
Does FaustLive support MIDI in OS X these days?  I know the docs
say that it does, but does anybody here have it working?

I’m trying to step through the tutorials, using FaustLive 2.46 with CoreAudio
on OS X 10.11.6 .  I’ve told FaustLive to enable MIDI, but I don’t 
see its virtual MIDI ports appearing the OS.  Audio Midi Setup
doesn’t show anything, and neither does Ableton Live.

I thought maybe I had an old Faust version, so I upgraded with MacPorts
(“ port upgrade faustlive-devel “) … took a while … but when I 
got done, FaustLive appears to still be 2.46? Hmm… is that really
the latest version?

What should I see happening if this is working?  I’m running
midiTest.dsp, and I have a keyboard controller hooked up (which
the OS does detect.)  I’m not sure how Faust is supposed to declare
which MIDI channel it listens on.  At any rate it doesn’t seem to
respond to messages.  Maybe there’s a better .dsp file for testing?

Thanks much for any advice,


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