Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Katrina disaster updates

2005-09-03 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 9/3/05 7:01:57 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
Actually, David Vitter, Louisiana's freshmansenator, is a 
  Republican.  And he has beenexceedingly critical of Bush and the 
  federalresponse to the disaster.

Breaux is no longer a 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Katrina disaster updates

2005-09-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 9/2/05 8:48:50 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
It's not 
  just the National Guard, it's the FEMApeople and the military.  
  Tuesday morning, to anyonepaying attention, it was obvious that *massive* 
  aidwas going to be needed in a big hurry.

All  the FEMA people do is have you fill out forms and 
basically do paper work .It's the National Guard that comes in and restores 
order and brings immediate relief supplies like food and water and emergency 
shelter and rescue work. I don't doubt the National Guard was on stand by before 
the Hurricane ever hit but I'm pretty darn sure they had not been called up at 
that point. That is the responsibility of the Governor of the state to do that, 
if they think they are needed. Monday came and everybody breathed a sigh of 
relief. Chances are so did the National Guard. At that point all it looked like 
was some clean up and restoring electricity which would have been done by the 
private sector. I have no doubt the Governor called the Guard up as soon as she 
assessed the situation on Tuesday. Still we're talking a few days to organize, 
supply up and get to the city. As for the scum that was shooting and delaying 
rescue efforts, I said in an earlier post that one helicopter pilot tried to 
make a drop and was scared off when his chopper was rushed by a bunch of 
thugs with guns. I have no doubt this is why you couldn't get people, to fly in 
food and water to the dome, where a national Guardsman had been shot, until law 
and order were restored and that wasn't going to happen till National Guard MP's 
arrived.  As for using the Military, I assume you mean regular army, I'm 
pretty sure that would be illegal. I'm pretty sure they can't be used for 
domestic situations. That is the purpose of the Guard. The emergency didn't 
happen until the flood sometime Tuesday and from then till Friday morning is not 
bad response time for Guard especially since  the Guard doesn't live on 
basis but rather in their homes all over the state and need time to report for 
duty. I still think had the scum buckets not been shooting, things would have 
gone much smoother on Wednesday and Thursday and flying in  food, water and 
medicine to the dome would have been a snap. Also buses could have started 
moving people from the dome as well on Wednesday. Bus drivers had refused to go 
near the dome when they heard about the shootings. That's why they have been 
stuck there and people in other location have been boarding buses and 
dispersing. I've even heard they have been leaving on trains as 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Katrina disaster updates

2005-09-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 9/2/05 7:09:47 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  the hue and cry there would be if the federal government deemed themselves 
  to be the definitive voice for evacuation plans for a city or state.  
  Can you imagine what cries of federal infringement on sovereign state 
  rights there would have been?

N Shemp, Liberals love federalism to death. They want to 
be taken care of cradle to grave by the federal government not the state. But 
you would have to fill out a form in triplicate to apply to evacuate the 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Katrina disaster updates

2005-09-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 9/2/05 7:03:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
And he 
  dropped the ball.Being president means you have to be ready to 
  havethings thrown in your lap at the last minute.  That'sone of 
  the things we hire a president to do.See, nobody's blaming him for the 
  apparently flawedoriginal evacuation efforts, but rather for being 
  soslow to pick up the slack when it became obvious whatwas 

He didn't get the ball till Wednesday. If you will recall, 
Monday everybody thought NO had dodged the bullet and all they needed was a 
couple of days to clean up and start restoring electricity. Then on 
Tuesday  the levee broke. The Mayor and Governor spent a day assessing the 
situation and then called for help. National Guard doesn't just appear, the 

governor of the state has to call it up and it takes time for Guardsmen to 
report  for duty. Remember they were in their homes as well cut off from 
communications and electricity like everybody else. How they got organized and 
in there today looks like a minor miracle to me. Had the idiots that decided to 
start taking shots at rescue workers, police, doctors, bus drivers, helicopter 
pilots. not done so, the rescue work  on Wednesday would have been 
more productive and possibly less agonizing for everybody else, while the 
National Guard was organizing. The Snipers probably slowed down rescue efforts 
at least a whole day if not more. I heard one report that a helicopter with 
supplies was getting ready to land when a bunch of thugs came out with guns and 
the pilot got scared and lifted of and left. That's probably why you didn't see 
choppers coming in and dropping off food and water. They weren't going to risk 
their lives until law and order was restored.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Katrina disaster updates

2005-09-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 9/2/05 4:48:34 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  > Is the  Governor of Louisiana Democrat of Republican?> > 
  > > > > > > She is a democrat as are both 
  senators and so is the mayor of  New > Orleans.> > 
  Gee...I wonder if this party affiliation plays any part in what > 
  appears to me to be Judy's lack of criticism in this area...Would you 
  still be defending Bush if they were all 

