Fedora Weekly News Issue 135

2008-07-21 Thread Pascal Calarco

Fedora Weekly News Issue 135

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 135 for the week ending July 19, 2008.


Fedora Weekly News keep you updated with the latest issues, events and 
activities in the fedora community.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page. Being a Fedora Weekly News beat writer gives you a 
chance to work on one of our community's most important sources of news, 
and can be done in only about 1 hour per week of your time.

We are still looking for beat writers to cover the highlights of Fedora 
Marketing each week and to summarize the Fedora Events and Meetings that 
happened during each week.


- pascal


fedora-announce-list mailing list

Fedora Weekly News Issue 136

2008-07-28 Thread Pascal Calarco
officially released Fedora 9 
installation media and include all updates released as of July 18th, 
2008. The ISO images are available for i386 and x86_64 architectures via 
Jigdo starting Sunday, July 20th, 2008."


=== Feature Process Improvements

John Poelstra had some excellent news on the feature front[1]:

"I was recently talking with Paul Frields about how to make the feature 
process more accessible... this combined with feedback in the rpm thread 
have led to a (hopefully) clearer presentation of how the feature 
process works."


=== FUEL opens up collaborative standardization of localization terms

FUEL (Frequently Used Entries for Localization) aims at solving the 
problem of inconsistency and lack of standardization in computer 
software translation across the platform for all Languages. It will try 
to provide a standardized and consistent look of computer for a language 
computer users.


=== Planet Fedora

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

=== Shameless Recruiting Pitch

We begin this week's summary of Planet Fedora with a recruitment pitch 
for Fedora Weekly News beat writers, scribed by Karsten Wade.

=== Intel's Moblin moves to Fedora

The topic that took Planet Fedora by storm on Friday and Saturday was 
the announcement of Intel's Moblin moving from Ubuntu to Fedora as its 
base OS. Yaakov Nemoy, John Palmieri, Seth Vidal, and Karsten Wade all 
weighed in with their thoughts.

=== Events

A number of event reports were posted on Planet Fedora this week.

* LUG Radio Live UK, attended by Max Spevack.
* Ottawa Linux Symposium (day 1), as reported by Dennis Gilmore.
* LTSP Hackfest (day 1), which included hackers from numerous Linux 
distros, and Fedora's own Warren Togami.

* A GUADEC trip report (including pictures) from Dimitris Glezos.
* A second place finish in the 2008 RoboCup World Championships, 
with a report from Tim Niemueller.

In other event news:

* Sandro "red" Mathys has posted details about the upcoming Fedora 
Ambassador Day EMEA.
* James Morris shared his Ottawa Linux Symposium paper with us, 
which is a detailed update on SELinux.

=== Tech Tidbits

Transifex 0.3 has been released. "Transifex 0.3 is a major release, 
including a lot of under-the-hood changes. We’ve added full i18n 
support, and now in addition to the templates, per-module information 
stored in the database, such as names and descriptions, can be 
translated as well," explains project lead Dimitris Glezos.

Lorenzo Villani is working on adding the ZYpp stack into Fedora. He 
explains, "It seems that with the latest releases of sat-solver, libzypp 
and zypper, the whole stack has become more stable on Fedora, 
especially, in the past few weeks I wasn’t able to update packages due 
to various resolver’s problems, but now it seems that 'zypper up' does 
its job smoothly."

Fedora Electronics Lab now has its own mailing list, and there has been 
lots of discussion about this particular respin on Planet Fedora over 
the past few days.

Red Hat Magazine has a great article about NetworkManager, written by 
Kyle Gonzales.

=== Other Interesting Posts

Nicu Buculei gave us a detailed look at the first round of themes that 
have been developed by the Art Team for Fedora 10.

David Nalley authored what might be the first in a four part series 
about Fedora's new "Freedom, Friends, Features, First" marketing focus. 
This post focuses on the Freedom topic.

=== Marketing

In this section, we cover the Fedora Marketing Project.


Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

=== Linus Torvalds' personal Linux distro? Fedora 9, of course

Larry Cafiero reported[1] that the creator of Linux, Linus Torvalds, 
currently uses Fedora 9 "on most of his computers" as reported in a 
recent interview[2]. "I've used different distributions over the years 
... Fedora had fairly good support for PowerPC back when I used that, so 
I grew used to it. But I actually don't care too much about the 
distribution, as long as it makes it easy to install and keep reasonably 
up-to-date," Torvalds added.



=== Asus Eee PC Fedora Respin

Valent Turkovic asked[1] if there was interest in working on a Fedora 
spin for the Eee PC. Clint Savage reported[2] that his kickstart for the 
Eee is working almost perfectly, and Mathieu Bri

Fedora Weekly News, Issue 139

2008-08-18 Thread Pascal Calarco

   * 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 139
 o 1.1 Announcements
   + 1.1.1 Board IRC Public Meeting
   + 1.1.2 Fedora Test Day: Encrypted Installs & Plymouth
   + 1.1.3 ACL Changes and New Package Group Policy
   + 1.1.4 Important Infrastructure Announcement
 o 1.2 Planet Fedora
   + 1.2.1 Tech Tidbits
   + 1.2.2 Artwork
   + 1.2.3 Features
 o 1.3 Developments
   + 1.3.1 FlashPlayer 10 Symlink Provokes Proprietary 
Support Argument

   + 1.3.2 Parallel Install of syslog-ng, rsyslog and sysklogd
   + 1.3.3 General Outage of Fedora Infrastructure
   + 1.3.4 Koji from Behind a Firewall
   + 1.3.5 Small Machine SIG
 o 1.4 Artwork
   + 1.4.1 Fedora 10 Themes: development and deadlines
 o 1.5 Security Advisories
   + 1.5.1 Fedora 9 Security Advisories
   + 1.5.2 Fedora 8 Security Advisories

= Fedora Weekly News Issue 139 =

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 139 for the week ending August 17, 2008.


Fedora Weekly News keeps you updated with the latest issues, events and 
activities in the Fedora community.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page. Being a Fedora Weekly News beat writer gives you a 
chance to work on one of our community's most important sources of news. 
Ideas for new beats are always welcome -- let us know how you'd like to 


= Announcements =

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

== Board IRC Public Meeting ==

Paul Frields reminded us[1] that the Fedora Board's monthly IRC meeting 
was scheduled for August 12.


== Fedora Test Day: Encrypted Installs & Plymouth

James Laska informed us[1] that the Fedora QA team is organizing a test 
day specifically for working on encrypted installs and plymouth (the 
replacement for rhgb).

"There will be a cast of testers and developers on hand between 8am - 
5pm EDT (12:00 - 21:00 UTC) to help guide testing, answer questions, 
triage and troubleshoot issues."


== ACL Changes and New Package Group Policy

Casey Dahlin wrote[1] about the new Fedora Account System group policy, 
implemented "to encourage greater openness in the community while 
containing newer members until they have earned the trust of the 
community". The full text includes a discussion of the changes that have 
been made.


== Important Infrastructure Announcement ==

Paul Frields announced[1]:

"The Fedora Infrastructure team is currently investigating an issue in 
the infrastructure systems. That process may result in service outages, 
for which we apologize in advance. We're still assessing the end-user 
impact of the situation, but as a precaution, we recommend you not 
download or update any additional packages on your Fedora systems."


= Planet Fedora =

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

== Tech Tidbits

Kushal Das announced[1] a new version of the liveusb-creator GUI 
application. Separate from the livecd-tools and livecd-iso-to-disk 
application, liveusb-creator is packaged in its own RPM. Kushal writes, 
"liveusb-creator version 2.7 for Linux is released... Now feel free to 
create liveusb images for your friends and for the special one."

Nigel Jones discussed[2] a variety of wiki improvements that have been 
deployed. This is a three-round improvement process. Nigel said of the 
first two rounds "At the request of the documentation team we enabled 
searching by default on various namespaces, of course, you most likely 
won't notice it at all. Round 2 of wiki improvements start tomorrow, 
this is the exciting one. We are trashing the current authentication 
method IN THE BIN! No more htaccess prompts... What's going in its 
place? The standard Mediawiki login prompt, it'll still be connected to 
FAS, it'll just look different."

[1] http://kushaldas.in/?p=284

[2] http://nigelj.livejournal.com/8525.html

== Artwork ==

Mairin Duffy gave us a look[1] at some of the proposed Fedora 10 artwork 
in the "gears" theme, which is a collaboration between her and Nicu Buculei.

[1] http://mihmo.livejournal.com/60026.html

== Features ==

Two interesting posts abo

Fedora Weekly News #145

2008-09-29 Thread Pascal Calarco
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 145 for the week ending September 
28, 2008.


This week's issue brings plenty of insights into the Fedora 10 theme 
decisions, as covered by longtime FWN writer, Nicu Buculei. Max Spevak 
reports on several recent linux events and the Fedora acivity there, as 
well as relays final Fedora 10 schedule changes and other announcements. 
Oisin Feeley updates us on Fedora development activity with deactivation 
of some dormant services and discussion of PackageKit. Jason Taylor 
highlights the many release notes completed for the upcoming Fedora 10 
release. Dale Bewley brings us up to date on activity with four separate 
discussion lists in Fedora virtualization. Svetoslav Chukov, in the 
marketing beat, celebrates Fedora's fifth birthday with a wonderful, 
generous reflection of the project by OpenSUSE's community manager, Joe 
Brockmeier, and Runa Bhattacharjee covers the freeze activities 
surrounding translation and internationalization for Fedora 10.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1].

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join


* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 145
  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Schedule updates for Fedora 10
+ 1.1.2 Fedora Test Day - 2008-09-25 - Live Beta Images 
and FirstAidKit

  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 Events
+ 1.2.2 Tech Tidbits
  o 1.3 Marketing
+ 1.3.1 Happy birthday Fedora!
+ 1.3.2 Lessons learned from five years of Fedora
+ 1.3.3 The sweet features of Fedora - Smolt
+ 1.3.4 Plug and Run Fedora on a Toshiba A300D laptop, 
Part II

  o 1.4 Developments
+ 1.4.1 Default Deactivation of Services
+ 1.4.2 specspo and PackageKit
+ 1.4.3 Are Other Distros Controlling Fedora through 
PackageKit ?

+ 1.4.4 /sbin and /bin Linked to /usr/lib
  o 1.5 Documentation
+ 1.5.1 Release Notes Galore
+ 1.5.2 Documentation Repository Changes
  o 1.6 Translation
+ 1.6.1 String freeze breakage alarms
+ 1.6.2 Fedora Docs moved to git repository
+ 1.6.3 Translation schedule to be further discussed 
for clarity of tasks

  o 1.7 Artwork
+ 1.7.1 The desktop theme for Fedora 10 was chosen
+ 1.7.2 The fight for the theme
+ 1.7.3 The theme soap opera
+ 1.7.4 Lessons from the flamewar
+ 1.7.5 Echo icon theme and Fedora 10
  o 1.8 Security Advisories
+ 1.8.1 Fedora 9 Security Advisories
+ 1.8.2 Fedora 8 Security Advisories
  o 1.9 Virtualization
+ 1.9.1 Enterprise Management Tools List
  # Maximum Number of Attached CDROMs in Xen
  # Parallel Port Support in virt-manager
  # VMWare VMX Output from virt-convert
  # Disk Image Signature Verification
+ 1.9.2 Fedora Xen List
  # Continued Trouble with 32bit Fedora 9 
DomU on Fedora 8 Dom0

+ 1.9.3 Libvirt List
  # Libvirt 0.4.6 Released
  # RFC: Events API
  # Windows Binaries
+ 1.9.4 oVirt Devel List
  # oVirt 0.93-1 Released
  # Modeling LVM Storage

Fedora Weekly News Issue 145

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack
-- Schedule updates for Fedora 10 --

Jesse Keating announced[0] the schedule changes for Fedora 10, 
"resulting in a final release date of Tuesday Nov. 25th."


-- Fedora Test Day - 2008-09-25 - Live Beta Images and FirstAidKit

James Laska advertised[1] the next Fedora Test Day, which has been a 
recurring theme during the Fedora 10 cycle. "Testing efforts will focus 
on testing Fedora 10 Beta Live images as well as system recovery using 


[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days/2008-09-25

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

-- Events --

Several Fedora Ambassadors posted about OpenExpo, in Switzerland. Joerg 
Simon posted[0] some pictures of the e

Fedora Weekly News #146

2008-10-06 Thread Pascal Calarco

-- Fedora Weekly News Issue 146 --

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 146 for the week ending October 5, 2008.


In this issue of FWN, Max Spevack covers the announcement of the beta 
for Fedora 10 (Cambridge) and reminds us of the upcoming Fedora Board 
IRC chat. Oisin Feeley provides another detailed look into Fedora 
development, covering the recent PATH:/sbin discussion, efforts to speed 
up Modprobe and MAKEDEV, announcement of the Fedora 10 early branch for 
developers, and more. Jason Taylor writes on documentation, including 
discussion on changing language codes in Fedora and the beginnings of an 
ongoing debate on how to properly document examples of system commands. 
Runa Bhattacharjee, writing for the translation project, provides detail 
on the Fedora 10 translation dates and summarizes the most recent 
meeting of the translation team. Huzaifa Sidhpurwala updates us on 
discussion on the infrastructure list, including metalinks for Fedora 10 
downloads. Nicu Buculei covers the release of the second issue of the 
art team excellent voice, Echo Monthly News, and Paul Frields' recent 
request for a remix logo, a secondary watermark for derivative spins. 
David Nalley brings us up-to-date on the latest security advisories for 
Fedora 8 and 9 issued this past week. Finally, Dale Bewley gets us 
current with the many happenings on the four virtualization lists he 
covers -- the Enterprise Management Tools, Fedora Xen, library 
virtualization and oVirt development lists.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1].

FWN Editorial Team:

Pascal Calarco
Oisin Feeley
Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join


* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 146
  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Fedora 10 (Cambridge) Beta
+ 1.1.2 Fedora Board IRC Meeting
  o 1.2 Developments
+ 1.2.1 PATH:/sbin Tab Confusion
+ 1.2.2 Speeding-up Modprobe and MAKEDEV
+ 1.2.3 Uniform Proxy Settings
+ 1.2.4 Fedora 10 Early Branch Now Available
+ 1.2.5 SELinux - Copying ISO Files
  o 1.3 Documentation
+ 1.3.1 New Language Codes
+ 1.3.2 Command Examples Documentation
  o 1.4 Translation
+ 1.4.1 F10 Translation deadline revised to 21st 
October 2008

+ 1.4.2 Fedora Translation Project meeting held
  o 1.5 Infrastructure
+ 1.5.1 func logrotate fix
+ 1.5.2 metalinks for F10 download pages
+ 1.5.3 smtp-server?
  o 1.6 Artwork
+ 1.6.1 The latest news about Echo icons
+ 1.6.2 Remix logo
  o 1.7 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.1 Fedora 9 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.2 Fedora 8 Security Advisories
  o 1.8 Virtualization
+ 1.8.1 Enterprise Management Tools List
  # virt-manager Adds Disk and Network I/O 
  # virt-manager Supports Multiple Serial 
  # Maintaining VM State While Restarting 
libvirtd Needed

+ 1.8.2 Fedora Xen List
  # No Dom0 Support in Fedora 10
+ 1.8.3 Libvirt List
  # Running Xen Guests Without xend
  # cgroups API and LXC Driver Support
  # libvirtd Multi-threaded Support in the 

  # Host Device Enumeration API
  # SDL Display Support for QEMU Driver
+ 1.8.4 oVirt Devel List
  # oVirt Web API ala EC2 Web Services
  # QPID Modeling Framework and libvirt-qpid
  # Booting Guest From ISO Image

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

-- Fedora 10 (Cambridge) Beta --

Jesse Keating announced[1] the release of Fedora 10 Beta. "Just on the 
heels of the Fedora Project's fifth anniversary, the Beta of Fedora 
Linux version 10 (code-named Cambridge) is now available."

Among the new, fun, and interesting features:

* New NetworkManager with connection sharing
* Improved printer handling
* Remote virtualization and easier virt storage
* Sectool, an auditing and security testing framework
* RPM 4.6, the first big RPM change in several years


Additionally, Jesse reported[2] "there was a small problem during image 
creation that led to the

Fedora Weekly News #150

2008-11-03 Thread Pascal Calarco

-Fedora Weekly News Issue 150-

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 150 for the week ending November 
2nd, 2008.


In this week's issue, featured content includes announcements on a new 
Fedora Sugar Spin, and development freeze for Fedora 10. The Translation 
beat this week features an interview with Fedora Translation project 
member Diego Zacarao (Rasther). In Developments, details on resume from 
suspend problems with Intel i945s, details on "[a] gigantic multi-thread 
flamewar consum[ing] many list participants" over moving X from VT7 to 
VT1 and POSIX file capabilities for Fedora 11. The Artwork beat features 
discussion of new wallpaper extras, and final fixes for the Fedora 10 
Solar backgrounds. The Security Advisory beat rounds out this issue and 
updates us with fixes released in the last week for Fedora 8 and 9.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1].

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join


In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

---Blocker Bug Review Meeting---

John Poelstra announced[1] that a "meeting is being held to review the 
current blocker bugs[2] in anticipation of the Final Development Freeze 
this Tuesday, October 28th."



---Translation packagers: Rebuild before devel freeze---

Dimitris Glezos wrote[3] to remind "maintainers of Fedora-translatable 
packages to issue a build before the Development Freeze of tomorrow, 
28/10, in order to have all translations submitted until the translation 
deadline of 21/10 included in Fedora 10 (otherwise our translator's hard 
work will go to the gutter)."


---Fedora Sugar Spin---

Sebastian Dziallas announced[4] the "availability of our Fedora Sugar 
Spin, which incorporates the Sugar Desktop Environment on a Fedora Live 
CD." To get the spin, and to contribute to its further development, read 
the full announcement below.


---Frozen for Fedora 10---

Jesse Keating reminded[5] everyone that we are now frozen for Fedora 10. 
"At this point, builds for F10 are not automatically brought into 
Rawhide, and won't be in the Fedora 10 release. To request a freeze 
override, please use the Final Freeze Policy[6]."


[6] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering/FinalFreezePolicy


This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n) 


Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee

---FTP Meeting to be held on 4th November 2008---

FLSCo member Noriko Mizumoto announced the next meeting of the Fedora 
Translation Project to be held on the 4th of November 2008[1]. The time 
for the meeting is yet to be determined, with 1900 UTC and 2000 UTC 
being the two probable candidates. The meeting and agenda is open for 


[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings

---Package Rebuild requested by FTP---

Dimitris Glezos has requested the maintainers of the Fedora packages 
that were translated for Fedora 10 to rebuild them[3]. This would ensure 
that the translations submitted by the Fedora Translation Project 
members are included for all these packages.


TQSG repository set to be moved

Fabian Affolter has initiated discussions to move the the Translation 
Quick Start Guide (TQSG) to fedorahosted[4]. The move has been endorsed 
by Paul Frields on behalf of the Fedora Documentation team, subject to 
confirmation by FLSCo about the move and the ownership of the 
document[5]. The final decision, particularly about the VCS to be used, 
is pending at the moment.



Dimitris Glezos nominated for the Fedora Board

FLSCo Leader Dimitris Glezos has been nominated[6] by Max Spevack as one 
of the candidates for the upcoming Fedora Board elections to be held in 
December 2008. These elections would be held to elect two new members 
for the Fedora Board.


Fedora Weekly News 152

2008-11-17 Thread Pascal Calarco

-Fedora Weekly News Issue 152-

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 152 for the week ending November 
16th, 2008.


This week's exciting issue features extensive coverage of a Server SIG 
formation in the Developments beat, along with clarifications from the 
Fedora Engineering leadership on feature freeze policies. In 
announcements, reminders of this Tuesday's public Fedora Board meeting 
on #fedora-board-meeting at irc.freenode.net. The Translation beat 
features various Fedora 10 milestones and an introduction of three new 
members to the translation team. In Artwork, some history on the genesis 
of the Fedora infinity bubble is saved, and more feedback on Fedora 10 
themes. Virtualization includes updates of dom0 support in the upstream 
kernel, and a RFC on including greater detail in domain events. Finally, 
Fedora 9 and 8 updates for the week in Security Advisories. These are 
but a few highlights in this week's Fedora Weekly News!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1].

