Re: Pondus license change GPLv3+ - MIT

2009-12-27 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Hi all,

 pondus was previously licensed under GPLv3+; now starting from 0.7.0 the 
 license is MIT.

That's doable? o.O

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Wiki Feature Dashboard Additional Category

2009-12-27 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Wiki Feature Dashboard Additional Category

 Who would implement this, if this is approved by many would someone do it or 
 do I need to find an employee to do it?

 Is this mailing list a suggestion forum for those that can do or can some do 
 it themselves?

Well, I think it's better you post your idea here:

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-12-13 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Fedora has already chosen to make the 32bit builds incompatible with pre-686 
 systems for performance gains

 Yes, a decision I consider to be a Fedora managment mistake.

 Seems to me, as if some people in Fedora's leadership don't want to 
 understand that being able to deploy Linux on old or recycled hardware 
 used to be one big selling point in Linux.

 Certainly, Fedora devs tend to be equipped with modern HW, but it's a mistake 
 to believe everybody is.

 I think if your position is that most users don't care about performance and 
 other things (like compatibility) are more important then you should 
 strongly promote x86_64 Fedora for everyone who can use it.

 Not quite. My position actually is: Most users don't care much about 1-2% 
 improved performance nor about improved internals (more registers etc.), as 
 long as their system does what they want it to do.

 That said, these users don't actually care about using 64bit or 32bit Linux, 
 as long as their applications behave reasonable and as long as the OS is 
 easy to use.

 Or differently: I don't need a car with a 250kw engine and 7 seats to drive 
 to the supermarket. My 8-years of VW Polo with its 50kW engine will also do ;)

I totally agree with you. :)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-12-13 Thread Ikem Krueger
 if _you_ want to support slower machines ... _you_ will have to do the work, 
 you might get help from the community but just ranting on f-d-l Everyone 
 should solve my problems is unlikely to actually help. IMO.

I would if I could. I can't program. Else I would just shutup and
would DO the work!

So the only thing I can do is babel. Alternative I can just sit
there and see how the things become worse..

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Ubuntu Xorg Guru calls for help. Was Re: Fedora 12 Graphics Issues: Cancel F13 and concentrate on fixing F12 ?

2009-12-02 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Nope, Bryce doesn't get to work on upstream in any significant way as
part of his Ubuntu work. I was chatting with Dave about this on IRC the
other day. The most significant submission to upstream that's ever
come out of Ubuntu is a quirk table. (yippee.)

Did you chatted with Bryce?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 12 Graphics Issues: Cancel F13 and concentrate on fixing F12 ?

2009-11-29 Thread Ikem Krueger
 The Bugzappers also always happy to have more people volunteer to help with bug triage; it's a lot of work to keep on top of.

I'd like to help. But the wikipage for testing Xorg issues* is a way
to much to read, given the case you follow all the links on the site
and you need to do so to get an overview. :S To much confusing for a
newb. A real howto with goal, what you need, small steps,
final step, conclusion and how it change things would be nice. :)


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: take me off list

2009-11-23 Thread Ikem Krueger
 I am no longer using fedora. Please take me off mailing list. Thank You.

 remove yourself --

Ouch. xD

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-19 Thread Ikem Krueger
 The netbook problem can be addressed by a download netbook edition link
 which can then be not only 32-bit, but also using a desktop optimized for
 netbook display and RAM sizes rather than the default GNOME.

There is a Fedora 12 LXDE Spin that I think would fit the gap. But it
need some love. :

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Xorg and multitouch

2009-11-18 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Xorg has a lot of catching up to do. Just be patient.

I am not very good at it. xD

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-18 Thread Ikem Krueger
 I noticed that appears to be
 strongly promoting i386 Fedora over x86_64. Is this intentional or an

 I agree, that was my first impression as well.

 However, if you just want a single download now button, 32-bit would get
 you the widest hardware coverage.

And you can run a 32-bit OS on an 64-bit architecture. The other way
doesn't work. ^^

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-18 Thread Ikem Krueger
 IMHO, the right solution is to make the 64-bit edition the default download
 and to work on making the error message people get when trying to install it
 on a 32-bit machine nicer: We're sorry, but your computer is too old to
 install this 64-bit version of Fedora. Please download the legacy 32-bit
 edition instead.

