Re: I need your help for Paula Fasseas

2006-04-11 Thread Belinda
   Bailey, diagnosed FeLV+ at 5 months of age, will turn 11 years old 
in May of 2006.  Has 5 housemates all negative, they eat, sleep, play, 
groom and on the rare occasion have disagreements.  In the almost 11 
years they have all lived together nobody has become positive.

   Happiness is being owned by cats ...
   Be-Mi-Kitties ...
   Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
   FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


   BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

CLS Service - Monday April 10, 2006

2006-04-11 Thread Belinda

  Hi All,
Here is the service for Monday the 10th of April, sorry this is so late, 
finally got through my 800 emails. Please let me know if I have left any 
of they furangels out or gotten the wrong dates.

   FeLV Candle Light Service

   Happiness is being owned by cats ...
   Be-Mi-Kitties ...
   Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

Bella had babies

2006-04-11 Thread Lomaxturtle

Congrats - Bella must be so proud and you too of course. The kittiens sound 
so sweet - long and happy life prayes to you all.

Michelle, Minstrel, buddy  Angel Bramble

FeLV cats deserve a chance

2006-04-11 Thread veggiepugs
Dear Kerry-
I'm a bit of a lurker on this board but read your email about the shelter for 
FeLV+ cats and wanted to say a little something. I adopted a cat I found 
outside my office in November of 2005. He tested positive for FeLV and that's 
how I came to find this wonderful list of people and cats here. A lot of people 
say they could never get a pet, let alone a pet with a health condition because 
it is too hard to lose them when they go. That, is true, however, the time 
spent with them is beyond explanation. When I took Wowie into my home knowing 
he had FeLV. I thought I might have to distance myself from the situation but I 
knew that no one would give him a better home than I could. Even though he had 
this condition, nothing about him made him any less wonderful than he is. Sick 
or not sick, living creatures who are here on this earth should be given love 
and the best care while they are here, just as we would do for any human being 
we loved. FeLV, while unpredictable, is not a death sentence. While some do not 
have much time, many others do live quite long and happy lives and it is us who 
can help to make their stay here, no matter how long it is, the best it can be. 
What a wonderful gift to be able to give, and what a wonderful gift the reward 
of a loving companion is whose life is better, because of you. Wowie is 
thriving and while I do not know what the future brings, I know that no matter 
who we are, life is unpredictable for ALL of us and no matter how long life may 
be, it is never long enough. Enjoy every day, make it count and make it count 
for those whose lives you touch as well. Wowie is doing SO well right now and I 
wouldn't trade anything in the world for the love and joy this cat has brought 
into my life I feel lucky every single day...just ask anyone I keep blabbing to 
about him! No matter how long his life may be, I will always be grateful for 
the time he has been a part of my life and know that because I gave him a 
chance, he has lived a more comfortable, warmer, loved existence in my home. 
And boy does he show that he appreciates it!
Thanks for letting me share!

- Original Message -
From: Kerry MacKenziemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 12:22 AM
Subject: I need your help
Dear all
I'll try to make this as brief/concise as possible.
Because of what happened with Pookie, Paula Fasseas, the founder/owner of 
 the shelter, PAWS, called me. I would never normally have had a chance to 
 speak to her---she's a society high-flier who owns banks (yup, you read that 
 right) and started up PAWS just a few years ago when her small daughter 
 suggested doing something for animals.
Pookie wasn't positive, but at some point in our conversation she 
 mentioned leukemia in passing.
Now, PAWS is building a 7-million dollar state of the art shelter in 
 Chicago, with adoption suites (and much more space I've heard given to dogs 
 than cats). I had also heard from 2 reliable sources that this shelter was 
 NOT going to have space for FeLV cats which saddened and sickened me. All 
 this money and effort, and no support for FeLV kitties.
I kept thinking I should write to Paula Fasseas.
So when *leukemia* came up in the phone call, this was a 
 never-to-be-repeated chance.
I asked her if there was to be an annex for FeLV cats in the new facility 
 letting her know that I had had 6 FeLV cats at one point and they have a 
 special place in my heart. I was expecting her to say no. But, she said that 
 there was an 8x16 room they could probably use for that... !
And we then got talking a bit about FeLV and I explained why they *should* 
 be included in the new shelter.
She got quite animated and enthused about the idea, and I said I'd send 
 her this wonderful website address (which i already did).
However, yesterday it occurred to me that i should send a PS with some 
 brief case histories from you wonderful people, to illustrate in a very real 
 way why FeLV cats should be given a chance the same as other cats.
As an example, my statement will prob say something like:
I took in a colony of 6 cats, 5 of whom tested positive. Four of them, 
 Caramel, Levi, Flavia and Snowball, kittens when I got them, enjoyed quality 
 lives for between 1-2 years, playing and roughhousing and grooming and 
 cuddling and enjoying their food and treats like all kittens do.They loved to 
 play ping pong in the middle of the night--I was frequently wakened by the 
 thud-thud against the door!  Mickey is still going strong, and cuddles and 
 plays with Momcat, who incidentally is and retested negative. Kerry M
If any of you--particularly those of you whose cats have lived longer, 
 could email me a brief description with their names, ages, and also whether 
 you mix too--I'll compile them and send them on. Please note I may 

Tabbs Spain Belinda CLS picture to follow

2006-04-11 Thread Sandra

Tabbs Spain, crossed over, 8th AprilI am heart broken, but after Tabbs
Long and brave fight, I had my Lady vetcome out to the House to put My brave
boy to sleep, He had so many trips tothe vets in the last month that I
did not have the heart for that last one,when I knew that he would know
where he was going. I have known we werelosing the fight for the last
3 weeks, He had lost interest in his food andalso had lost a lot of
weight, but was still enjoying life up until the last2 days. he did not wish
too be with me any longer sleeping or for sittingon my lap. and
on the Friday I had called the vet out, I picked him up forhis last cuddle,
but he wanted to be put down, and when I put him on thefloor,for him to go
back to his hiding spot in the video unit, he rush outside into the garden,
and did a wee, but then instead of going to one of hisold sleeping spot, he
disappeared down the into the Spanish under growthwhere I could not follow
him, due to us living on a mountain type range. Allday I called him and all
night, up to 2.30 in the morning, I was stillexpecting him to turn up
on the end of my bed, but I was scared that he wasnot coming back, and had
gone off to die.Back up again 4 , and 6, still no Tabbs, by 8 o
clock I knew he was notgoing to turn up,So on with my walking shoes and
a lot of protection clothing, plus mywalking stick, and some rope, and down
the mountain I went calling andpraying, but knowing unless I could see him,
I would not be able to recoverhim, due to not responding to me on other
occasions, when he wanted to hour later and a little bit
worst for wear due to the heavy undergrowth, I hear 3 meow's from him, but
for the next 20 mins nothing, but atleast I knew he was down there some
where, and a lot further down than Iwould have though he would have gone. I
shouted to my husband to get the carand drive down to the bottom of the
valley to see if could hear him or seehim , but no luck there. But my young
cat Tiger who follows me every where,had followed me down through the thick
under growth and was further down,than me, but he had found Tabbs, who was
behind a big stone rock, it took me about 10mins to get to him, But he
would not come to me, I now had the problem ofclimbing back up with him in
my arms, which to begin with was OK, as he washappy to have a cuddle, after
10 mins with one arm round him and the othertrying to grab plant life to
pull myself back up the hill, I was havingtrouble hanging onto him,But
20 mins later, and nearly having a heart attack we got to the top. Oh Iwas
so happy, to have found him, I had thoughts that I would have alwayshave
been looking down that valley and wondering where he was, and neverknowing
how long he was there before he past on.My FELV boy Chang who pass on last
summer, did this to us, and also My FELVBoy Rocky , he went missing for 3
days, but came back to die, they whereboth, too wild too do any treatment
with. But Tabbs who was also a stray wassomeone's pet at some
time,Sadly Tabbs did not wish me to hold him or give him cuddles, and
went backinto his hiding place of the Video, so the phone call I had made
the daybefore had to be repeated, No interest in food or water, and he
lookedreally fed up. I spent a couple of hours sitting next to him and
giving himmy contact and talking to him, while we waited for the vet to
come. Eventhen he tried to do a little roll for me to tickle his tummy. My
best Boy.The end was easy and very peace full for him, thanks to my
vet.If we could have got the epogen, then may be he would have had
a betterchance, for any one interested in the care Tabbs had or the
history onfeline interferon and interferon A which he was treated with, then
when I amfeeling better, I will give any information that may or may not be
ofinterest.Also if we had started the Interferon early may be things
would have had abetter ending.I do believe that the Interferon did give
Tabbs a couple of extra months. hewas ill at Xmas time, so who knows.but
Thanks to you all and this web site I do feel that I was able to do morefor
Tabbs, than I would have with out it. Thank you.please Belinda
would you add Tabbs to CLS list, do I need to send you aphoto of Tabbs. I
would like rush, good luck with your operation, praying all goes
well and aspeedily recoveryDare I ask how is Bailey doing, I have been
too upset to view the e mailsover the last week so forgive me on not being
up to date.
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Fw: Tabbs in Spain Interferon Omega

2006-04-11 Thread Sandra

photo to follow

From: Sandra 
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 3:55 PM
Subject: Tabbs in Spain Interferon Omega 

Tabbs Spanish Siamese tabby point 
FELV positive and Sandra 

Took him in when he was a full male 
adult, age unknown,between 6 and 10.We Fully Vacc and neutered 
without testing , sharing home with 5 other cats 4 who have been taken in by 
lost 2 last year due to FELV, not 
tame enough to treat. Also took a kitten in who tested FELV, when 6 months old, 
but last test Nov 2005 was neg ,all 3 other cats testing 

Blood tests to date, 

Jan `13 2006 
HCT 17.5 old vets
Jan 20 
2006 HCT 17.2 new vets urea 
Jan 28 
2006 HCT 20.9
2006 HCT 10.00
Feb 25  2006 
HCT 11.2
March9 2006 
HCT 14.3 Kidneys OK but liver which has been fine is not so 
March 28 2006HCT 
11.1 a little more Regenerative 3:

if you wish me to e mail you a copy of the 
complete blood test I am happy to do so. as I am not that good at reading 
also they are in Spanish some 

30 Jan 2006analysis Tabbs has no parasite 
(haemobartonella) in the blood.
vet recommends to repeat the make the 
immune system stronger, one week after first injection. done

(from my Vet Victoria )
Hello Sandra: I am so happy to tell you that 
Tabbs hct is 14.3 %!!! 9.3.2006
Last time was 11 % and a non regenerative 
anaemia. Now is a little regenerative.
So, now I suggest to follow in this 
-Vitamins and rest of the medication: the 
sameas before, 

started 27.02-Dacortin 5mg: injection then1 
tablet /that eveningfollowed by , 2 tablets per day for 3 days 
then 1 tablet mornings for 5 days. then one every other day, until further 
(could be 10 days when my vet will do another 
blood test.

