Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bodhisattvas in Hell

2007-12-21 Thread Vaj

On Dec 21, 2007, at 10:38 AM, BillyG. wrote:

--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You might want to watch the video before responding. I don't think
> the orphans who had their blankets stolen were in bliss, do you?

He's saying the same thing as MMY, it's called a "line on water", you
become so infused with Being (bliss) that the outer circumstances
don't *overshadow* the awareness of Being (Nirvana).

No he's not saying that. That would be "taking an extreme", the  
absolutist route and then calling samsara "illusion", etc.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bodhisattvas in Hell

2007-12-21 Thread Vaj

On Dec 21, 2007, at 6:45 AM, BillyG. wrote:

--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ken Wilber on Samsara and Nirvana
> "According to all the world's great wisdom traditions, the secret to
> happiness is said to be remarkably simple: all we need to do is
> cherish others, to learn to love as deeply as we possibly can, to  

> bottomless depths of our souls. These words, however, are as easy to
> read as they are to write—truly opening ourselves to another human
> being, seeing through another's eyes and feeling another's heartbeat
> as our very own, is to embrace the impossible pain of existence.  

> all, beneath the veneer of day to day life, we all know the same
> hidden dread, the desperation and loneliness we were all born into.
> And through the sacred channel of human empathy, the veils of  

> desire, and separation begin to fall away, slowly revealing the true
> face of the manifest world: suffering.

Ha, ha, MMY would get a laugh out of this! He would contend that "Life
is Bliss", well, of course it is at its' core! But, since we are born
into this world ignorant (or we wouldn't be born into this world) a
certain amount of suffering is inevitable, though suffering is only a
result of breaking natural law. Essentially a man can be happy even
here on earth.."on earth as it is in heaven", but then at that
point man really isn't *of* the (manifest) world he is just *in* it.
So the Bible teaches us to, "BE in the world, but not of the world".

> Where then, in the sulphur and shadow of this uniquely human  
hell, is

> our "happiness" to be found? Effortlessly we watch as the question
> unasks itself, and the flames of our suffering become just another
> texture of our salvation—the cool waters of liberation caresses our
> calloused skin, and together we can finally awaken from this  

When we "awaken" we find that life is bliss!

You might want to watch the video before responding. I don't think  
the orphans who had their blankets stolen were in bliss, do you?