That would be an aweful first experience. Imagine her thoughts: Oh. I
made something wrong.. Maybe it's nothing for me..

I suggest to let it as it is and check the system (if 64bit or 32bit)
when it is running.

Maybe then a little popup comes up with something like:

You're pc could be run faster, if you upgrade this operating system
to the 64bit version of it. You can download them here if you like:

Even better would be:

You're pc could be run faster, if you upgrade this operating system
to the 64bit version of it. You can do so by clicking here: [Button]

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-18 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Yeah, they're a huge step backwards (and not just for 64-bit computing, but
also for CPU speed, RAM, disk space (especially where SSDs are used instead
of the traditional HDDs) and LCD pixel counts

I like this fact. I think this will push Linux. Code on slow machines,
and on normal machines, the system will kick-ass! :D

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-18 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Except, that could be false advertising. In most cases, where CPU
 computation is not used heavily, 64-bit is actually SLOWER than the 32-bit
 counterpart. Optimizations are narrowing the gap, but it still remains

Why then should someone prefer 64bit over 32bit?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-18 Thread Ikem Krueger
 That gives very little incentive to fetch the correct version.

Why should a person bother with it, when a pc can do that?

 And I think that by now the vast majority of our userbase uses 64-bit-capable 

I don't know. Maybe a poll would be good for that? :)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-18 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Why then should someone prefer 64bit over 32bit?

 4 Reasons:

 1: Date/Time stamp, Unix time doesn't work in 32-bit past 2038 (not really 
 affecting us much, most of us will replace our PCs long before then)

What do the people with 32bit cpus who won't/can't upgrade?

 2: Access more than 4GB of RAM (definitely becoming increasingly important)

I hope for the apps, not for the system. I don't want to become Linux
the next Vista..

 3: Enhanced performance-critical computational capabilities (if you do a lot 
 of complex HD photo, HD video, or HD audio work, or if you do a lot of raw 
 complex math on your computer, this is EXTREMELY important)

 4: Better virtual machine performance

Thanks for the answer. :)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

2009-11-18 Thread Ikem Krueger
 What do the people with 32bit cpus who won't/can't upgrade?

 Then the Y2k38 problem occurs, which is what the theoretical Y2K problem
 would have been.

No. I meant, what is the solution?

Can't we not just write down the time somewhere and began to count the
time from zero? o.O

 Nowadays, it isn't unusual for applications to require at least 512MB of RAM. 
 That builds up, quite quickly.

I have only 512MB RAM and I think it is more then enough! And I don't
plan to upgrade. If the app eats all my memory, I look for an

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Drop wodim, use cdrskin instead?

2009-11-17 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Contrary to what the man page says, wodim doesn't automatically format
 DVD+RWs, so you have to fully format the disc in advance before using
 wodim to write it.

Thanks. :)

As I know that's not the only thing that's not fixed in Wodim and
fixed in Cdrskin..

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Meeting (Fedora talk?) to discuss no frozen rawhide]

2009-11-13 Thread Ikem Krueger
Is this the place where we talk about new features?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Roopesh's Birthday Calendar

2009-11-13 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Please click on the link below and enter your birthday for me.  I am creating 
 a birthday calendar for myself.  Don't worry, it'll take less than a minute 
 (and you don't have to enter your year of birth).

Spam? o.O

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: 2009-11-09 Fedora 12 Go/No Go Meeting Minutes

2009-11-11 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Meeting summary

Folks, this question maybe sound stupid but, how do I participate on a meeting?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: 2009-11-09 Fedora 12 Go/No Go Meeting Minutes

2009-11-11 Thread Ikem Krueger
Thank you both. :

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Kernel using LZMA compression

2009-11-04 Thread Ikem Krueger
 The executive summary is: Xen does not let a kernel boot itself, because 
 mimicking bare hardware is too tedious (and pointless.) Instead, Xen 
 instantiates an instance of a kernel into the Xen environment.  To do this 
 instantiation, Xen does its own decompression, so Xen must know everything 
 about the compression.