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

--- Public Fedora Board Meeting on IRC ---

Paul Frields reminded[1] the community about the upcoming Fedora Board 
meeting on IRC. The meeting will be on 2008-11-19 (Tuesday) at 19:00 UTC.

"Join #fedora-board-meeting to see the Board's conversation. This 
channel is read-only for non-Board members. Join #fedora-board-public to 
discuss topics and post questions. This channel is read/write for everyone.

The moderator will direct questions from the #fedora-board-public 
channel to the Board members at #fedora-board-meeting. This should limit 
confusion and ensure our logs are useful to everyone."


--- Upcoming Bugzilla Activities ---

Jon Stanley wrote[2] about some upcoming Bugzilla changes, that will 
coincide with Fedora 10's release. There are two things of which people 
should be aware: First, "we will be rebasing all rawhide bugs to F10. 
This will result in regular bugs reported against rawhide during the 
Fedora 10 development cycle being changed to version '10' instead of 
their current assignment, 'rawhide'."; Second, "all bugs for EOL 
releases (at this point, Fedora 8) will get a comment on or about GA of 
Fedora 10, explaining that one month of maintenance remains, and to 
either move the bug to a later version if still applicable, or they will 
be automatically closed in one month with a resolution of WONTFIX."

See the link below[2] for the complete announcement.


-- Developments --

In this section the people, personalities and debates on the 
@fedora-devel mailing list are summarized.

Contributing Writer: Oisin Feeley

--- Features Policy Modified ---

The latest FESCo discussions (2008-11-12) clarified[1] the Features[2] 
process. The changes make explicit the need for testing to be complete 
one week prior to the final freeze. Failure to meet that condition can 
result in FESCo deciding to drop the feature or implement a contingency 
plan or other suitable action.


[2] Features are "a significant change or enhancement to the version of 
Fedora currently under development": 

The spur to these discussions was several last-minute changes for Fedora 
10 which included dropping the instant-messaging client Empathy as the 
default, and the late addition of LiveConnect (see FWN#151[3]) and 
AMQP[4]. Earlier confusion about the Feature process and difficulties 
with communication had also been expressed (see FWN#147[5]) after the 
decision to drop the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment as a feature.


[4] The Advanced Messaging Queue Protocol is a vendor-neutral middleware 
transport for business processes: 


The other major changes to the process include the emailing of the 
Feature owner to inform them when their feature is being discussed by 
FESCo and any decisions made concerning said feature. The extra work 
involved in tracking down email addresses was anticipated to be an 
over-burdening of t

Fedora Weekly News # 156

2008-12-15 Thread Pascal Calarco

-- Fedora Weekly News Issue 156 --

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 156 for the week ending December 
14th, 2008.


This week's issue features an exciting discount for Fedora community 
members in Australia and New Zealand on Red Hat certification training 
and exams. Coverage of Fedora Planet includes event reports from a FOSS 
event in India and a Parisian Fedora install fest, along with a nifty XO 
Exchange Registry. Another flamewar eruption is covered on the 
Developments beat, along with updates on the D-Bus in Fedora and 
discussion on making 'updates-testing' more useful. Fedora websites are 
now available in Russian and Bulgarian, as reported in this issue's 
Translations beat. The Artwork beat reports on the Fedora Art Team's 
re-envisioning discussion as well as using the Fedora branding in the 
OLPC Sugar interface. The security advisory beat updates us on Fedora 9 
and 10 updates, along with reminders of Fedora 8 end of life, January 7, 
2009. In virtualization news, details of the latest libvert in RHEL and 
CentOS 5.2. All this and more in this week's FWN!

FWN is considering changing the format in response to some reader 
suggestions. The Developments section this week attempts to be 
considerably shorter and places URLs below each section instead of 
interspersing them after each paragraph. We welcome reader feedback on 
the subject: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1].

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

[0] http://fedoraproject.org/en/get-fedora

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

-- Red Hat Certification offer --

  STOP THE PRESSES.50% Discount on Red Hat Certification Exams

When the going gets tough - the tough get certified!
 Maximise your chance of career success in 2009 with Red Hat training and

 Special End of Year Offer for Fedora community members in Australia and
 New Zealand.

 50% discount of all Red Hat Exams taken in Australia and New Zealand by
 February 28th, 2009

   Get your certification today!  Act now... simply visit


 for a complete list of Red Hat exams available until 28th February, 2009
 and write "Fedora Community Special" in the Promo code box.  Make sure
 you use your Fedora email id when registering to qualify for the 50%

 If you have a mate who would benefit from a Red Hat certification, make
  sure you pass on the good news!

-- Terms and Conditions --

This offer begins December 15, 2008 and ends on February 28, 2009. Offer 
void if participant cancels, no shows, or requests a refund. Offer is 
subject to availability. Exams, reschedules and any retakes must be 
completed by February 28, 2009. Participants must register for the 
promotion at http://www.apac.redhat.com/training/register.php3 and enter 
“Fedora Community Special” in the Special Offers section, using their 
Fedora email id to register. Offer may not be used for exams in which 
you are already enrolled, cancellations and re-bookings. This offer is 
not valid in conjunction with any other promotions or special pricing. 
Participant is responsible for assessing his/her suitability for 
enrolling in the appropriate exam. Government employees and contractors 
may not be eligible to receive this offer and the participant 
acknowledges that his/her employer is aware of and consents to the 
receipt of the offer, and that the receipt of the offer does not violate 
the organisation’s policies and regulations. Void where prohibited by 
law. Offer is available to residents of Australia and New Zealand only. 
Red Hat reserves the right to withdraw or extend this offer at anytime.

-- Updates --

Paul Frields wrote[1] about the update problem affecting D-Bus. 
"Recently, an update of D-Bus software package in Fedora 10 caused the 
substantial breakage of some applications, including PackageKit."

The announcement includes instructions that explain how a user can 
update the system manually using yum on the command-line, and return to 

If you are unable to perform a normal system update using PackageKit and 
need help, please read the full announcement.


-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Fedora Weekly News #157

2008-12-22 Thread Pascal Calarco

-- Fedora Weekly News Issue 157 --

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 157 for the week ending December 
21st, 2008.


In our last issue of 2008, Announcements reminds you of FWN's holiday 
schedule and presents the gift of the Omega distro, Planet is chock full 
of tasty tidbits from the Fedora blogosphere, Developments invites you 
to warm your hands over a "Nautilus Spatial-mode Flamewar", 
Documentation invites you to a "Holiday Hackfest", Translations reports 
on the re-organization of "Sponsors for cvsl10n", Artwork unwraps some 
shiny "Creation Highlights", SecurityAdvisories lists some ways to avoid 
a lump of coal from Santa, and the usual sleigh-load of Virtualization 
goodies includes instructions on "Building oVirt from Rawhide." We would 
like to thank our readers for their interest and attention and all our 
contributors for producing the goods week after week. May you all have a 
happy and relaxing holiday and we look forward to seeing you again in 
January 2009.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

-- FWN Holiday Break --

Fedora Weekly News will be on vacation for the next two weeks. Our next 
issue will be published on January 12th. Happy holidays!

-- FUDCon Boston 2009 --

FUDCon Boston 2009 is January 9-11. It is not too late to register[1].

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon/FUDConF11

-- Fedora Remixes --

Rahul Sundaram announced[2] the General Availability of Omega 10, "a 
Linux based operating system and a community Fedora Remix for desktop 
and laptop users."

Sundaram added, "It is a installable Live CD for regular PC (i686 
architecture) systems. It has all the features of Fedora 10 and a number 
of additional multimedia players and codecs. You can play any multimedia 
including MP3 music or commercial DVD's out of the box."

For additional information, and to download Omega or view the kickstart 
used to create it, please read the full announcement.


-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

-- General --

Máirín Duffy said[1] it best: "ZOMG Stickers11"

Rex Dieter announced[2] a new fedora-kde mailing list

Harald Hoyer analyzed[3] the Fedora 10 boot process on an EeePC 901 with 
a solid-state disk, including some easy optimizations

Casey Dahlin wrote a series[4,5,6,7] on a new internal state machine 
driving the Upstart service manager

Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay discussed[8] some of the commonly overlooked 
difficulties of the commonly overlooked process of internationalization 
(i18n) and localization (l10n)

Warren Togami had[9] some problems netbooting old PowerPC Macs as Thin 
Clients (and is open to suggestions)

Tim Waugh posted[10] a tutorial on preventing a Python/GTK+ application 
from appearing to freeze while performing CUPS operations

Abhishek Rane summarized[11] his thoughts on "Best of FOSS and Linux in 

Dimitris Glezos described[12] Transifex and their new startup company 
built around it

Christoph Wickert embedded[13] a video interview with Mario Behling 
talking about LXDE

Jef Spaleta offered[14] a number of retrospective questions at the end 
of his tenure on the Fedora Board

Sébastien Bilbeau posted[15] the "25 Best Linux Desktop Customization 

Yaakov Nemoy mused[16] about the relationship between the Open Source 
development process and anarchy

[1] http://mihmo.livejournal.com/65838.html

[2] http://rdieter.livejournal.com/11262.html

[3] http://www.harald-hoyer.de/personal/blog/fedora-10-boot-analysis





[8] http://sankarshan.randomink.org/blog/2008/12/16/and-here-we-go-again-2/

[9] http://wtogami.livejournal.com/29574.html

[10] http://cyberelk.net/tim/2008/12/17/cups-gtk-python-and-threading/

[11] http://www.abhishekrane.com/2008/12/17/best-o

Fedora Weekly News #158

2009-01-12 Thread Pascal Calarco

Fedora Weekly News Issue 158

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 158 for the week ending January 
11th, 2009.


In this first FWN issue of 2009, we bring you several announcements of 
the outcomes of recent Fedora-related elections. Fedora 8 reaches its 
end of life (time to upgrade!), and FUDCon 11 reports abound. Much news 
coverage of the Fedora Planet, including Fedora 10 vs. OpenSuSE, 
explanations on some of the recent security items now in the latest 
(2.6.28) Linux Kernel, and Fedora and OLPC goodness. From the 
development realm, useful coverage of the state of Intel graphics under 
Fedora 10 and debates on disabling staging drivers. Release notes and 
packaging guide areas need volunteers in the documentation project, and 
the translation team welcomes new members and suggests new language 
teams. In artwork, announcement of a new November/December issue of Echo 
Monthly News, another great sister Fedora publication. Security 
advisories for Fedora 9 and 10 are brought to light and the issue round 
out with more virtualization coverage, including announcement of Xen 
3.3.1 in Rawhide and a new Fedora virtualization list, "everything 
concerning Fedora and virtualization, including Xen." Read on!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

--- Election Results ---

Bill Nottingham and Matt Domsch were re-elected to the Fedora Board for 
two-release terms[1].

Josh Boyer, Dan Horák, Jarod Wilson, and Jon Stanley were elected to the 
Fedora Engineering Steering Committee for two-release terms[2].

Max Spevack, Joerg Simon, Francesco Ugolini, Thomas Canniot, Rodrigo 
Padula, David Nalley, and Susmit Shannigrahi were elected to the Fedora 
Ambassadors Steering Committee for two-release terms[3].

Paul Frields announced that Dimitris Glezos has been appointed to fill 
the final seat on the Fedora Board[4].





--- FUDCon Boston 2009 ---

Hopefully, you were able to attend to attend FUDCon Boston, January 
9-11.  If you weren't, keep reading below for coverage!

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon/FUDConF11

--- Fedora 8 End of Life --

The end-of-life for Fedora 8 is Wednesday, January 7[1]. No further 
updates will be issued, no new builds will be allowed in the build 
system, and all open bugs against Fedora 8 will be closed WONTFIX[2].


[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_of_life

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

--- General ---

Michael DeHaan wrote[1] an essay entitled Academics, Innovation, 
Patents, And a Path Beyond? about FOSS, cross-organizational 
collaboration and encouraging innovation.

Jef Spaleta had some ideas[2] about "how to do more focused new 
contributor recruitment and training in Fedora" and using the Mugshot 
online service to gather statistics and create personalized 
notifications (invitations) to its users.

Máirín Duffy created[3] a list of questions (and provoked a healthy 
discussion) that could be used to develop a set of guidelines for 
notifications ("Chatty Applications").

Greg DeKoenigsberg wrote[4] about some of the work going in to 
synchronizing Fedora and OLPC efforts.

James Morris explained[5] some of the security changes that have gone in 
to the latest (2.6.28) Linux Kernel.

Karsten Wade asked "why aren’t you publishing on the Fedora wiki?"[6] 
and followed up with a set of thoughts to encourage documentation 

After a few Fedora 10 frustrations, Scott Williams tried-out[7] OpenSuSE 
and found some good bits and some not-so-good bits.

The latest Red Hat Magazine included[8] a video interview of Michael 
DeHann discussing Cobbler "and how it simplifies network installations 
for datacenters and other large-scale linux environments".

James Laska continued[9] his tutorial on Creating a virtual test lab 
(using tools such as Cobbler, Koan and SNAKE).

Fedora Weekly News #159

2009-01-19 Thread Pascal Calarco
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 159 for the week ending January 
19th, 2009.


This week's issue reveals the code name for Fedora 11 and provides 
coverage from the latest FUDCon in announcements. News abounds from 
around Fedora Planet, including musings on the reduction of the OLPC dev 
team, thoughts on what it means to contribute to Fedora from several 
contributors, and much more. Development reports on several discussions 
from the recent FUDCon on the possible future of comps.xml, new packages 
to Rawhide coming, and more. More depth of discussion on the need for a 
Fedora Project CMS is offered in the Docs beat, and Translations has 
lots more to report on new members of various internationalization 
teams. The Art beat has a wonderful in-depth look at approaches for 
themes for Fedora 11, and security advisories brings us up to date with 
recent updates there. We complete the issue with news from 
virtualization developments, including two items regarding sVirt, a 
project to add security labeling support to Linux-based virtualization, 
and other focused discussions with libvirt. Enjoy!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

--- Fedora 11 Release Name ---

At FUDCon Boston, Paul Frields announced that "Leonidas" had won the 
vote, and will be the code name of Fedora 11. There was much screaming 
and yelling, and reciting of lines from "The 300"[0].


--- FUDCon Boston ---

FUDCon Boston was a great success[1]. Not only are many videos from the 
sessions available on the Fedora Wiki, but there is also a collection of 
blog posts from various attendees[2].


[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:FUDConF11_blogs

--- Technical Announcements ---

Jon Stanley announced[3] that he and Dennis Gilmore "are beginning an 
effort to migrate fedora-* redhat com to lists.fedoraproject.org." There 
are several benefits to this move, including greater control of the 
Fedora lists, a stronger Fedora identity (@lists.fedoraproject.org as 
opposed to @redhat.com), and the ability to be more responsive to 
community requests.


Jesse Keating announced[4] that on January 20th, "we will be doing a 
non-blocking freeze of Rawhide to be the basis of Fedora 11 Alpha. Only 
targeted fixes will be pulled into the Alpha tag after the freeze. 
Rawhide itself will continue on as to not disrupt development."


--- Upcoming Events ---

Fedora will have a presence at several events in the next few weeks. 
Feel free to join us,

February 6 - 8: Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting (FOSDEM)[5]

February 20 - 22: Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE)[6]

Also, people are encouraged to register for Fedora or JBoss.org related 
speaking slots at LinuxTag 2009[7].

[5] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/FOSDEM/FOSDEM2009

[6] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCALE7X_Event

[7] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuxTag_2009_talks

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

--- General ---

Marc F Ferguson expounded[0] upon the wonders of "Being a Part of 
Something Bigger" by joining the Fedora Project and switching to Linux! 
While there are lots of positive posts out there, this one captures the 
positive feeling that a lot of folks have by joining a project like Fedora.

Andrew Overholt appealed[1] for anyone interested in helping get JBoss 
AS 5.0 into Fedora.

Karsten Wade wrote[2] about some of the issues and concerns involved 
with picking a CMS for Fedora.

Abhishek Rane posted[3] some nice screenshots of Amarok (as well 
as a download link for Fedora 10).

Jef Spaleta continued[4] his across-the-intertubes discussion with Mark 
Shuttleworth about Canonical's Launchpad being closed source, and talked 
about his motivations behind contributing to Fedora: "I have never 
received a paycheck from Red Hat in any capacity...Making sure companies 
which proclaim to be open source advocates are actually ‘walk

Fedora Weekly News Issue 161

2009-02-02 Thread Pascal Calarco
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 161 for the week ending February 1, 


This week's FWN goodness offers a very special update from the Fonts SIG 
to bring us up to date on their work leading up to Fedora 11. You may 
also notice that we are tweaking the wiki formatting to take advantage 
of the cite module and other features in MediaWiki, and employing User: 
references for links to named Fedora folk. We'd love to hear your 
feedback on these changes. Also in this week's intrepid issue details on 
the upcoming Fedora monthly public meeting, updates on upcoming events 
with a Fedora presence, and news updates from around the Fedora Planet. 
In Developments, details on a slight delay to F11 Alpha and Electronic 
Automation Tools updates. Translation news brings updates from the 
latest FLP meeting and website translation updates, along with more 
Fedora 11 plans. A couple brief updates from the Infrastructure Team, 
including discussion of possible automation of fedora hosted requests. 
The Artwork beat paints a lovely picture with details on Fedora 11 
visual details, and we're brought up to date with the latest security 
advisories for Fedora 9 and 10. The issue completes with updates from 
the various virtualization projects, including details on a new libvirt 
and virt-manager, as well as meaty updates on the Fedora Xen list. 
Enjoy, everyone!

We are currently looking for a new writer to cover the Fedora 
Ambassadors for FWN. The work chiefly involves summarizing each's week's 
traffic on the Fedora Ambassadors' list, and is likely a time 
committment of perhaps one hour per week.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

== Announcements ==

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.



Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

=== Fedora Board Meeting ===

Paul Frields wrote[2] that "the Board is holding its monthly public 
meeting on Tuesday, 3 February 2009, at 1900 UTC on IRC Freenode."

* Join #fedora-board-meeting to see the Board's conversation. This 
channel is read-only for non-Board members.

* Join #fedora-board-public to discuss topics and post questions. 
This channel is read/write for everyone.

   1. ↑ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join
   2. ↑ 

=== Legal ===

Tom Callaway announced [1] that "after talking with Red Hat Legal about 
how we should be handling trademarks in package summaries and 
descriptions, we came to the conclusion that it would be far easier (and 
less risky for Red Hat) if we did not use "(TM)" or "(R)" notations at all."

   1. ↑ 

=== Fedora 11 ===

Fedora 11 Alpha is likely to be delayed for a few days (originally 
scheduled for February 3) due to a GUI checkbox bug in Anaconda and a 
problem with nfs-utils that prevented installs over NFS.

See the links [1] [2] [3] below for all the technical details.

   1. ↑ 
   2. ↑ 

   3. ↑ https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=483375

=== Upcoming Events ===

Fedora will have a presence at several events in the next few weeks. 
Feel free to join us,

February 6 - 8: Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting (FOSDEM)[1]

February 20 - 22: Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE)[2][3]

Also, people are encouraged to register for Fedora or JBoss.org related 
speaking slots at LinuxTag 2009.[4]

   1. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/FOSDEM/FOSDEM2009
   2. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCALE7X_Event
   3. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Activity_Day_at_SCaLE_7x
   4. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuxTag_2009_talks

== Special Report: Fonts SIG ==

Contributing Writer: Nicolas Mailhot

Since Fedora 11 Alpha is quickly approaching, here is a much-delayed 
edition of the fonts SIG irregular status report. You may recall FWN 
covered the font surveys in FWN #153[1]. The following special report is 
largely in addition to that previous report.

I should probably have done one for Fedora 10 release, but (silly me) 
expected then that the new font packaging guidelines would be adopted 
quickly. After all, they only reworded existing rules and added material 
already presented and discussed on the fonts and devel lists.

Of course various instances decided to celebrate F10 by taking a break, 
then the

Fedora Weekly News #163

2009-02-16 Thread Pascal Calarco

Fedora Weekly News Issue 163

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 163 for the week ending February 
15th, 2009.


This week's issue provides some detail on the upcoming Fedora Activity 
Day (FAD) at Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE), many posts from the 
Fedora Planet blogosphere, and selected wonderful event reports from 
FOSDEM. We welcome a brand new Quality Assurance beat this issue, with 
coverage of the latest test day focusing on iSCSI for Fedora 11, summary 
of the latest QA weekly meeting, and discussion of the process for 
critical-release bugs. In Development news, discussion of FLOSS 
multimedia codec support in Fedora, preview looks at F11 release notes, 
and the availability of CrossReport, a tool to evaluate the ease with 
which applications can be ported to Windows using the MinGW libraries. 
From the Translation team, updates and details on the infrastructure 
roadmap for translation, and migration of Damned Lies to the new 
Django-based interface. Infrastructure reports availability of WordPress 
multi-user for Fedora sub-projects, and planning for cgit as a 
replacement for gitweb on hosted2. Artwork has updates on the continuing 
evolution of Fedora 11 artwork. The Security Week beat examines recent 
discussion on Slashdot regarding 'how to argue the security of open 
source software,' and this issue wraps up with a summary of the security 
advisories for Fedora 9 and 10 over this past week. Enjoy!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.




Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

--- Slow News Week ---

It was a quiet week on the announcements front, with nothing more than a 
few outage notifications being sent to the primary Fedora announcements 
mailing lists.

Your correspondent promises to make an announcement this week, so that 
this space may be used to its full potential in next week's issue.

--- Upcoming Events ---

2009-02-20: Fedora Activity Day @ SCaLE[1]

2009-02-20 - 2009-02-22: Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE)[2]

Also, people are encouraged to register for Fedora or JBoss.org related 
speaking slots at LinuxTag 2009.[3]

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Activity_Day_at_SCaLE_7x
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCaLE_7x_Event
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_Berlin_and_LinuxTag_2009_talks

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

--- Activism Alert ---

Oron Peled wrote[1] about a proposed new IETF standard for "Transport 
Layer Security (TLS) Authorization Extensions" which may be 
patent-encumbered before it is even approved.

Paul W. Frields appealed[2] for prior art against a patent that covers a 
user interface that has multiple workspaces (filed 1987-03-25).

--- General ---

Dave Jones announced[3] some changes to the Fedora kernel packaging "to 
drop the regular 686 kernels. As of Fedora 11, the only 32-bit kernels 
built are '586' and '686-PAE' (and their -debug variants)."

Lennart Poettering described[4] some of the new changes in the latest 
PulseAudio 0.9.15 release, including Flat Volumes, On-the-fly 
Reconfiguration of Devices (aka "S/PDIF Support"), Native support for 
24bit samples and support for Airport Express.

David Nalley wrote[5] about the Fedora Ambassadors giving away free XO 
laptops! To qualify, either "Package and maintain a sugar-* package for 
2 releases or more" or "Build a Sugar activity that helps meet the 'holy 
list of 4th grade maths[6]'".

Andrew Overholt announced[7] the release of the Linux Tools project for 
Eclipse. The release has lots of features from profiling and tracing 
with SystemTap to autoconf and RPM spec file editor (with autocomplete) 

Jef Spaleta expressed[8] mild excitement at Canonical's "Renewed focus 
on suspend resume". In a later post, he wrote[9] about comparing Linux 
(and even OSX) user experiences with respect to functionality 
regressions after an update.

Seth Vidal mused[10] on the fact that a poster on Planet Gnome[11] had 
said that "Fedora is held to a higher standard" than certain other 

Harish Pillay reacted[12] to an IDC report claiming "Proprietary 
software products are much better documented than open source because 

Fedora Weekly News #164

2009-02-23 Thread Pascal Calarco

Fedora Weekly News Issue 164

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 164 for the week ending February 
22nd, 2009.


This week Announcements showcases Fedora Unity respins of Fedora 10, 
PlanetFedora selects some great blog entries on how to tag audio streams 
in PulseAudio and use func, QualityAssurance explains how to participate 
in test days, Developments covers the "Fedora 11 Mass Rebuild", 
Translations describes the new "L10n Infrastructure Team", Artwork 
covers some pretty "Evolving Fedora 11 Artwork" and Virtualization 
examines attempts to bridge the gap between libvirt and host network 
interface configuration.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.




Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

--- General ---

Your faithful correspondent announced[1] that this year's European 
FUDCon will be held in Berlin from June 26 - 28, overlapping partially 
with LinuxTag. Everyone is encouraged to read the full announcement and 
to register[2] for the event.

Ben Williams, whose wife knits incredible scarves with Tux on them, 
announced[3] that a new set of Fedora 10 respins have been released by 
the Fedora Unity[4] team, containing all updates through February 10.


Jesse Keating reminded[5] the community that "due to a number of 
features, every package in Fedora 11 needs to be rebuilt." A wiki 
page[6] has been created that package maintainers should look to for 
more information.

Peter Gordon announced[7] that an update to rb_libtorrent includes a 
soname bump that impacts other packages.

--- Upcoming Events ---

February 27 - March 1: FOSSMeet @ NITC[8] in Calicut, India.

February 28: Fedora Round Table[9] in Karlsruhe, Germany.

March 5-7: Computer Using Educators[10] in Palm Springs, CA.

March 9: Florida Linux Show[11] in Jacksonville, FL.

March 10-12: FOSE[12] in Washington, DC.

March 13-15: Chemnitzer Linux Tage[13] in Chemnitz, Germany.

--- FUDCon Berlin 2009 ---

FUDCon Berlin[14] will be held from June 26 - 28 in Berlin, Germany.


   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009_attendees

   4. http://fedoraunity.org

   6. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild

   8. http://nitc.fossmeet.in/
   9. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/FRT
  10. http://www.cue.org/conference/
  11. http://floridalinuxshow.com/
  12. http://fose.com/
  13. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/CLT
  14. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDConBerlin2009

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

--- General ---

Michael DeHaan discussed[1] various Linux system configuration applets 
and some ideas how to unify/integrate them. On an unrelated note, he 
also wrote[2] about HTML Slidey[3]: Slide Shows in XHTML.

Gary Benson announced[4] that Zero has passed the Java SE 6 TCK, which 
means that OpenJDK in Fedora 10 for 32 and 64 bit PowerPC-based systems 
are now pretty much guaranteed to run anything you can throw at them.

Daniel Walsh explained[5],[6] some SELinux history, voodoo and how to 
rebuild bits of the policy RPMs.

Jeremy Katz reviewed[7] the book Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug and 
how that applies to web usability.

Red Hat Magazine[8] spotlighted[9] Func, which "makes it easy to write 
commands across large numbers of machines remotely and securely".

Ankur Sinha wrote[10] an article about the history of Fedora and its 
four core values.

Jef Spaleta wondered[11] how popular Git was, and found some interesting 
statistics from GitHub. He also discovered that apparently some[12] 
Canonical developers (the kernel folks) do used Git instead of Bzr.

Roland Wolters announced[13] that RPM Fusion[14] ("a merge of several 
former Fedora 3rd party repositories providing licence/patent 
problematic packages") has entered the testing state.

Ryan Lerch described[15] how to "Create a Lightbulb Icon that follows 
the tango! guidelines".

Jack Aboutb

Fedora Weekly News #165

2009-03-02 Thread Pascal Calarco

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 165 for the week ending March 1, 2009.


In this week's issue, in announcements we're reminded about this month's 
Fedora Board meeting and updates on the Fedora 11 feature freeze and 
updates on upcoming Fedora events. News from the Fedora Planet includes 
summer internship opportunities at Red Hat, an interview with Matt 
Domsch in Red Hat Magazine, and reports from Fedora events in Egypt and 
India. In Ambassador news, many reports from the recent Southern 
California Linux Expo (SCaLE) meeting, and another update from a Fedora 
install fest in Texas. In the QA beat, updates from Fedora 11 testing 
and weekly planning, as well as helping new contributors with the 
BugZapper team. Art work brings more updates on the Echo icon theme and 
Fedora 11. In security news, updates on this week's fixes for Fedora 9 
and 10, and ongoing conversation on the security of open and closed 
source systems. Finally, the issue wraps up with updates on Fedora 11 
virtualization features, dom0 kernel experimentation, and some Q&A on 
Libvirt, VirtIO, KVM, and Xen.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.




Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

---  General ---

The Fedora Board is having its monthly meeting on Tuesday March 3rd at 
1900 UTC on IRC[1].

* Join #fedora-board-meeting to see the Board's conversation. This 
channel is read-only for non-Board members.
* Join #fedora-board-public to discuss topics and post questions. 
This channel is read/write for everyone.

The moderator will direct questions from the #fedora-board-public 
channel to the Board members at #fedora-board-meeting. This should limit 
confusion and ensure our logs are useful to everyone.

--- Fedora 11 ---

The Fedora 11 feature freeze is coming this week[2]. Feature owners 
should update their feature's status[3] on the wiki before March 3rd, as 
the feature list will be sent to FESCo on March 6th for review.

Mass rebuilds of all packages are ongoing for Fedora 11[4]. Package 
maintainers should check[5] to see whether or not they own any packages 
that still need to be rebuilt.

Finally, we need to ensure that any hard-coded i386 architectures in 
spec files are fixed, or else the package runs the risk of not being 
built in the 32bit Rawhide repository[6].


   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/11/FeatureList

--- Upcoming Events ---

March 5-7: Computer Using Educators[1] in Palm Springs, CA.

March 9: Florida Linux Show[2] in Jacksonville, FL.

March 10-12: FOSE[3] in Washington, DC.

March 13-15: Chemnitzer Linux Tage[4] in Chemnitz, Germany.

   1.  http://www.cue.org/conference/
   2.  http://floridalinuxshow.com/
   3.  http://fose.com/
   4.  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/CLT

--- FUDCon Berlin 2009 ---

FUDCon Berlin[1] will be held from June 26 - 28 in Berlin, Germany.

   1.  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDConBerlin2009

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

--- General ---

Harish Pillay disected[1] an interview regarding Oracle's rebuild of CentOS.

Martin Sourada showed off[2] some Echo Icon Theme eye candy.

Jeremy Katz mused[3] on some ideas to make sharing Git repositories easier.

Daniel Walsh announced[4] a summer internship at Red Hat working on SELinux.

Jef Spaleta discussed[5] Canonical's methodology for determining its 
userbase size and relative contributions to upstream projects (compared 
to Red Hat and Fedora). Yaakov Nemoy suggested [6] that usage of the 
word "canonical" should be increased, starting with changes like 
renaming the "Fedora Packaging Guidelines" to the "Packaging Canon".

Abhishek Rane posted[7] a screenshot tour of KDE 4.2.

Joseph Smidt wrote[8] about the massive number of new Features that 
Fedora 11 is slated to contain.

Cole Robin

Fedora Weekly News #170

2009-04-06 Thread Pascal Calarco

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 170 for the week ending April 5, 2009.


In this week's issue, we're proud to include the Fedora Weekly webcomic 
by Nicu Buculei, who has been producing this regularly for some time. We 
think you will enjoy Nicu's art and humor. Other selected content includes:

* Detailed coverage in the announcements and infrastructure 
sections on the August 2008 Fedora security intrusion, and updates on 
the upcoming FUDCon Berlin.
* News from the Fedora Planet includes updates on the fourth grade 
math project for Sugar/OLPC, reviews of Songbird and Flock, amongst 
other birds of a feather.
* In the Developments beat, the mysteries of Fedora & OpenSolaris 
dual-boot is revealed.
* Translation: updates on F11 release note translations, and new 
members of the Fedora Localization Project
* An interview with three members of the Art Team in this week's 
Art Beat
* April Fools and the Conflicker worm, in this week's Security Week 

* Security updates for Fedora 9 and 10 over the past week
* Updates on the state of virtualization in Fedora, with a view 
towards F11 feature rollup

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[1]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

   1. ↑ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

--  Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project.




Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

---  Fedora Board ---

Paul Frields[1] reminded[2] the community that the Fedora Board will be 
"holding its monthly public meeting on Tuesday, 7 April 2009, at 1800 
UTC on IRC Freenode."

Join #fedora-board-meeting to see the Board's conversation.

Join #fedora-board-public to discuss topics and post questions. This 
channel is read/write for everyone.

Paul also mentioned a change in the procedure for the meeting. "We're 
trying something new (albeit in a minor way) in this meeting. The 
moderator will still be available to gather input from the 
#fedora-board-public channel, but will voice people, one at a time, in 
the queue in the #fedora-board-meeting channel."

---  Security ---

Paul Frields also issued[3] a detailed, and final report to the Fedora 
community regarding the August 2008 intrusion. Because of the detailed 
nature of the announcement, rather than summarize it here, your 
correspondent encourages people to read the full link.

   1. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Pfrields
   2. ↑ 
   3. ↑ 

---  Fedora 11 ---

Jesse Keating[1] announced[2] the release of Fedora 11 Beta on March 31. 
More details about this release will appear later in this week's FWN.

   1. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/JesseKeating
   2. ↑ 

---  FUDCon Berlin 2009 ---

Max Spevack[1] reminded[2] the community about FUDCon Berlin 2009[3], 
including registration[4], lodging[5], and speaking[6] opportunities.

   1. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MaxSpevack
   2. ↑ 

   3. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009
   4. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009_attendees
   5. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009_lodging
   6. ↑ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_Berlin_and_LinuxTag_2009_talks

---  Upcoming Events ---

April 15: NYLUG[1] in New York, New York, USA.

April 17-19: Summer Geek Camp 2[2] in Antipolo City, Phillipines.

April 18: BarCamp Rochester[3] in Rochester, New York, USA.

April 19-22: Red Hat EMEA Partner Summit[4] in Malta.

April 24-25: FLISOL, all over the LATAM region.

April 25: Trenton Computer Festival[5] in Trenton, New Jersey, USA.

April 25-26: Linux Fest Northwest[6] in Bellingham, Wasthington, USA.

   1. ↑ http://nylug.org/
   2. ↑ http://fedora.bluepoint.com.ph/index.php?entry=20090204000843
   3. ↑ http://barcamprochester.org/
   4. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Red_Hat_EMEA_Partner_Summit_2009
   5. ↑ http://tcf-nj.org/
   6. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuxFest_Northwest_%28LFNW%29_2009

--  Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.


Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

---  General ---

Silas Sewell wrote[1] a tutorial on using the Qpid implementation of The 
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AM

Fedora Weekly News 176

2009-05-18 Thread Pascal Calarco
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 176[1] for the week ending May 17th, 

In this week's content-rich issue, announcements brings us Fedora 
Activity Day (FAD) updates from Maylasia and the upcoming Berlin and 
Porto Alegre FUDCons, and several upcoming Fedora related eventsin 
Romania and Brazil. A sampling of the Fedora Planet reveals changes in 
IcedTea, Eclipse Linux Tools, detail on transitioning from rawhide to 
Fedora 11, amongst other jewels. In QA news, details from the recent 
iBus test days and many weekly meeting updates. In Developments, a 
broken dependency brouhaha flavored the fedora-devel list this week 
along with discussion of emacs add-ons for the Fedora Electronic Lab 
spin, and details on being excellent to one another on the list. In 
translation news, updates to Fedora 11 and news of inclusion of the 
specspo package in the upcoming release. The artwork team muses about 
wallpaper gallery developments and needs and final media art prep for 
F11. Nicu's Fedora webcomic postulates on the F11 pre-release queue, and 
we complete this week's melange with much news on the virtualization 
front from the lib-virt list.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Oisin Feeley, Huzaifa Sidhpurwala

   1. ↑ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue176
   2. ↑ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

   1. ↑ http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. ↑ http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 11 (Leonidas) ---

Oddly enough, there weren't any Fedora 11 announcements this week. The 
schedule[1] continues to list Tuesday, May 26 as the release date.

   1. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/11/Schedule

--- Fedora 12 (Rawhide) ---

The KDE Special Interest Group[1] has begun the process of bringing KDE 
4.3-beta1 into Fedora 12's Rawhide[2].

   1. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE
   2. ↑ 

--- Bugzilla ---

Some housekeeping in Bugzilla will take place[1] following the Fedora 11 
release. All Rawhide bugs will automatically be changed to Fedora 11 -- 
because the Rawhide under which those bugs will followed will have also 
changed into Fedora 11. Secondly, all Fedora 9 bugs will automatically 
receive a notice stating that there is only one month of support 
remaining for that release.

   1. ↑ 

--- FUDCons and FADs ---

This section previews upcoming Fedora Users & Developers Conferences, as 
well as upcoming Fedora Activity Days.

--  Fedora Activity Day Malaysia

Planning is underway for a Fedora Activity Day[1] in Malaysia at the end 
of May, contingent upon gathering together sufficient Fedora 
contributors to make such an event worthwhile. If you are in the area 
and are interested in attending or have some ideas on projects that 
could be worked on, see the wiki page[2] for more information.

   1. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD
   2. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Malaysia_May_2009

--- FUDCon Porto Alegre 2009 ---

FUDCon Porto Alegre[1] will take place June 24-27 in Brazil. About 30 
people have signed up so far, and we're hopeful for an attendance of 
over 100.

If you would like more information, and to sign up, please visit the 
wiki page.

   1. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:LATAM_2009

--- FUDCon Berlin 2009 ---

FUDCon Berlin[1] will be held from June 26-28, and we're getting close 
to crossing the 100-person-preregistered mark.

Don't forget to pre-register[2] for the event, and also to sign up for 
lodging[3] if you need it.

   1. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009
   2. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009_attendees
   3. ↑ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009_lodging

--- Upcoming Events ---

Consider attending or volunteering at an event near you!

May 22-23: eLiberatica[1] in Bucharest, Romania.

May 29-30: III ENSL e IV FSLBA[2] in Salvador, Brazil.

   1. ↑ http://www.eliberatica.ro/2009/
   2. ↑ https://wiki.softwarelivre.org/Festival4

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

   1. ↑ http://planet.fedoraproject.org

--- General ---

Deepak Bhole joined the blogging world (welcome!) by explaining[1] 
changes that the IcedTea Java web browser Plugin will be undergoing in 
order to continue functioning after some ancient APIs (LiveConnect and 
OJI) are removed fr

Fedora Weekly News 178

2009-06-01 Thread Pascal Calarco

Fedora Weekly News Issue 178

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 178[1] for the week ending May 31st, 

We have a couple changes of note this week. Oisin Feeley, who has been 
on the editorial team for FWN and writer for the Development section, is 
leaving FWN for an extended time period due to other commitments. We 
will miss him and hope to have him back at some time. Adam Williamson, 
who currently also writes the wonderful QA beat, joins the editorial 
team at FWN -- welcome Adam!

This week's issue starts off with some poetry on next week's expected 
Fedora 11 release, and much activity on upcoming Fedora activity days, 
dev cons, and events. In news from the Fedora Planet, we learn about 
SELinux sandbox, an overview on virtualization features in F11, several 
musings on aspects of open source projects/communities, and a feature 
interview with Fedora Project leader Paul W. Frields. The Quality 
Assurance beat details the QA weekly meeting leading up to F11 next 
week, F11 FAQ work, and release candidate testing detail. Development 
asks whether gNaughty is indeed a Hot Babe, detail on getting graphics 
support working for the Fedora Live USB with the Chrome9 Vx800 GPU, and 
suggestions on upgrading to F11 via yum. In Translation news, upcoming 
F11 website translation details and a new member of the Romanian 
translation team. This issue is rounded out with an overview of the 
security advisories for Fedora 9 and 10 this past week. Enjoy this issue 
and get ready for Fedora 11 a week from tomorrow!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue178
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 11 (Leonidas) ---

This week's Fedora 11 announcements come with apologies to William 
Butler Yeats[1].

Somewhere in the build systems of Fedora,
A shape with lion body and the name of a Greek king,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the impatient downloaders.
The schedule slips again[2]; but now I know
That 6 months of stony sleep
Were vexed to release by Jesse Keating,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards June 9th to be born?

   1. http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Second_Coming

--- Fedora Board ---

The Fedora Board's next public IRC meeting will be held on Thursday June 
4th, at 1700 UTC[1].

Join[2] #fedora-board-meeting to see the Board's conversation, and join 
#fedora-board-questions to discuss topics and post questions.


   2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate#IRC

--- FUDCons and FADs ---

This section previews upcoming Fedora Users & Developers Conferences, as 
well as upcoming Fedora Activity Days.

-- Fedora Activity Days: Malaysia and Rheinfelden

At press time, two Fedora Activity Days[1] were wrapping up, one in 
Malaysia[2] and one in Germany[3] for more information. See Max 
Spevack's blog[4] for more information.

   1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD
   2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Malaysia_May_2009
   3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Rheinfelden
   4. http://spevack.livejournal.com/81179.html

--- Fedora Activity Day: Development Cycle ---

In North America, Jesse Keating announced[1] an upcoming Fedora Activity 
Day[2] "for maintainers, QA, and release engineering folks to meet and 
discuss ongoing issues with the Fedora Development Cycle and to create a 
proposal on how to fix many of the issues. Note, this is not an event to 
decide on a solution, it is an event to decide on a proposal, which will 
then be shared with the whole community for more input and work."


 FUDCon Porto Alegre 2009 

FUDCon Porto Alegre[1] will take place June 24-27 in Brazil. About 30 
people have signed up so far, and we're hopeful for an attendance of 
over 100.

If you would like more information, please visit the wiki page.

   1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:LATAM_2009

 FUDCon Berlin 2009 

FUDCon Berlin[1] will be held from June 26-28, and we're got almost 120 
people pre-registered for the event.

If you would like more information, please visit the wiki page.


Fedora Weekly News 179

2009-06-08 Thread Pascal Calarco
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 179[1] for the week ending June 7, 2009.

In this, the issue immediately prior to the impending release of Fedora 11, we 
have a fine bevy of news for you. Fedora elections are open for voting in the 
various positions, please participate if you are eligible. John Polestra has 
also been elected to the Fedora Board for a two release term. From around the 
Fedora Planet, Fedora 11 podcasts, details on fingerprint authentication in 
F11, and thoughts on ensuring Fedora teams sustainability from Fedora leader 
Paul W. Frields. In Ambassadors, a reminder to please send in news about 
upcoming Fedora events in your area. In QA news, details on this past weekly 
meeting, deeply focused in pre-Fedora 11 final testing and pre-upgrade status. 
In the Translation beat, the release notes for Fedora 11 have been completed 
and are ready for translation rebuild after the Fedora 11 Release Announcement. 
The Fedora Localization Project welcomed new contributors for Latvian and 
Russian, Chinese, Italian, traditional Chinese and Korean and Spa
 nish this past week! The Fedora Design team is already thinking about Fedora 
12 'themeability' of some of the proposed codenames for F12. Also some great 
artwork for an upcoming FUDCon in Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil. In Security news, 
details on .ORG becoming the first top-level domain to sign their zone with 
DNSSEC and implications for other domains. Our issue this week rounds up with 
news from virtualization teams, including updates on libvirt 0.6.4, thoughts of 
virtualization features for Fedora 12, and much more. Enjoy!

We are still looking for several writers to take up dormant beats in Fedora 
development, OLPC, and other potential areas. If you are interested in 
contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 'join' page[2]. We welcome 
reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue179
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 11 (Leonidas) ---

Fedora 11 is coming on Tuesday June 9. Check out the tour[1].

Rawhide has officially moved to Fedora 12 content[2].

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_tour

--- Elections ---

By the time you are reading this, the current round of Fedora elections will be 
taking place. All the information[1] that you need for voting is included in 
the reference link.


 Fedora Board 

John Poelstra[1] has been appointed to the Fedora Board, for a two-release 
term. Paul Frields[2] wrote[3], "Many of our contributors know John from his 
work in many capacities around the Project, from work with the Fedora Bug 
Zappers, maintaining our release schedule, and facilitating meetings for many 
of our community teams. He will bring a unique perspective and experience to 
our team."

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Poelstra
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Pfrields

--- FUDCons and FADs ---

This section previews upcoming Fedora Users & Developers Conferences, as well 
as upcoming Fedora Activity Days.

 Fedora Activity Day: Development Cycle 

In North America, Jesse Keating announced[1] an upcoming Fedora Activity Day[2] 
"for maintainers, QA, and release engineering folks to meet and discuss ongoing 
issues with the Fedora Development Cycle and to create a proposal on how to fix 
many of the issues. Note, this is not an event to decide on a solution, it is 
an event to decide on a proposal, which will then be shared with the whole 
community for more input and work."


 FUDCon Porto Alegre 2009 

FUDCon Porto Alegre[1] will take place June 24-27 in Brazil. About 30 people 
have signed up so far, and we're hopeful for an attendance of over 100.

If you would like more information, please visit the wiki page.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:LATAM_2009

 FUDCon Berlin 2009 

FUDCon Berlin[1] will be held from June 26-28, and we're got over 130 people 
pre-registered for the event.

If you would like more information, please visit the wiki page.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009

--- Upcoming Events ---

Consider attending or vol

Fedora Weekly News 180

2009-06-15 Thread Pascal Calarco
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 180[1] for the week ending June 14, 

In this week's issue, we open with useful links announcing the 
'hot-off-the-bitpress' Fedora 11 (Leonidas) release, and also reminders 
about voting for the code name for Fedora 12 and other Fedora elections. 
There are many FUDCons, FADs and other Fedora events, helpfully listed 
as well. From Planet Fedora, two interesting samples: news from Fedora 
blogs and contributors including an interview with Eric Sandeen about 
ext4, linux filesystems and Fedora 11, and rave reviews on Presto, 
Fedora 11's enhanced DeltaRPM service that can be configured. In the 
Quality Assurance beat, review of the Bugzappers weekly meeting and 
changes this will have to triage work, as well as availability of a set 
of Fedora 11 delta ISO images. In Translation news, announcement of new 
localization team members for Norwegian and Arabic, and reports on work 
to convert the Translation Quick Start Guide (TQSG) to a format usable 
by Publican. In Design team news, detail on the recent discussion to 
potentially redesign the fedoraproject.org homepage, and summary of a 
heated debate over distribution branding in general and spins in 
particular. The 20 year-old hacker e-zine, Phrack 66, is noted in the 
Security Week beat along with a Firefox security update, and in 
virtualization news, details on how to add a custom-built vm to 
virt-manager, and discussion about how to restrict VNC to specific VMs 
per guest. We finish this week's issue off with AskFedora, which answers 
general questions posed by the community. In this installment, find out 
what Fedora's official policy on Mono is. Read on, and enjoy!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue180
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 11 (Leonidas) ---

This week brought the official release of Fedora 11, complete with 
release announcement[1] and third-party repos[2].

Check out the Fedora 11 tour[3] for more information about features and 

Similarly, as Fedora 9 moves closer to its end-of-life, no new Fedora 9 
CVS branches are allowed[4].


   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_tour

--- Elections ---

The current round of Fedora elections is currently taking place. All the 
information[1] that you need for voting is included in the reference link.


--- FUDCons and FADs ---

This section previews upcoming Fedora Users & Developers Conferences, as 
well as upcoming Fedora Activity Days.

 Fedora Activity Day: Southeast Linuxfest 

A Fedora Activity Day focused on documentation[1] will accompany 
Southeast Linuxfest this weekend (June 14th).

About 10 people will be participating, and a variety of activities are 
planned, with more details available by following the reference link.

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_SELF

 FUDCon Porto Alegre 2009 

FUDCon Porto Alegre[1] will take place June 24-27 in Brazil. About 30 
people have signed up so far, and we're hopeful for an attendance of 
over 100.

If you would like more information, please visit the wiki page.

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:LATAM_2009

 FUDCon Berlin 2009 

FUDCon Berlin[1] will be held from June 26-28, and we're got almost 150 
people pre-registered for the event.

If you would like more information, please visit the wiki page.

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009

 Upcoming Events 

Consider attending or volunteering at an event near you!

June 13: Southeast Linuxfest[1] in Clemson, South Carolina.

June 14: Docs FAD @ Southeast Linuxfest[2] in Clemson, South Carolina

June 17-19: Open Source Bridge[3] in Portland, Oregon.

June 24-27: FUDCon Porto Alegre[4] in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

June 24-27: LinuxTag[5] in Berlin, Germany.

June 26-28: FUDCon Berlin[6] in Berlin, Germany.

   1. http://southeastlinuxfest.org/
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_SELF
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSBRIDGE_2009
   4. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDConLATAM2009
   5. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuxTag2009
   6. htt

Fedora Weekly News 181

2009-06-22 Thread Pascal Calarco
Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 181[1] for the week ending June 21, 

Here are a few highlights from this week's issue. Announcements starts 
us off with a reminder that Fedora 9 end-of-life is July 10, and an 
update from the Fonts SIG, including many Fedora 11 items, along with 
coverage of the Fedora Activity Day recently held. From the Fedora 
Planet, details on a new Fedora Community Portal that opened to much 
excitement. The QA beat turns its sights to Fedora 12, with details on 
schedule, installer and rawhide testing plans. In Fedora Ambassador, 
news on the SouthEast Linux Fest last week in Clemson, SC. Translation 
news brings us word of many new members to the localization project, and 
translation updates for Fedora web for Dutch and Hebrew. The Artwork & 
Design beat completes the issue with coverage of discussion on Fedora 12 

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue181
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 9 (Sulphur) ---

The end-of-life for Fedora 9 has been set for Friday, July 10.[1]

After this date, no builds will be allowed in Koji, and no further 
updates will be pushed.


--- Fonts Special Interest Group ---

Nicolas Mailhot[1] posted a fantastic status report[2] about all of the 
recent happenings in the Fonts SIG[3].

Some of the Fedora 11-related highlights include automatic font 
installation[4] courtesy of PackageKit, as well as updates to the fonts 
packaging guidelines, and re-packaging of many fonts as a result.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Nim

   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Fonts_SIG
   4.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/AutomaticFontInstallation

--- FUDCons and FADs ---

This section previews upcoming Fedora Users & Developers Conferences, as 
well as upcoming Fedora Activity Days.

-- FUDCon Porto Alegre 2009

FUDCon Porto Alegre[1] will take place June 24-27 in Brazil. About 35 
people have signed up so far.

If you would like more information, please visit the wiki page.

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:LATAM_2009

--- FUDCon Berlin 2009 ---

FUDCon Berlin[1] will be held from June 26-28, and we're got almost 150 
people pre-registered for the event.

If you would like more information, please visit the wiki page.

If you have not yet acquired your e-ticket, find instructions here.[2]

--- Fedora Activity Day Fedora Development Cycle 2009 ---

A Fedora Activity Day (FAD) was held June 8-10 at Red Hat's campus in 
Raleigh, NC to refine the development cycle for the coming year. More 
detail and discussion logs are available[3]

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Berlin_2009

--- Upcoming Events ---

Consider attending or volunteering at an event near you!

* North America (NA)[1]
* Central & South America (LATAM)[2]
* Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
* India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]


-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

   1.  http://planet.fedoraproject.org

--- Community Portal ---

The new Fedora Community Portal[1] has been opened! A number of Planet 
bloggers have posted[2][3][4] about this with great excitement. No more 

   1.  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/community/
   2.  http://blogs.gnome.org/dcbw/2009/06/11/fedora-11-is-out/
   3.  http://marilyn.frields.org:8080/~paul/wordpress/?p=2545
   4.  http://mairin.wordpress.com/2009/06/11/no-more-paintain/
   5.  http://mairin.wordpress.com/2009/06/11/what-does-paintain-mean/

--- General ---

Chitlesh Goorah explained[1] how to use the newly-packaged MinGW 
cross-compiler suite in Fedora 11, by cross-compil

Fedora Weekly News 182

2009-06-29 Thread Pascal Calarco

* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 182
  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Fedora Elections
+ 1.1.2 Fedora 12 (Constantine)
+ 1.1.3 Upcoming Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
+ 1.2.2 FUDCon
  o 1.3 Ambassadors
+ 1.3.1 Release event in Naples
+ 1.3.2 Get the word out about your F11 event
  o 1.4 QualityAssurance
+ 1.4.1 Test Days
+ 1.4.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.4.3 Test Day shepherding SOP draft
+ 1.4.4 Improvement of debugging procedure pages
  o 1.5 Artwork
+ 1.5.1 Theming Constantine
  o 1.6 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.1 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.2 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.3 Fedora 9 Security Advisories
  o 1.7 Virtualization
+ 1.7.1 Enterprise Management Tools List
  # Remote virt-manager VM Wizard
+ 1.7.2 Fedora Virtualization List
  # F12 Feature: Host Information
  # libguestfs Super-minimized Appliance
  # A guest fish in the pipes
+ 1.7.3 Libvirt List
  # Safe PCI Device Passthrough
  # VMware ESX driver status update

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 182 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 182[1] for the week ending June 28, 

Here are a few highlights from this week's issue. By request, we've 
returned to including the contents at the top of the issue.  Please let 
us know what you think!  Announcements starts us off with updates on 
recent Fedora elections. Hot on the heels of the release of Fedora 11, 
the codename for Fedora 12 has already been chosen -- read inside for 
details. From the Fedora Planet, lots of great updates from the recent 
FUDCon in Berlin, as well as many updates from Fedora contributors. In 
Ambassador news, details from the recent Fedora 11 launch party from the 
NaLUG (Napoli GNU/Linux Users Group). In Quality Assurance news, many 
updates on Fedora 12 development, including discussion of improving 
debugging procedure pages, rawhide acceptance plan, bugzapper updates, 
and much more. Much interesting discussion in the Design beat this week 
on thinking around themes for Fedora 12 based on the release name. In 
Security Advisories, we're brought up to date with this week's software 
patches for Fedora 9, 10 and 11. This week's issue rounds out with 
updates from virtualization activities, with detail work on a libguestfs 
'Super-minimized Appliance', VMWare ESX driver status, and much more! Enjoy!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. ↑ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue182
   2. ↑ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

   1. ↑ http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. ↑ http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. ↑ http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora Elections ---

Tom Callaway, Mike McGrath, and Dennis Gilmore were elected to the 
Fedora Board[1].

Bill Nottingham, Seth Vidal, Kevin Fenzi, Kevin Kofler, and Dennis 
Gilmore were elected[2] to the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

   1. ↑ 
   2. ↑ 

--- Fedora 12 (Constantine) ---

The code name for Fedora 12 is "Constantine"[1].

   1. ↑ 

--- Upcoming Events ---

Consider attending or volunteering at an event near you!

* North America (NA)[1]
* Central & South America (LATAM)[2]
* Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
* India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]

   1. ↑ 
   2. ↑ 
   3. ↑ 
   4. ↑ 

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

   1. ↑ http://planet.fedoraproject.org

--- General ---

Joseph Smidt requested[1] that all Linux distributions report bugs 
upstream: "Now, as

Fedora Weekly News 183

2009-07-06 Thread Pascal Calarco
1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 183
1.1 Announcements
1.1.1 Fedora Elections
1.1.2 Upcoming Events
1.2 Planet Fedora
1.2.1 General
1.3 QualityAssurance
1.3.1 Test Days
1.3.2 Weekly meetings
1.3.3 Test Day survey results
1.4 Artwork
1.4.1 New Request System for the Design Team
1.4.2 A Custom Blog Aggregator
1.5 Security Advisories
1.5.1 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
1.5.2 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
1.5.3 Fedora 9 Security Advisories

-- Fedora Weekly News Issue 183 --

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 183[1] for the week ending July 5, 2009.

Here are a few highlights from this week's issue. This week is a lighter issue 
as many of our writers are enjoying some vacation. In announcements, news that 
Josh Boyer has been appointed to the final Fedora Board seat. From the Fedora 
Planet, photo collections from the recent FUDCon Berlin, installing Fedora 
alongside Vista, and much more. In Quality Assurance news, details on the 
upcoming Fit and Finish project focusing on display configuration, more details 
on the AutoQA activities with rawhide, bugzappers weekly log, and more. In 
Design news, a new ticketed request system for Ambassadors' request to the 
design team, and details on a new custom blog aggregator, to create a .planet 
file just for the Art team. This week's issue completes with security advisory 
roundup for Fedora 9, 10, and 11. Enjoy this week's issue!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 
'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: 

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson


--- Announcements ---

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack


 Fedora Elections 

Last week, we announced that Tom Callaway, Mike McGrath, and Dennis Gilmore 
were elected to the Fedora Board[1].

This week, Paul Frields announced that Josh Boyer had been appointed to fill 
the final open Fedora Board seat. Said Frields, "Josh is well known around the 
Fedora community for his work with release engineering and many other 
development-oriented groups, as well as his past work with FESCo and as a 
maintainer of Fedora on PPC architecture."

As we reported last week, Bill Nottingham, Seth Vidal, Kevin Fenzi, Kevin 
Kofler, and Dennis Gilmore were elected[2] to the Fedora Engineering Steering 


 Upcoming Events 

Consider attending or volunteering at an event near you!

North America (NA)[1]
Central & South America (LATAM)[2]
Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]


--- Planet Fedora ---

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an aggregation 
of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin



FUDCon wound to a close, and Nicu Buceli and Joerg Simon posted[1][2] some 
goodbye photos.

Daniel Walsh asked[3] (but more importantly, answered) the question "How do I 
tell if an access was added in the latest policy release?" using the sesearch 
and audit2why tools from SELinux.

Dave Jones suggested[4] that unreleased kernels could use some extra testing 
love. "Producing RPM builds of the rawhide kernel for our already released 
Fedoras...What I’m toying with doing is some devel kernels for Fedora 11 that 
are built outside of the Fedora build system."

John Babich explained[5] how to install Fedora along-side Vista.

Adam Williamson described[6] the new policies around the "severity" and 
"priority" fields in Fedora's Bugzilla. Additionally, Adam has been working "to 
improve and create pages dedicated to explaining how to debug issues in 
particular components, and how to provide appropriate information when filing 
bugs on those components" as well as a project called Fit and Finish[7] "to 
work on the small details that make a polished desktop experience."

