> Le 26 nov. 2017 à 06:15, Albert Graef <aggr...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi Stephane,
> I just switched the Arch packages to the new branches, so faust2-git now 
> builds from master-dev and faust-git builds from old-master for now. (Still 
> need to update my Ubuntu and MacPorts packages, but that will take some time, 
> so don't hold your breath yet.)
> I also cc'ed David as he's going to take over the Arch Faust packages at some 
> point.
> Stephane, I'd appreciate it if the old-master branch sticks around for a 
> while, as some people may still want to hang on to the "old faust" for some 
> time, *at least* until a proper release of the new mainline formerly known as 
> faust2 is out.


> At which point faust2-git should become faust-git and the old faust-git 
> package will be gone for good. At least that makes sense to me, but I still 
> need to discuss this with David.
> I vaguely recall that there was some talk about providing a "light faust" 
> version (something akin to the "old faust") in the new mainline, i.e., 
> without all the extra backends. LLVM is a fairly big dependency, so I think 
> that some people will appreciate that. Are there any news on this?

This is currently a « make light » target that only compiles the FIR based 
C/C++ backends. Concerning LLVM we also need to see if we can solve another 
issue : libfaust currently needs to be compiled with a RTTI aware version of 
LLVM, which is the case for the standard macports based built on OS X, but not 
the case for other LLVM distribution. We need to work on that also.

But Dominique is currently working on a full cmake based build system. We’ll 
see how it goes  !

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