Communist experiment kept half of Europe at 
the standard of living of developing countries for decades, then this was a 
conspiracy.  The fact that it depends on the goodwill of a few international 
banks whether or not a government gets credit and thus is allowed to live is a 
conspiracy against every single citizen who believes in democracy.  And the men 
who met to plan the Federal Reserve System did so as “secretly as any 
conspirators” by their own published admission.  These are just a few of the 
conspiracies I can come up with off the top of my head, but there literally 
hundreds more.

And nineteen Arabs with box cutters!  The dumming-down of America has been 
especially successful if people can believe that.  I've seen what airplanes do 
when they hit buildings---they never behave as the twin towers did.  And 
building seven was a dead give-away.  The targets were symbolic---the whole 
thing was obvious drama and designed that way for effect.  If I were a 
terrorist seriously interested in harming America, I could bring the 
food-distribution system to a stand-still with four car bombs and there would 
be a famine in this land.  

Conspiracies are nothing special, but are an ordinary part of every day 
politics.  And making the term conspiracy taboo is without a doubt a conspiracy 
in collusion with the spin meisters and opinion fabricators of the world  in 
the interest of all conspirators and against all free and inquiring spirits. 

But all the conspiracies I’ve mentioned above are small potatoes compared to 
Nazi Germany and the New World Order.  That conspiracy has consistently been 
pursuing certain goals for hundreds of years and, possibly, for two thousand 
years and more, or at least since St. Paul conspired with the court philosopher 
Seneca to turn the cult of Christianity into a state religion.  

Winston Churchill, as everyone will agree, was a great spirit, a great 
politician, certainly no dunce,  and this great European for sure did not 
suffer from any sort of paranoia.  Yet none other than he (and who, if not 
Churchill, would have known) spoke unmistakably of an international conspiracy. 
 Similarly, the British Prime Minister between 1874 and 1880, Viscount and Lord 
Beaconsfield, Benjamin D’Israeli, repeatedly spoke about the existence of a 
secret and globe-encircling organization and said, “The world is governed by 
completely different personalities than those  who cannot see behind the scenes 

In Nazi Germany those “personalities” became almost visible. Now, it is true 
that you have to dig a little to find out what was going on.  Books published 
in English es

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: [examma] Re: Facts & Evidence (MORE LINKS)

2007-10-27 Thread Bhairitu
Angela Mailander wrote:
> Gn the other hand, I've seen plenty of direct evidence that the world of men 
> and women is rife with conspiracies.  And until you consider that evidence, 
> calling me a conspiracy nut is just ignorant name-calling; moreover, it is 
> evidence of the lack of education in America that I've been moaning about.  
> My father belonged to a centuries old European ruling class family, and I was 
> expected to marry into such a family when I came of age.  I chose not to do 
> so because I knew too much by that time about the conspiracies with which the 
> ruling classes keep the masses in check.  My sister chose the path I 
> rejected, and I lived with her in Europe for a year.  Heads of governments 
> were regular guests in her home.  And again, I saw direct evidence of what 
> had made me reject that life in the first place. We never had dinner guests 
> which didn't require me to be briefed  politically ahead of time.  a
Sometimes when I get called a "conspiracy theorist" I ask people if they 
don't believe that wealthy people and top level businessmen "strategize" 
too?   What we often call conspiracies may often be "strategies" since 
they are published openly.  But I guess calling someone a "strategy 
theorist" doesn't quite have the ring they want. :)


RE: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: [examma] Re: Facts & Evidence (MORE LINKS)

2007-10-27 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 12:05 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: [examma] Re: Facts & Evidence (MORE LINKS)


Balanced writings. 
All great masters will be furiously attacked. 

Probably true.

Personally I do not 
believe in any of the stuff written about Amma, Sai Baba, Muktananda 
and others.

