thanks for dry food

2006-02-06 Thread Amy Watson
Many thanks to all of you for the information on dry food. What Nina said about dry food once being recommended for dental health is what I had always believed. In fact, I always thought about my mother saying, Don't get them started on canned food, or that's all they'll want! 

We have started feeding our fat cat just canned now. We have a skinny one (a Siberian who is supposed to be 20 lbs according to breed recommendations, but is only 9 despite being an adult at least 3 years old) that will be allowed to finish the dry we alreadyhave in the house. 

Incidentally, we had to let our Scotch go yesterday. He was severely anemic, and his prognosis had no real hope in it at all. He taught us so much - we'll be better able to care for his sister and distant cousin who are still with us and healthy, and scheduled for testing this Friday. 

Amy-- Amy K. WatsonColumbus, Ohio 

second-guessing myself

2006-01-29 Thread Amy Watson
I don't know if there's anyone else on this list who is new to this
virus, but if there is, maybe someone can relate to what I've been
thinking about lately. I'm not looking for advice, exactly.
Even though what follows is filled with questions. I mean, if you
know that you know how to take care of something simple here, okay...
but I'm not asking for people to tell me to take care of myself or to
look for X treatment. These are personal questions that have a
lot to do with who I am and what my history is and what my cat seems to
want or need. But, I'm sending it to the list because I think
maybe others might understand what this is like.

Some background - my cat is nine years old. His name is Scotch,
and is one of three cats we have. One of the other two is his
littermate, Holly, and the third (Lovey) was sort of bequeathed to us
when her owner could no longer take care of her. 

Scotch started showing signs of illness just about eight days
ago. We got the positive FeLV test results on Friday
morning. So I'm really at the beginning of this. Scotch is
suffering from some kind of secondary infection that has given him a
fever, which in turn has made him lethargic and kept him from eating
normally. The vet has given him steroid shots to bring down the
fever and help him feel better, and we've been administering an oral
antibiotic for about four days now. I've set him up in my office
(which I also call my 'morning room') where he has a couple of bedding
choices, a litterbox, a couple of food choices and his water. 

Anyway, I have a blog and some kind friends who keep up with me there,
so if you want, you can read more there. Or if you'd rather I
e-mail our experiences, let me know--I can do that, too. Well,
anyway, the blog is at -- Amy K. WatsonColumbus, Ohio