RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread emilymaenot
Yes Ann and Judy, I agree with all of this. Share's "scary plane rides" post 
was the one that almost did me in.  It will never stop.  I believe her brain is 
wired this way and there is nothing she is doing to increase awareness of her 
self and her condition, nothing at least that has had any effect on her 
behavior since she joined.  As I've said, I learn in reverse so in some 
perverted sense, she's taught me a lesson or two. 

---In,  wrote:


 Ann wrote:

 Dear Emily,
 As of last night, arriving back home from an awards banquet and having a glass 
of wine and a piece of Toblerone as I sat in front of the computer for a final 
"sweep" of my emails, news and, you guessed it, FFL I came to a firm 
conclusion: no more FFL for me. The place had sunk as far as it could, we had 
reached the dregs. It just wasn't something I could stomach anymore. I knew I 
was finished here when I realized I was actually looking forward to a post, any 
post, from (wait for it) Barry to relieve the nauseating presence of both Texas 
Dick and Share Long. It had seemed that one more inane question, one more 
disengenuous comment and stroking by Share was going to do me in. It isn't her 
meanness that was getting to me it was her utter irrelevance and superficiality 
that finally was eroding any ability to endure it here. And as for Richard, who 
wants to stay in a room with the dolt that keeps poking and poking at everyone 
all the while with his finger stuck up his snotty nose saying,"Nah, nah, ne, 
nah, nah."? Nope, I don't. I was done.

 Then, my masochistic streak got the better of me and I decided to take a look 
and see if any glimmer of hope for this place had emerged - maybe a new thread 
on something interesting, relevant, intelligent - anything. And there was a new 
topic and there was Salyavin and there was hope. I just had to get that off my 
chest, it was a close one!

 I've finally figured out what Share's cuter-than-cute posts have been 
reminding me of:



 Remember these? This one's called "Waiting for Grandma."


 And these:



 Black velvet painting, "Jesus and Elvis."


 Oh, the inanity...

 A relentlessly steady diet of the kind of verbal kitsch Share churns out is 
deadening and depressing and even, as you say, nauseating. Devoid of any 
self-discipline, any self-critical evaluation, any subtlety: whatever the 
thought is, just spew it out as fast as possible, with no reservation, no 
filtering, no dignity. See, everybody, I had a thought, and here it is! No 
reflection, no selection, platitudes delivered as if they were profound 


RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread emptybill
So many posts -  so much prattle.


 FFL would be better served by returning to a posting limit. Perhaps even 
lowering it to 30-40 posts per week. People would once again start to count the 
cost of cheap babbling. 


---In,  wrote:

  Dear Emily,
 As of last night, arriving back home from an awards banquet and having a glass 
of wine and a piece of Toblerone as I sat in front of the computer for a final 
"sweep" of my emails, news and, you guessed it, FFL I came to a firm 
conclusion: no more FFL for me. The place had sunk as far as it could, we had 
reached the dregs. It just wasn't something I could stomach anymore. I knew I 
was finished here when I realized I was actually looking forward to a post, any 
post, from (wait for it) Barry to relieve the nauseating presence of both Texas 
Dick and Share Long. It had seemed that one more inane question, one more 
disengenuous comment and stroking by Share was going to do me in. It isn't her 
meanness that was getting to me it was her utter irrelevance and superficiality 
that finally was eroding any ability to endure it here. And as for Richard, who 
wants to stay in a room with the dolt that keeps poking and poking at everyone 
all the while with his finger stuck up his snotty nose saying,"Nah, nah, ne, 
nah, nah."? Nope, I don't. I was done.

 Then, my masochistic streak got the better of me and I decided to take a look 
and see if any glimmer of hope for this place had emerged - maybe a new thread 
on something interesting, relevant, intelligent - anything. And there was a new 
topic and there was Salyavin and there was hope. I just had to get that off my 
chest, it was a close one!



RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread authfriend

 Ann wrote:

 Dear Emily,
 As of last night, arriving back home from an awards banquet and having a glass 
of wine and a piece of Toblerone as I sat in front of the computer for a final 
"sweep" of my emails, news and, you guessed it, FFL I came to a firm 
conclusion: no more FFL for me. The place had sunk as far as it could, we had 
reached the dregs. It just wasn't something I could stomach anymore. I knew I 
was finished here when I realized I was actually looking forward to a post, any 
post, from (wait for it) Barry to relieve the nauseating presence of both Texas 
Dick and Share Long. It had seemed that one more inane question, one more 
disengenuous comment and stroking by Share was going to do me in. It isn't her 
meanness that was getting to me it was her utter irrelevance and superficiality 
that finally was eroding any ability to endure it here. And as for Richard, who 
wants to stay in a room with the dolt that keeps poking and poking at everyone 
all the while with his finger stuck up his snotty nose saying,"Nah, nah, ne, 
nah, nah."? Nope, I don't. I was done.

 Then, my masochistic streak got the better of me and I decided to take a look 
and see if any glimmer of hope for this place had emerged - maybe a new thread 
on something interesting, relevant, intelligent - anything. And there was a new 
topic and there was Salyavin and there was hope. I just had to get that off my 
chest, it was a close one!

 I've finally figured out what Share's cuter-than-cute posts have been 
reminding me of:



 Remember these? This one's called "Waiting for Grandma."


 And these:



 Black velvet painting, "Jesus and Elvis."


 Oh, the inanity...

 A relentlessly steady diet of the kind of verbal kitsch Share churns out is 
deadening and depressing and even, as you say, nauseating. Devoid of any 
self-discipline, any self-critical evaluation, any subtlety: whatever the 
thought is, just spew it out as fast as possible, with no reservation, no 
filtering, no dignity. See, everybody, I had a thought, and here it is! No 
reflection, no selection, platitudes delivered as if they were profound 

RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-24 Thread awoelflebater

---In,  wrote:

 Oh...yeshere is how it goes...the attack, then the reality rewrite, the 
defence of the rewrite, the attack on those who would call for honesty or 
question the attacker or the subsequent reality rewrite, then the victim shows 
up, and now the innocence gamewhat a sweet little girl Share is, so cute, 
so wholesome, so flirty in a childlike way. Richard is just overwhelmed by all 
this and is under the Share spelldon't feel bad Richard, Steve fell under 
it as well.  Enjoyit's endless...I can't wait to do this again with her.  
The cycle will repeat. This isn't the first time, after all.  Share, I get to 
be next, remember.  Next time you feel like you need to go after someone, I 
want it to be me and I promise not to get mean.  You may, I won't.  That's my 
promise to you. 

 Dear Emily,
 As of last night, arriving back home from an awards banquet and having a glass 
of wine and a piece of Toblerone as I sat in front of the computer for a final 
"sweep" of my emails, news and, you guessed it, FFL I came to a firm 
conclusion: no more FFL for me. The place had sunk as far as it could, we had 
reached the dregs. It just wasn't something I could stomach anymore. I knew I 
was finished here when I realized I was actually looking forward to a post, any 
post, from (wait for it) Barry to relieve the nauseating presence of both Texas 
Dick and Share Long. It had seemed that one more inane question, one more 
disengenuous comment and stroking by Share was going to do me in. It isn't her 
meanness that was getting to me it was her utter irrelevance and superficiality 
that finally was eroding any ability to endure it here. And as for Richard, who 
wants to stay in a room with the dolt that keeps poking and poking at everyone 
all the while with his finger stuck up his snotty nose saying,"Nah, nah, ne, 
nah, nah."? Nope, I don't. I was done.

 Then, my masochistic streak got the better of me and I decided to take a look 
and see if any glimmer of hope for this place had emerged - maybe a new thread 
on something interesting, relevant, intelligent - anything. And there was a new 
topic and there was Salyavin and there was hope. I just had to get that off my 
chest, it was a close one!

 ---In,  wrote:


 ---In,  wrote:

 Hey, Richard I just wanted to say thank you for all the great posts this 
evening about knowledge. Mom and I were out shopping today, including Whole 
Foods! I'm pretty zonked right now. We're also watching a TV show about a cute 
litter of puppies called Too Cute. Evidently Saturday night leaves a lot to be 
desired TV-wise!

My last job at MUM was as the Distance Education Coordinator for the Computer 
Science Dept. We sent out videotapes, that's how long ago that was!