I don’t “automatically” believe them but I am open to the possibility that
they are true. I rejected the MMY rumors for 30+ years, then when the
evidence became overwhelming, I changed my opinion. Doesn’t mean I totally
rejected him, just that I had to throw the new information into the mix and
make sense of it all.

The irony here Rick is that the rumours you are famous for spreading 
about Maharishi now is starting to hit your own guru. 

Different rumors, dude. All rumors are not created equal. 

It's sad, and 
you are a part of the problem.

It’s not sad, and it’s not a problem. Or it is, and I am. However you wish
to see it.

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RE: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: [examma] Re: Facts & Evidence (MORE LINKS)

2007-10-27 Thread Angela Mailander
Good rap, Archer.  I like facts and evidence.  Those who accuse me of being a 
conspiracy nut don't know me very well.  My friends, on the other hand, think 
I'm too much a stickler for facts and evidence.  For example, I have never seen 
any credible evidence that there ever lived a man named Jesus, said to be the 
Christ.  On the other hand, I have seen evidence that virgin birth, the working 
of miracles, and resurrection have been ascribed to many other so-called 
avatars. I have seen suggestive evidence that there is such a thing as 
reincarnation, but no compelling evidence. I have seen suggestive evidence that 
there might be a God, but no compelling evidence.  Same with the gods, and if 
they do exist, they're assholes in my humble opinion.  I have read the book 
that claims we've been bio-engineered by space aliens, and what a professional 
historian would say about that book is that there is no direct evidence in it.  
It is an interpretation of evidence, which is not the
 same thing as evidence, since it is very easy to give a radically different 
interpretation of that same evidence.  The interpretation is ingenious and 
possible, but that is not the same as saying it is evidence.  I have not read 
David Icke, so I can't say anything about it, but I suspect that here, too, we 
are dealing not so much with evidence but with interpretation of evidence; 
however, I shall keep an open mind about that until I have time to take a 
closer look---if Bush turns out to be a poisonous lizard, I certainly won't be 
surprised.  I have seen suggestive evidence that there are space aliens, but no 
compelling evidence. I have seen suggestive evidence that there is life after 
death, but no compelling evidence.  Near death experiences are interesting and 
suggestive, but "near" is no cigar. I have seen a student of mine jump to his 
death from a building and land right in front of my feet.  I saw his form made 
of light jump up from his body.  This is evidence of
 something.  But one experience like that is not enough to say just what it is 
evidence of.

I have stood on top of the mountain from which the world of things and the 
world of thought look like they have but one source.  I have also stood on top 
of the mountain from which the world looks like the world of things and the 
world of thought can never meet completely.  I suspect there are mountain 
ranges to explore beyond those two peaks.  But I would not call any view from 
any mountain a fact.  It is precisely what it says it it is: a view.

On the other hand, I've seen plenty of direct evidence that the world of men 
and women is rife with conspiracies.  And until you consider that evidence, 
calling me a conspiracy nut is just ignorant name-calling; moreover, it is 
evidence of the lack of education in America that I've been moaning about.  My 
father belonged to a centuries old European ruling class family, and I was 
expected to marry into such a family when I came of age.  I chose not to do so 
because I knew too much by that time about the conspiracies with which the 
ruling classes keep the masses in check.  My sister chose the path I rejected, 
and I lived with her in Europe for a year.  Heads of governments were regular 
guests in her home.  And again, I saw direct evidence of what had made me 
reject that life in the first place. We never had dinner guests which didn't 
require me to be briefed  politically ahead of time.  a


Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 2:19 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: [examma] Re: Facts & Evidence (MORE LINKS)
--- In, "feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 > I doubt whether anyone on this list will react much to this. If it had
 > been a report connected with any Maharishi operation, the posts would
 > have gone on for days about how corrupt and evil the TM movement is.
 > But Amma is likely to get a pass from those here who reserve their
 > most virulent hatred for one who was originally their benefactor.
 > Strange, isn't it? 
 Indeed. From Rick Archer et al there is only thundering silence when
 it comes to "truths" about Amma. (Which I question by the way) 
 The gossip, outright lies and rumours are reserved for the Movement.
 It's called double standards or hypocrecy. It is backfireing on him now. 
  Largely a matter of time, Nabsters. Too little of it to spend much on FFL. 
The examma group ( where Bronte is 
getting this stuff is for folks who just want to wallow around in their own 
muck. That group states in its description that “Devotee rebuttals” are not 
permitted. It adds that “This group is tightly moderated to maintain a safe, 
nurturing environment for expression and discussion,” which m

