Re: Bart

2007-02-17 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 2/17/07 1:42:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I'm so sorry you had to make the decision to let Bart go.  It sounds  like he 
did come to you for help though.  It's amazing, the tie we share  with cats, 
isn't it?  I'm glad he came to you and didn't die cold and  alone.  I hope 
Charity is doing well.

Deep inside I knew it was the right decision. I have  promised all my fur 
babies that I would never let them  suffer And, clearly Bart was.. My 
biggest regret is that  he didn't "trust" me sooner..I really believe 
that although he was so feral,  he did count on me & maybe even trusted me. 
But,  apparently he was old, lived on the streets & never trusted humans...Who 
can  blame him?  Not me..
His prognosis was, let's say, BAD  I couldn't bare the thought of  what 
he would have to go through.  And, me, now being "disabled", would  have to 
rely on my rescue buddies for transport.  And, w/ all he would have  needed,  I 
was frantic at the thought of NOT being able to get him to  vetjust more 
Thank heavens Charity finally came around, and I  believe with all my heart 
that night of blizzard, she came to me to help  Bart.  And, she was determined, 
no matter what (blizzard, Rottie, etc.)  that she wouldn't give up...  
She knew Bart needed  help - soon, and I know she knew that I was the only 
person she could  trust...
As I said before, it was at least a 3 hour ordeal..She didn't give up,  
neither did I.
I still find it absolutely amazing that this mean old VERY feral boy let me  
help him... I think he also "knew" he was ill.  And probably didn't  want 
to pass - alone, cold on the streets. After all his years, he finally found  
someone to trust - just a shame it took so long.
At the vets, well, what can I say?  His beautiful eyes seemed to be  saying 
"Thank you & it's ok".  I still cry when I remember that  day..  He 
"allowed" me to stroke him & kiss him, which I seemed to  do the entire time we 
there.  Unbelievable - this big, old  feral tom who I had trapped once [memory 
coming back?], lunged out of trap  & went right to my stomach area.  Ended up 
in ER (a regular thing when  trying to help my ferals/strays)  Still have 
"his marks"..  Now I only pray the scars never fade..
Charity is doing very well.. Safe & warm in house. Lots of bedding,  
plenty to eat & guess what?  She DOES use litter box! [Still say she  WAS 
someone's "pet" & they dumped her when she had her babies}
I (sadly) do have her in a large crate.. With her close association w/  
Bart, and all that's been going on with my bunch, well, I feel it's the best  
option right now.  She is NOT showing any symptoms of anything,  and while at 
vet, discussing my Puma, (originally diagnosed w/ [dry] FIP &  toxo), even my 
vet said that the FIP diagnosis could have been  an error... Corona virus 
shows up in many cats.. And, there is just too  many similarities w/ BW 
diagnosing toxo & FIP... Puma has finished all  meds, and is back to his 
old ancient self... YEAH!
Charity goes to vet next week.  Should be a "trip" as I am the only  human 
she trusts!!!  I do intend to have her tested, as I no longer have  any Felv 
kitties.  She was tested when spayed, was negative, but life  on the 
streets?  But even "if" she does come up +, so what???   It's not a death 
sentence, and I'm sure I can make accommodations right  hereHave a large, 
room we are not using.  It's not the Ritz, but  a heck of a lot better than 
on the streets.
And, yes, it is absolutely amazing the tie we share w/ cats. ( Just a  shame 
that there are TOO many people that can't relate)
We are an elite group.  And the people on this list are so  special..I 
joined when I rescued my Ethan [Felv+], who, sadly  passed  But, being at 
the shelter,no-kill, and having many experiences  w/ Felv kitties, I've never 
Now, I can no longer be at shelter, but, I just couldn't even think of  
Gosh, I really rambled, huh?  That's what happens when you're  
And, now, my [semi] good eye is giving out
Just wanted to say thank you for your kind words about my  Bart

Re: Hi and Question: Mouse Traps

2007-02-17 Thread catatonya
Hey Marissa,
  I'm sure someone answered you by now, but in case they didn't they sell 
little mouse cubes that the mouse can go in, but can't get back out of.  be 
sure to put something heavy on it so your cat won't turn it over and let the 
mouse out accidentally.  Then you just take the mouse outside far from your 
house and let it go.
  Also, you have to check it daily because the mouse will die quickly in the 
cube with no food or water.

Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all!  Sorry I haven't been around much has been INSANE!!!  
My condolensces to anyone who's lost a fur baby.  My thoughts are with you!  
And I'm sending positive thoughts for any sick kitties.
  I have a question.  I am almost 100% sure I have mice in the walls of my 
bedroom in my apartment.  :(  The maintenance people are offering to put out 
traps, but I'm worried about Slinky getting caught in one.
  I'm not sure if he'd catch a mouse if he saw one...or what he'd do.  But I 
also worry a bit about him getting a disease or something from the rodents.  
Has anyone ever heard of any kind of mouse trap that's cat-proof?  Meaning 
something that would catch the mice but not hurt Slinky?  
  I googled "cat proof mouse trap" and all I got was all kinds of mouse traps 
with "cat" in the name.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks 
so much for being such a great resource!!!

  Don't be flakey. Get Yahoo! Mail for Mobile and 
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Re: Bart

2007-02-17 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry you had to make the decision to let Bart go.  It sounds like he 
did come to you for help though.  It's amazing, the tie we share with cats, 
isn't it?  I'm glad he came to you and didn't die cold and alone.  I hope 
Charity is doing well.

  Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for 
Bart and me.
  After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST ), I DID 
go out to barn & struggled (very hard ) to get him in a large crate and into 
secluded area of house I hated having to lift him, he was so painful, but I 
couldn't stand the thought of him being so sick & inside the barn, no matter 
how well I "thought" I had insulated it.. 
  The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed the 
bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How strange is that???  He was 
certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came across in all my 
years  And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap him over the past two 
years. (I even got info. from Nina on an alternative method.)
  I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity "led" me 
to him in the blizzard She knew he needed help, so she turned to me.  Even 
when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just freaked over a "strange" one in 
her territory), out on leash.. The way Ladybug re-acted scared the bejesus 
out of me, but Charity would not give up..When I look back, I am so very 
thankful that none of us got hurt - (me - falling, Bug [born deaf], getting off 
leash & Charity not being challenged by my very large, very territorial, 
Rottie).  I am also very thankful I was "allowed" to get both Charity & Bart 
into my care.
  At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared, of course, but he kept 
looking at me and I just "knew"
  He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet did pull out 
alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in his belly, Bart's 
gums were almost white.NOT a good sign.  And, he had quite a few abscessed 
teeth, and was already "missing" quite a few..
  His "vision" was also questionable..
  My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just 
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my heart..
  Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart recovering... 
He explained that although it was almost a textbook case of "wet FIP" (which 
would mean regular draining), he also was most assuredly very anemic.  Epogen, 
transfusions. Also, he "explained" it "could be", lymphosarcoma, 
cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm sure you all get the picture.  His 
prognosis was very poor, with NO guarantees.
  I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made the 
dreaded decision..
  My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution, and 
Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his (big "ole) 
  Not a good day.. I HATE having to "play God"..
  And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray..
  Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain it...
  Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are 
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,  And, they are 
my world.
  As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
  I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with off 
list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight
  You are the most wonderful, supportive, loving group of folks out there.. 
I am very thankful to be a part of this group.  Really.
  (A Very Sad) Patti & her clan


2007-02-17 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry for your loss.  I lost my Popeye to cardiac problems in August.  
It's never easy to lose one, and I know what I say can't help much, but I'm 

Leslie Lawther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Susan, my heart is just breaking for you.  I lost my "soul-kitty" Wheezie 
on Saturday... and it was one of the most difficult losses I've ever had to 
cope with.  He was the love of my life... so I can imagine a bottle baby you've 
had from so young.  We feel so helpless sometimes... Wheezie had congestive 
heart failure that we were treating for over six months with a cardiologist... 
but I know the feeling of leaving in the morning and praying when you open the 
door at the end of the day that his beautiful face would be there to greet me.  
I'm so sorry for your loss Susan... we all are.  Hopefully Wheezie and Leader 
are playing together pain free and happy 
  Leslie =^..^=

  On 2/6/07, Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Just as I had feared, 
my little miracle man, Leader, was dead when I got home yesterday evening.
I'd given him a kiss and he'd meowed me a little good bye before I left him -- 
all wrapped up in the sweatshirt I'd slept in and cuddled warm on my bed with 
some of his buddies staying close. 
  Born with feline leukemia, and my bottle baby from age 3 weeks, he outlived 
his 5 brothers and sisters by years - in fact he was just a couple of months 
shy of six years.   Someone said to me yesterday that I must have given him 
good care -- but I know it wasn't the care he received; his littermates all got 
the same care and Mittens, his brother who went to live with Gloria, got 
better, more consistent good care.It was just the luck of the draw.  I am 
so honored to have had him in my life for so long.   He was truly amazing, and 
I shall miss him terribly - as I did last night when I reached out and he 
wasn't by my head. 

Leslie =^..^=

To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, 
or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That only one 
life breathed easier because you lived - that is success. 
---Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Re: Please add my Leader to the CLS

2007-02-17 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry little Leader didn't make it.  It sounds like he went 
peacefully, and that in itself is a blessing and I hope some comfort for you.
  take care,

Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just as I had feared, my little miracle man, Leader, was dead when I got 
home yesterday evening.I'd given him a kiss and he'd meowed me a little 
good bye before I left him -- all wrapped up in the sweatshirt I'd slept in and 
cuddled warm on my bed with some of his buddies staying close.
  Born with feline leukemia, and my bottle baby from age 3 weeks, he outlived 
his 5 brothers and sisters by years - in fact he was just a couple of months 
shy of six years.   Someone said to me yesterday that I must have given him 
good care -- but I know it wasn't the care he received; his littermates all got 
the same care and Mittens, his brother who went to live with Gloria, got 
better, more consistent good care.It was just the luck of the draw.  I am 
so honored to have had him in my life for so long.   He was truly amazing, and 
I shall miss him terribly - as I did last night when I reached out and he 
wasn't by my head.

diagnosis of lymphoma

2007-02-17 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
How do you test it? - ultrasound or blood work - if it's blood work,
what do you look for?

Re: OT - Looking for inexpensive scratching post

2007-02-17 Thread TenHouseCats

goes right along with their preferring the wrapping their holiday toys come
in to the toys themselves!

On 2/17/07, Lewis Faye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My cats love, of all things, concrete blocks.  They scratch on them.  They
sit on them.  They fight over them. LOL  You can get them at Home Depot for
a couple of bucks.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Looking for inexpensive scratching post

2007-02-17 Thread elizabeth trent

That is so funny! :0)


On 2/17/07, Lewis Faye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My cats love, of all things, concrete blocks.  They scratch on them.  They
sit on them.  They fight over them. LOL  You can get them at Home Depot for
a couple of bucks.

*TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:

there are a number of places on-line with instructions for making your
own; phaewyrn has a place she bought hers from that she swears by, but
they are NOT inexpensive.

i have a great recommendation for a place that sells on ebay, called
armarkat (they have two or three authorized dealers as well.) they
have multiple listings all the time, and essentially you pay almost
nothing for the furniture, but pay for shipping instead--the closer
you are to the west coast, the less you pay. a friend got a tree for
$.99, with $15 shipping on their website directly, you pay
discount prices, with no shipping--but if you watch ebay, you can do
much better. the recommendation i have is from a high-volume bengal
rescue--and anyone who knows bengals know that they are a HIGH-ENERGY
breed anything that can stand up to multiple bengals has to be
pretty solid this rescue has three of the armarkat trees.
there's a 72" one i have my eye on for one of these days. the
shipping alone will run me $80, but i've seen the tree go on ebay for
as little as $10, and compared to other trees of its size and layout,
that's about 1/3 of what it'd be anywhere else.