-Interferon omega: ( started Virbagen Omega 4th 
March 1/2 bottle every other day. Tabbs HCT reading was 10% at this point. then 
1/4 bottle every day(02.5 UI) ( 5 bottles) 10mu 500 euros
He had been 17.5% dropping to 17.2, then after 
the iron and vitamins plus restarting the stomorgy Tabbs went up to 21% (great) 
at this point I did not feel the need for the Interferon omega, 
(wrong)But on retesting again he had drop to 10 HCT so 
that is when we started the Interferon.. 
-Vitamins and rest of the medication: the 
sameas before, 
this was1/2 tablet per day of fortekor 
1/2 tablet stomorgyl per day 10kgs Tabb has been 
onstomorgyl for about 6 weeks. may be longer.
Vitamins drops and iron drops each day for the 
last 6 weeks( mixed in warm milk)
L-lysine just start, about 5 days now 500mg 
morning and evening( mixed in food)

Here is Tabbs History to 
Xmas 2005 pneumonia , hiding in the airing 
cupboard for about 5 days, then moved to spending all day in the bathroom 
treated the pneumonia with antibiotics , I can 
not remember what type, and also the fact that he tested 
FELVposin Nov 2005 was probably
the reason why he had picked up the pneumonia. 

At that time my old vet was only treating him 
with stomorgly for his bad mouth and teeth, alongside
giving him vitamin B injections. after finding 
the groups web site, (so Helpful)I printed out a lot of 
the information that I had collected, and took it down to my vet 
But in fairness to him , my lack of Spanish and 
his lack of English proved to be a lack of interest in the information I had 
collected followed by comments of
having tried the following with out 
success,he was uninterested. At that time the paper I shown him was 
headed ImmunoRegulin ---
More reading, and discontent, I change vets and 
found one that was recommended, and who is open to suggestions, and also had 
treated 3 of her own clients cats with the feline interferon.
So to date, Tabbs was started on the omega 
interferon when his blood count was reading 10%, where my new Vet remarked 
that he shouldhave die, and that she was unsure to weather we would 
any successin treating Tabbs at this late 
stage.Sadly we could have started his treatment 
of the interferon earlier, but due to his readings on the 28 Jan, we 
thought the treatment was working.

Two other points that are the beginning of Tabbs 
History, are that first he has hadbad teeth for the last 2 years, and 
having waited for his kidney readings to come downenough for us to give 
his teeth a clean and remove the bad teeth, we wasted 18 months before being 
able to do this. But since he has been on thestomorgyl for over 2 
months now, it appears that there is no problem with his Kidneys. my old vet 
tested in house his self, and my new vet sends the blood away to a very good 
place that is 99% correct.

Tabbs has had a X ray at his old vets,and I 
was toldthat there did not seem to be any tumours showing, But he has got 
2 small lumps in his mouth which are beginning to get too big, and they are 
giving him a great deal of trouble, so much so that he as stop eating, and on 
the 26 of FebI was thinking of calling the vet out to put him to sleep due 
to him being on a real 

Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS list Thank you Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Kat
Dear Sandra,

I'm so very sorry your precious Tabbs is gone.  But I'm glad you had the
extra few months with him, and that you both shared your love with him.
Please know that you and you husband are in my prayers.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS list Thank you Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Susan Loesch
What a hard fight for life Tabbs made; such a brave boy. I am so sorry.Sandra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Tabbs Spain, crossed over, 8th AprilI am heart broken, but after Tabbs Long and brave fight, I had my Lady vetcome out to the House to put My brave boy to sleep, He had so many trips
 tothe vets in the last month that I did not have the heart for that last one,when I knew that he would know where he was going. I have known we werelosing the fight for the last 3 weeks, He had lost interest in his food andalso had lost a lot of weight, but was still enjoying life up until the last2 days. he did not wish too be with me any longer sleeping or for sittingon my lap. and on the Friday I had called the vet out, I picked him up forhis last cuddle, but he wanted to be put down, and when I put him on thefloor,for him to go back to his hiding spot in the video unit, he rush outside into the garden, and did a wee, but then instead of going to one of hisold sleeping spot, he disappeared down the into the Spanish under growthwhere I could not follow him, due to us living on a mountain type range. Allday I called him and all night, up to 2.30 in the morning, I was stillexpecting him to
 turn up on the end of my bed, but I was scared that he wasnot coming back, and had gone off to die.Back up again 4 , and 6, still no Tabbs, by 8 o clock I knew he was notgoing to turn up,So on with my walking shoes and a lot of protection clothing, plus mywalking stick, and some rope, and down the mountain I went calling andpraying, but knowing unless I could see him, I would not be able to recoverhim, due to not responding to me on other occasions, when he wanted to hour later and a little bit worst for wear due to the heavy undergrowth, I hear 3 meow's from him, but for the next 20 mins nothing, but atleast I knew he was down there some where, and a lot further down than Iwould have though he would have gone. I shouted to my husband to get the carand drive down to the bottom of the valley to see if could hear him or seehim , but no luck there. But my young cat Tiger who follows me every
 where,had followed me down through the thick under growth and was further down,than me, but he had found Tabbs, who was behind a big stone rock, it took me about 10mins to get to him, But he would not come to me, I now had the problem ofclimbing back up with him in my arms, which to begin with was OK, as he washappy to have a cuddle, after 10 mins with one arm round him and the othertrying to grab plant life to pull myself back up the hill, I was havingtrouble hanging onto him,But 20 mins later, and nearly having a heart attack we got to the top. Oh Iwas so happy, to have found him, I had thoughts that I would have alwayshave been looking down that valley and wondering where he was, and neverknowing how long he was there before he past on.My FELV boy Chang who pass on last summer, did this to us, and also My FELVBoy Rocky , he went missing for 3 days, but came back to die, they whereboth, too wild too do any
 treatment with. But Tabbs who was also a stray wassomeone's pet at some time,Sadly Tabbs did not wish me to hold him or give him cuddles, and went backinto his hiding place of the Video, so the phone call I had made the daybefore had to be repeated, No interest in food or water, and he lookedreally fed up. I spent a couple of hours sitting next to him and giving himmy contact and talking to him, while we waited for the vet to come. Eventhen he tried to do a little roll for me to tickle his tummy. My best Boy.The end was easy and very peace full for him, thanks to my vet.If we could have got the epogen, then may be he would have had a betterchance, for any one interested in the care Tabbs had or the history onfeline interferon and interferon A which he was treated with, then when I amfeeling better, I will give any information that may or may not be ofinterest.Also if we had started the
 Interferon early may be things would have had abetter ending.I do believe that the Interferon did give Tabbs a couple of extra months. hewas ill at Xmas time, so who knows.but Thanks to you all and this web site I do feel that I was able to do morefor Tabbs, than I would have with out it. Thank you.please Belinda would you add Tabbs to CLS list, do I need to send you aphoto of Tabbs. I would like rush, good luck with your operation, praying all goes well and aspeedily recoveryDare I ask how is Bailey doing, I have been too upset to view the e mailsover the last week so forgive me on not being up to date.  [EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]  I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.It has removed 1180 spam emails to date.Paying users do not have this message in their emails.Try SPAMfighter for free now!

Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS list Thank you Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Sandra

Thank you for you kind thoughts for Tabbs and us
the list has been a god send in letting me feel that I did all that was 
possible for Tabbs



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Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS list Thank you Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Sandra

Thank you so much for your kind
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RE: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, everyone, today is one of the saddest
day of my life  one of Bellas babies died this morning around 2
am and I think I caused her to die. I am just too upset about what
happened. But, I wanted to help, but instead I killed her. She was
only 10 days old and she did not even get to open her eyes. All I know
was that it was definitely not her time to go yet. But I killed
her. I am so mad at myself and am just going insane from a grief of
losing her. I was supposed to protect Bella and her babies and not to
hurt them. I could still hear her meow right before she stopped
breathing.. I am such a ignorant and stupid, I should just let Bella who knows
what she is doing to continue to care for her.

I did not event get to name her.. Bella is
very sad and does not know what happened  its all my fault 
everyone please please pray that the little baby angel is at heaven and comes
back as a new life very very soon and have much happiness in her new life 
and I am very sure that most of you know how this feels. Its sad enough
to lose her, but its unbearable to know that you are the who killed an
innocent life and she was not ready to go.

Please do not make me feel better as I
feel that its sinful to feel better  she is gone, there is
nothing I can do about it, but I just cannot stop crying and am just so angry
myself and feel so badly for the baby and Bella  

