Re: [FairfieldLife] What you are ignorant about will kill you

2014-09-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I understand the argument and have long recognized that Islam is more 
than a religion but a political group.  But what do you do about the 85% 
who pay lip service? What do you do about the friend who comes from an 
Islamic family and when you ask them about don't know much because the 
family didn't practice it.  Or they tell they can't remember the last 
time they visited a mosque,  maybe it was when they were a kid and their 
parents sent them once to find out what it was about  And then they ask 
if you would like a beer?

If you want to be democratic about it, get rid of all religion. Delegate 
it to museums and history books. We have psychology to replace it as 
long as big pharma doesn't take it over for profit and make if very 
Huxlian.  After all religion is a mind control device invented some time 
in the deep dark past when a ruler worried his subjects were going to 
come kill him and take over his kingdom decided to tell the subjects if 
the did bad things they would be punished for it after death.

On 09/21/2014 05:10 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

*What I Have Learned Since 9-11 

I was on my way back from a vacation when the first plane hit the 
World Trade Center. My wife and I were listening to music on a CD and 
enjoyed our ride home, and knew nothing about it. When we got home, we 
listened to our messages. The first two were from family members 
hysterically crying, We've been attacked! America is at war!

My first thought, of course, was the ever-eloquent, What the fuck!?!

We watched the news, and I was baffled. Why would anyone do such a 
thing? I was about as ignorant about this as someone can be. But I'm a 
learner. It's what I like to do. And since that day, I've learned a lot.

I learned that this was not an isolated incident. Attacks had become 
more frequent and more deadly over the years. I just hadn't noticed.

And I eventually learned that this is not just a problem of generic 
terrorism, but a global movement based on Citizen Warrior: The 
Quran's Last Word on Non-Muslims 
and the example of Muhammad 
I learned that Islam is a unique religion because it's a political 
system and a system of law as well as being what most people would 
call a religion. Its goal is world domination, it has explicit 
permission for (and approval of) violence in its holy books, and it is 
intolerant of non-Muslims. Its laws even include legally-imposed 
discrimination against non-Muslims (and all women). (Read more about 
that here

I learned that an almost-uninterrupted jihad has been waged against 
non-Muslims for 1400 years The attacks 
are near constant. So far since 9-11, Jihadis have carried out 23,795 deadly attacks. 
Most of us don't see it as a war. We see isolated attacks. If you take 
in the whole global view, 
however, or listen to the point of view of a Jihadi, or read 
this, you will see it for what it is: 
A global war — orthodox Muslims 
against everybody else.

The majority of the conflicts in the world today consist of Jihadis fighting 
non-Muslims or Muslims who are considered insufficiently Islamic. If 
you removed jihad from the world right now, it would be a fairly 
peaceful place.

I also learned that one of the main reasons democracies have so much 
trouble dealing with Jihadis is because of an important conflict 
within democracies 
Specifically, most people in the free world believe 1) everyone has a 
right to worship as they wish, and 2) discrimination of any kind is 
wrong. These are important foundational principles of liberal 
democracies around the world.

Why is this a problem? Because the simplest way to deal with Islam 
would be to discriminate against it. In other words, to openly admit 
Islam is unique (because of its political aspirations and religious 
duty to overthrow all other forms of law and government), and stop all 
concessions to Islam and roll 
back any concessions already made

We can't do that because it violates important values of our 
societies. Or does it necessarily? This dialog needs to happen and 
solutions need to be created for it. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] What you are ignorant about will kill you

2014-09-21 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Be prepared to be called a xenophobic bigot. However, I'm with you, for the 
very reasons you explained. Where ever Islam goes, it's adherents are peaceful 
but when they reach a certain saturation point, not necassarily a majority, 
they become more militant, demanding their rights as Muslims, which eventually 
will deny everybody else of their rights. Submission. 

On Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:15 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

What I Have Learned Since 9-11  
I was on my
way back from a vacation when the first plane hit the World Trade Center. My
wife and I were listening to music on a CD and enjoyed our ride home, and knew
nothing about it. When we got home, we listened to our messages. The first two
were from family members hysterically crying, We've been attacked!
America is at war!

My first thought, of course, was the ever-eloquent, What the

We watched the news, and I was baffled. Why would anyone do such a thing? I was
about as ignorant about this as someone can be. But I'm a learner. It's what I
like to do. And since that day, I've learned a lot.

I learned that this was not an isolated incident. Attacks had become more
frequent and more deadly over the years. I just hadn't noticed.

And I eventually learned that this is not just a problem of generic
terrorism, but a global movement based on Citizen Warrior: The Quran's Last 
Word on Non-Muslims and the example of Muhammad. I learned
that Islam is a unique religion because it's a political system and a system of
law as well as being what most people would call a religion. Its goal is world
domination, it has explicit permission for (and approval of) violence in its
holy books, and it is intolerant of non-Muslims. Its laws even include
legally-imposed discrimination against non-Muslims (and all women). (Read more 
about that here.)

I learned that an almost-uninterrupted jihad has been waged against non-Muslims 
for 1400 years. The attacks are near constant. So far since
9-11, Jihadis have carried out 23,795 deadly attacks. Most of us don't see it 
as a
war. We see isolated attacks. If you take in the whole global view,
however, or listen to the point of view of a Jihadi, or read this, you will see 
it for what it is: A
global war — orthodox Muslims against everybody else.

The majority of the conflicts in the world today consist of Jihadis fighting 
non-Muslims or Muslims who are
considered insufficiently Islamic. If you removed jihad from the world right
now, it would be a fairly peaceful place.