Adam John Miller wrote[8] about Firefox and "The progression of popularity and 
the stigma of the Geek." The post covers the evolution of Netscape to

Fedora Weekly News 185

2009-07-20 Thread Pascal Calarco

* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 185
  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Fedora 12 (Constantine)
+ 1.1.2 Upcoming Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
  o 1.3 Ambassadors
+ 1.3.1 Event in Tripura, India
+ 1.3.2 Get on the map
+ 1.3.3 Get the word out about your F11 event
  o 1.4 QualityAssurance
+ 1.4.1 Test Days
+ 1.4.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.4.3 F12 Alpha blocker bug review meeting
+ 1.4.4 Updated list of components for priority triage
+ 1.4.5 Xfce spin testing
+ 1.4.6 What to do with Fedora 11 target bugs
+ 1.4.7 QA meeting time/date adjustment
+ 1.4.8 Anaconda triage project progress
+ 1.4.9 Bugzilla semantics debate
  o 1.5 Artwork
+ 1.5.1 Schedule for Fedora 12
+ 1.5.2 Wallpapers
  o 1.6 Virtualization
+ 1.6.1 Enterprise Management Tools List
  # Good Bye to ET-Mgmt-Tools List
+ 1.6.2 Fedora Virtualization List
  # Virtual Machine Disk Setup Tips
+ 1.6.3 Libguestfs List
  # New Release libguestfs 1.0.59
  # New Hypervisor Migration Tool virt-v2v
+ 1.6.4 Libvirt List
  # Split RPC Dispatching from Remote API 

  # Allow QEMU VMs to be Run Unprivileged
  # cgroups Support in QEMU Driver
  # Experimental Tunnelled Migration

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 185 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 185[1] for the week ending July 19, 

Highlights from this week's issue include an overview of feature details 
for Fedora 12 (Constantine) in our Announcements beat, followed by news 
from all over the Fedora Planet, including instructions on how to 
install Chromium (the open source version of Google's Chrome browser) on 
Fedora, thoughts on the Association for Competitive Technology's recent 
accusations against the European Commission "of having a bias in favor 
of open source", and a review of Hannah Montana Linux, along with much 
more. This week's Ambassadors beat features an event report from 
Tripura, India and highlights the worldwide Fedora Ambassador map -- 
find your closest Ambassadors! The Quality Assurance beat features 
details on the second upcoming Fit and Finish Test Day, to focus on 
power management and suspend/resume in Fedora with opportunities to 
participate in the testing. Also a review of this past week's meetings, 
Fedora 12 bug blocker review and Fedora 11 bug triage. The Art beat this 
week features details on the Fedora 12 design schedule and also more 
detail on wallpaper development that FWN has reported on in recent 
weeks. This week's issue rounds out with much Fedora virtualization news 
goodness, including details on transition from the Enterprise Management 
Tools lists, some very helpful Fedora virtual machine disk setup tips, 
and details of new versions of libguestfs and virt-v2v. This is but a 
sampling of this week's content and we hope you enjoy this week's issue!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: 
fedora-news-l...@redhat.com The Fedora News team is collaborating with 
Marketing and Docs to come up with a new exciting platform for 
disseminating news and views on Fedora, tentatively called Fedora 
Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and let us know how 
you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue185
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 12 (Constantine) ---

The main topic on the announcement lists this past week was Fedora 12's 
feature process. John Poelstra[1] sent out several emails about features.

An initial note[2] was sent on July 14th listing feature pages that were 
in need of an update, and that list included 15 features.

On July 16th, a second email was sent, requesting that the Fedora 
Engineering Steering Committee drop the features[3] that had not been 
updated. The list of 15 had by this point been narrowed down to only 5, 
meaning that 2/3 of the features were updated as requested. By July 
17th, all but 3 of the 15 features had been updated[4].


Fedora Weekly News 186

2009-07-27 Thread Pascal Calarco

 * 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 186
o 1.1 Planet Fedora
+ 1.1.1 General
+ 1.1.2 POSSE Roundup
o 1.2 QualityAssurance
+ 1.2.1 Test Days
+ 1.2.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.2.3 F12 Alpha blocker bug review meeting
+ 1.2.4 Xfce spin testing
+ 1.2.5 KDE QA tester request
+ 1.2.6 Bugzilla semantics debate
o 1.3 Translation
+ 1.3.1 F12 Translation Team Schedule Proposal
+ 1.3.2 Translation Quick Start Guide Updated
+ 1.3.3 Publican Version of Minor Fedora Documents Made Available
+ 1.3.4 New Members in FLP
o 1.4 Artwork
+ 1.4.1 Evaluating the Gallery
+ 1.4.2 A Small Icon Request
+ 1.4.3 Fedora 12 Theming Progress
o 1.5 Virtualization
+ 1.5.1 Fedora Virtualization List
# New Release libguestfs 1.0.64
# Swap Use in Guests
# Clustering libvirt Hosts
+ 1.5.2 Virtualization Tools List
# Virtual Machine Cloning
# Virt Manager UI Rework
# Support for Processor Affinity
# Virt What?

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 186 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 186[1] for the week ending July 26, 

In this week's issue, we begin with news from the Fedora Planet, 
including tips on running Fedora 11 on an Intel Mac, tethering Fedora 11 
to an iPhone, and another in the series of XI2 Recipes. Quality 
Assurance reports on last week's Fit and Finish test day on power 
management and suspend/resume, as well as much detail on QA-related 
weekly meetings. Translation brings us detail of the Fedora 12 
Translation Schedule, a new Translation Quick Start Guide, as well as 
new Publican version of some Fedora documentation In Artwork/Design 
news, testing details of the new gallery and an update on Fedora 12 
theming, amongst other topics. This issue rounds out with Fedora 
virtualization goodness, including details on new versions of 
libguestfs, virt-what and redesigns of the virt-manager UI, as well as 
details on how to cluster libvirt hosts. We hope you enjoy this week's FWN!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue186
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

1. http://planet.fedoraproject.org

--- General ---

Greg DeKoenigsberg responded[1] to slashdot[2] to correct what Nicholas 
Negroponte actually said regarding the Sugar UI and OLPC. "But what we 
did...was we had Sugar do the power management, we had Sugar do the 
wireless management -- it became sort of an omelet. The Bios talked 
directly with Sugar, so Sugar became a bit of a mess. It should have 
been much cleaner, like the way they offer [it] on a stick now."

Jef Spaleta was excited[3] by the news that all of Launchpad has finally 
been open sourced by Canonical.

Harish Pillay questioned[4] Microsoft's true motives behind contributing 
GPL patches to the Linux kernel. Martin Sourada quoted[5] Linus' 
response to the general feeling of hatred toward Microsoft in the Linux 

Daniel Walsh explained[6] how the SELinux "unconfined" domain works.

Peter Hutterer added[7] part 5 to the XI2 Recipes series, explaining 
"grabs" and part 6[8], showing examples dealing with the client pointer.

Steven Moix provided[9] a few tips for natively running Fedora 11 on an 
Intel Mac.

Jesse Keating described[10] how to tether an iPhone to Fedora over 
bluetooth, for a truly wires-free internet experience.

1. http://gregdek.livejournal.com/52052.html

3. http://jspaleta.livejournal.com/45216.html
4. http://harishpillay.livejournal.com/162161.html
5. http://mso-chronicles.blogspot.com/2009/07/true-meaning-of-open.html
6. http://danwalsh.livejournal.com/30084.html
7. http://who-t.blogspot.com/2009/07/xi2-recipes-part-5.html
8. http://who-t.blogspot.com/2009/07/xi2-recipes-part-6.html

10. http://jkeating.livejournal.com/75270.html

--- POSSE Roundup ---

The Professors Open Source Summer Experience[1] just finished its Summer 
2009 session, and here is a roundup of some of the Planet posts from the 

* http://gregdek.livejournal.com/52300.html
* http://blog.melchua.com/2009/07/21/posse-monday-how-seneca-got-involved/

Fedora Weekly News 187

2009-08-03 Thread Pascal Calarco

* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 187
  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Fedora 12 (Constantine)
+ 1.1.2 Upcoming Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
  o 1.3 Ambassadors
+ 1.3.1 Fedora at the Congress of Free Software in 
Caracas, Venezuela

+ 1.3.2 Get on the map
+ 1.3.3 Get the word out about your F11 event
  o 1.4 Quality Assurance
+ 1.4.1 Test Days
+ 1.4.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.4.3 Benchmarking discussion
+ 1.4.4 Test Day live image creation
+ 1.4.5 Fedora 12 Alpha test compose delay
  o 1.5 Translation
+ 1.5.1 Docbook-locales Added to 
+ 1.5.2 Installation Quick Start Guide Added to 
+ 1.5.3 Fedora 12 Release Notes and Translation Team 
Schedule Discussion
+ 1.5.4 New Translated Builds for Translation Quick 
Start Guide

+ 1.5.5 Czech Version of Fedora 11 Release Notes Published
+ 1.5.6 New Members in FLP
  o 1.6 Artwork
+ 1.6.1 Theming Fedora 12 Alpha
+ 1.6.2 A Small Icon Request
+ 1.6.3 Laser Cut Logo
  o 1.7 Virtualization
+ 1.7.1 Fedora Virtualization List
  # Distributing I/O Load Among Guests
+ 1.7.2 Virtualization Tools List
  # New Release virt-manager 0.8.0
  # New Release virtinst 0.500.0
  # New Release virt-viewer 0.2.0

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 187[1] for the week ending August 2, 

This week's issue kicks off with updated details on the Fedora 12 
(Constantine) schedule, including an update on feature set scheduled for 
this week. From the Fedora Planet, tips on how to create your own system 
branding when building Fedora, lots of detail on debugging random screen 
blanking in Fedora, and thoughts on why to hate quick software 
benchmarking. From the Quality Assurance team, details from a discussion 
around Phoronix's Linux distribution benchmarking in relation to Fedora, 
fixes to the Test Day live image, and many updates on the weekly 
meetings related to QA. In Ambassador news, a report from the Congress 
of Free Software in Caracas, Venezuela and the Venezuela Fedora Team's 
presence there. In translation news, several updates to 
translation.fedoraproject.org, details on the Fedora 12 Translation 
schedule, and new translations for the Quick Start Guide in eighteen 
different languages. From the Art team, updates on theming Fedora 12 
Alpha and details on cutting the Fedora logo on a steel plate. This week 
issue comes to a finale with news on virtualization, including 
discussion of how to distribute I/O load across guests, and details on 
new releases of virt-manager, virtinst, and virt-viewer. These are just 
a few highlights of this week's FWN. Enjoy!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue187
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

--  Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

If anyone is interested in taking over this beat, please contact the 
Fedora News[4] team.

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events
   4.  http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-news-list

---  Fedora 12 (Constantine) ---

John Poelstra[1] has made several important announcements related to the 
ongoing development of Fedora 12.

On July 28th, John wrote[2] about the upcoming Fedora 12 schedule[3] 

The complete Fedora 12 schedule that John maintains is incredibly 
detailed and serves as a model for any group or project that is looking 
to produce results on a deadline.

On July 31st, a request for feature updates[4] landed. See the list 
included in the link. John wrote, "According to a review of all the 
feature pages, the following features have not been updated recently or 
are not 100% complete. Please update them no later than Wednesday, 
August 6, 2009."

   1.  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Poelstra

Fedora Weekly News 188

2009-08-10 Thread Pascal Calarco

* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 188
  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 General
+ 1.1.2 Fedora 12 (Constantine)
+ 1.1.3 Upcoming Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
  o 1.3 Marketing
+ 1.3.1 Marketing Meeting Log for 2009-07-04
+ 1.3.2 Marketing F12 schedule
+ 1.3.3 Fedora Insight
+ 1.3.4 Marketing leadership transition
  o 1.4 Translation
+ 1.4.1 New Module RHEL-comps Added to 
+ 1.4.2 FLP Representation in F-12 Alpha Release 
Readiness Meeting

+ 1.4.3 Priority of Fedora Documentation for Translation
+ 1.4.4 Proposal for Translation of docs.fedoraproject.org
+ 1.4.5 Transifex v0.7 to be Available Soon
+ 1.4.6 Translation of Multimedia menus for Fedora Studio
+ 1.4.7 Missing Translations for Policycoreutils-gui in 
Fedora 11

  o 1.5 Artwork
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 12 Wallpapers
+ 1.5.2 A Design Spin?
+ 1.5.3 Constantine Banners

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 188 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 188[1] for the week ending August 9, 

This week's issue begins with some detail on the recent Fedora Classroom 
events, and updates on Fedora 12 alpha. In news from the Fedora Planet, 
a multi-part series on OCaml internals, a few proposals for a new Fedora 
website design, and coverage of a session on Sanskrit and usage in 
computing. We're pleased to bring news from the Fedora Marketing team 
back to you with a new beat member, Mel Chua. In Marketing news, 
pointers to the latest team meeting log, details about Fedora Insight, 
and a transition of leadership on the Marketing Team. In Quality 
Assurance news, details of the upcoming Test Day on NetworkManager, many 
updates on the weekly meetings and availability of a new Xfce spin for 
testing. In Translation news, many updates on the progress to Fedora 12 
Alpha translation items, a proposal to translate some more pages from 
docs.fedoraproject.org and the landing of Transifex v0.7, a tool used by 
the localization teams. This week's issue rounds out with news from the 
Art/Design team, with more progress on Fedora 12 wallpapers for the F12 
Alpha release, and coverage of a discussion about a Design Spin on the 
Art Team discussion list. These are just a few highlights of this week's 
FWN. Enjoy!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue188
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

If anyone is interested in taking over this beat, please contact the 
Fedora News[4] team.

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events
   4.  http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-news-list

--- General ---

Luke Macken[1] announced[2] an update to the Fedora Community[3] 
codebase. The changes make Fedora Community able to process information 
from EPEL, and also provide a variety of other bugfixes and enhancements.

Kevin Fenzi[4] summarized[5] the recent Fedora Classroom sessions that 
have taken place. The classes have included introductions to rsync, to 
Koji (Fedora's build system), XFCE, and PreUpgrade. Fedora Classroom 
continues to be a wonderful source of information, and we encourage all 
Fedora users and contributors to either attend or teach a class.

   1.  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Lmacken

   3.  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/community
   4.  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kevin

--- Fedora 12 (Constantine) ---

Jesse Keating[1] announced the Fedora 12 Alpha freeze[2] on August 4th.

John Poelstra[3] continued the public announcements related to the 
finalizing of Fedora 12 features. This week, feature pages that had not 
been updated were flagged for review and potential dropping from the 
release[4]. If you are a Fedora 12 feature owner, you should check to 
make sure that your features are up to date.

   1.  https://fedoraprojec

Fedora Weekly News 189

2009-08-17 Thread Pascal Calarco

* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 189
  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Fedora 12 (Constantine)
+ 1.1.2 Upcoming Events
  o 1.2 Marketing
+ 1.2.1 Marketing Meeting Log for 2009-08-11
+ 1.2.2 Marketing F12 schedule available
+ 1.2.3 Deploying zikula for Fedora Insight
+ 1.2.4 Welcome to our new contributors
  o 1.3 Ambassadors
+ 1.3.1 Fedora 11 Release Events Contest winners announced
+ 1.3.2 Get on the map
+ 1.3.3 Get the word out about your F11 event
  o 1.4 QualityAssurance
+ 1.4.1 Test Days
+ 1.4.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.4.3 Fedora 12 Alpha blocker bug reviews
  o 1.5 Translation
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 12 Schedule for Translation and 
Documentation Updated

+ 1.5.2 TQSG Pushed for 4 Languages
  o 1.6 Artwork
+ 1.6.1 Meeting Summary
+ 1.6.2 The Art Studio Spin
+ 1.6.3 Source Control for Fedora Themes
  o 1.7 Virtualization
+ 1.7.1 Fedora Xen List
  # New Upstream Xen Release
  # Updated Dom0 Test Kernel
+ 1.7.2 Libguestfs List
  # New Release libguestfs 1.0.67
+ 1.7.3 Libvirt List
  # New Release libvirt 0.7.0

-  Fedora Weekly News Issue 189 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 189[1] for the week ending August 
16, 2009.

In this week's issue, an update on the progress of Fedora 12 
(Constantine) Alpha release gets us started in Announcements. Our 
Marketing beat is offered by a new beat writer, Chaitanya Mehandru, who 
reports on the latest happenings with the Marketing Team, including an 
update on zikula deployment for Fedora Insight. In Ambassador news, an 
announcement of the three winners of the Fedora 11 release events 
contest, from three different regions of the globe. Quality Assurance 
offers detail on several past and upcoming Test Days and weekly 
meetings, and updates on Fedora 12 bug blockers. In news from the 
Translation Team this week, updates on the Fedora 12 release schedule as 
it pertains to translation and documentation, and announcement of the 
Translation Quick Start Guide in Russian, Polish, Dutch and Brazilian 
Portuguese. The Art/Design Team beat this week leads with a summary of 
discussion on the Fedora 12 theme meeting, followed by a report on the 
initial work in creating an Art Studio Fedora spin and rounds out with a 
discussion on the need for source control for Fedora Themes. Our issue 
rounds out with updates from the various virtualization communities and 
teams, including the availability of new Xen packages for Fedora for 
testing, and details on libguestfs 1.0.67 and libvirt 0.7.0 and their 
new features.

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue189
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

--  Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Max Spevack

If anyone is interested in taking over this beat, please contact the 
Fedora News[4] team.

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events
   4.  http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-news-list

---  Fedora 12 (Constantine) ---

The only major news this week was the slip of Fedora 12 Alpha by one 
week[1]. Jesse Keating wrote, "This is due to remaining bugs on the 
F12Alpha tracker preventing creation of a release candidate and 
preventing testing of proposed fixes. We expect to be able to test/clear 
the list early this week, therefor only a week slip is needed at this 
time. The new Alpha release date August 25th."


---  Upcoming Events ---

Consider attending or volunteering at an event near you!

* North America (NA)[1]
* Central & South America (LATAM)[2]
* Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
* India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]


Fedora Weekly News 190

2009-08-24 Thread Pascal Calarco

  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Fedora 12 (Constantine)
+ 1.1.2 Announced FUDCon Toronto 2009
+ 1.1.3 Switch from OpenAL to OpenAL-Soft
+ 1.1.4 Upcoming Events
  o 1.2 Marketing
+ 1.2.1 Marketing Meeting Log for 2009-08-18
+ 1.2.2 Alpha readiness meeting
+ 1.2.3 Fedora Insight updates
  o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 NetworkManager Test Day report
+ 1.3.4 Alpha release candidates
+ 1.3.5 DeltaISOs for Alpha test builds
+ 1.3.6 Test Day live image creation guide updates
+ 1.3.7 Daily Rawhide live spins available
  o 1.4 Translation
+ 1.4.1 Updated Translation Schedule for Fedora 12
+ 1.4.2 Ticket Filed with FESCo for Test Packages
+ 1.4.3 Freeze Break for comps and initscripts
+ 1.4.4 New Members/Coordinators in FLP
  o 1.5 Artwork
+ 1.5.1 Design and the Schedule
+ 1.5.2 A New Icon Artist in the Team
  o 1.6 Virtualization
+ 1.6.1 Fedora Virtualization List
  # Fedora Virtualization Status
+ 1.6.2 Fedora Xen List
  # Dom0 Kernel Status

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 190 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 190[1] for the week ending August 
23, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

This issue kicks off with an announcement of the next FUDCon, to be held 
in Toronto, Canada, in early December, along with update on the Fedora 
12 release schedule. In Marketing news, Fedora Insight will be launched 
along with the Fedora 12 beta timeframe, and a test version of zikula is 
now available. Highlights from the most recent Test day and Fit and 
Finish meeting, along with much detail on work towards Fedora 12 is 
covered in the Quality Assurance beat. In Translation news, updates from 
the Fedora Localization Project, including new FLP members, freeze break 
requests for comps and initscripts, as well as updated Fedora 12 
translation schedule. In Art/Design news, coverage of recent discussion 
on design schedule, generally speaking. Also news of a new icon artist 
who has joined the Design team. Our issue rounds out with virtualization 
news, with updates on Fedora virtualization for Fedora 12, and also 
detail on recent discussion regarding the Dom0 kernel under Xen on 
Fedora 11. We hope you enjoy this issue of FWN!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue190
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 12 (Constantine) ---

The only major news this week was "Updated Fedora 12 Schedule--Final 
Release Date 2009-11-10"[1]. On another announcement, John Poelstra 
mentioned, "The Alpha Release of Fedora 12 is scheduled for public 
availability one week from today on Tuesday, August 25, 2009. As a 
result of our announcements around this release many journalists and 
other people curious to find out what's on the way for Fedora 12 will 
come to read your feature page."[2] The new Alpha release date is August 
25, 2009[3]."