Thank you for all your prayers for the


RE: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Hideyo,I know you did not hurt the baby on purpose.What happened?? You are a great mom to all the animals you help.I know how it feel to hurt a small animal and cause its death,it is horrible,I still get a stomache ache when I think about it and it happened over 20 years agoHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi, everyone, today is one of the saddest day of my life – one of Bella’s babies died this morning around 2 am and I think I caused her to die. I am just too upset about what happened. But, I wanted to help, but instead I killed her. She was only 10 days old
 and she did not even get to open her eyes. All I know was that it was definitely not her time to go yet. But I killed her. I am so mad at myself and am just going insane from a grief of losing her. I was supposed to protect Bella and her babies and not to hurt them. I could still hear her meow right before she stopped breathing.. I am such a ignorant and stupid, I should just let Bella who knows what she is doing to continue to care for her.  I did not event get to name her.. Bella is very sad and does not know what happened – it’s all my fault – everyone please please pray that the little baby angel is at heaven and comes back as a new life very very soon and have much happiness in her new life – and I am very sure that most of you know how this feels. It’s sad enough to lose her, but it’s
 unbearable to know that you are the who killed an innocent life and she was not ready to go.  Please do not make me feel better as I feel that it’s sinful to feel better – she is gone, there is nothing I can do about it, but I just cannot stop crying and am just so angry myself and feel so badly for the baby and Bella – Thank you for all your prayers for the baby – Hideyo
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RE: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Barb Moermond
Oh Hideyo, tell us what happened! Babies that young are very fragile and more pass during the first couple weeks than you'd think. MC lost quite a few wee ones last summer and it's heartbreaking, but it just wasn't meant to be. Why do you think you killed this baby? Talk to us sweetie!HUGSHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Hi, everyone, today is one of the saddest day of my life – one of Bella’s babies died this morning around 2 am and I think I caused her to
 die. I am just too upset about what happened. But, I wanted to help, but instead I killed her. She was only 10 days old and she did not even get to open her eyes. All I know was that it was definitely not her time to go yet. But I killed her. I am so mad at myself and am just going insane from a grief of losing her. I was supposed to protect Bella and her babies and not to hurt them. I could still hear her meow right before she stopped breathing.. I am such a ignorant and stupid, I should just let Bella who knows what she is doing to continue to care for her.  I did not event get to name her.. Bella is very sad and does not know what happened – it’s all my fault – everyone please please pray that the little baby angel is at heaven and comes back as a new life very very
 soon and have much happiness in her new life – and I am very sure that most of you know how this feels. It’s sad enough to lose her, but it’s unbearable to know that you are the who killed an innocent life and she was not ready to go.  Please do not make me feel better as I feel that it’s sinful to feel better – she is gone, there is nothing I can do about it, but I just cannot stop crying and am just so angry myself and feel so badly for the baby and Bella – Thank you for all
 your prayers for the baby – HideyoBarb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous
		Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone  calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread TenHouseCats
oh, hideyo,

PLEASE be gentle with yourself.

we make the very best decisions we can at every moment, using the information we had at that moment. even if that information changes later on, even minutes later, our choice was NOT wrong, it was what was right at that moment. WE know, and i hope you can come to realize, that you would NEVER knowingly cause harm. whatever you did, it was correct when you did it. 

sometimes this is the only way that we learn--the lessons are way too hard, but we best honor these critters who came to us as teachers by learning the lessons they came to teach us, and do better the next time. 

kittens are far more fragile than most people think; anyone who works with them a lot comes to know that many will be lost. there are so many times when, no matter what we do, they are just not meant to be here long. all we can do is our best, and make sure that whatever time they spend with us is filled with love. 

you gave the kitten that, hideyo; none of usminimize that great gift.

big hugs.

MC-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892

Subject: Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS

2006-04-11 Thread Carla Shoppe

Subject: Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS  list Thank you Belinda

Dear Sandra,

I'm so very sorry for your loss of Tabbs.  But I'm glad you had 
extra few months and that you were able to show him love.

Again I am sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you.


RE: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I went into the nursing room about 1:30 am
to feed Bella and to make sure that all the babies are doing ok as I was
feeding Bella, I noticed one of the babies was sleeping her mouth open, and
nose sounded stuffy --- so I checked her temperature and it was lower than
other babies and I checked her weight and was much less than others and seemed
that she lost some weight or at least has not gained for the last day or two..
so I freaked out.. and I started warming her by wrapping her in wool and put
her right by my stomach so that she could be gradually warmed up as the book
said its danger to warm a chilled baby too quickly using a head pad..
and the book said that I should give some water/sugar and not to give any
formula to a chilled baby.. and I did .. and soon after I did, she stopped breathing
in a few minutes.. I think I choker her with water.. I am so ignorant, and
stupid and cruel. Bella was still nursing her, and I should have just put
her back with Bella once I warmed her a little bit without trying to give any
water  I was not careful when giving her water and probably gave her
more than she could handle at a time.

Truth is we dont know exactly what
would have happened to her, but one thing I know that she did not die when she
did if I did not do what I did.. she looked healthy, I think she just got
chilled because I left a window open a little because Bella was hot 

I cannot bring her back, but right now I
feel that I need to feel this pain  I keep remembering her little meow
and how I should have just put her back with her mama trust that her mama knows
better than I do.. its too much of price to pay.. I had to take her life
away to realize how stupid I am  I am sorry, you guys, I am just so sad
and am just so angry at myself for carelessness and dont know what to do
and I just miss her so very much..

Behalf Of Sherry DeHaan
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006
10:27 AM
Subject: RE: My Bella's baby died

Hideyo,I know you did not hurt the baby on
purpose.What happened?? You are a great mom to all the animals you help.I know
how it feel to hurt a small animal and cause its death,it is horrible,I still
get a stomache ache when I think about it and it happened over 20 years ago


Hi, everyone, today is one of the saddest day of my life 
one of Bellas babies died this morning around 2 am and I think I caused
her to die. I am just too upset about what happened. But, I wanted to
help, but instead I killed her. She was only 10 days old and she did not
even get to open her eyes. All I know was that it was definitely not her
time to go yet. But I killed her. I am so mad at myself and am just
going insane from a grief of losing her. I was supposed to protect Bella
and her babies and not to hurt them. I could still hear her meow right
before she stopped breathing.. I am such a ignorant and stupid, I should just
let Bella who knows what she is doing to continue to care for her.

I did not event get to name her.. Bella is very sad and does not
know what happened  its all my fault  everyone please
please pray that the little baby angel is at heaven and comes back as a new
life very very soon and have much happiness in her new life  and I am
very sure that most of you know how this feels. Its sad enough to
lose her, but its unbearable to know that you are the who killed an
innocent life and she was not ready to go.

Please do not make me feel better as I feel that its sinful
to feel better  she is gone, there is nothing I can do about it, but I
just cannot stop crying and am just so angry myself and feel so badly for the
baby and Bella  

Thank you for all your prayers for the baby  


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RE: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Dear Kat, thank you for your kind words - I do very much appreciate it.
I did actually sent an email off to explain what happened - I did not
want to remind myself of what I did to a precious baby, but I realize if
I could ever benefit anyone on the list to avoid doing what I did, I
think that's probably the least I could do --

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kat
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:26 AM
Subject: RE: My Bella's baby died

Dear, Dear Hideyo,

Just what did you do?  You tried to help the baby - the best you knew
to at the time - no one here would EVER condemn you for that. It was not
intentional - you are too good of a meowmy for it to have been on

Sometimes these things just happen and all we can do is understand what
happened, learn from it, and gently forgive ourselves for our mistakes.
Our kitties understand this and they don't hold it against us - they
you would never hurt them on purpose.

Please be gentle with yourself and let us know the details when you can
type thru your tears. I am sending you gentle hugs, and gentle prayers
Bella's Baby to find my Baby Callie at the Bridge. I'm so very sorry.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:
 Hi, everyone, today is one of the saddest day of my life - one of
 Bella's babies died this morning around 2 am and I think I caused her
 die. I am just too upset about what happened.  But, I wanted to help,
 but instead I killed her.  She was only 10 days old and she did not
 get to open her eyes.  All I know was that it was definitely not her
 time to go yet.  But I killed her.  I am so mad at myself and am just
 going insane from a grief of losing her.  I was supposed to protect
 Bella and her babies and not to hurt them.  I could still hear her
 right before she stopped breathing.. I am such a ignorant and stupid,
 should just let Bella who knows what she is doing to continue to care
 for her.

Re: Tabbs Spain Belinda CLS picture to follow

2006-04-11 Thread Nina
Oh Sandra, I'm so sorry Tabbs has crossed.  My heart was in my throat 
reading your recount of your last adventure together.  I know exactly 
what you mean about the fear of not knowing what happened to them.  Cats 
are so different than us in that way.  Most do prefer to find a quiet 
place away from their loved ones, when their time is close.  What an 
angel that Tiger is to help you find him!  Make no mistake, Tabbs was 
found and brought home to ease his transition, not so much for him, but 
for you.  Such love the two of you must share!  Please don't think his 
pulling away from you during the last weeks had anything to do with the 
measure of that love.  I believe that when the time to cross is 
approaching some of our babies spend more and more time outside their 
bodies.  It's a way to prepare themselves for their next life and to 
ease their way.  He was busy reuniting with all those that waited 
patiently to greet him.  Sometimes the bond to loved ones on this plane 
is so great they need to pull away from the physical even before they 
pass.  I think this is what happened with Tabbs, he pulled away because 
it was so hard to leave you physically.  Now, because of the love you 
share, he will be with you always, now he knows he will never be far 
from you.  Tabbs has joined all your special friends on the other side.  
Call on him often, he's watching over you and all those you love.

Prayers and blessings to you in your sorrow,

Re: I need your help

2006-04-11 Thread Becca DuBose
Just a note to say I enjoyed reading some "history", especially of kitties who passed before I joined this list.Becca  Kerry MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Dear Becca, Marylyn, Gloria, Clarissa, Wendy Terri, Janine,Thanks so much, these e's from you are great, I've fwded them all to my work(just got home from work and it's lte) so I can properly read them allfirst thing tomorrow.Fingers crossed. I aim to get letter off to Paula Fasseas by Thursday so ifanyone else would like to send similar reports I would hugely appreciate it.The more the merrier.take care, Kerry- Original Message -From: "Becca DuBose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 1:10 AMSubject: Re: I need
 your help Kerry, Angel Paassht tested FeLV+ when she was just over a year old. We had her another 7 years and 7 months. She was so full of "eternal kitten" right up to the end. We wouldn't trade our time with her for anything in the world. We have 7 others and they are all healthy except our early stage CRF kitty, Corky, but even her health is relatively good. She will be 17 this year! Becca Kerry MacKenzie wrote:  Dear all  I'll try to make this as brief/concise as possible.  Because of what happened with Pookie, Paula Fasseas, the founder/owner  of the shelter, PAWS, called me. I would never normally have had a  chance to speak to her---she's a society high-flier who owns banks  (yup, you read that right) and started up PAWS just a few years ago  when her small
 daughter suggested doing something for animals.  Pookie wasn't positive, but at some point in our conversation she  mentioned leukemia in passing.  Now, PAWS is building a 7-million dollar state of the art shelter in  Chicago, with adoption suites (and much more space I've heard given to  dogs than cats). I had also heard from 2 reliable sources that this  shelter was NOT going to have space for FeLV cats which saddened and  sickened me. All this money and effort, and no support for FeLV kitties.  I kept thinking I should write to Paula Fasseas.  So when *leukemia* came up in the phone call, this was a  never-to-be-repeated chance.  I asked her if there was to be an annex for FeLV cats in the new  facility letting her know that I had had 6 FeLV cats at one point and  they have a special place in my heart. I was
 expecting her to say no.  But, she said that there was an 8x16 room they could probably use for  that... !  And we then got talking a bit about FeLV and I explained why they  *should* be included in the new shelter.  She got quite animated and enthused about the idea, and I said I'd  send her this wonderful website address (which i already did).  However, yesterday it occurred to me that i should send a PS with some  brief case histories from you wonderful people, to illustrate in a  very real way why FeLV cats should be given a chance the same as other  cats.  As an example, my statement will prob say something like:  "I took in a colony of 6 cats, 5 of whom tested positive. Four of  them, Caramel, Levi, Flavia and Snowball, kittens when I got them,  enjoyed quality lives for between 1-2 years, playing and
 roughhousing  and grooming and cuddling and enjoying their food and treats like all  kittens do.They loved to play ping pong in the middle of the night--I  was frequently wakened by the thud-thud against the door! Mickey is  still going strong, and cuddles and plays with Momcat, who  incidentally is and retested negative. Kerry M"  If any of you--particularly those of you whose cats have lived longer,  could email me a brief description with their names, ages, and also  whether you mix too--I'll compile them and send them on. Please note I  may edit for space so she can read them quickly.  I got the impression Paula Fasseas didn't know a whole lot about FeLV  but that she was very very open to knowing more, and in educating the  public--she talked enthusiastically about doing that at the shelter. I  said that if I could
 help in any way I would.  This is SUCH a great opportunity, and I'd like to make the most of it,  and I feel it would really really help if I can send her brief  real-life examples, from my FeLV-list friends, of FeLV kitties living  quality lives!  Thanks in advance! Kerry M.

