On Sun, Dec 01, 2002 at 01:05:56AM +0100, Eric Auer wrote:

> Hi, after hours and hours of work, my XDOSEMU (http://www.dosemu.org/ or
> use the more real http://dosemu.sourceforge.net/ instead) now finally
> understands LOADABLE FONTS (int 0x10 API - not yet via video RAM).
> Check out several examples in "fontfx.zip". I can also recommend
> Andreas Foersters (maybe http://akfoerster.de/ ) CAPS.COM. It is
> kind of exepacked because Andreas wants to keep the source private

Nope, just nobody asked for the source.
The source of the whole project is VERY chaotic, that's why I didn't
dare to realease it. Originally it wasn't meant to be free in any sense
at all.

And I just packed it for Eric, because I sent it via email. I haven't
expected, that he tries to disassemble it. But now I sent him a copy of
that part of the code.

This is the binary package, but there's some source code, so you can
write your own programs with it in Turbo Pascal.
(sorry, doesn't work in FreePascal or GNU Pascal yet)

> (sorry Andreas for stealing your ZECHO idea for my ZECHO2 - but hey,
> it is only 40 lines of assembly...), 

It's okay, I didn't want to hide it, it just doesn't make too much 
sense without the rest of my tools. You should at least have asked.

> It creates a mixed normal / smaller Font that makes text look like 
> written in "small caps" :-). 

That is just a sample file for my program ZDEF.

FYI. I just read the fonts from the graphic card and mixed up the
8x16 font with the 8x8 font.

> By the way, I was thinking about Wine and Win4Lin: How about a Lin4Win?
> You would loose lots of stability, but I think something like UML (User
> Mode Linux, like "linux.exe" to run in Linux) could be ported to Windows.
> Would be funny, kind of LinuxEmu, as counterpart for DosEmu. I recommend
> adjusting many drivers of Linux and not to simulate any hardware. Just a
> crazy idea that I had the other night, dunno if it will be useful for
> anything. I do not have Windows anyway (but Lemmings for Windows runs better
> in Wine/Linux than Lemmings for DOS does run in XDosemu/FreeDOS...).

We want the Windows users to change to free systems, not to make the
free systems depending on unfree ones! If Windows users get to know a
Linux wich runs under Windows, they will miss some most important 
aspects: stabillity and freedom (and the features as server and ...). 
And they won't see what they're missing! They just will say, "yes nice, 
but not so much better. So why should I change?".

But if you really want, you already can run Linux under Windows: with a
Pc-emulator like VMware for example.

If you want just a simple Unix, which can be run from Windows or Dos,
have a look at Minix - but don't expect too much. The limitations of
Minix were the reason for Linus Torvalds to write a new "system". ;-)
And Minix wasn't free in those days, but iirc today it is.
(Minix also runs on old 8088 machines)

P.S.: Hey Eric, don't you have no other job?


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