I know you're right. But that sound stupid to me: The kernel itself
has routines built-in for decompression. Why isn't it enough to let
Xen use the same routines for decompression as the kernel?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Kernel using LZMA compression

2009-11-04 Thread Ikem Krueger
 I am reading between the lines here (I have never looked at this stuff in 
 Xen) but I would assume it's for the reason given above. The kernel's own 
 decompression routines must run very early on in the boot process - well 
 before the first line of C code runs and while the CPU (on x86) is still 
 running in legacy real addressing mode (right after the handover from the 
 bootloader and relocation of the kernel image).

Ok. Sounds plausible. How is it to seperate the routines? Can they
brought from legacy mode to real mode?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Boot from CD, safe changes to USB-Stick

2009-11-04 Thread Ikem Krueger
You don't wanna change something on the harddisks, but wanna safe the
changes. So you boot from Live-CD and the changes are redirected to
the USB-Stick. Puppy Linux does it that way*. I wanna see it in
Fedora. :D


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Boot from CD, safe changes to USB-Stick

2009-11-04 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Already possible I believe. I think there's a persistent overlay kernel 
 command argument that you can point to use a file on your USB drive if you're 
 booting from CD. I may be wrong on this though.

I research for that..

 It's easier just to boot from USB though. Faster all the way around. CD/DVDs 
 take ages to boot. I know persistant overlay works swell with this method. I 
 use it personally. Is booting from USB not an option for you?

Nope. My pc won't boot from stick. :S

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Boot from CD, safe changes to USB-Stick

2009-11-04 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Already possible I believe. I think there's a persistent overlay kernel 
 command argument that you can point to use a file on your USB drive if 
 you're booting from CD. I may be wrong on this though.

 I research for that..

I looked for kernel command. The only sources I found where this*
and this*. Both doesn't mention persistent overlay.


Only for USB-Sticks persistent overlay is mentioned.


And I found another guy who asked for the same feature.


fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Boot from CD, safe changes to USB-Stick

2009-11-04 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Look here: and 
 scroll down to data persistence

 The primary usage of this feature is booting a USB stick with your live image 
 as well as the persistent changes.

Sorry. But that's not what I meant.

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Web page for distro life cycle stage

2009-11-03 Thread Ikem Krueger
 Web page for distro life cycle stage

 If a release is in freeze, it can be in marked in an yellow circle, and when 
 we can push packages to a release, it can be in a green circle, similar to 
 traffic signal lights

I like this idea. :)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Kernel using LZMA compression

2009-10-31 Thread Ikem Krueger
As I know, the kernel is compressed with bzip2 or gzip. How about
using LZMA instead? Or is that already the case?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Kernel using LZMA compression

2009-10-31 Thread Ikem Krueger
 As I know, the kernel is compressed with bzip2 or gzip. How about using LZMA 
 instead? Or is that already the case?

 There is such an option but it is currently disabled due to missing support 
 in xen.
Thanks. But don't understand. What has LZMA todo with Xen?

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Unreadable binaries

2009-10-26 Thread Ikem Krueger
 I just saw this article about an effort to create Universal binary style ELF
 binaries for Linux, and I thought that this would be something to watch, so
 that Fedora could integrate both x86-32 and x86-64 into single DVD sets.
I don't suggest to do that. As already mentioned, that would double
the size of the distro/iso. I would use this technic only, if

About fat-elf in general: As long as it is optional, I am fine with
it. May it at compile time or after compiling by stripping binaries.
(I'd like to see both options.)

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Unreadable binaries

2009-10-26 Thread Ikem Krueger
Sorry. Wrong mail. ^^'

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Re: Fedora with Universal Binaries?

2009-10-26 Thread Ikem Krueger
 I just saw this article about an effort to create Universal binary style ELF
 binaries for Linux, and I thought that this would be something to watch, so
 that Fedora could integrate both x86-32 and x86-64 into single DVD sets.
I don't suggest to do that. As already mentioned, that would double
the size of the distro/iso. I would use this technic only, if

About fat-elf in general: As long as it is optional, I am fine with
it. May it at compile time or after compiling by stripping binaries.
(I'd like to see both options.)

fedora-devel-list mailing list