RE: Tabbs Spain Belinda CLS picture to follow

2006-04-11 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Dear Sandra, I am so very sorry of your loss - I am crying with you -
please know that your baby Tabb is right besides you smiling at you,
saying mommy, don't worry - I am right besides you - 

Thinking of you and Tabbs


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: Tabbs Spain Belinda CLS picture to follow

Oh Sandra, I'm so sorry Tabbs has crossed.  My heart was in my throat 
reading your recount of your last adventure together.  I know exactly 
what you mean about the fear of not knowing what happened to them.  Cats

are so different than us in that way.  Most do prefer to find a quiet 
place away from their loved ones, when their time is close.  What an 
angel that Tiger is to help you find him!  Make no mistake, Tabbs was 
found and brought home to ease his transition, not so much for him, but 
for you.  Such love the two of you must share!  Please don't think his 
pulling away from you during the last weeks had anything to do with the 
measure of that love.  I believe that when the time to cross is 
approaching some of our babies spend more and more time outside their 
bodies.  It's a way to prepare themselves for their next life and to 
ease their way.  He was busy reuniting with all those that waited 
patiently to greet him.  Sometimes the bond to loved ones on this plane 
is so great they need to pull away from the physical even before they 
pass.  I think this is what happened with Tabbs, he pulled away because 
it was so hard to leave you physically.  Now, because of the love you 
share, he will be with you always, now he knows he will never be far 
from you.  Tabbs has joined all your special friends on the other side.

Call on him often, he's watching over you and all those you love.
Prayers and blessings to you in your sorrow,

Re: Tabbs Spain Belinda CLS picture to follow

2006-04-11 Thread Belinda

I'm so sorry to hear about Tabbs, I was so hoping he would make it 
through and recover.  You did everything possible and Tabbs was a very 
lucky boy to have you as his Mom.  Sometimes life has other plans and we 
can only play our part, Tabbs will let you know he is OK and that he is 
always with you, taking care of you as you did him.

You can send a photo and I will get a memorial up as soon as I can, I 
still have to limit my computer time or I get sore.  It will be a while 
before I can get the photo memorials up, I have a few waiting, but I 
will get him added to the CLS service today, in a few minutes.

Bailey is still about the same, bloodwork all great, but no energy, my 
vet has consulted with a holistic vet in Canada and they are sending 
some herbs that are targeted at healing the kidney's.  We are almost 
100% sure there is a longstanding kidney issue that the ultrasound and 
xray's and urinalysis are not showing, so we have nothing to lose by 
trying the herbs.  Bailey is out among us and does have better days 
where he is moving around more, even going outside on occasion.  He is 
slowly still gaining weight and is at 9lbs 5ozs and his wasting is 
better.  He got an iron shot which didn't do anything that I can tell, I 
have his pred lowered to 5mgs a day now, so I'm just praying that we can 
resolve whatever is going on with his kidney's, we should get the herbs 
this week.  Prayers for this to help would be greatly appreciated.

I found an FeLV link that might be of interest to some of you, my vet 
thought it was very interesting:

I've decided to try eastern medicine since the western medicine has 
taken him as far as it is going to, we've tried everything we can think 
of so now we take a new road.

   Happiness is being owned by cats ...
   Be-Mi-Kitties ...
   Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
   FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


   BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Nina

There isn't anything I can say to make Bella's baby's passing any
easier on you. It does her honor to be grieved so greatly. What
happened to the wee one breaks my heart, as much for her, as for you.
Please don't punish yourself for caring about those little angels. You
were up in the wee hours of the morning because you care. We've had
this discussion before, no matter how diligent, no matter how much love
we have, no matter how much we WANT things to be different, sometimes
there is nothing we can do to save our little Angels. You know how I
feel about the "what if" game. It's one no one can win. What if you
had slept through the night? What if you hadn't even been aware of the
little baby's distress? You may well have awoken this morning to find
her gone. You knew her temp had dropped, you knew her nose was stuffy,
you knew she had lost weight, you knew these things because you are the
best caregiver anyone could hope for. Because of who you are, you did
your best to save her, you took the advise you found in a book, a book
you have because you care enough to do the best you can. I'm sorry for
your suffering, I understand it completely, but you, my dear, are not
ignorant, you are as far from cruel as it is possible for a human being
to get and stupid people are not capable of learning from the mistakes
they make in this life. Please stop using words like that to describe
yourself. It offends me that you should think of yourself so meanly,
(that's my friend you're talking about!). We all love you, we all know
who you are, there is pain enough in this world without punishing
yourself for not having the power to change what IS. Please don't
second guess your intuition when it comes to caring for all those that
depend on you. I am so grateful for your presence in my life. The
world is a better place because of you Hideyo. That baby was loved and
cherished, she is mourned, and she won't be forgotten,

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:


  I went into
the nursing room about 1:30 am
to feed Bella and to make sure that all the babies are doing ok as I
feeding Bella, I noticed one of the babies was sleeping her mouth open,
nose sounded stuffy --- so I checked her temperature and it was lower
other babies and I checked her weight and was much less than others and
that she lost some weight or at least has not gained for the last day
or two..
so I freaked out.. and I started warming her by wrapping her in wool
and put
her right by my stomach so that she could be gradually warmed up as the
said its danger to warm a chilled baby too quickly using a head pad..
and the book said that I should give some water/sugar and not to give
formula to a chilled baby.. and I did .. and soon after I did, she
stopped breathing
in a few minutes.. I think I choker her with water.. I am so ignorant,
stupid and cruel. Bella was still nursing her, and I should have just
her back with Bella once I warmed her a little bit without trying to
give any
water  I was not careful when giving her water and probably gave her
more than she could handle at a time.
  Truth is we
dont know exactly what
would have happened to her, but one thing I know that she did not die
when she
did if I did not do what I did.. she looked healthy, I think she just
chilled because I left a window open a little because Bella was hot 
  I cannot
bring her back, but right now I
feel that I need to feel this pain  I keep remembering her little meow
and how I should have just put her back with her mama trust that her
mama knows
better than I do.. its too much of price to pay.. I had to take her
away to realize how stupid I am  I am sorry, you guys, I am just so
and am just so angry at myself for carelessness and dont know what to
and I just miss her so very much..

O.T. - Does anyone live near Lancaster, Pa.

2006-04-11 Thread Doljan, Joan
Title: Message

If anyone lives near 
Lancaster, Pa, please contact me off list.



Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Lomaxturtle


So sorry to hear of your despair but you are a great Kittie mom. I don't 
know what happened but I know you would never intend to hurt a kittie. You did 
what you thought right at the time. Sometimes we need to intervene and something 
must have been wrong for you to interveme to try and help - but our best efforts 
are not always enough. The kittie may have died without your efforts so you 
can't know for sure it was your fault. The baby may have been weak and ready to 
go. Everything you do is for kindness towards your kitties and I hope you manage 
to see that soon sweetie.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel Bramble

Re: Tabbs Spain Belinda CLS picture to follow

2006-04-11 Thread Terri Brown

Goodnight, sweet Tabbs...

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori and 
6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page: 
check me out on MySpace at

Earth and Family Safe Products! 

Buy Avon Online!