   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/12/Schedule

--- Announced FUDCon Toronto 2009 ---

Fedora Project Leader Paul W. Frields has announced FUDCon Toronto 2009 
on December 5-7, 2009, in Toronto, Canada at the Seneca @York campus. In 
his announcement he says, "Thanks to the dedicated efforts of some of 
our ardent fans and friends in the Fedora community in the great nation 
of Canada, we are heading across the border for the next North American 
Fedora Users and Developers Conference (FUDCon)! The next FUDCon will 
happen December 5-7, 2009, in Toronto, Canada at the Seneca @York 


Fedora Weekly News 191

2009-08-31 Thread Pascal Calarco

 * 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 191
o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Fedora 12 (Constantine) Alpha Release
+ 1.1.2 Fedora 12 early branch now available
+ 1.1.3 Red Hat/Fedora/JBoss Developer conference in Brno, Czech Republic
+ 1.1.4 Upcoming Events
o 1.2 Marketing
+ 1.2.1 Marketing Meeting Log for 2009-08-25
+ 1.2.2 F12 Beta release
+ 1.2.3 Site Redesigns
+ 1.2.4 Fedora Insight updates
o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 ABRT Test Day report
o 1.4 Translation
+ 1.4.1 Transifex v0.7 'Pyro' Released
+ 1.4.2 New Modules for Translation
+ 1.4.3 String Freeze Break Request for desktop-effects
+ 1.4.4 Priority of Packages Available for Translation
+ 1.4.5 New Members in Fedora Localization Project
o 1.5 Artwork
+ 1.5.1 Alpha Banner
+ 1.5.2 Download Survey

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 191 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 191[1] for the week ending August 
30, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

We kick off this week's issue with the latest news on the Fedora 12 
Alpha release from this past Tuesday, as well as detail on the upcoming 
Red Hat/Fedora/JBoss conference in Brno, Czech Republic. News from the 
Marketing team includes logs of the recent weekly meeting, Fedora 12 
talking points development, and a Fedora Insight update. In Quality 
Assurance news, detail from last week's Test Day, on Dracut, and the 
next Test Day this week on Sugar on a Stick. Also much detail on this 
week's QA meetings, and reporting on the ABRT Test Day. In Translation 
news, detail on a new version of Transifex, and coverage of some 
discussion of the prioritization of packages available for translation. 
News from the Design team includes a new Fedora 12 Alpha banner and news 
on a Fedora survey aimed to improve the usability of the Fedora download 
pages. These are just a few items from this week's FWN!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue191
2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 12 (Constantine) Alpha Release ---

The breaking news of the week was "the Fedora 12 (Constantine) Alpha 
release" [1] on Tue, 25 Aug 2009. "What's an Alpha release? The Alpha 
release contains all the features of Fedora 12 in a form that anyone can 
help test.", says Fedora Release Engineering team leader Jesse Keating. 
On her brief announcement[2], she mentioned about the beta version of 
F12[3], the due date of the final release of Fedora 12, the top features 
for end users (i.e.: Better webcam support, Empathy as default IM 
client, GNOME 2.27.90 beta and KDE 4.3,Network Manager Mobile Broadband, 
Better Free Video Codec, PackageKit improvements, PulseAudio 
improvements, Better power management, etc [4]), and the release notes 
for further queries[5].

1. http://fedoraproject.org/get-prerelease

3. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/
4. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/12/FeatureList
5. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Alpha_release_notes

--- Fedora 12 early branch now available ---

"For those of you that wish to separate Fedora 12 stabalization work 
from future development, we are now ready to process branch requests for 
F-12." says Jesse Keating on Fedora development announcement[1]. To 
request a branch, please continue to use the cvsadmin request method[2].


2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/CVSAdminProcedure

--- Red Hat/Fedora/JBoss Developer conference in Brno, Czech Republic ---

Red Hat Brno office is organizing an open conference at Masaryk 
University in Brno, Czech Republic on September 10th and 11th[1]. Radek 
Vokál, Engineering Manager - Base Operating Systems Brno, has noted on 
his announcement, "Conference is bringing presentations and hackfest 
sessions/hands-on labs for skilled users, admins, Linux and Java 
developers. The list of presentations has several interesting topics, 
mostly covered be people directly involved in upstream development." 
While talking about the plan, he has said, "The

Fedora Weekly News 192

2009-09-07 Thread Pascal Calarco

  o 1.1 Announcements
  o 1.2 Fedora 12 (Constantine)
+ 1.2.1 The Fedora Project and IPv6
+ 1.2.2 Licensing policy for apps developed by Fedora 
Infrastructure now in effect

+ 1.2.3 Upcoming Events
  o 1.3 Planet Fedora
+ 1.3.1 General
  o 1.4 Marketing
+ 1.4.1 Marketing Meeting Log for 2009-09-01
+ 1.4.2 Release deliverables
+ 1.4.3 Briefing Ambassadors about F12
+ 1.4.4 Fedora Insight updates
+ 1.4.5 Marketing-fu++
+ 1.4.6 Marketing Research
+ 1.4.7 Fedora print magazine proposed
  o 1.5 Ambassadors
+ 1.5.1 Registration opens for Utah Open Source Conference
+ 1.5.2 Fedora at free software workshop at KLN Madurai
+ 1.5.3 Get on the map
+ 1.5.4 Get the word out about your F11 event
  o 1.6 QualityAssurance
+ 1.6.1 Test Days
+ 1.6.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.6.3 Zsync feasibility
+ 1.6.4 Installation testing SOP update
+ 1.6.5 Test Day summaries
+ 1.6.6 Mediawiki Semantic plugin testing
  o 1.7 Translation
+ 1.7.1 Transifex Version Upgrade on 
+ 1.7.2 Translations for Transifex Moved to 

+ 1.7.3 RPM Module Removed
+ 1.7.4 New Members in Fedora Localization Project
  o 1.8 Artwork
+ 1.8.1 A Chilean Logo
  o 1.9 Virtualization
+ 1.9.1 Fedora Virtualization List
  # KSM Tuning Service
  # Host Iptables Settings for Bridged Guests
+ 1.9.2 Fedora Xen List
  # Xen Domain0 Kernels

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 192 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 192[1] for the week ending September 
6, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

Our issue kicks off with announcements, including news that major 
segments of fedoraproject.org and the Fedora Project infrastructure now 
support IPv6, and details of a new licensing policy for apps developed 
by the Fedora infrastructure team. News from Planet Fedora is back in 
this issue, covering interesting posts and commentary from the Fedora 
blogosphere. In marketing news, coverage of the major marketing 
deliverables for releases, and how Fedora Ambassadors can assist with 
F12 marketing, along with an exciting proposal for a Fedora special 
issue of Linux Pro Magazine that is being considered. In Ambassador 
news, details on the upcoming Utah Open Source Conference and a report 
from a free software workshop at KLN Madurai. In Quality Assurance news, 
updates from recent Test Days and Fit and Finish test days, along with 
all the week's news of team meetings. The Translation beat provides us 
with various Transifex-related updates coming soon. In Design news, a 
request for a logo for a Fedora Chilean event. Our issue completes with 
a variety of virtualization-related news, including new Fedora 12 
features, and future developments to the Xen dom0 kernels. Enjoy FWN 192!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue192
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 12 (Constantine) ---

 The Fedora Project and IPv6 

The top news of the week was the Fedora Project and IPv6 by Fedora 
Infrastructure Lead and project coordinator Mike McGrath. Mike had 
announced [1] that as part of the constant effort toward supporting 
current and future standards, major segments of fedoraproject.org and 
the Fedora Project infrastructure now support IPv6. He also mentioned, 
"our self-hosted websites have already been converted, and we plan to 
include IPv6 GeoIP support in MirrorManager soon."

Mike extended special thanks to Matt Domsch from Dell and our friends at 
ibiblio.org for their invaluable assistance on behalf of the Fedora Project.


Fedora Weekly News 193

2009-09-14 Thread Pascal Calarco

   1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 193
 o 1.1 Announcements
   + 1.1.1 Fedora Board IRC Public meeting
   + 1.1.2 Help with Fedora Research
   + 1.1.3 New entry of Build F12 collection packages for 
all language translators' review and correction

   + 1.1.4 FUDCon Toronto 2009 update!
   + 1.1.5 Upcoming Events
 o 1.2 Planet Fedora
   + 1.2.1 General
 o 1.3 Marketing
   + 1.3.1 Marketing Meeting Log for 2009-09-01
   + 1.3.2 Call for F12 slogan ideas
   + 1.3.3 Passing on the Fedora print magazine proposal 
for the time being

   + 1.3.4 Fedora Insight update
   + 1.3.5 Help wanted: Getting Fedora in the news
   + 1.3.6 Fedora in the News
   + 1.3.7 Marketing HOWTO: Creating press releases
   + 1.3.8 Marketing Research
 o 1.4 QualityAssurance
   + 1.4.1 Test Days
   + 1.4.2 Weekly meetings
   + 1.4.3 Test Day live spin
 o 1.5 Translation
   + 1.5.1 Translation deadline and Review Package Build 

   + 1.5.2 Freeze Break for imsettings
   + 1.5.3 Issue Related to gnome-system-monitor Resolved
   + 1.5.4 New Members in Fedora Localization Project
 o 1.6 Artwork
   + 1.6.1 F12 Wallpaper Refresh
 o 1.7 Virtualization
   + 1.7.1 Fedora Virtualization List
 # Fedora Virt Status
 # Fedora 12 Virtualization Release Notes

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 193 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 193[1] for the week ending September 
13, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

In announcements, an invitation to the Fedora community to participate 
in research at Duke University on open source communities and an update 
on this December's FUDCon Toronto. A variety of recent postings from 
Fedora contributors follows in the Planet Fedora section. In marketing 
news, a call for Fedora 12 slogan ideas, update on weekly meetings and 
Zikula/Fedora Insight developments, and coverage of recent discussion 
aimed at getting Fedora into news channels to a greater extent. This 
week's QA news includes detail of the most recent Test Day activities 
around graphics card support, and coverage of this week's meetings. In 
translation news, more updates on Fedora 12 translation activities, and 
new Localization Project members from Spain. In Art news, a refresh of 
Fedora 12 wallpapers. This week's issue rounds out with Fedora 
Virtualization updates, including details on Fedora virt status and F12 
virtualization release notes. Please enjoy FWN 193!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

  1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue193
  2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

  1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
  2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
  3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

TOP MOST Announcements and Fedora 12 (Constantine) are as follows:

--- Fedora Board IRC Public meeting ---

"The Board is holding its monthly public meeting on Thursday, September 
10, 2009, at 1600 UTC on IRC Freenode.", announced[1] Fedora Project 
Leader Paul W. Frields. For this meeting, the public was invited to join 
the IRC channels #fedora-board-meeting to see the Board's conversation 
and #fedora-board-questions to discuss topics and to post questions. 
While inviting everyone, Paul also expressed, "The Board may reserve 
some time at the top of the hour to cover any agenda items as appropriate."


--- Help with Fedora Research ---

Greg DeKoenigsberg, Senior Community Architect at Red Hat announced [1] 
, "we're looking for Fedora contributors who are willing to do one of 
two things:

1. Participate in an email interview with our Duke professors; or 2. 
Participate in a short phone interview (about 20 minutes) with our Duke 

Greg also explored about the participation of contributors. He 
expressed, "It's a simple thing that could be hugely valuable in the 
long run. We've got something special in Fedora, and

Fedora Weekly News 194

2009-09-21 Thread Pascal Calarco

* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 194
  o 1.1 Planet Fedora
+ 1.1.1 General
  o 1.2 Marketing
+ 1.2.1 Marketing Meeting Log for 2009-09-15
+ 1.2.2 F12 Talking points
+ 1.2.3 F12 release slogan selection
+ 1.2.4 Fedora Insight update
+ 1.2.5 Marketing Research
  o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 Pre-beta install testing
+ 1.3.4 Intel graphics information request
+ 1.3.5 Graphics test week recap
  o 1.4 Artwork
+ 1.4.1 Behind the Schedule
+ 1.4.2 DIY Media Sleeve
  o 1.5 Virtualization
+ 1.5.1 Fedora Virtualization List
  # Virtualization Test Day
+ 1.5.2 Libvirt List
  # New Release libvirt 0.7.1
  # New Release perl-Sys-Virt 0.2.2
  # Guest Sound Over VNC
  o 1.6 KDE
+ 1.6.1 Live image dependencies: breaking 
libcanberra-gtk2 dependency

+ 1.6.2 KDE 4.3.1 pushed to Stable
+ 1.6.3 Post 4.3.1 fixes
+ 1.6.4 New KDE Applications

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 194 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 194[1] for the week ending September 
20, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue. This week we 
welcome a brand new beat by Ryan Rix on KDE developments in Fedora!

In news from the Fedora Planet, news, views and innovations from Fedora 
community members. The Quality Assurance beat this week provides details 
from last week's various graphics tests, audio and virtualization Test 
Days, along with detailed summaries of the QA weekly meetings, 
Bugzappers and other regular activities. In Art/Design news, discussion 
around the desire for a "do it yourself" media sleeve, and updates on 
the Fedora 12 schedule for the team. In virtualization news, updates on 
the recent virtualization Test Day, and details of new versions of 
libvirt, perl-Sys-Virt, and coverage of recent discussion about guest 
sound over VNC. Our first KDE beat features news of KDE 4.3.1 hitting 
Fedora updates and some post-release fixes, news on several new KDE 
applications, and coverage of work of the KDE SIG team this past week. 
That rounds out this week's issue of Fedora Weekly News, which we hope 
you enjoy!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue194
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

   1. http://planet.fedoraproject.org

--- General ---

Lennart Poettering wrote[1] a mutex profiler called mutrace. "When 
naively profiling multi-threaded applications the time spent waiting for 
mutexes is not necessarily visible in the generated output. However lock 
contention can have a big impact on the runtime behaviour of 
applications...To improve the situation if have now written a mutex 
profiler called mutrace."

Way back in May, Daniel Walsh introduced[2] the SELinux sandbox. "As 
soon as I released it, I received email asking if it could be used to 
sandbox Acroread, and I had to say 'Sorry, it can't do that'."[3]. But 
now it can. It can even be used to sandbox Firefox[4].

Josh Boyer shared[5] an amusing anecdote about running wires with his 
two-year-old son. Who knew that patch cables could be so much fun?

Mel Chua asked[6] for "I use Fedora" stories from the community. "Write 
up your story about using Fedora, the stories of your friends and the 
people you’ve introduced Fedora to".

Michael DeHaan quickly built[7] a lab of 85 machines in Chicago for the 
Red Hat Summit, using cobbler (did I mention that version 2.0 was just 

Similarly, Jeroen van Meeuwen mentioned[9] that puppetmanaged.org is 
available, comprising "a collection of modules for Puppet", the "system 
for automating system administration tasks".

Máirín Duffy finished[10] a set of mockups for the Fedora Project's 
Spins page.

   1. http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/mutrace.html
   2. http://danwalsh.livejournal.com/28545.html
   3. http://danwalsh.livejour

Fedora Weekly News 195

2009-09-28 Thread Pascal Calarco

* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 195
  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 New channel on freenode called #fedora-fad
+ 1.1.2 All Features Need to be 100% by Beta Freeze 

+ 1.1.3 GraphicsMagick-1.3.x for F-11 (ABI change)
+ 1.1.4 Announcing Fedora 12 Snapshot 3
+ 1.1.5 Updating libchamplain to 0.4.0
+ 1.1.6 Fedora 12 Mass Branching coming soon
+ 1.1.7 Upcoming Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
+ 1.2.2 FAD EMEA 2009 Links Roundup
  o 1.3 Marketing
+ 1.3.1 Marketing Meeting Log for 2009-09-22
+ 1.3.2 F12 Talking points
+ 1.3.3 Matchmaking for Feature Profile interviews
+ 1.3.4 Fedora Insight status
+ 1.3.5 Marketing Research
+ 1.3.6 Coming up next
  o 1.4 Ambassadors
+ 1.4.1 Utah Open Source Conference is coming
+ 1.4.2 Get on the map
+ 1.4.3 Fedora 12 is coming
  o 1.5 QualityAssurance
+ 1.5.1 Test Days
+ 1.5.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.5.3 Fedora 12 Beta Test compose
+ 1.5.4 Bug resolution discussion
  o 1.6 Artwork
+ 1.6.1 Mosaic Polish

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 195 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 195[1] for the week ending September 
27, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

Kicking off this week's issue in announcements, a new IRC channel for 
Fedora Activity Days, launched in time for the next upcoming FAD in 
Germany, and updates on feature freeze for Fedora 12 beta this week, 
along with other related updates. From the Fedora Planet, postings and 
views from Fedora contributors worldwide, and a collection of FAD EMEA 
related links. In marketing news, Fedora 12 talking points, Fedora 
Insight status and other current activities. In ambassadors, details of 
the upcoming Utah Open Source Conference, and activities Ambassadors can 
do for Fedora 12. The Quality Assurance beat this week brings up 
up-to-date on weekly meeting and Test Day activities, as well as Fedora 
12 beta related work. This issue rounds out with news from the 
Art/Design team, providing detail on the mosaic polish for the Fedora 12 
theme. That rounds out this week's issue of Fedora Weekly News, which we 
hope you enjoy!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue194
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project[1] [2] [3].

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

THE BREAKING news (Fedora 12 (Constantine) related) are as follows:

--- New channel on freenode called #fedora-fad ---

Gerold Kassube announced[1] the new IRC-Channel #fedora-fad which is 
opened right now for everybody to attend a FAD (== Fedora Activity Day) 
online. Gerold mentioned, “I created that channel, because of some 
people asked (also in the past) about who cann't attend a FAD. The next 
FAD in EMEA takes place (again and by tradition) in Rheinfelden, Germany 
on the next weekend [2]. ”


   2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EMEA_2009

--- All Features Need to be 100% by Beta Freeze (2009-09-29) ---

John Poelstra had explicitly announced[1] that All Features Need to be 
100% by Beta Freeze by Tuesday, September 29th, 2009.

Beta Freeze [2] means that all features and their associated feature 
pages must be at 100% completion by this date. The following features 
are currently not 100% complete and need to be by Tuesday, September 29, 
2009. In many cases it appears they are just 1% away.

[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] 
[19] [20] [21]

Poel also mentioned, “I will raise feature pages not at 100% at FESCo's 
meeting on October 2, 2009. Hopefully my job will be easy and there 
there won't be any.”


   2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Beta_Freeze_Policy
   3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/DisplayPort
   4. http

Re: Fedora Weekly News 195

2009-09-29 Thread Pascal Calarco
Many thanks.  This was caught and corrected (on the wiki) shortly after the 
issue went out.

  Best regards,

  - pascal

- Original Message -
From: fedora-news-list-boun...@redhat.com 
To: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com 
Cc: fedora-announce-list@redhat.com 
Sent: Tue Sep 29 12:20:55 2009
Subject: Re: Fedora Weekly News 195

On Mon, 2009-09-28 at 12:36 -0400, Pascal Calarco wrote:

> FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson
> 1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue194
> 2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join
> -- Announcements --

Small fix, the FWN URL should be:

- Gilboa

Fedora-news-list mailing list

fedora-announce-list mailing list

Fedora Weekly News 196

2009-10-05 Thread Pascal Calarco

  o 1.1 Announcements
  # Reminder: Fedora Board IRC meeting 1600 
UTC 2009-10-01

  # Final Review of Incomplete Fedora 12 
  # Buyer Beware: A Major Change in NFS is 
about to happen

  # Fedora 12 Freeze at 0600~ 2009-09-30 UTC
  # Re: CVS Outage Notification - 
2009-09-29 04:25 UTC

  # Upcoming Events
  # Past Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
  o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 Blocker bug criteria
+ 1.3.4 Beta test compose Delta ISOs
+ 1.3.5 Xfce Test Day recap
+ 1.3.6 Wiki Test Results name space
+ 1.3.7 Proposed removal of Anaconda from Test Day CDs
+ 1.3.8 Installation testing results
  o 1.4 Artwork
+ 1.4.1 Beta Artwork
+ 1.4.2 Wallpapers Extras
+ 1.4.3 A New Notification Theme
  o 1.5 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.2 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
  o 1.6 Virtualization
+ 1.6.1 Fedora Virtualization List
  # Fedora virt status
  # New Tools virt-rescue and virt-edit
+ 1.6.2 Fedora Xen List
  # xen/master: pvops git trees rearranged
  o 1.7 KDE
+ 1.7.1 Fedora 12 KDE Spin Not KDE3-less after all
+ 1.7.2 KDE-SIG steering committee formed
+ 1.7.3 Amarok 2.2 released

Fedora Weekly News Issue 196

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 196[1] for the week ending October 
4, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

Starting off with announcements, which includes general, development and 
event announcements, notice that minutes from last week's Fedora Board 
open meeting are now available, an update on Fedora 12 milestones, and 
an upcoming change in NFS. From the Fedora Planet, news and views from 
Fedora contributors. In Quality Assurance news, review of the latest 
Test Day on Anaconda's storage system, and detail from the team's weekly 
meetings, and several other activities. In Design news, details of the 
Art Team's work for the F12 beta release, an update on additional 
wallpapers, and discussion of a new notification theme on the list. The 
Security Advisory beat is back this week, with updates for the past few 
weeks for Fedora 10 and 11. The Virtualization list offers goodness on 
Fedora virtualization developments including new virt-rescue and 
virt-edit tools, and reorganization of the Xen git tree for the dom0 
kernel. Our issue wraps up with news from the KDE SIG, including details 
on the expected feature set for Fedora 12 KDE spin and a new version of 
Amarok, "Sunjammer. We hope you enjoy this week's FWN!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. If you are interested, please join the list and 
let us know how you would like to assist with this effort.

