Just got this mail. I am almost in shock. This is something I never knew could happen. Just alerting you. If you'd like you can tell others. I would never have believed this could happen.
Dear Diane,
I think you told me you wanted to know what the results of the necropsy were on Layla, so here goes.  The vet said she had no broken bones, and that all of her internal organs were fine, and that there was no bleeding in the brain, or tumor.  It mystified her as to why Layla died until we told her how we found her, with her body lying on a low box on the closet floor and her head resting on the floor of the closet.  Her conjecture is that Layla must have accidentally fallen, either from the closet shelf or perhaps on the top of the clothes getting down from the shelf, and fallen, which was a major stressor on her which caused her to go into shock, which is how we found her (in shock, that is).  She did not cry out, as many cats in shock do, but she had the unusual breathing that alerted us to the fact that there was a cat in trouble in the closet.  We did not hear the fall, as we had been in the other room with the television on, and had just walked into our bedroom with the broken closet door when we heard the breathing.  I called a breeder who is a retired vet, and she concurred with my vet's idea of what happened, and said that a stressed out cat can go into shock very quickly.  I also asked the breeder of the kitten we just got from her, and she is a medical doctor who also knows quite a bit about the physiology of cats, and she confirmed what the other two had said, and told me some stories of some similar things happening to other cats in other catteries and rescue foster homes.  She too said that cats are delicate creatures, and even an altercation with another cat can be enough of a stressor to a cat to cause it to go into shock and die.  So, I am trusting that I have the correct answer as to why Layla died. 
I haven't been on my website yet--just can't bring myself to do it yet, but hopefully this weekend I will have some time to change your banners.  The memorial link to your graphics page is lovely, and I shall be happy to display it, and I hope that all of the links I have to you on my website will cause a lot of traffic to your site.  You have such a wonderful website, and as much as I look at it, I still haven't finished looking at all there is to see and read.
By the way, we buried Layla next to her beloved Ozzy.  They were inseparable in life, and now they are in death.  I can't help but picture them playing in the Lord's lap, having a wonderful time, with Kali, Tess and Jazz right there with them.
Thank you for the work you are doing on my tribute graphic for Layla.  I look forward to hearing from you.
Blessings and peace,

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