  - Original Message - 
  From: Sandra 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:33 
  Subject: Tabbs Spain Belinda CLS picture 
  to follow
  Tabbs Spain, crossed over, 8th AprilI am heart broken, but after 
  Tabbs Long and brave fight, I had my Lady vetcome out to the House to put 
  My brave boy to sleep, He had so many trips tothe vets in the last 
  month that I did not have the heart for that last one,when I knew that he 
  would know where he was going. I have known we werelosing the fight 
  for the last 3 weeks, He had lost interest in his food andalso had 
  lost a lot of weight, but was still enjoying life up until the last2 days. 
  he did not wish too be with me any longer sleeping or for sittingon 
  my lap. and on the Friday I had called the vet out, I picked him up 
  forhis last cuddle, but he wanted to be put down, and when I put him on 
  thefloor,for him to go back to his hiding spot in the video unit, he rush 
  outside into the garden, and did a wee, but then instead of going to one 
  of hisold sleeping spot, he disappeared down the into the Spanish under 
  growthwhere I could not follow him, due to us living on a mountain type 
  range. Allday I called him and all night, up to 2.30 in the morning, I was 
  stillexpecting him to turn up on the end of my bed, but I was scared 
  that he wasnot coming back, and had gone off to die.Back up again 
  4 , and 6, still no Tabbs, by 8 o clock I knew he was notgoing to 
  turn up,So on with my walking shoes and a lot of protection clothing, plus 
  mywalking stick, and some rope, and down the mountain I went calling 
  andpraying, but knowing unless I could see him, I would not be able to 
  recoverhim, due to not responding to me on other occasions, when he wanted 
  to hour later and a little bit worst for wear due to the 
  heavy undergrowth, I hear 3 meow's from him, but for the next 20 mins 
  nothing, but atleast I knew he was down there some where, and a lot 
  further down than Iwould have though he would have gone. I shouted to my 
  husband to get the carand drive down to the bottom of the valley to see if 
  could hear him or seehim , but no luck there. But my young cat Tiger who 
  follows me every where,had followed me down through the thick under growth 
  and was further down,than me, but he had found Tabbs, who was behind a big 
  stone rock, it took me about 10mins to get to him, But he would not 
  come to me, I now had the problem ofclimbing back up with him in my arms, 
  which to begin with was OK, as he washappy to have a cuddle, after 10 mins 
  with one arm round him and the othertrying to grab plant life to pull 
  myself back up the hill, I was havingtrouble hanging onto him,But 20 
  mins later, and nearly having a heart attack we got to the top. Oh Iwas so 
  happy, to have found him, I had thoughts that I would have alwayshave been 
  looking down that valley and wondering where he was, and neverknowing how 
  long he was there before he past on.My FELV boy Chang who pass on last 
  summer, did this to us, and also My FELVBoy Rocky , he went missing for 3 
  days, but came back to die, they whereboth, too wild too do any treatment 
  with. But Tabbs who was also a stray wassomeone's pet at some 
  time,Sadly Tabbs did not wish me to hold him or give him cuddles, and 
  went backinto his hiding place of the Video, so the phone call I had made 
  the daybefore had to be repeated, No interest in food or water, and he 
  lookedreally fed up. I spent a couple of hours sitting next to him 
  and giving himmy contact and talking to him, while we waited for the 
  vet to come. Eventhen he tried to do a little roll for me to tickle his 
  tummy. My best Boy.The end was easy and very peace full for him, 
  thanks to my vet.If we could have got the epogen, then may be he 
  would have had a betterchance, for any one interested in the care Tabbs 
  had or the history onfeline interferon and interferon A which he was 
  treated with, then when I amfeeling better, I will give any information 
  that may or may not be ofinterest.Also if we had started the 
  Interferon early may be things would have had abetter ending.I do 
  believe that the Interferon did give Tabbs a couple of extra months. hewas 
  ill at Xmas time, so who knows.but Thanks to you all and this web site I 
  do feel that I was able to do 

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Terri Brown

Ditto, Hideyo. Don't beat yourself up.

Goodnight, Bella's Baby...

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori and 
6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page: 
check me out on MySpace at

Earth and Family Safe Products! 

Buy Avon Online!

  - Original Message - 
  From: TenHouseCats 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 12:40 
  Subject: Re: My Bella's baby died
  oh, hideyo,
  PLEASE be gentle with yourself.
  we make the very best decisions we can at every moment, using the 
  information we had at that moment. even if that information changes later on, 
  even minutes later, our choice was NOT wrong, it was what was right at that 
  moment. WE know, and i hope you can come to realize, that you would NEVER 
  knowingly cause harm. whatever you did, it was correct when you did it. 
  sometimes this is the only way that we learn--the lessons are way too 
  hard, but we best honor these critters who came to us as teachers by learning 
  the lessons they came to teach us, and do better the next time. 
  kittens are far more fragile than most people think; anyone who works 
  with them a lot comes to know that many will be lost. there are so many times 
  when, no matter what we do, they are just not meant to be here long. all we 
  can do is our best, and make sure that whatever time they spend with us is 
  filled with love. 
  you gave the kitten that, hideyo; none of usminimize that great 
  big hugs.
  MC-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 

RE: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Thank you so much, Michelle for saying
what you said I really appreciate it..I wish I could feel that I made my
best effort for the babyand for this baby, she went so fast, and I did
not feel like I did

Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:22
Subject: Re: My Bella's baby died 


So sorry to hear of your despair but you
are a great Kittie mom. I don't know what happened but I know you would never
intend to hurt a kittie. You did what you thought right at the time. Sometimes
we need to intervene and something must have been wrong for you to interveme to
try and help - but our best efforts are not always enough. The kittie may have
died without your efforts so you can't know for sure it was your fault. The
baby may have been weak and ready to go. Everything you do is for kindness
towards your kitties and I hope you manage to see that soon sweetie.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel

Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Lomaxturtle


From what you say it sounds as though this baby was in trouble and on her 
way to dying anyway. When they fail to gain weight and temperature is abnormal 
it is not a good sign. I saw a day old baby being warmed and fed and everything 
possible was done but she died because she is sick and weak. 

I know you blame yourself for her death but maybe there is another 
explanation. Maybe the baby passed as she did because she knew it was safe to do 
so. Knowingit was safe to let go and not passing with her feline mother 
beside her.

Sounds like everything was done right and that she would probably not have 
survived no matter what you did or didn't do.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel Bramble

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Belinda

  Please take a moment to clear your thoughts and ask an AC 
(communicator) to speak with the little one, I'm sure what you did had 
nothing to do with her passing.  It was her time and I'm sure just a 
coincidence that she passed when she did.  Set your mind at ease and 
speak with her ...

   Happiness is being owned by cats ...
   Be-Mi-Kitties ...
   Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
   FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


   BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Marylyn

There is nothing at this point that will make you 
feel better. You are consumed with guilt for unknown reasons. 
However, you must focus on Bella and her babies and quiet yourself for 
them. Once you have done this, which will take a long time, you may be 
able to share why you think you ended the little one's life. It may well 
be that the littleone was needed elsewhere. I do promise you I 
understand. Not for kittens but for two cats I had spayed. Both died 
on the fourth day afterwards. I felt so responsible that ...well, that 
is another matter. Just know that I do know how it feels. Know also 
that you may find comfort in the love you have given Bella and her little 
ones--even the one who left. But know this comfort will come later. 
After lots of tears and doubts and pain. Know also that you are loved by 
all those lucky little ones who live with you. 

If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:22 
  Subject: RE: My Bella's baby died
  Hi, everyone, today 
  is one of the saddest day of my life – one of Bella’s babies died this morning 
  around 2 am and I think I caused her to die. I am just too upset about what 
  happened. But, I wanted to help, but instead I killed her. She was 
  only 10 days old and she did not even get to open her eyes. All I know 
  was that it was definitely not her time to go yet. But I killed 
  her. I am so mad at myself and am just going insane from a grief of 
  losing her. I was supposed to protect Bella and her babies and not to 
  hurt them. I could still hear her meow right before she stopped 
  breathing.. I am such a ignorant and stupid, I should just let Bella who knows 
  what she is doing to continue to care for her.
  I did not event get 
  to name her.. Bella is very sad and does not know what happened – it’s all my 
  fault – everyone please please pray that the little baby angel is at heaven 
  and comes back as a new life very very soon and have much happiness in her new 
  life – and I am very sure that most of you know how this feels. It’s sad 
  enough to lose her, but it’s unbearable to know that you are the who killed an 
  innocent life and she was not ready to go.
  Please do not make me 
  feel better as I feel that it’s sinful to feel better – she is gone, there is 
  nothing I can do about it, but I just cannot stop crying and am just so angry 
  myself and feel so badly for the baby and Bella – 

  Thank you for all 
  your prayers for the baby – 

Re: [FeLVPositiveCats] Re: Question - IFA vs. Elisa...............

2006-04-11 Thread Susan Hoffman
Thanks. I had no idea you posted this here. Well, I've just joined this group as well and can offer an update. Esprit did indeed test FeLV+ when retested with the IFA test. I am very surprised. She is so fat, healthy, sleek and well-muscled, and never a sneeze. Nonetheless, the search is now on for an adoptive home. She is being fostered by students and I only have till July. So if anyone knows of a possibility, please let me know. I am in Northern California and can be reached at susan_hoffman @ (just removes spaces around the @ symbol).Fwd: Re: [FeLVPositiveCats] Re: Question - IFA vs. Elisa...gblaneSun, 05 Mar 2006 15:04:44 -0800  FYI - if anybody is in California and can help, contact Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED]   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]From: Susan Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:02:06
 -0800 (PST)Subject: Re: [FeLVPositiveCats] Re: Question - IFA vs. Elisa...Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I am in the San Francisco/Bay Area and the cat is in a foster home near Sacramento. We should be having her retested within the next few weeks. If she is FeLV+ and a good adoptive home shows up then we will find a way to get her there so I don't think geographical location will be an issue.   Just as an FYI, this is a very sweet well-socialized black and white tuxedo girl. She loves people and is just a doll. She's about a year old, maybe a little less. So far she is the picture of health -- good coat and body weight, good appetite, not so much as a sneeze even after almost a month in a shelter cage. 

RE: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I think people on this list including you
knowing and understand my pain gives great comfort in knowing that I am not
alone- I am so sorry for your loss of two babies you spayed  thats
just so awful again, I feel the pain with you and you are not alone..

Behalf Of Marylyn
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 3:36
Subject: Re: My Bella's baby died

There is nothing at this point that will make you feel
better. You are consumed with guilt for unknown reasons. However,
you must focus on Bella and her babies and quiet yourself for them. Once
you have done this, which will take a long time, you may be able to share why
you think you ended the little one's life. It may well be that the littleone
was needed elsewhere. I do promise you I understand. Not for
kittens but for two cats I had spayed. Both died on the fourth day
afterwards. I felt so responsible that ...well, that is another
matter. Just know that I do know how it feels. Know also that you
may find comfort in the love you have given Bella and her little ones--even the
one who left. But know this comfort will come later. After lots of
tears and doubts and pain. Know also that you are loved by all those
lucky little ones who live with you. 

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures

from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 

will deal likewise with their fellow man.

St. Francis

- Original Message - 

From: Hideyo Yamamoto 


Sent: Tuesday, April 11,
2006 11:22 AM

Subject: RE: My Bella's
baby died

Hi, everyone, today is one of the saddest
day of my life  one of Bellas babies died this morning around 2
am and I think I caused her to die. I am just too upset about what
happened. But, I wanted to help, but instead I killed her. She was
only 10 days old and she did not even get to open her eyes. All I know
was that it was definitely not her time to go yet. But I killed
her. I am so mad at myself and am just going insane from a grief of
losing her. I was supposed to protect Bella and her babies and not to
hurt them. I could still hear her meow right before she stopped
breathing.. I am such a ignorant and stupid, I should just let Bella who knows
what she is doing to continue to care for her.

I did not event get to name her.. Bella is
very sad and does not know what happened  its all my fault
 everyone please please pray that the little baby angel is at heaven and
comes back as a new life very very soon and have much happiness in her new life
 and I am very sure that most of you know how this feels.
Its sad enough to lose her, but its unbearable to know that you
are the who killed an innocent life and she was not ready to go.