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue196
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and 

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events


 Reminder: Fedora Board IRC meeting 1600 UTC 2009-10-01 

Paul W. Frields announced,"The Board is holding its monthly public 
meeting on Thursday, October 1, 2009, at 1600 UTC on IRC Freenode.[1]." 
A copy of the meeting minutes is also now available[2]



 Final Review of Incomplete Fedora 12 Features 

John Poelstra announced,[1]

"With the passing of Beta Freeze we are now at the point in our release 
process where we expect a

Fedora Weekly New 197

2009-10-12 Thread Pascal Calarco

  o 1.1 Announcements
  # Docs preparing to convert to Creative 
Commons BY-SA 3.0 Unported license

  # Resignation of Josh Boyer from FESCo
  # Fedora 12 Final Release Date 
Rescheduled to 2009-11-17
  # Fedora 12 Beta Release Rescheduled to 
  # Heads-up: rb_libtorrent bump (Rawhide), 
rebuilds required

  # Upcoming Events
  # Past Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
  o 1.3 Ambassadors
+ 1.3.1 Utah Open Source Conference
+ 1.3.2 Get on the map
+ 1.3.3 Fedora 12 is coming
  o 1.4 Translation
+ 1.4.1 Issues with docs.fedoraproject.org
+ 1.4.2 LiveUSB Creator Translations Not Being Used
+ 1.4.3 Translator Metrics
+ 1.4.4 Proof-reading system-config-*-docs
+ 1.4.5 Translation Request from Fedora Freemedia
+ 1.4.6 New Members in FLP
  o 1.5 Artwork
+ 1.5.1 Outreach to Font Authors
+ 1.5.2 Fedora Remix Logos
  o 1.6 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.1 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.2 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
  o 1.7 Virtualization
+ 1.7.1 Fedora Virtualization List
  # New Release virt-top 1.0.4
  # Limit VNC Access to a Single Guest

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 197 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 197[1] for the week ending October 
11, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

Starting off with announcements, which includes general, development and 
event announcements, word that the Docs team will be switching to the 
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License 
(CC-BY-SA), an update on Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) 
leadership, and updates on Fedora 12 milestones. In news from the Fedora 
Planet, selected posts from the Fedora contributor community that 
includes discussion on "What is Fedora?", mockups for the 
fedoraproject.org redesign, and discussion on virt-top. In Ambassador 
news, detail on the Utah Open Source Conference. Translation brings us 
notification of new members to the Fedora Localization Project, coverage 
of some discussion around docs.fedoraproject.org issues, and other 
issues. In Design Team news, a request for more font packagers, 
discussion around reuse of Fedora Remix logos, and acceptable use cases. 
There are a few Fedora 10 and 11 security updates in the Security 
Advisories beat, and the issue rounds out with virtualization news, 
including more detail on the new virt-top release, and limiting VNC 
access to a single guest. Read on, and enjoy!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. We plan to have the next issue of Fedora Weekly 
News in Fedora Insight, next week. We welcome your feedback as we 
migrate FWN to this new content platform!

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue197
   2.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and 

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

   1.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2.  http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3.  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events


 Docs preparing to convert to Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 Unported 

Ian Weller announced[1], "Today, the Docs team finalized the conversion 
of the licensing of our documentation and project content from the Open 
Publication License (OPL) to a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 
3.0 Unported License(CC-BY-SA). Docs originally reached a consensus to 
change the license in June 2009, and after answering questions raised by 
the community, the Docs team decided to go ahead with the transition."

Additional information can be found at the wiki[2]

"We'd like to thank Tom 'spot' Callaway, Fedora's legal ninja, and 
Richard Fontana of Red Hat Legal for their help with the conversion." 
said Ianweller while talking about continue working with the community 
and share their d

Fedora Weekly News Issue 198

2009-10-19 Thread Pascal Calarco

  o 1.1 Announcements
  # FUDCon Lodging -- IMPORTANT
  # Upcoming Events
  # Past Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
  o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 DeltaISO update
+ 1.3.4 Fedora 12 Beta RC2 testing
  o 1.4 Translation
+ 1.4.1 FLP Representation at the Beta Release 
Readiness Meeting

+ 1.4.2 Scheduled Translation Tasks for Fedora 12
+ 1.4.3 Concern About Virt-manager Translation Submission
+ 1.4.4 New Members in FLP
  o 1.5 Artwork
+ 1.5.1 Constantine Wallpaper Extras
  o 1.6 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.1 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.2 Fedora 10 Security Advisories

-  Fedora Weekly News Issue 198 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 198[1] for the week ending October 
18, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

This week's issue begins with some updates on lodging for December's 
Fedora User and Developer Conference in Toronto. If you plan to attend 
or are considering it, be sure to read this. News from the Fedora Planet 
presents news and views from Fedora community members. In Quality 
Assurance news, details from the latest upcoming Test Days on SELinux 
and power management, and an invitation for Test Day proposals for 
Fedora 12 and 13 cycles, in addition to wonderful detail on the weekly 
QA meetings and team activities, and updates towards Fedora 12 beta. In 
translation news, details from last week's Fedora 12 beta readiness 
meeting, a query about the Russian translation of Fedora 12 
virt-manager, and details of new Fedora Localization Project members. 
From the Art/Design team, details on Constantine (Fedora 12) 
wallpapers. Our issue wraps up this week with details on last week's 
security patches for Fedora 10 and 11. Enjoy FWN!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. We plan to have the next issue of Fedora Weekly 
News in Fedora Insight, next week. We welcome your feedback as we 
migrate FWN to this new content platform!

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue198
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

--  Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and 

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events


  FUDCon Lodging -- IMPORTANT 

Paul W. Frields, Fedora Project Leader, announced [1] exclusively about 
the FUDCon Lodging. On his brief, he mentioned, "We've added an extra 
"hotel" field to the FUDCon wiki pre-registration table, on the far 

If you have already booked at the hotel, please visit the wiki.If you do 
not need lodging, please visit the wiki. Use the following codes for the 
hotel booking field: Y == HAVE booked lodging NA == Not applicable, 
don't need/want

If you have not booked, but need lodging, you don't need to do anything 
at this time.

The FUDCon planning team will get initial roomsharing set up for people 
based on the responses, so please be courteous to your fellow Fedora 
community members by promptly responding [1][2]. Thanks.

[1] If your lodging is not being funded by the Fedora Project, and you 
don't want to room share, that's perfectly OK. :-) Please mark the wiki 
comments to say "not roomsharing" in that case.

[2] If you have already found a roommate, please indicate that on the 
wiki in your "Comments" field.


   2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Toronto_2009#Pre-registration


Fedora events are the source of marketing, learning and meeting all the 
fellow community people around you. So, please mark your agenda with the 
following events to consider attending or volunteering near you!

  Upcoming Events 

* North America (NA)[1]
* Central & South America (LATAM) [2]
* Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
* India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]


Fedora Weekly News 199

2009-10-26 Thread Pascal Calarco

Fedora Weekly News Issue 199
  o 1.1 Planet Fedora
+ 1.1.1 General
+ 1.1.2 Fedora 12 Beta Roundup
  o 1.2 Ambassadors
+ 1.2.1 Fedora at ABLEConf in Phoenix, Arizona
+ 1.2.2 Fedora 12 is coming
  o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 Fedora 12 Beta release
+ 1.3.4 Confined users Test Day summary
+ 1.3.5 Fedora 12 blocker bug review meeting
  o 1.4 Translation
+ 1.4.1 Scheduled Translation Tasks for Fedora 12
+ 1.4.2 Cracklib Translations for Anaconda
+ 1.4.3 FLSCo Election Proposal
+ 1.4.4 New Members/Maintainers in FLP
  o 1.5 Artwork
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 12 Countdown banner
+ 1.5.2 Icon Emblems
+ 1.5.3 F12 Final Wallpaper Polish
+ 1.5.4 Post-Beta Changes for the Desktop Look
  o 1.6 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.1 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.2 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
  o 1.7 Virtualization
+ 1.7.1 Fedora Virtualization List
  # KVM and Paravirtualization
  # Installing Virtio Drivers in Windows XP 

+ 1.7.2 Virtualization Tools List
  # libosinfo Revisited
+ 1.7.3 Other Sources
  # Using Kernel Samepage Merging with KVM

-  Fedora Weekly News Issue 199 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 199[1] for the week ending October 
25, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

Our issue kicks off this week with news from the Fedora Planet community 
of Fedora developers and users, including thoughts on PHP security, a 
new tool, rpmguard, continued work on libguestfs, and a great Fedora 12 
beta roundup. From Ambassadors we have an event report on ABLEConf in 
Phoenix, Arizona. Much goodness from the Quality Assurance beat, with 
updates on this past week's two Test days, detailed weekly meetings 
notes, and various Fedora 12 beta-related activities. In news from 
Fedora's Translation team, updates on milestone for Fedora 12 
translation tasks, new contributors of a couple Fedora Localization 
Project language teams, and details on the next FLSCo election. In 
Art/Design news, some icon emblem work, Fedora 12 final wallpaper 
polish, and details on post-beta F12 desktop look changes. Security 
Advisories brings us up to date on a couple security releases for Fedora 
10 and 11. Our issue rounds out with the always-interesting 
Virtualization beat, with discussion on paravirtualization and KVMs in 
Fedora, installing Virtio drivers in Windows XP, and details on Fedora 
12's kernel samepage merging (KSM) feature. We hope you enjoy FWN 199!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. We plan to have the next issue of Fedora Weekly 
News in Fedora Insight, next week. We welcome your feedback as we 
migrate FWN to this new content platform!

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue199
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

--  Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

   1. http://planet.fedoraproject.org

---  General ---

Pavol Rusnak described[1] how scripts using LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be 
written to work in a more secure way.

Konstantin Ryabitsev explained[2] the many reasons why embedding 
passwords in PHP scripts is a Bad Idea, and possible alternatives.

Matt Domsch helped[3] get some patches integrated so that Linuxes can 
use embedded TPM chips to feed the entropy pool (and get better/more 
secure random numbers).

Kamil Páral created[4] a tool, rpmguard "for checking differences 
between RPM packages. It is very similar to rpmdiff, but it prints only 
important changes, not all. Therefore it can be used every time a new 
package is built to easily see if something hasn’t went completely wrong."

Richard W.M. Jones has been busy at work on libguestfs. There are a few 
new tools: virt-tar[5] and virt-ls[6] as well as a list[7] of current 
(and upcoming) virt-* tools. Richard provided some tips too, 
obtaining[8] the Windows version and service pack number and 
unpacking[9] a Mac .dmg installer. And lastly, building a supermin 
appliance using febootstrap: Given a Fedora appliance on a Fedora host, 
"Let’s strip o

Fedora Weekly News 200

2009-11-02 Thread Pascal Calarco

Fedora Weekly News Issue 200
  o 1.1 Planet Fedora
+ 1.1.1 General
  o 1.2 QualityAssurance
+ 1.2.1 Test Days
+ 1.2.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.2.3 Fedora 12 testing
+ 1.2.4 Blocker bug review
+ 1.2.5 Fedora 10 bug review event
  o 1.3 Translation
+ 1.3.1 Fedora Website Translations
+ 1.3.2 F12 GA Release Notes Branch Changes & F12 
Deployment Guide Added

+ 1.3.3 Translation Schedule
+ 1.3.4 Publican 1.0
+ 1.3.5 Errors displaying .po files on 

  o 1.4 Artwork
+ 1.4.1 Final Wallpaper for Fedora 12
+ 1.4.2 Extra Wallpapers In
+ 1.4.3 Fedora 12 Countdown Banner
+ 1.4.4 Looking Forward to a New Cycle
+ 1.4.5 Inkscape Course and Jealousy
  o 1.5 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.2 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
  o 1.6 Virtualization
+ 1.6.1 Fedora Virtualization List
  # Fedora Virt Status
  # Help testing the Windows Registry 
feature of libguestfs

  # KSM Tuning in Fedora 12
+ 1.6.2 Libvirt List
  # Node device enumeration with udev
  # Rewrite of QEMU monitor handling
  # Libvirt QEMU driver thread safety rules

-  Fedora Weekly News Issue 200 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 200[1] for the week ending November 
1, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

Welcome to FWN issue 200, an impressive milestone! This week's issue 
starts off with news and views from the Fedora community, including 
further work on libguestfs, examination of several new features in 
Fedora 12, and work on a new tool for ICC color management in Gnome. In 
Quality Assurance, details from last week's Test Day on 
internationalization support in Fedora, and great updates on the various 
QA weekly meetings as we get closer to Fedora 12. In Translation news, 
several updates pertinent to Fedora 12 GA release, as well as details on 
Publican 1.0, which the Docs and Transaltion teams use for publishing 
books, articles, papers and multi-volume sets with DocBook XML. In 
Design news, details on the final Fedora 12 wallpapers, decisioning on 
extra wallpapers for the release, and some thoughts on the F12 art 
process looking forward to the next cycle. Security Advisories brings us 
current on the numerous security patches released this past week for 
Fedora 10 and 11. Our issue wraps up with news from the Fedora 
virtualization and libvirt lists, including a recent summary of Fedora 
virt bugs and developments, the state of KSM tuning on Fedora systems 
and a couple items on QEMU related issues with monitor handling and QEMU 
driver thread safety rules. Please enjoy Fedora Weekly News issue 200!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. We plan to have the next issue of Fedora Weekly 
News in Fedora Insight, next week. We welcome your feedback as we 
migrate FWN to this new content platform!

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue200
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

--  Planet Fedora --

In this section, we cover the highlights of Planet Fedora[1] - an 
aggregation of blogs from Fedora contributors worldwide.

Contributing Writer: Adam Batkin

   1. http://planet.fedoraproject.org

---  General ---

Martin Sourada took a look[1] at font antialiasing and what makes fonts 
look ugly. In a further post, Martin answered[2] the more general 
question "Why is my design blurry?"

In the continuing journey of libguestfs Richard W.M. Jones 
added[3],[4],[5] support for working with the Windows registry form a 
Linux guest. Apparently you can also[6] mount guest filesystems on the 
host filesystem using FUSE (the example provided even mounts a Windows 
guest's NTFS filesystem to a Linux host).

Tim Lauridsen demonstrated[7] a new feature of yum in Fedora 12: 
history, "that makes it possible to see what happened in part of a 
transaction and redo/undo past transactions."

Paul W. Frields outlined[8] some of the new features to be found in the 
Fedora 12 beta. and encouraged[9] anyone who finds an issue to report 
it! Don't assume that someone else will have already filed a bug.

Paul also reprinted[10] a posting from the Fedora Ad

Fedora Weekly News 201

2009-11-09 Thread Pascal Calarco

  o 1.1 Announcements
  # CC license changeover complete
  # Reminder: Fedora Board IRC meeting
  # Announcing Fedora-Medical SIG.
  # Fedora 12 now in RC freeze
  # Outage Notification - 2009-11-05
  # Addition to the Policy for non  
responsive maintainers
  # Upcoming Bugzilla Changes
  # Request your FUDCon funding now: cutoff
Thursday 19:30 UTC
  # Notice: Fedora 12 Tagging Status Update
  # Reminder: Tagging Policy for Fedora 12
  # Upcoming Events
  # Past Events
  o 1.2 Ambassadors
+ 1.2.1 Fedora 12 event in Antwerp, Belgium
+ 1.2.2 Fedora 12 is coming
  o 1.3 Translation
+ 1.3.1 Serbian Translation File Nomenclature
+ 1.3.2 Templates for Marketing Content
+ 1.3.3 New Members
  o 1.4 Artwork
+ 1.4.1 Game Screenshots
+ 1.4.2 Remaining Tasks for Fedora 12
  o 1.5 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.2 Fedora 10 Security Advisories

-  Fedora Weekly News Issue 201 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 201[1] for the week ending November 
8, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

In this week's issue, a variety of announcements from the Project kicks 
us off, including completion of the Fedora documentation to a Creative 
Commons license, announcement of a new Fedora Medical special interest 
group, and announcements related to the upcoming Fedora 12 release 
candidate. In Ambassador news, details on an upcoming Fedora 12 event in 
Antwerp, Belgium. In Translation news, details regarding the Serbian 
translation team's discovery of a nomenclature discrepancy, a proposal 
to prepare marketing materials for use by the Ambassador program, and 
new members joining the Czech and Bengali localization teams. From the 
Art/Design Team, a call for help to assemble screenshots of games 
included in the Fedora Game spin and details on the remaining Art Team 
tasks for the road to Fedora 12. The Security Advisories beat brings us 
up to date on the security-related updates to Fedora 11 and 10 over this 
past week, and rounds out this issue of FWN. Enjoy!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

The Fedora News team is collaborating with Marketing and Docs to come up 
with a new exciting platform for disseminating news and views on Fedora, 
called Fedora Insight. We plan to have the next issue of Fedora Weekly 
News in Fedora Insight, next week. We welcome your feedback as we 
migrate FWN to this new content platform!

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue201
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

--  Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and 

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events


  CC license changeover complete 

Ian Weller announced about the CC license changeover completion [1]. He 
mentioned, “The Docs team has finished converting all current 
documentation and project content from the OPL to a CC BY-SA 3.0 
Unported license.

Additional information can be found at [2][3]

Thanks again to Tom "spot" Callaway, Richard Fontana of Red Hat Legal 
and all the Fedora contributors who helped with the conversion. Here's 
to freer documentation for Fedora 12!”


