It is one day at a time-the roller coaster is going up this week. Last Sunday 
evening I thought he would not make it through the night. I had spent the 
weekend hand feeding and watering him with a syringe-he spent most of the time 
stretched out on the bed. We went ahead and gave him the Procrit (Epogen) and 
LTCI shot-I put them in one syringe so I would only have to give him one shot. 
He didn't even flinch. I thought he'd be gone by morning. I woke up at 5:30 to 
get ready for work and I didn't see him on the bed-I went to the kitchen and 
both he and Rosie sitting at the open slider door screen (it was a nice cool 
evening-we left it open) watching the birds at the feeders!! He came trotting 
over complaining about breakfast-got his meds and ate a decent amount of wet 
a few morsels of dry. He slowly improved over the week and we had a vet appt on 
Friday (8/13). They did an in house PCV, but it was 19-I think the last time he 
may have been dehydrated-it was 27-28 and the time before it was 18.5  (7/23). 
She was happy with the pinkness of his gums-not real pink, but not that death 
white color we dread.  His fever was gone, back down to 100.5 from 104.7 the 
week before. She suspected he had a herpes virus-he developed a little lesion 
the top of his nose that has healed. Luckily we picked up our LTCI order that 
day-she said she wanted to keep him on it weekly for now until his numbers get 
back up. I will never try and space the LTCI 8-10 weeks apart. That is when he 
crashed with this anemia. Luckily his last CBC on 8/7 stated that the Absolute 
Reticulocyte count of 70610 shows that it is so far a regenerative anemia. I 
have the higher calorie wet food from the vet and he really likes it. We are 
taking it a day at a time, but he is perking up-he still sleeps alot-but in his 
usual spots near the desk and he is wanting to stay near us. He isn't up to 
leaping for the top of the bookcase yet. When I woke up this morning, he was 
jabbering at me, lying between the pillows and watching the young pheasants 
eating spilled birdseed from the feeders through the low bedroom window at the 
head of the bed. We watched the birds for awhile, then I got up-he raced to the 
kitchen ahead of me, wanting his breakfast! He got his pills and a good 
breakfast. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but today is a good day. He 
to stay on the Procrit 3x a week, doxy 2x a day, interferon 2x a day, LTCI once 
a week, and iron capsules once a day. We will give one more PennG shot for good 
measure-they last 5 days. I am grateful for your purrayers-I do believe they 
help immensely! I am lucky to have such kind vets-they take us at a moments 
notice. I think it helps to have a cat only practice to go to, (Sacramento Cat 
Hospital) plus they are open minded and progressive-they did not hesitate when 
asked them to order the Imulan after they read up on it.  This is a hard 
we are all on, we lost the 4 brothers last year despite trying the transfusion 
and other meds. It helps to have people who understand-sometimes even family 
members look at us like we are insane-LOL   Alice and Glenn - owned by Sweet 
Rosie and Mr Murphy! 
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