Please do not make me feel better as I
feel that its sinful to feel better  she is gone, there is
nothing I can do about it, but I just cannot stop crying and am just so angry
myself and feel so badly for the baby and Bella  

Thank you for all your prayers for the


RE: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Belinda, I thought of talking to Jasmine (my AC) - if anything, I can at
least apologize to her, I think I will call her tomorrow (usually, they
need a day or two to make a transition to be able to talk..)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: My Bella's baby died

   Please take a moment to clear your thoughts and ask an AC 
(communicator) to speak with the little one, I'm sure what you did had 
nothing to do with her passing.  It was her time and I'm sure just a 
coincidence that she passed when she did.  Set your mind at ease and 
speak with her ...

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle, I wish I could feel the same
way, I just had a very bad feeling that she was not that sick at all --- I just
choke her with water  her color was good, and her skin was good, and
everything else was so perfect  god I miss her.

Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 2:13
Subject: Bella's baby died


From what you say it sounds as though
this baby was in trouble and on her way to dying anyway. When they fail to gain
weight and temperature is abnormal it is not a good sign. I saw a day old baby
being warmed and fed and everything possible was done but she died because she
is sick and weak. 

I know you blame yourself for her death
but maybe there is another explanation. Maybe the baby passed as she did
because she knew it was safe to do so. Knowingit was safe to let go and
not passing with her feline mother beside her.

Sounds like everything was done right and
that she would probably not have survived no matter what you did or didn't do.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Marylyn

Those little ones taught me a lot. They left 
but will be back. They have also taught others because they taught 
me. It will take a while but you will reach this point. Right now, 
just be gentle with yourself and be open to the little one who is very grateful 
for your warmth and love and safe place. 

If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 5:27 
  Subject: RE: My Bella's baby died
  I think people on 
  this list including you knowing and understand my pain gives great comfort in 
  knowing that I am not alone- I am so sorry for your loss of two babies you 
  spayed – that’s just so awful… again, I feel the pain with you and you are not 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MarylynSent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 3:36 
  PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: My Bella's baby 
  There is 
  nothing at this point that will make you feel better. You are consumed 
  with guilt for unknown reasons. However, you must focus on Bella and her 
  babies and quiet yourself for them. Once you have done this, which will 
  take a long time, you may be able to share why you think you ended the little 
  one's life. It may well be that the littleone was needed 
  elsewhere. I do promise you I understand. Not for kittens but for 
  two cats I had spayed. Both died on the fourth day afterwards. I 
  felt so responsible that ...well, that is another matter. Just know 
  that I do know how it feels. Know also that you may find comfort in the 
  love you have given Bella and her little ones--even the one who left. 
  But know this comfort will come later. After lots of tears and doubts 
  and pain. Know also that you are loved by all those lucky little ones 
  who live with you. 
  If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
  from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
  will deal likewise with their fellow 
  St. Francis

Original Message - 

Hideyo Yamamoto 


Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:22 AM

RE: My Bella's baby died

Hi, everyone, today 
is one of the saddest day of my life – one of Bella’s babies died this 
morning around 2 am and I think I caused her to die. I am just too upset 
about what happened. But, I wanted to help, but instead I killed 
her. She was only 10 days old and she did not even get to open her 
eyes. All I know was that it was definitely not her time to go 
yet. But I killed her. I am so mad at myself and am just going 
insane from a grief of losing her. I was supposed to protect Bella and 
her babies and not to hurt them. I could still hear her meow right 
before she stopped breathing.. I am such a ignorant and stupid, I should 
just let Bella who knows what she is doing to continue to care for 
I did not event get 
to name her.. Bella is very sad and does not know what happened – it’s all 
my fault – everyone please please pray that the little baby angel is at 
heaven and comes back as a new life very very soon and have much happiness 
in her new life – and I am very sure that most of you know how this 
feels. It’s sad enough to lose her, but it’s unbearable to know that 
you are the who killed an innocent life and she was not ready to 
Please do not make 
me feel better as I feel that it’s sinful to feel better – she is gone, 
there is nothing I can do about it, but I just cannot stop crying and am 
just so angry myself and feel so badly for the baby and Bella – 

Thank you for all 
your prayers for the baby – 


Bengal Kitten

2006-04-11 Thread perc8383

I have a 7 month old Bengal kitten that I purchased from a breeder. She was given to us at 11 weeks. When we took her to the vet for her shots, she came up slightly positive for FeLV. The vet drew her blood before she was vaccinated. The breeder told us that her cats do not have it and she couldn't gotten here because we do not have cats. Anyway, we had her tested a month later and the test still shows slightly positive.

Now my question is: What does slightly positive mean and will we ever be able to know if she carries the virus. The reason is because we would like to breed Bengal's, but if she has the virus then we will not breed her.

We have heard from one vet. that we will never know until she starts showing symptoms and another breeder who we want to purchase the male cat from told us it could just be the kittens hormones that make the test show a slight positive.

I would appreciate any information you could give me.


Terri Perciavalle

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Marylyn

Speak to her now in your grief but also speak to 
her in a few weeks or months when you are more settled so she can be very open 
with you. Your grief will limit what she can say to you right now. 
Know this and love her and love yourself for caring so very deeply.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 5:37 
  Subject: Re: My Bella's baby died
  Those little ones taught me a lot. They 
  left but will be back. They have also taught others because they taught 
  me. It will take a while but you will reach this point. Right now, 
  just be gentle with yourself and be open to the little one who is very 
  grateful for your warmth and love and safe place. 
  If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
  from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
  will deal likewise with their fellow 
  St. Francis
- Original Message - 
Hideyo Yamamoto 

Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 5:27 
Subject: RE: My Bella's baby died

I think people on 
this list including you knowing and understand my pain gives great comfort 
in knowing that I am not alone- I am so sorry for your loss of two babies 
you spayed – that’s just so awful… again, I feel the pain with you and you 
are not alone..

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MarylynSent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 3:36 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: My Bella's baby 

There is 
nothing at this point that will make you feel better. You are consumed 
with guilt for unknown reasons. However, you must focus on Bella and 
her babies and quiet yourself for them. Once you have done this, which 
will take a long time, you may be able to share why you think you ended the 
little one's life. It may well be that the littleone was needed 
elsewhere. I do promise you I understand. Not for kittens but 
for two cats I had spayed. Both died on the fourth day 
afterwards. I felt so responsible that ...well, that is another 
matter. Just know that I do know how it feels. Know also that 
you may find comfort in the love you have given Bella and her little 
ones--even the one who left. But know this comfort will come 
later. After lots of tears and doubts and pain. Know also that 
you are loved by all those lucky little ones who live with you. 

If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  Original Message - 
  From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 
  11:22 AM
  Subject: RE: My Bella's baby 
  Hi, everyone, 
  today is one of the saddest day of my life – one of Bella’s babies died 
  this morning around 2 am and I think I caused her to die. I am just too 
  upset about what happened. But, I wanted to help, but instead I 
  killed her. She was only 10 days old and she did not even get to 
  open her eyes. All I know was that it was definitely not her time to 
  go yet. But I killed her. I am so mad at myself and am just 
  going insane from a grief of losing her. I was supposed to protect 
  Bella and her babies and not to hurt them. I could still hear her 
  meow right before she stopped breathing.. I am such a ignorant and stupid, 
  I should just let Bella who knows what she is doing to continue to care 
  for her.
  I did not event 
  get to name her.. Bella is very sad and does not know what happened – it’s 
  all my fault – everyone please please pray that the little baby angel is 
  at heaven and comes back as a new life very very soon and have much 
  happiness in her new life – and I am very sure that most of you know how 
  this feels. It’s sad enough to lose her, but it’s unbearable to know 
  that you are the who killed an innocent life and she was not ready to 
  Please do not 
  make me feel better as I feel that it’s sinful to feel better – she is 
  gone, there is nothing I can do about it, but I just cannot stop crying 
  and am just so angry myself and feel so badly for the baby and Bella – 
  Thank you for all 
  your prayers for the baby – 

RE: Bengal Kitten

2006-04-11 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

You probably want to wait a few months
(possibly in 6 mos) to re-test her  then, if she is still positive on
ELISA, you might run IFA test to see what happens.

Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 9:57
Subject: Bengal


I have a 7 month old Bengal
kitten that I purchased from a breeder. She was given to us at 11
weeks. When we took her to the vet for her shots, she came up slightly
positive for FeLV.
The vet drew her blood before she was vaccinated. The breeder told us that her cats
do not have it and she couldn't gotten here because we do not have cats.
Anyway, we had her tested a month later and the test still shows slightly

Now my question is: What does slightly positive mean and
will we ever be able to know if she carries the virus. The reason is
because we would like to breed Bengal's,
but if she has the virus then we will not breed her.

We have heard from one vet. that we will never know until
she starts showing symptoms and another breeder who we want to purchase the
male cat from told us it could just be the kittens hormones that make the test
show a slight positive.

I would appreciate
any information you could give me.


Terri Perciavalle

Re: CLS Service - Monday April 10, 2006

2006-04-11 Thread Brenda K. Smith
Thank you so much Belinda, I went to the service for the 
first time to see Miss Priss's name and having mom's name on there too 
was just wonderful.  Will write more soon, again, THANK YOU!!!  Janine



The only risk you ever run in befriending a cat is enriching yourself. - 

Don't Take Your Organs To Heaven.  Heaven Knows We Need Them Here.

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Re: Bengal Kitten

2006-04-11 Thread Terri Brown

Agreed. A snap "slightly positive" could be a false positive.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:34 
  Subject: RE: Bengal Kitten
  You probably want to 
  wait a few months (possibly in 6 mos) to re-test her – then, if she is still 
  positive on ELISA, you might run IFA test to see what 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 9:57 
  PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Bengal Kitten
  I have a 7 month old Bengal kitten that I purchased from a breeder. She 
  was given to us at 11 weeks. When we took her to the vet for her shots, 
  she came up slightly positive for FeLV. The vet drew her blood before she was 
  vaccinated. The breeder told us that her cats 
  do not have it and she couldn't gotten here because we do not have cats. 
  Anyway, we had her tested a month later and the test still shows slightly 
  Now my question is: What 
  does slightly positive mean and will we ever be able to know if 
  she carries the virus. The reason is because we would like to breed 
  but if she has the virus then we will not breed 
  We have heard from one vet. that 
  we will never know until she starts showing symptoms and another breeder who 
  we want to purchase the male cat from told us it could just be the kittens 
  hormones that make the test show a slight 
  I would appreciate any 
  information you could give me.
  Terri Perciavalle

Re: Bengal Kitten

2006-04-11 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I triple that..retest on the IFA



2006-04-11 Thread catatonya
Good to see you up and about. I hope everything went well with your surgery.  tVersion: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 268.4.0/304 - Release Date: 4/7/2006

Re: Pekoe - Doing Great!

2006-04-11 Thread catatonya
That's great news! Go Pekoe!Marlene Chornie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi All, Kept meaning to post an update on Pekoe before this. His last blood test results showed some improvement in the right direction! Mar. 29th, his results were as follows:WBC - 8.4 (Range = 4.2 - 13) - [Mar. 8th was 6.6]  RBC - 5.6 (6.2 - 10.6) - [was 5.0]  Hb - 107 (93 - 153) - [was 101]  PCV - 32% (28 - 49%) - [was 31%]  MCV - 58 (39 - 52) - [was 62]  MCH - 19 (13 - 17) - [was 20]  MCHC - 335 (300 - 344) - [was 325]  RDW - 19.7 (14 - 17) - [was 18.7]  Platelets - 27 (93 - 514) - [was 12]  MPV
 - 19.2 (8 - 21) - [was 22.4]  T.S. Protein - 80 (60 - 80) - [was 81]  Retics% - 0.2 - [was 0.2]  Retics Abs.# - 11.1 (60) - [was 10.2] He's still on the higher dose of Prednisone at least for a while yet, and is also on the Interferon Alpha. As well, he was on a course of Azithromycin for a respiratory infection - his only symptom was sneezing. He still sneezes occasionally, but not at all like he was. And, he appears to have stopped licking concrete! He wasn't "as interested" in his canned food when he had the respiratory infection, until we started warming it a little in the microwave, then he gobbled it up - poor little guy, most likely couldn't smell it until it was warmed up! We've continued warming his food as he seems to prefer it that way. He's also showing more interest in playing than he has in a while.   We
 finally got some "numbers" through our vet regarding the costs involved with the Feline Interferon. Unfortunately, the cost really is quite prohibitive here in Canada. However, there is a little glimmer of hope on the horizon. "Rumour" has it that it might be approved for use in Canada this summer?? Not too sure though that the cost would come down all that much, but we'll see if/when it's approved.   All in all, we're reasonably pleased with his progress as far as the blood work goes. But, I learned with our CRF baby Casper to "treat the cat - not the numbers".   I don't think this is anything to be too concerned about, but lately Pekoe has been backing his butt right up against the litter box cover when he pees (it's one of those big boxes with a big "hood" cover on it). Then it sort of trickles onto the lip of the box and sometimes dribbles down the outside of the
 box. Also, a lot of times he doesn't bother to bury it when he pees - just appears to walk into the box, pee, then exit the box. We've cleaned the boxes several times (no chemicals or anything), but he still continues to do it. Should we be concerned about this??   My best to all of you and your furkids.Marlene  (Pekoe  Angel Digby)

RE: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread catatonya
I'm sorry Hideyo. Kittens are just so tiny, and it often happens that at least one won't make it. Like you said, you don't know if what you did caused the kitten to die. You did the best you could. They are so tiny and fragile that it's just a miracle to me when they survive. I used to foster kittens from the shelter, and I have lost more kittens than I want to remember. :(   tHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I went into the nursing room about 1:30 am to feed Bella and to make sure that all the babies are doing ok… as I was feeding Bella, I noticed one of the babies was sleeping her mouth open, and nose sounded stuffy --- so I checked her temperature and it was lower than other babies and I checked her weight and was much less than others and seemed that she lost some weight or at least has not gained for the last day or two.. so I freaked out.. and I started warming her by wrapping her in wool and put her right by my stomach so that she could be gradually warmed up
 as the book said it’s danger to warm a chilled baby too quickly using a head pad.. and the book said that I should give some water/sugar and not to give any formula to a chilled baby.. and I did .. and soon after I did, she stopped breathing in a few minutes.. I think I choker her with water.. I am so ignorant, and stupid and cruel. Bella was still nursing her, and I should have just put her back with Bella once I warmed her a little bit without trying to give any water – I was not careful when giving her water and probably gave her more than she could handle at a time.  Truth is we don’t know exactly what would have happened to her, but one thing I know that she did not die when she did if I did not do what I did.. she looked healthy, I think she just got chilled because I left a window open a little because Bella was
 hot   I cannot bring her back, but right now I feel that I need to feel this pain – I keep remembering her little meow and how I should have just put her back with her mama trust that her mama knows better than I do.. it’s too much of price to pay.. I had to take her life away to realize how stupid I am – I am sorry, you guys, I am just so sad and am just so angry at myself for carelessness and don’t know what to do and I just miss her so very much..From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sherry DeHaanSent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:27 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: My Bella's baby diedHideyo,I know you did not hurt the baby on purpose.What happened?? You are a great mom to all the animals you help.I know how it feel to hurt a small animal and cause its death,it is horrible,I still get a stomache ache when I think about it and it happened over 20 years agoHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, everyone, today is one of the saddest day of my life – one of Bella’s babies died this morning around 2 am and I think I caused her to die. I am just too upset about what happened. But, I wanted to help, but instead I killed her. She was only 10 days old and she did not even get to open her eyes. All I know was that it was definitely not her time to go yet. But I killed her. I am so mad at myself and am just going insane from a grief of losing her. I was supposed to protect Bella and her babies and not to hurt them. I could still hear her meow right before she stopped breathing.. I am such a ignorant and
 stupid, I should just let Bella who knows what she is doing to continue to care for her.I did not event get to name her.. Bella is very sad and does not know what happened – it’s all my fault – everyone please please pray that the little baby angel is at heaven and comes back as a new life very very soon and have much happiness in her new life – and I am very sure that most of you know how this feels. It’s sad enough to lose her, but it’s unbearable to know that you are the who killed an innocent life and she was not ready to go.Please
 do not make me feel better as I feel that it’s sinful to feel better – she is gone, there is nothing I can do about it, but I just cannot stop crying and am just so angry myself and feel so badly for the baby and Bella – Thank you for all your prayers for the baby – Hideyo  How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Believe me I know and feel your pain, but you see what I do is try and 
realize the rest of the animals in the rescue will know my pain and cause them 
undo stress and pain. So What I do is talk with the momma cat and siblings or 
"foster siblings" of the deceased and take a few minutes to openly grieve. Then 
I put it behind me cause when I am un happy all the furkids are miserable. you 
have to be strong and go on for the ones that remain. In private at night I 
often think about the ones I lost and pray they understand I tried my bestI 
really believe in my heart they do

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Marylyn

They do and they know love...often the only human love they have ever 
known.and safety.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's 
from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who 
will deal likewise with their fellow 
St. Francis

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:57 
  Subject: Re: My Bella's baby died
  Believe me I know and feel your pain, but you see what I do is try and 
  realize the rest of the animals in the rescue will know my pain and cause them 
  undo stress and pain. So What I do is talk with the momma cat and siblings or 
  "foster siblings" of the deceased and take a few minutes to openly grieve. 
  Then I put it behind me cause when I am un happy all the furkids are 
  miserable. you have to be strong and go on for the ones that remain. In 
  private at night I often think about the ones I lost and pray they understand 
  I tried my bestI really believe in my heart they do

Re: Tabbs Spain Belinda CLS picture to follow

2006-04-11 Thread Lernermichelle

I am so, so sorry.

Re: Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Belinda
  So far so good, just have to try and not over do it, am going to go 
rest now, already been sitting too long ...  It's s good to be 
home   :)

   Happiness is being owned by cats ...
   Be-Mi-Kitties ...
   Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
   FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


   BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Tonya

2006-04-11 Thread Belinda
PS.  I can't believe how easy and quick it was, only took about 30 
minutes and had no pain in hospital, didn't take any pain meds until I 
got home and over did it a few times, even then not too bad.

   Happiness is being owned by cats ...
   Be-Mi-Kitties ...
   Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
   FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


   BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Chris
Belinda--just a little advice--as soon as you're up to it--WALK!  Stooped
over, shuffling along, but WALK!  Used to go up and down the hallway in my
apt building shuffling along from one end of the hall to the other but it
really paid off--not to be tacky--but it sorts of gets everything back on
track in the old intestinal tract!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: Belinda

   So far so good, just have to try and not over do it, am going to go 
rest now, already been sitting too long ...  It's s good to be 
home   :)

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens
FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Gloria B. Lane

Just want to say, I'm so sorry 


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 7:49 
  Subject: RE: My Bella's baby died
  I'm sorry Hideyo. Kittens are just so tiny, and it often happens 
  that at least one won't make it. Like you said, you don't know if what 
  you did caused the kitten to die. You did the best you could. They 
  are so tiny and fragile that it's just a miracle to me when they 
  survive. I used to foster kittens from the shelter, and I have lost more 
  kittens than I want to remember. :( 
  tHideyo Yamamoto 

I went into the 
nursing room about 1:30 am to feed Bella and to make sure that all the 
babies are doing ok… as I was feeding Bella, I noticed one of the babies was 
sleeping her mouth open, and nose sounded stuffy --- so I checked her 
temperature and it was lower than other babies and I checked her weight and 
was much less than others and seemed that she lost some weight or at least 
has not gained for the last day or two.. so I freaked out.. and I started 
warming her by wrapping her in wool and put her right by my stomach so that 
she could be gradually warmed up as the book said it’s danger to warm a 
chilled baby too quickly using a head pad.. and the book said that I should 
give some water/sugar and not to give any formula to a chilled baby.. and I 
did .. and soon after I did, she stopped breathing in a few minutes.. I 
think I choker her with water.. I am so ignorant, and stupid and 
cruel. Bella was still nursing her, and I should have just put her 
back with Bella once I warmed her a little bit without trying to give any 
water – I was not careful when giving her water and probably gave her more 
than she could handle at a time.
Truth is we don’t 
know exactly what would have happened to her, but one thing I know that she 
did not die when she did if I did not do what I did.. she looked healthy, I 
think she just got chilled because I left a window open a little because 
Bella was hot 
I cannot bring her 
back, but right now I feel that I need to feel this pain – I keep 
remembering her little meow and how I should have just put her back with her 
mama trust that her mama knows better than I do.. it’s too much of price to 
pay.. I had to take her life away to realize how stupid I am – I am sorry, 
you guys, I am just so sad and am just so angry at myself for carelessness 
and don’t know what to do and I just miss her so very 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sherry DeHaanSent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:27 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: My Bella's baby 

Hideyo,I know you did not hurt the baby on 
purpose.What happened?? You are a great mom to all the animals you help.I 
know how it feel to hurt a small animal and cause its death,it is horrible,I 
still get a stomache ache when I think about it and it happened over 20 
years agoHideyo 

everyone, today is one of the saddest day of my life – one of Bella’s babies 
died this morning around 2 am and I think I caused her to die. I am just too 
upset about what happened. But, I wanted to help, but instead I killed 
her. She was only 10 days old and she did not even get to open her 
eyes. All I know was that it was definitely not her time to go 
yet. But I killed her. I am so mad at myself and am just going 
insane from a grief of losing her. I was supposed to protect Bella and 
her babies and not to hurt them. I could still hear her meow right 
before she stopped breathing.. I am such a ignorant and stupid, I should 
just let Bella who knows what she is doing to continue to care for 

I did 
not event get to name her.. Bella is very sad and does not know what 
happened – it’s all my fault – everyone please please pray that the little 
baby angel is at heaven and comes back as a new life very very soon and have 
much happiness in her new life – and I am very sure that most of you know 
how this feels. It’s sad enough to lose her, but it’s unbearable to 
know that you are the who killed an innocent life and she was not ready to 

do not make me feel better as I feel that it’s sinful to feel better – she 
is gone, there is nothing I can do about it, but I just cannot stop crying 
and am just so angry myself and feel so badly for the baby and Bella – 

you for all your prayers for the baby – 


low will we go? Check out Yahoo! 

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Barb Moermond
Hideyo,What Nina said!!! She said it perfectly. WE KNOW YOU and, unfortunately, now you know how tenuous the grip on life the wee ones have. You did everything right; these things just happen.Do you remember that little kitten my stepdad had rescued after having seen it thrown from a truck? That little Lucky had 6 days in a warm loving home, but had simply been too under- and malnourished to survive the pneumonia she had. She'd been pretty stinky, so they gave her a bath, warm water, heated room, warm towel on Mom's chest etc. But she died and my stepdad was sick with worry that that bath had killed her; that she'd caught a chill. It hadn't. She had the pneumonia that is associated with starvation and was just too young and weak to fight it off.Each life is precious, I know we all feel that, but those of us who do serious rescue work know that it is almost always the case that if the wee ones die
 anyway, with all the proper care, they are better off at the Bridge. We don't have the momma's health and family health history nor the father's. And the living conditions and nutrition, especially early on in gestation, make a huge difference as to the development of healthy babies.Don't yell at yourself like this, you did the best you could but unfortunately, it was Baby's time. You could never be those things you called yourself, NEVER. I think a hot bath and a good night's sleep, and long snuggle with whichever of your loves is a snuggler , or all of your snugglers for that matter, is in order. Your sleep is out of whack and that always will affect your emotional state, no matter what else is happening.We love you, Hideyo!!!BarbNina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Hideyo, There isn't anything I can say to make Bella's baby's passing any easier on you. It does her honor to be grieved so greatly. What happened to the wee one breaks my heart, as much for her, as for you. Please don't punish yourself for caring about those little angels. You were up in the wee hours of the morning because you care. We've had this discussion before, no matter how diligent, no matter how much love we have, no matter how much we WANT things to be different, sometimes there is nothing we can do to save our little Angels. You know how I feel about the "what if" game. It's one no one can win. What if you had slept through the night? What if you hadn't even been aware of the little baby's distress? You may well have awoken this morning to find her
 gone. You knew her temp had dropped, you knew her nose was stuffy, you knew she had lost weight, you knew these things because you are the best caregiver anyone could hope for. Because of who you are, you did your best to save her, you took the advise you found in a book, a book you have because you care enough to do the best you can. I'm sorry for your suffering, I understand it completely, but you, my dear, are not ignorant, you are as far from cruel as it is possible for a human being to get and stupid people are not capable of learning from the mistakes they make in this life. Please stop using words like that to describe yourself. It offends me that you should think of yourself so meanly, (that's my friend you're talking about!). We all love you, we all know who you are, there is pain enough in this world without punishing yourself for not having the power to change what IS. Please don't second guess your intuition when it
 comes to caring for all those that depend on you. I am so grateful for your presence in my life. The world is a better place because of you Hideyo. That baby was loved and cherished, she is mourned, and she won't be forgotten, NinaHideyo Yamamoto wrote:I went into the nursing room about 1:30 am to feed Bella and to make sure that all the babies are doing ok… as I was feeding Bella, I noticed one of the babies was sleeping her mouth open, and nose sounded stuffy --- so I checked her temperature and it was lower than other babies and I checked her weight and was much less than others and seemed that she lost some weight or at least has not gained for the last day or two.. so I freaked out.. and I started warming her by wrapping her in wool and put her right by my stomach so that she could be gradually warmed up as the book said it’s danger to warm a chilled baby too quickly using a head pad.. and the book said that I should give some water/sugar and not to give any formula to a chilled baby.. and I did .. and soon after I did, she stopped
 breathing in a few minutes.. I think I choker her with water.. I am so ignorant, and stupid and cruel. Bella was still nursing her, and I should have just put her back with Bella once I warmed her a little bit without trying to give any water – I was not careful when giving her water and probably gave her more than she could handle at a time.   Truth is we don’t know exactly what would have happened to her, but one thing I know that she did not die when she did if I did not do what I did.. she 

RE: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Barb Moermond
Hideyo,You being in pain is simply you being you after the loss of a little one in your care. The things people tell you in hopes of making you feel better do not lighten the impact of her death, nor do they mean to. I believe they are meant to provide you tools with which you can use to help other kitties, in honor of the one who has passed. The pain is natural, but so is healing.When my Ninja died, I was devastated. But I decided to take what I'd learned while she was ill and the strength of the bond we'd developed during her last months and use them to honor her and what she'd taught me. I adopted Smoky and Bandit in order to give them the kittenhood she'd never had; to raise them the way she SHOULD have been raised. We still love you m'dear:)barbHideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Nina, you know that you are making me cry even more after reading your email --- I am so grateful of your words – when you say “It does her honor to be grieved so greatly.”, that’s exactly what I wanted to do, but I couldn’t describe it what I am feeling.. I did not want people to tell me it’s okay, I did my best.. I can learn from this.. or did not want to feel better, because I felt that it lightens the meaning of her death.. I did not want to feel better, I want to cry and suffer, because I really need to honor her death.. thank you for saying that --- I don’t want to move on, or don’t want to feel that it cannot be helped because I did what I thought it was right.. because… no matter what, I took her life away and so what I did was not good enough for her.. she
 could have so much fun in ahead of her with her brothers and sisters and I took that way.  In a way, I want to carry this pain as long as I live so that I can honor her --- I don’t’ know if it makes sense.. sometimes, I feel what I do is not good enough as long as there is a life to suffer.. one too many… if you know what I mean…From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 12:50 PM To: Subject: Re: My Bella's baby died  Hideyo, There isn't anything I can say to make Bella's baby's passing any easier on you. It does her honor to be grieved so greatly. What happened to the wee one breaks my heart, as much for her, as for you. Please don't punish yourself for caring about those little angels. You were up in the wee hours of the morning because you care. We've had this discussion before, no matter how diligent, no matter how much love we have, no matter how much we WANT things to be different, sometimes there is nothing we can do to save our little Angels. You know how I feel
 about the "what if" game. It's one no one can win. What if you had slept through the night? What if you hadn't even been aware of the little baby's distress? You may well have awoken this morning to find her gone. You knew her temp had dropped, you knew her nose was stuffy, you knew she had lost weight, you knew these things because you are the best caregiver anyone could hope for. Because of who you are, you did your best to save her, you took the advise you found in a book, a book you have because you care enough to do the best you can. I'm sorry for your suffering, I understand it completely, but you, my dear, are not ignorant, you are as far from cruel as it is possible for a human being to get and stupid people are not capable of learning from the mistakes they make in this life. Please stop using words like that to describe yourself. It offends me that you should think of yourself so meanly, (that's my friend
 you're talking about!). We all love you, we all know who you are, there is pain enough in this world without punishing yourself for not having the power to change what IS. Please don't second guess your intuition when it comes to caring for all those that depend on you. I am so grateful for your presence in my life. The world is a better place because of you Hideyo. That baby was loved and cherished, she is mourned, and she won't be forgotten, NinaHideyo Yamamoto wrote:I went into the nursing room about 1:30 am to feed Bella and to make sure that all the babies are doing ok… as I was feeding Bella,
 I noticed one of the babies was sleeping her mouth open, and nose sounded stuffy --- so I checked her temperature and it was lower than other babies and I checked her weight and was much less than others and seemed that she lost some weight or at least has not gained for the last day or two.. so I freaked out.. and I started warming her by wrapping her in wool and put her right by my stomach so that she could be gradually warmed up as the book said it’s danger to warm a chilled baby too quickly using a head pad.. and the book said that I should give some water/sugar and not to give any formula to a chilled baby.. and I did .. and soon after I did, she stopped breathing in a few minutes.. I think I choker her with water.. I am so 

Re: Tabbs Spain Belinda CLS picture to follow

2006-04-11 Thread Becca DuBose

Sandra wrote:

Tabbs Spain, crossed over, 8th April

I'm so sorry, Sandra.  I was rooting for him.


Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Becca DuBose

*/Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

Hi, everyone, today is one of the saddest day of my life – one of
Bella’s babies died this morning around 2 am and I think I caused
her to die.


I just don't see how you could have done anything wrong. Even if you 
did, you didn't know or you wouldn't have done it. Kroger had some 
babies who died's terrible but as others have mentioned, 
it does happen. I know there is nothing worse than the way you feel 
right now. Hugs to you, Bella and babies. I will be thinking of the 
little one (Bellita perhaps).


Re: Tabbs Spain Belinda CLS picture to follow

2006-04-11 Thread Becca DuBose

Belinda wrote:

Bailey is still about the same, bloodwork all great, but no energy

Hugs and prayers for you and Bailey.  If nothing else you may derive 
some comfort from the philosophy which accompanies Eastern medicine.