On 2/16/07, Marylyn wrote:
> Try making one with a 4x4 (not treated) of whatever length you want.
> burlap and sisal rope to it to cover the wood. Ebony loved it. The 4x4
> long enough he could really stretch.
> If you
> have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
> from the
> shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
> will deal
> likewise with their fellow man.
> St. Francis
> - Original Message -
> From: Kelley Saveika
> To: felvtalk
> Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 7:18 AM
> Subject: OT - Looking for inexpensive scratching post
> Hi guys,
> I am looking for some inexpensive scratching posts. My guys destroy my
> scratching posts within a month at most, and they are like $30 at
> Thanks,
> Kelley
> --
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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Re: OT - Looking for inexpensive scratching post

2007-02-17 Thread Lewis Faye
My cats love, of all things, concrete blocks.  They scratch on them.  They sit 
on them.  They fight over them. LOL  You can get them at Home Depot for a 
couple of bucks.  

TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  there are a number of places on-line 
with instructions for making your
own; phaewyrn has a place she bought hers from that she swears by, but
they are NOT inexpensive.

i have a great recommendation for a place that sells on ebay, called
armarkat (they have two or three authorized dealers as well.) they
have multiple listings all the time, and essentially you pay almost
nothing for the furniture, but pay for shipping instead--the closer
you are to the west coast, the less you pay. a friend got a tree for
$.99, with $15 shipping on their website directly, you pay
discount prices, with no shipping--but if you watch ebay, you can do
much better. the recommendation i have is from a high-volume bengal
rescue--and anyone who knows bengals know that they are a HIGH-ENERGY
breed anything that can stand up to multiple bengals has to be
pretty solid this rescue has three of the armarkat trees.
there's a 72" one i have my eye on for one of these days. the
shipping alone will run me $80, but i've seen the tree go on ebay for
as little as $10, and compared to other trees of its size and layout,
that's about 1/3 of what it'd be anywhere else.


On 2/16/07, Marylyn wrote:
> Try making one with a 4x4 (not treated) of whatever length you want. Glue
> burlap and sisal rope to it to cover the wood. Ebony loved it. The 4x4 was
> long enough he could really stretch.
> If you
> have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
> from the
> shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who
> will deal
> likewise with their fellow man.
> St. Francis
> - Original Message -
> From: Kelley Saveika
> To: felvtalk
> Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 7:18 AM
> Subject: OT - Looking for inexpensive scratching post
> Hi guys,
> I am looking for some inexpensive scratching posts. My guys destroy my
> scratching posts within a month at most, and they are like $30 at PetSmart.
> Thanks,
> Kelley
> --
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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Re: OT anethesia - Propofol - risks?

2007-02-17 Thread PEC2851
We used that pretty regularly at the one vet practice I worked  at..
As far as I can "remember" [not much lately, sigh], it was  probably the 
safest..(Compared to telazol, xylozine (sp?),  etc.)
I don't recall any problems, risks...
Hey, any anesthesia does have "possible" risks, especially  the 
I always "preferred" the gassing kind.  Maybe that's just  me.
Refresh my (lost) memory You're talking about the white, liquid  
injectable stuff, right?
What "procedure" is it going to be used for
And, if it is the injectable stuff, insist that fluids are  given at time of 
procedure, and, also, regular sub-q fluids after - to  flush it out of 
Keep us updated, please.
(And, sorry if I am not talking same stuff - the "memory" thing really  