 Why don't you and Richard take your posts to each other offline where the two 
of you can marvel at how inane they all are. Remember, save the bandwidth, or 
whatever it is Ricky continually goes on about.


 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 7:08 PM, Richard Williams  
   So, I'm sitting here in my home office, and even though it's Saturday night, 
these students still need help posting their essays to the class and taking 
their online exams - and the emails just keep on coming and the phone is 
ringing off the hook. But, at least I'm working from home now and not in that 
tall building on campus anymore.  


 One teacher I know told me he 'didn't work on weekends' and I told him that if 
he wanted to teach an online course, it's the weekends when the students need 
the most help doing their homework! So, I got the job. Go figure.

 My Mission Statement: 
 We are aware that learning is a complex, inter-related series of system 
processes. Instruction requires the employment of cognitive psychology in the 
design and structure of online teaching to enhance the goal at hand: faster, 
easier, and to retain and assimilate knowledge. 
 In short, what is needed is an effective pedagogy. When your course or 
presentation is made interesting and interactive with multimedia, your audience 
will stay longer, return more often, and retain more knowledge. 
 The primary tool to attain this goal are the new internet media course tools 
with technical support in an on-line or off-line setting. The incorporation of 
multimedia and the internet in computer based training and distance learning 
has made the dream of teachers, trainers, and/or learners come true.
Richard J. Williams, A.A.S., B.S.
 Specialist, Blackboard Learning 9.1 


 'Online Courses Attract Degree Holders, Survey Finds'
 New York Times:

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-23 Thread emilymaenot
Oh...yeshere is how it goes...the attack, then the reality rewrite, the 
defence of the rewrite, the attack on those who would call for honesty or 
question the attacker or the subsequent reality rewrite, then the victim shows 
up, and now the innocence gamewhat a sweet little girl Share is, so cute, 
so wholesome, so flirty in a childlike way. Richard is just overwhelmed by all 
this and is under the Share spelldon't feel bad Richard, Steve fell under 
it as well.  Enjoyit's endless...I can't wait to do this again with her.  
The cycle will repeat. This isn't the first time, after all.  Share, I get to 
be next, remember.  Next time you feel like you need to go after someone, I 
want it to be me and I promise not to get mean.  You may, I won't.  That's my 
promise to you. 

---In,  wrote:


 ---In,  wrote:

 Hey, Richard I just wanted to say thank you for all the great posts this 
evening about knowledge. Mom and I were out shopping today, including Whole 
Foods! I'm pretty zonked right now. We're also watching a TV show about a cute 
litter of puppies called Too Cute. Evidently Saturday night leaves a lot to be 
desired TV-wise!

My last job at MUM was as the Distance Education Coordinator for the Computer 
Science Dept. We sent out videotapes, that's how long ago that was!

 Why don't you and Richard take your posts to each other offline where the two 
of you can marvel at how inane they all are. Remember, save the bandwidth, or 
whatever it is Ricky continually goes on about.


 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 7:08 PM, Richard Williams  
   So, I'm sitting here in my home office, and even though it's Saturday night, 
these students still need help posting their essays to the class and taking 
their online exams - and the emails just keep on coming and the phone is 
ringing off the hook. But, at least I'm working from home now and not in that 
tall building on campus anymore.  


 One teacher I know told me he 'didn't work on weekends' and I told him that if 
he wanted to teach an online course, it's the weekends when the students need 
the most help doing their homework! So, I got the job. Go figure.

 My Mission Statement: 
 We are aware that learning is a complex, inter-related series of system 
processes. Instruction requires the employment of cognitive psychology in the 
design and structure of online teaching to enhance the goal at hand: faster, 
easier, and to retain and assimilate knowledge. 
 In short, what is needed is an effective pedagogy. When your course or 
presentation is made interesting and interactive with multimedia, your audience 
will stay longer, return more often, and retain more knowledge. 
 The primary tool to attain this goal are the new internet media course tools 
with technical support in an on-line or off-line setting. The incorporation of 
multimedia and the internet in computer based training and distance learning 
has made the dream of teachers, trainers, and/or learners come true.
Richard J. Williams, A.A.S., B.S.
 Specialist, Blackboard Learning 9.1 


 'Online Courses Attract Degree Holders, Survey Finds'
 New York Times: