Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual vs Spiritism

2008-03-06 Thread Angela Mailander
I have a long-time (30 + years) friend who channels
a being and I have had occasion to observe them very
closely.  I use the plural pronoun to hide their sex
and to indicate the two of them, the human and the
channeled being, together.  They make a truly
excellent living at it because they are able to
convince large numbers of folks of the reality and the
truth of their healing power--which is real enough for
the people who benefit.  The placebo effect is
powerful and, in a sense, why not harness it in any
way we can?

I could be dead wrong, of course, and have been dead
wrong about countless things, but in my opinion what
is going on here is
1) embryonic witnessing misused or gone awry
2) very large (and exceedingly fragile) ego invested
in keeping things as they are
3) Huge control-freak type personality that is
constantly fed by the true believers that buy their
3) by this time, there's no way out since their living
depends on keeping up the charade
4) there's no way out because the thing has become the
reality in a sense, but a total break-down wouldn't
surprise me

Theirs is an extremely lonely life since no one can be
allowed to get close enough to them to see through the

--- dhamiltony2k5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, TurquoiseB
  A good point, and hopefully a springboard to an
  interesting thread. I have always been nothing
  short of *amazed* at the number of TMers who get
  involved with channeling and spirit voices and
  communicating with higher masters and the like,
  given the STRONG stance Maharishi took against
  these practices from Day One.
  What will be interesting in the wake of his death
  is whether there will be some revisionist history 
  on these practices as people start claiming to be
  getting messages directly from Haharishi. The
  he's talking to me thang is *going* to happen; 
  that's a given. The question is how it's going 
  to be handled by the larger TMO, or what is left
  of it.
  Will it be handled in the same way that
  equally strong teaching about the enlightened
  not even having the *option* of reincarnation on
  any relative plane, and now the teaching being 
  spread around by Bevan and King Tony that
  himself is in heaven, where even the gods are 
  amazed by him?
  Or will someone remember the original teachings
  point them out, and suggest that the Wannabe
  New Voices might not be coming from the source
  think they're coming from?
 Interesting point, the cat might be out of the bag.
 Or is that 
 the 'genie out of the lamp' as you mention with Tony
 example and also 
 these recent 'eperience' posts about Maharishi from
 the dead (or the 
 road to Damascus).  
 Proly now to be a really good apostle you should
 need to be hearing 
 from Maharishi right about now, before the pile on
 gets too thick.  
 Will make for some great TMmovement theatre if not
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Doug in FF
  As someone said recently, the jury is still out on
  this one. I post, for the amusement of those who
  have always thought that Maharishi's original
  on listening to voices was correct, and as
  cation for those who think he was wrong, a
  that showed up yesterday on another board in
  to someone saying that her voices were telling
  something and that everyone else should pay
  to it as the revealed message it really was:
  When you hear a voice or have a thought to do or 
  think something in particular; once in a while do 
  the exact opposite and then observe if the voice 
  or 'thought' gets angry at you. That's how you can
  tell that you are being manipulated by something 
  or someone outside of yourself.
  The woman this advice was given to got
  angry and claimed at the top of her all-caps
  voice that everyone else, including her own
  who had said these words, was WRONG, and that her
  voices were correct. Most of the rest of us
  the case closed.
  --- In,
  dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
 Your quote from Patanjali is irrelevant in
 this context.

The quote is evidently relevant only in that
 it is a strong 
comment and warning, from scripture.
   Interesting distinction you make though about
 this willing and 
   unwilling possession.  
   Are you experienced in the sense that you
 practice it?
   Thinking back on earlier TMmovement days we
 didn't have much 
   from Guru Dev in the way of quotes and readings.
  Maharishi told 
   stories about Guru Dev.  The one thing that was
 given out though 
   a quote from Guru Dev on this subject of
 spiritism.  It was sort 
   foundational material for ruddering the
 TMmovement in straight 
   narrow spiritual practice.  That... dabbling in

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual vs Spiritism

2008-03-06 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Mar 6, 2008, at 3:06 PM, Frank McLaughlin wrote:

None have spoken to me, but a few times I came away with an
understanding of something the visiting soul wanted me to know.

Frank, you could make $$ on this! That's major for you, right?  
Someone tried selling One Human Soul on Ebay, in a bottle.  (They'll  
sell anything these days.)  Don't recall now if he was able to get  
away with it or not before they yanked it.

That would be one way for your friend to repay the dough. :)