RE: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: [examma] Re: Facts & Evidence (MORE LINKS)

2007-10-27 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 2:19 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: [examma] Re: Facts & Evidence (MORE LINKS)


"feste37" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I doubt whether anyone on this list will react much to this. If it had
> been a report connected with any Maharishi operation, the posts would
> have gone on for days about how corrupt and evil the TM movement is.
> But Amma is likely to get a pass from those here who reserve their
> most virulent hatred for one who was originally their benefactor.
> Strange, isn't it? 

Indeed. From Rick Archer et al there is only thundering silence when
it comes to "truths" about Amma. (Which I question by the way) 
The gossip, outright lies and rumours are reserved for the Movement.
It's called double standards or hypocrecy. It is backfireing on him now. 

Largely a matter of time, Nabsters. Too little of it to spend much on FFL.
The examma group ( where Bronte is
getting this stuff is for folks who just want to wallow around in their own
muck. That group states in its description that “Devotee rebuttals” are not
permitted. It adds that “This group is tightly moderated to maintain a safe,
nurturing environment for expression and discussion,” which means that
anyone attempting to rebut the accusations made there will have their posts
deleted. A more balanced group is HYPERLINK
com/group/ammachi_free_speech_zone, where criticisms are welcome, but open
discussion is allowed. Bronte might want to consider posting her stuff

Like any enlightened person, Amma is both human and cosmic. Your humanness
doesn’t disappear when your cosmic nature dawns. When I criticize things MMY
has done, it doesn’t mean I don’t regard him as a mahatma. Like MMY, Amma
has health problems, although her organization doesn’t try to hide them. She
has diabetes, is somewhat overweight, has diminished lung capacity from a
bout of viral pneumonia she got several years ago, and is in a lot of pain
from the repetitive motion of hugging millions of people.

She also has a human personality. Her formal education ended in the 4th
grade when her parents took her out of school to become a family servant. So
she’s not a refined, education Indian woman like, say, Karunamayi. She’s of
a low caste and grew up in a fishing village, so her language is sometimes
coarse. She’s known to have a fiery temper, although I’ve never seen it
displayed in my 8 years of visiting her. Her favorite movie is “Beethoven,”
about the St. Bernard dog, and when she can, she watches an Indian soap
opera in which a devotee stars. 

Regarding accusations of corruption in her organization, there’s a lot of
corruption in India. The police and politicians are always on the take. Amma
has a large organization with a lot of money flowing through it and she puts
a lot of time and attention into making sure that the money is handled
responsibly. I’m sure there have been instances where it hasn’t been, but
she does what she can to prevent those.

There have been suicides in her ashram. Anyone is welcome there. Thousands
live there and 10’s of thousands come and go. On several occasions, unstable
people have taken their lives. The rumors of some fanatical devotees in New
Delhi roughing up some people who wanted to take down their Amma signs may
be true for all I know. You’ll find fanatics in any organization, but on the
whole, I have found the quality of the people around Amma, especially those
closest to her, to be exemplary. 

Weigh all the dirt you can find with the good that is done: HYPERLINK

Anyway, I’m not the most qualified Amma defender. I just go see her a couple
of times a year, and have never been to her ashram in India. People are
welcome to post what they like here, but those who really want to get into a
serious discussion would probably do best to start it in HYPERLINK
com/group/ammachi_free_speech_zone, where they will find people much better
informed than I, both pro- and anti-Amma.

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