I also learned that one of the main reasons democracies have so much trouble
dealing with Jihadis is because of an important conflict within democracies. 
Specifically, most people in the free world believe 1) everyone has a right to
worship as they wish, and 2) discrimination of any kind is wrong. These are
important foundational principles of liberal democracies around the world.

Why is this a problem? Because the simplest way to deal with Islam would be to
discriminate against it. In other words, to openly admit Islam is unique
(because of its political aspirations and religious duty to overthrow all other
forms of law and government),
and stop all concessions to Islam and
roll back any concessions already made.

We can't do that because it violates important values of our
societies. Or does it necessarily? This dialog needs to happen and solutions
need to be created for it. But of course, that can't happen as long as the
majority of people in free countries remain ignorant of the most elementary
facets of Islam. And it's not just ignorance. Many people have a real 
resistance to hearing anything
about it because even talking about it seems to violate the principles
of decency and kindness!

So the final thing I've learned is that the solution to this problem starts
with a grassroots movement: Those who know something about Islam's dangers to
the free world must talk to people who don't, and successfully educate them. 
enough people are educated, national conversations can happen that could result
in new, carefully-crafted policies that retain our democratic freedoms while
limiting the destructive and insidious encroachment of orthodox Islam.

Re: [FairfieldLife] What you are ignorant about will kill you

2014-09-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This was not written by me - although I wish it was. I decided to strike out 
the identifiers so that readers here could read the piece as is without 
looking up the website to know if they should first agree or disagree. 
Unfortunately that happens here - all too often. 

The missing final sentence was: If you want to participate in this grassroots 
movement (and I hope you do), start here: Citizen Warrior: What Non-Muslims Can 
Do About Islam

This is a multi-generational war for the life of Western civilization. We could 
actually live (or die) while watching this happen. 
 Citizen Warrior: What Non-Muslims Can Do Abou... Not only 
are some people killing non-Muslims in the name of Islam (in impressive 
numbers) but some are doing something less newsworthy but potenti...
 View on www.citizenwarrior... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] What you are ignorant about will kill you

2014-09-21 Thread [FairfieldLife]
If someone blew away my house and family, or my whole neighborhood, with a 
missile, or a smart bomb, I'd want revenge. The soldiers say that on the 
ground, for every civilian killed, this results in the creation of two enemies. 
Do the math. I think anyone looks like a fanatic, when the war is in their 
 ---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 Be prepared to be called a xenophobic bigot. However, I'm with you, for the 
very reasons you explained. Where ever Islam goes, it's adherents are peaceful 
but when they reach a certain saturation point, not necassarily a majority, 
they become more militant, demanding their rights as Muslims, which eventually 
will deny everybody else of their rights. Submission.

 On Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:15 PM, emptybill@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

 What I Have Learned Since 9-11 
 I was on my way back from a vacation when the first plane hit the World Trade 
Center. My wife and I were listening to music on a CD and enjoyed our ride 
home, and knew nothing about it. When we got home, we listened to our messages. 
The first two were from family members hysterically crying, We've been 
attacked! America is at war!
 My first thought, of course, was the ever-eloquent, What the fuck!?!
 We watched the news, and I was baffled. Why would anyone do such a thing? I 
was about as ignorant about this as someone can be. But I'm a learner. It's 
what I like to do. And since that day, I've learned a lot.
 I learned that this was not an isolated incident. Attacks had become more 
frequent and more deadly over the years. I just hadn't noticed.
 And I eventually learned that this is not just a problem of generic 
terrorism, but a global movement based on Citizen Warrior: The Quran's Last 
Word on Non-Muslims and 
the example of Muhammad I 
learned that Islam is a unique religion because it's a political system and a 
system of law as well as being what most people would call a religion. Its goal 
is world domination, it has explicit permission for (and approval of) violence 
in its holy books, and it is intolerant of non-Muslims. Its laws even include 
legally-imposed discrimination against non-Muslims (and all women). (Read more 
about that here
 I learned that an almost-uninterrupted jihad has been waged against 
non-Muslims for 1400 years The attacks are near 
constant. So far since 9-11, Jihadis have carried out 23,795 deadly attacks. Most of us 
don't see it as a war. We see isolated attacks. If you take in the whole global 
 however, or listen to the point of view of a Jihadi, or read this, you will see it for what it is: A global war — 
orthodox Muslims 
against everybody else.
 The majority of the conflicts in the world today consist of Jihadis fighting non-Muslims 
or Muslims who are considered insufficiently Islamic. If you removed jihad from 
the world right now, it would be a fairly peaceful place.
 I also learned that one of the main reasons democracies have so much trouble 
dealing with Jihadis is because of an important conflict within democracies 
Specifically, most people in the free world believe 1) everyone has a right to 
worship as they wish, and 2) discrimination of any kind is wrong. These are 
important foundational principles of liberal democracies around the world.
 Why is this a problem? Because the simplest way to deal with Islam would be to 
discriminate against it. In other words, to openly admit Islam is unique 
(because of its political aspirations and religious duty to overthrow all other 
forms of law and government), and stop all concessions to Islam and roll back any 
concessions already made
 We can't do that because it violates important values of our societies. Or 
does it necessarily? This dialog needs to happen and solutions need to be 
created for it. But of course, that can't happen as long as the majority of 
people in free countries remain ignorant of the most elementary facets of 
Islam. And it's not just ignorance. Many people have a real resistance