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From: SI Feral Initiative Inc. <>

Subject: Navi's plea

Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 6:54 PM


Hello wonderful people -

Meet Navi, a 2 yr old American Shorthair boy with a beautiful face and
soulful golden-green eyes that we pulled in the nick of time from the
high-kill city shelter last spring...we made the decision to pull him before
we learned he was positive for FeLV, a retrovirus that depresses the immune
system  (at CACC, cats are ONLY tested once a Rescue has stepped up for
them).  Unfortunately, once it is discovered that a cat is FeLV+, the
decision is often made at the shelter to euthanize them immediately.  Navi
is such a sweet boy, we couldn't abandon him to his fate at the shelter
after making the promise to save his life.  After some heroic scrambling we
found a "short term" foster for him, to serve as safe haven as we searched
for a permanent home.  That was almost a year ago...and although Navi's
angel of a foster momma loves him dearly and we had all hoped that it would
somehow work out for him to remain where he is, her frequent traveling for
work and imminent plans to move out of the country are now forcing us to
find him alternative placement.  We have about a month to find either
another foster home or a forever home for this loverboy.  All supplies and
medical covered for foster homes. 

Navi is young and full of energy, a complete mush-ball, and asymptomatic at
this time, which means he has a clean bill of health from his doc apart from
his FeLV.  He has the appetite of a horse, and lo-o-oves love!  He is
hands-down one of the most outgoing cats we've ever encountered.  The very
first time we met him he was immediately rubbing up against us, meowing to
us for attention, and asking us to play with him.  He adores catnip, loves
his scratch lounge quite literally to shreds :), and goes into fits of
ecstasy when petted.  He has this truly adorable habit of bumping up against
everything when he's happy - and yes! - Navi loves other kitties! He is, in
a nutshell, a total sweetheart and so completely deserves what every pet
should have - the chance at a loving home for the rest of his life.   


A note from Navi's foster mama:

"Navi has been with me for almost a year, and I adore every little piece of
him.  Navi is so special that even people who don't really like cats have
always commented on his beautiful energy and affectionate personality. He is
very easy going but he loves attention and is not shy to express it - he
definitely loves to give and receive lots and lots of love!When I'm sitting
at my computer he pushes my arm with his head until at least I say hi to
him, and of course I can never resist and I have to let him sit on my lap
while I do my work. Lately he really enjoys sleeping on my pillow on top of
my head, or all curled up behind my neck. Sometimes he also likes to wake me
up in the morning by gently putting his paw on my face...and he leaves it
there to be petted. His paws are soooo expressive like I've never seen
before in any other cat. Navi is not the type of cat who wants to be
ignored, although he does like to sleep and have his alone time, he is meant
to be with people or someone who really enjoys his company and shows him
that he matters.  If my life was different Navi would have stayed with me
for sure, but he would need a passport, visas and lots of unpredictable
plane tickets :(  The lucky person who will give him a home will be so
fortunate to have him, I guarantee it!"  



...and she couldn't be more right - you only have to meet him once to
realize that he will return the favor a thousand fold.  Knowing Navi means
having constant reason to smile. 

Due to his FeLV status, we would like to seeNavi in a home in which he is
either the only cat, or where he can be with other FeLV+ cats.  For all the
non-obsessed-Rescue people reading this letter, that's because while Navi is
currently healthy, his FeLV status does mean he could become sick - so while
he would be fine with several cat friendly dogs, pot-bellied pigs, or
iguanas - he is both more vulnerable to the infections your average cat
could fight off, and contagious to FeLV negative felines. 


Navi is neutered, FIV NEG, and will come to his new home thoroughly vetted,
UTD on vaccinations, and micro-chipped. 

For more information, or to arrange a meet-n-greet with this darling
gentleman, please contact us at
</mc/compose?> .  You may also view Navi's listing
on our adoption site at
.  Application/Agreement required as always, and can be viewed on our site. 


We are unfortunately pressed for time, so if you could find it in your heart
and schedule to cross-post this plea, we would deeply appreciate it. 

All our thanks, on behalf of Navi. 




~ elena l. bass

founder & TNR director

S.I. Feral Initiative, Inc.

*a registered 501(c)3 charity

Staten Island, NY </mc/compose?> <> "BE the change you
wish to see in the world ~  Spay and Neuter for a better future!!!"




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