Of course! Unless they, the republican governor and mayor, 
could show me they did everything they were supposed to do and that it was Bush 
that dropped the ball. What I see is a Governor and mayor that screwed up on 
having a plan for evacuation of the city or at least well supplied relief 
stations for a hundred thousand people for 3-5 days scattered throughout 
the city in case of the city flooding. Rescuing a hundred thousand people was 
throw in Bush's lap at the last minute.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Katrina disaster updates

2005-09-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 9/2/05 11:42:26 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
> She 
  is a democrat as are both senators and so is the mayor of  New 
  Orleans.Gee...I wonder if this party affiliation plays any part in 
  what appears to me to be Judy's lack of criticism in this 

why attack them when you can blame it on 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Katrina disaster updates

2005-09-02 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 9/1/05 5:52:13 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
Is the 
  Governor of Louisiana Democrat of Republican?

She is a democrat as are both senators and so is the mayor of 
New Orleans.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Katrina disaster updates

2005-09-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 9/1/05 1:11:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
The time 
  to organize a total evacuation is*before it's needed*.  No plans were 
  made toevacuate those who couldn't get out on theirown.> 
  The majority of the people there now are  people that chose > to 
  "ride out" the hurricane for whatever reason they had.Not true.  
  Most of them were too poor to get out.No car, no money to hire one, no 
  place to go, nomoney for a hotel if they could get out.  The 
  busstation shut down Saturday night.  Some of themwere sick or 

I sure can agree with you on the fact that the time to 
organize for evacuation is before! All states are supposed to have evacuation 
plans and if they don't, they , the state elected officials, need to be held 
accountable. I'll disagree with you on  those not getting out not being 
able to. I'll agree there would have to be a certain percentage who absolutely 
had no way out. But Judy, I don't know if you have ever lived in a hurricane 
prone region. It is very common for people to reject all warnings to leave and 
ride out the storm thinking they will be safe. As a matter of fact people get 
together and have hurricane parties. There have been numerous interviews  
so far in which people regretted not getting out when they had the chance and 
people here in Houston saying that their husband stayed behind to watch out for 
the business or the house. A friend of mine in Houma  La..would not leave 
because his mother refused to leave her house so he stayed with her and brought 
his aunts to the same house so they would be together. I haven't been able to 
get in touch with him to find out if he and his mom and aunts are ok. The only 
excuse for not leaving was if you absolutely had no transportation out. Refugee 
centers were being set up all over and they don't cost a penny to stay in. Then 
you have to ask yourself if there are thousands that have no transportation to 
get out, how on earth do you have a plan ready to be able to pick everyone of 
them up over a large city  within a few hours to get them to safety? 
Katrina chose her target and struck too fast  to prevent a major 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Katrina disaster updates

2005-09-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 9/1/05 12:13:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
Well, if 
  FEMA was the first to anticipate it, why did it take them 80 years to 
  figure it out (or however long they've been in existence)?The obvious 
  fact is that the breach was obviously a possibility but Bush, Clinton, and 
  everyone and anyone else in positions of responsibility out there for the 
  past 100 or so years that this problem has existed in New Orleans paid it 
  as much attention as the people in Thailand and Sri Lanka gave to the 
  possibility of the Tsunami...and, yes, there were the same "dire" warnings 
  from professionals that a Tsunami would cause the devastation that it 

And it was neither Clinton's nor Bush's or any other 
president's responsibility or even of the federal government's 
responsibility to upgrade the levee system in New Orleans or any other 
place. That is the responsibility of the state and local governments who can 
request assistance from the federal government and which was given. 
Louisiana government neglect of the levees and then saying,(Which they aren't) 
that they couldn't do it because the feds needed to do it is totally 
irresponsible and passing the buck.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Katrina disaster updates

2005-09-01 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 9/1/05 11:28:21 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  present levees are designed to withstand a Category 3 hurricane; Hurricane 
  Katrina was Category 4, one short of the highest category."It was 
  projected at Category 5 going in. The media were reporting that the levees 
  would not hold well before the storm hit. Too bad the people who relay 
  the news to the president didn't pick that up.And I believe we've 
  already discussed where the money went that was supposed to raise the 
  levees' strength.

And do you think there would have been enough time to organize 
a total evacuation of an entire region or even a major city from the time the 
path became evident? Remember the mayor  of New Orleans pleaded with the 
people to get out and all highways were bumper to bumper  from Friday 
evening till just before the storm hit. The majority of the people there now are 
people that chose to "ride out" the hurricane for whatever reason they had. 
Far too many people don't take hurricane evacuations seriously. States have 
their own evacuation plans for such scenarios. I think the poor of New Orleans 
that had no transportation need to look at their local leaders and ask them why 
there were no plans to get them out. And then I think there was a criminal 
element that chose to stay and loot 

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