   2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Relicensing_OPL_to_CC_BY_SA

  Reminder: Fedora Board IRC meeting 1700 UTC 2009-11-05 

Paul W. Frields, the Fedora Project Leader, announced [1] a reminder 
about the Fedora Board IRC Meeting. He said, “The Board is holding its 
monthly public meeting on Thursday, November 5, 2009, at 1700 UTC on IRC 
Freenode. For this meeting, the public is invited to do the following:

Join #fedora-board-meeting to see the Board's conversation. Join 

Fedora Weekly News 202

2009-11-16 Thread Pascal Calarco

  o 1.1 Announcements
  # F13 Naming: Leonidas -> Constantine -> 
  # Nominations now open for December 
Fedora Elections

  # Fedora 12 staged for mirrors, Rawhide 
moving on soon

  # Upcoming Events
  # Past Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
  o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 Fedora 12 release
  o 1.4 Artwork
+ 1.4.1 Fedora 12 Media Art
+ 1.4.2 Large Website Banner
  o 1.5 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.2 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
  o 1.6 Virtualization
+ 1.6.1 Fedora Virtualization List
  # Guest Bridge Configuration with libvirt 
and netcf

  # New Release libguestfs 1.0.78
+ 1.6.2 Fedora Xen List
  # No Xen dom0 in Fedora 12 Hopefully 13
+ 1.6.3 Libvirt List
  # Keeping Guest Configurations in Sync on 
Multiple Hosts

  o 1.7 KDE
+ 1.7.1 New Soprano Backends coming to Fedora KDE
+ 1.7.2 gtk-qt-engine retired, replaced with kcm-gtk

-  Fedora Weekly News Issue 202 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 202[1] for the week ending November 
15, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

In Announcements, the always-popular name selection process for the next 
Fedora release is underway, and nominations are open for December's 
Fedora elections. Planet Fedora contributes a look at the new Fedora 
Community site, some benchmarks of improbably large filesystems and a 
guide to using the Sugar desktop on Fedora. From Quality Assurance we 
hear about some more AutoQA improvements and the last stretch of the 
Fedora 12 release process. The Design team has been working on media art 
and website banners for the Fedora 12 release. Security Advisories 
summarizes the security patches released for Fedora 10 and 11 over the 
past week. In Virtualization, we discuss creating network bridges for 
virtual machines when using NetworkManager, and a new release of 
libguestfs. There's also news on the state of Xen support in Fedora 12. 
Finally, the KDE section brings us up to date on some new backends for 
the Nepomuk semantic desktop system, and the replacement of 
gtk-qt-engine with kcm-gtk for Fedora 12. Enjoy the read!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue202
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

--  Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and 

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events


  F13 Naming: Leonidas -> Constantine -> ? 

John Rose, the Central US Regional Ambassador for North America, 
announced the beginning of the naming process for Fedora 13[1] F13 
Naming: Leonidas -> Constantine -> ? The full announcement:

"With Fedora 12 just a few days from release it is time to begin the 
naming process for the next Fedora release.

Contributors can make suggestions for the name for Fedora 13 by visiting 
[2] and following the instructions.

Remember there needs to be an "is-a" link between the name Constantine 
and the name you suggest and this link must be different than all 
previous links used to connect Fedora release names.

Full details of the release naming schedule are available on the above 
link but please note than the period for gathering suggestions begins 
now and runs through November 16.

So there isn't a lot of time, think up some good names, and get them 
added to the wiki."


   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Name_suggestions_for_Fedora_13

  Nominations now open for December Fedora Elections 

John Rose announced that the nominations now open for December Fedora 
Elections[1]. Here is the announcement, "It is time to begin the process 
of nominating candidates for the open seats in the following bodies:

* Fedora Project Boa

Fedora Weekly News 203

2009-11-23 Thread Pascal Calarco
  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 Fedora 12 Reviews: A Sampling
  # F12 PackageKit root permission change
  # Upcoming Events
  # Past Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
+ 1.2.2 Fedora 12 Roundup
  o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 Improving the release criteria
  o 1.4 Translation
+ 1.4.1 Release Notes Translations Updated for Polish, 
Portuguese and Simplified Chinese
+ 1.4.2 Errors in Release Notes for Chinese and German
+ 1.4.3 Error in Package Name in the Fedora 12 Release Notes
+ 1.4.4 SSSD and MC Translation Request
+ 1.4.5 New Members in FLP
  o 1.5 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 12 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.2 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.5.3 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
  o 1.6 Virtualization
+ 1.6.1 Interviews
+ 1.6.2 Fedora Virtualization List
  # Fedora Virtualization Status Report
  # Rawvirt Rawhide Virtualization for Fedora 12
+ 1.6.3 Libvirt List
  # New Release libvirt 0.7.4

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 203 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 203[1] for the week ending November 22, 
2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

Fedora 12 "Constantine" was released this past week, and we kick off this 
week's issue with a sampling of reviews from around the globe. Also in 
announcements, details on a change in Fedora 12's PackageKit permissions. In 
news from the Fedora Planet, some details on what's involved with providing 
delta RPMs, a new feature in Fedora 12, a site visit to the new Red Hat 
Computing Lab at Carnegie Mellon, and much more from Fedora contributors. 
Quality Assurance brings us up to date with the recent weekly meetings of the 
QA team which have focused on F12, with lots of interesting detail behind the 
scenes! In Translation news, details on updates and errata for Fedora 12 
release notes, and a couple translation requests from SSSD and Midnight 
Commander. Security Advisories keeps us current with security patches for 
Fedora 10, 11, and 12. In news from the world of Fedora virtualization, 
coverage of a recent interview with virtualization luminaries, a status report 
on Fedora virtualiza
 tion and details on the latest version of libvirt. Enjoy FWN 203!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see our 
'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue203
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, including 
general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and Events[3].

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

--- Fedora 12 Reviews: A Sampling ---

Fedora 12, "Constantine", was released last week to widespread acclaim. A few 
sample reviews:

* Linux Magazine (USA) "Fedora, still pushing the envelope"[1]
* ZDNet UK "Saving the "Best" for Last - Fedora 12 (Constantine)"[2]
* The Register (UK) "Fedora 12 - Its a horse, not a camel"[3]
* ghacks.net (USA) "Major improvements with Fedora 12"[4]
* IT Pro (UK) "Fedora 12 tweaks virtualisation, video"[5]
* TechWorld (Australia) "Fedora Linux 12 arrives, ups multimedia support"[6]
* TechSpot (USA) "Fedora 12 released, brings multi-touch support, more"[7]
* Datamation "Building On-Ramps on the Fedora 12 Highway"[8]

   1. http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7618/1.html
   3. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/11/19/fedora_12_review/
   4. http://www.ghacks.net/2009/11/18/major-improvements-with-fedora-12/
   5. http://www.itpro.co.uk/617824/fedora-12-tweaks-virtualisation-video

 F12 PackageKit root permission cha

Fedora Weekly News 204

2009-11-30 Thread Pascal Calarco

  o 1.1 Announcements
+ 1.1.1 More Fedora 12 Reviews
  # Fedora Project Election Town Halls
  # Upcoming Events
  # Past Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
  o 1.3 Quality Assurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 Increasing the grub timeout
+ 1.3.4 Fedora 12 QA retrospective
  o 1.4 Ambassadors
+ 1.4.1 Fedora at NYSCATE
+ 1.4.2 Fedora 12 is here
  o 1.5 Translation
+ 1.5.1 Fedora 12 Translation Schedule Tasks
+ 1.5.2 Accessibility Guide
+ 1.5.3 New Members
  o 1.6 Artwork
+ 1.6.1 Interaction Design Hackfest
+ 1.6.2 Game Screenshots Ready. Better Navigation Next
  o 1.7 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.1 Fedora 12 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.2 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.3 Fedora 10 Security Advisories

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 204 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 204[1] for the week ending November 
29, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

We start this week's issue off with a couple additional Fedora 12 
reviews to highlight, and also lots of Fedora Project Election 
information to inform and engage the user community! In news from the 
Fedora Planet this week, comparing the Nokia Maemo and Google Android 
platforms, thoughts on sustainable open source engineering, and a review 
of the 0.4 Eclipse Linux Tools. In the Quality Assurance beat, much 
detail on this past week's QA team activities, and an interesting Fedora 
12 QA retrospective. Ambassadors news this week gives us an event report 
from the recent New York State Association for Technology and Computers 
in Education meeting. In Translation happenings, 0-day Fedora 12 
translation polishing, and new members to the Fedora Localization 
Project for Italian, Sinhala and German. The Art/Design beat shows off 
discussion on an interactive design hackfest and wrapup of screenshots 
for a Fedora Game Spin. This issue wraps up with security patches 
released last week for Fedora 10, 11 and 12. Please enjoy FWN 204!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue204
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

--  Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and 

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

---  More Fedora 12 Reviews ---

Last week, we highlighted several Fedora 12 reviews from around the 
globe. Here are a few more than came in over the past week:

* Distrowatch, "First look at Fedora 12" [1]
* Linux Planet "Fedora 12 pushes bleeding edge of Linux networking" 

   1. http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20091123#feature
   2. http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/reports/6910/1/


  Fedora Project Election Town Halls 

There are a number of high-profile and important elections for the 
Fedora Project leadership in process right now, and there's lots on the 
wiki to inform the user community on the candidates[1]. See the linked 
page for a log of town hall discussions, and upcoming town halls[2] 
through December 3rd! Who can vote? Check out the Fedora Elections Guide![3]

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections#IRC_Town_Halls
   3. http://nigelj.fedorapeople.org/feg/


Fedora events are the source of marketing, learning and meeting all the 
fellow community people around you. So, please mark your agenda with the 
following events to consider attending or volunteering near you!

  Upcoming Events 

* North America (NA)[1]
* Central & South America (LATAM) [2]
* Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)[3]
* India, Asia, Australia (India/APJ)[4]


  Past Events -

Fedora Weekly News 205

2009-12-08 Thread Pascal Calarco

* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 205
  o 1.1 Announcements
  # Fedora Board, FESCo & FAmSCo Elections 
- Voting Information

  # Board appointment
  # Fedora 13 release name
  # Fedora 12 LXDE Spin available for download
  # Reminder: Fedora Board IRC meeting 1700 
UTC 2009-12-03

  # Red Hat Bugzilla 3.4 Upgrade Public Beta
  # Upcoming multi-day outage
  # Upcoming Events
  # Past Events
  o 1.2 Planet Fedora
+ 1.2.1 General
  o 1.3 Marketing
+ 1.3.1 Marketing Meeting Log for 2009-12-8 and 2009-12-1
+ 1.3.2 F13 Marketing Preparation
+ 1.3.3 Fedora In The News
+ 1.3.4 Fedora Insight
+ 1.3.5 Fedora-tour Coding Begins
+ 1.3.6 Limesurvey coming to Fedora Infrastructure
  o 1.4 Ambassadors
+ 1.4.1 Fedora 12 event in Nicaragua
+ 1.4.2 FAmSCo election now open: Vote
+ 1.4.3 Fedora 12 is here
  o 1.5 Translation
+ 1.5.1 translate.fedoraproject.org Outage From 
December 12, 2009

+ 1.5.2 Issues with translate.fedoraproject.org
+ 1.5.3 Fedora 13 Draft Schedule
+ 1.5.4 New Members
  o 1.6 Artwork
+ 1.6.1 Brainstorming for Goddard
+ 1.6.2 New Mailing List for Echo
  o 1.7 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.1 Fedora 12 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.2 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.7.3 Fedora 10 Security Advisories
  o 1.8 Virtualization
+ 1.8.1 Events
  # Red Hat Virtual Experience
+ 1.8.2 Fedora Virtualization List
  # KSM Tuning Daemon and the KSM Kernel 
Thread Process

  # New Release virt-manager 0.8.1

-  Fedora Weekly News Issue 205 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 205[1] for the week ending December 
6, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

Welcome to the post-FUDCon Toronto 2009 issue of Fedora Weekly News! In 
this issue, details on the various Fedora elections and announcement of 
the Fedora 13 release name, as well as news of the new Bugzilla 3.4 
public beta availability. In news from the Fedora Planet, details on why 
Chromium is not packaged for Fedora, an upcoming Gnome Color Manager 
release, a guide to theming Plymouth, and much more! Updates from FUDCon 
Toronto and work towards Fedora 13 from the Marketing beat. In news from 
Ambassadors, a report on a F12 event in Nicaragua. Translation brings us 
news of an upcoming outage for translate.fedoraproject.org and details 
related to this, a draft Fedora 13 schedule, and new Localization team 
members. From the Design team, brainstorming on the Goddard theme, and a 
new mailing list for the Echo icon set. Security Advisories brings us up 
to date on patches for Fedora 10, 11 and 12. The Virtualization beat 
wraps up this issue, with details on a Red Hat Virtualization online 
event on 12/9, details on a new virt-manager release. Enjoy this issue 
of FWN!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue205
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

--  Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and 

Contributing Writer: Rashadul Islam

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events


The Fedora Board, FESCO and FAMSCO Election are scheduled to start at 
 UTC on 5th December 2009 and run until 2359 UTC on 15th December 2009.

  Fedora Board, FESCo & FAmSCo Elections - Voting Information 

Nigel Jones, Fedora Election Admin, announced that the elections for the 
Fedora Board, Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) and the 
Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee have been created and are due to 
start at  UTC on 5th December 2009 and are scheduled to run until 
2359 UTC on 15th December 2009.[1]. He also mentioned:

“All groups have chosen to use the Range Voting method [2]

Fedora Weekly News 206

2009-12-14 Thread Pascal Calarco

* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 206
  o 1.1 Announcements
  # Fedora 10 final updates cutoff: December 11
  # Upcoming Events
  # Past Events
  o 1.2 Ambassadors
+ 1.2.1 Fedora 12 release party in Athens, Greece
+ 1.2.2 Fedora 12 release party in Caracas, Venezuela
+ 1.2.3 Fedora Ambassadors active in Tunisia
+ 1.2.4 FAmSCo election now open: Vote
+ 1.2.5 Fedora 12 is here
  o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 FUDCon Toronto
+ 1.3.4 BugZappers triaged bugs policy change
+ 1.3.5 Release criteria revision
+ 1.3.6 Bugzilla 3.4 public beta
+ 1.3.7 Fedora 13 schedule
+ 1.3.8 Fedora 13 Alpha release notes
  o 1.4 Translation
+ 1.4.1 Fedora 13 Schedule Draft Discussion
+ 1.4.2 FLSCo Election Proposed
+ 1.4.3 Update About translate.fedoraproject.org Issues
+ 1.4.4 Mentoring of New Members
  o 1.5 Artwork
+ 1.5.1 Goddard Ahead
+ 1.5.2 Improving the Fedora Community Website
  o 1.6 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.1 Fedora 12 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.2 Fedora 11 Security Advisories
+ 1.6.3 Fedora 10 Security Advisories

- Fedora Weekly News Issue 206 -

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 206[1] for the week ending December 
13, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

This week's issue kicks off with an announcement that the Fedora-related 
voting has been extended one day due to some infrastructure outages. 
There is still time to vote, if you haven't yet!  In news from 
Ambassadors, details on Fedora 12 release parties in Greece and 
Venezuela, and an Ambassadors update from Tunisia. Also a reminder to 
vote before the end of today in the FAMSco elections. In Quality 
Assurance news, we have a special double issue for you, including 
details from the latest weekly meetings, a report on QA activities at 
FUDCon Toronto last weekend, and early news on Fedora 13 work. In Design 
news, early details on Goddard theming and looks toward updating the 
Fedora community website. Security Advisories brings us up to date on 
the latest security patches for F10 through F12. We hope you enjoy FWN 206!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue206
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

-- Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and 

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events


Paul W. Frields announced[1] that elections for the Fedora Board, FESCo 
and FAmSCo would be extended one day, now ending at 2009-12-16 UTC 2359.

As a reminder:

All groups have chosen to use the Range Voting method [2]

Ballots may be cast on the Fedora Elections System at [3]. If this is 
the first time you've used the voting system, please refer to the Fedora 
Elections Guide, currently located at [4].

Fedora Board Election:

This election, the Fedora Board is electing two candidates and will 
appoint another two members.

Vacating the seats on the board this election are elected 
representatives Matt Domsch & Bill Nottingham, and appointed 
representatives Christoher Aillon and Dimitris Glezos[5].

The candidates for this election, in alphabetical order are:

* Chris Tyler (ctyler)
* Colin Walters (walters)
* Matt Domsch (mdomsch)
* Steven M. Parrish (SMParrish)

To vote, you must have a signed Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

Vote Here: [6]

Town Hall Logs: [7] [8]

Fedora Engineering Steering Committee Election:

For this election, FESCo will be electing four candidates to sit on the 

Vacating the seats on FESCo this election are Jon Stanley, Dan Horák, 
Jarod Wilson, and David Woodhouse.

The candidates for this election, in alphabetical order are:

* Adam Jackson (ajax)
* Christoph Wickert (cwickert)
* Justin M. Forbes (jforbes)
* Matthew Garrett (mjg59)
* Peter Jones (pjones)
* Richard June (rjune)
* Robert Scheck (

Fedora Weekly New 207

2009-12-21 Thread Pascal Calarco

* 1 Fedora Weekly News Issue 207
  o 1.1 Issue Summary
  o 1.2 Announcements
+ 1.2.1 Fedora Mailing lists migration
+ 1.2.2 Omega (Boxer) Fedora Remix
+ 1.2.3 FUDCon Toronto: Five-Minute Survey
+ 1.2.4 Fedora 10 End of Life
  # Fedora Outage Notification
+ 1.2.6 FESCo Election Results
  # Upcoming Events
  # Past Events
  o 1.3 QualityAssurance
+ 1.3.1 Test Days
+ 1.3.2 Weekly meetings
+ 1.3.3 Increasing the grub timeout
+ 1.3.4 X.org server testing
  o 1.4 Security Advisories
+ 1.4.1 Fedora 12 Security Advisories
+ 1.4.2 Fedora 11 Security Advisories

-  Fedora Weekly News Issue 207 -

--  Issue Summary --

Welcome to Fedora Weekly News Issue 207[1] for the week ending December 
20, 2009. What follows are some highlights from this issue.

Welcome to the final Fedora Weekly News of 2009! We will be taking a 
break after this issue and return with issue 208 on January 11, 2010. 
Have a wonderful holiday season how ever you celebrate it! In this 
issue, we kick off with announcements including a reminder of Fedora 10 
end of life, FESCo election results, and notification of Fedora mailing 
lists migration. In news from the Fedora Planet, several posts covering 
FUDCon Toronto, a continuation of the Plymouth Theming Guide, and 
details on the source control move from cvs to git, as well as several 
posts around virtualization. In Quality Assurance news, a recap of the 
weekly QA team meetings, increasing grub timeout, and X.org server 
testing. Our issue finishes with Security Advisories for Fedora 11 and 
12. We hope you enjoy FWN 207!

If you are interested in contributing to Fedora Weekly News, please see 
our 'join' page[2]. We welcome reader feedback: fedora-news-l...@redhat.com

FWN Editorial Team: Pascal Calarco, Adam Williamson

   1. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/Issue207
   2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/NewsProject/Join

--  Announcements --

In this section, we cover announcements from the Fedora Project, 
including general announcements[1], development announcements[2] and 

Contributing Writer: Pascal Calarco

   1. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/
   2. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-announce/
   3. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events

  Fedora Mailing lists migration 

Jon Stanley wrote[1]:

"Over the last several years, there has been some contention about 
having Fedora mailing lists hosted on Red Hat infrastructure. As 
previously announced[2], there was an effort to migrate the mailing 
lists onto Fedora infrastructure, however, due to a variety of factors, 
it has been very much delayed.

I'm pleased to announce that we've selected a date(s) for this migration 
project, and are ready to implement it. On January 9 and 10, 2010, all 
Fedora related mailing lists that are currently hosted at redhat.com 
will be migrated to lists.fedoraproject.org. Red Hat has agreed to 
forward the mail for the old list name to the new list names, and 
continue hosting the archives at their current location. Additionally, 
all archives will be copied over to the new location as well. All new 
archives will only be present at the new location.

We've decided to do this in one fell swoop rather than gradually as 
originally planned because we feel it to be in the interest of our 
community to have much pain at one point, rather than small amounts of 
pain spread out over a long period of time. All of your mail filters 
that rely on the List-ID header will break on these days, and 
adjustments on your part will be required. We apologize for the 
inconvenience. For your convenience, I've posted a mapping of old list 
names to new list names[3] as well as a PDF version[4]

After the migration, you are welcome to file tickets for new mailing 
list creation and problems with old ones in the Fedora Infrastructure 
trac instance[5].


   3. http://jstanley.fedorapeople.org/mlmigration.ods
   4. http://jstanley.fedorapeople.org/mlmigration.pdf
   5. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/

  Omega (Boxer) Fedora Remix 

Rahul Sundaram wrote[1]:

"Omega is a completely free and open source Linux based operating system 
and a Fedora remix suitable for desktop and laptop users. It is a 
installable Live image for regular PC (i686 architecture) systems. It 
has all the features of Fedora and number of additional software 
including multimedia pl