Re: [NMHP] Silly bugs, kibble is for cats!-To Michelle

2006-06-17 Thread Lernermichelle

Yes, I was there years ago, and it was fantastically beautiful, and the 
shelter is unbelievably large and well-run and wonderful.
In a message dated 6/15/2006 6:25:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
Michelle,I love Best Friends!  I think what they are doing 
  isfantastic.  They are VERY well connected too.  I amsad 
  today because I had to cancel our reservations tovisit and volunteer in 
  the cat sanctuary at BestFriends early next month.  My husband took a 
  new joband we cannot take off.  We will eventually make itthere 
  though!  Angel Canyon is supposed to 


Re: [NMHP] Silly bugs, kibble is for cats!-To Michelle

2006-06-15 Thread TatorBunz

You know that is one thing I can't stand that is "SLUGS" for the life of me. They make my skin crawl.ewww
I can tolerate worms, snakes, and such.
Washington is great for slugs and blackberries. 
They even have festivals for them here! 
They actually eat themYUCK!
 Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Fwd: [NMHP] Silly bugs, kibble is for cats!-To Michelle

2006-06-15 Thread wendy

I love Best Friends!  I think what they are doing is
fantastic.  They are VERY well connected too.  I am
sad today because I had to cancel our reservations to
visit and volunteer in the cat sanctuary at Best
Friends early next month.  My husband took a new job
and we cannot take off.  We will eventually make it
there though!  Angel Canyon is supposed to be


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Forwarding for those of you who feed ferals... and
> because I found her  
> answer on slugs to be very amusing. It's from the
> Best Friends No More Homeless  
> Pets forum, which I recommend by the way and can be
> joined via their  website.
> Michelle
> Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 08:58:24 -0700
> Subject: [NMHP] Silly bugs, kibble is for cats!
> Question from Louise:
> It's almost summer and with summer come bugs!  How
> do I keep them away from the cats' food?  Do you
> have any other feeding advice?
> Response from Meredith Weiss:
> Typical bugs attracted to cat food are ants, flies
> and slugs.  Ants can be kept out of the food by
> building a small moat.  Take a plastic tray or
> Tupperware container -- something flat and fairly
> wide with raised sides -- and fill it with a quarter
> to a half inch of water.  Then put the food in a
> separate bowl and place that in the middle of the
> tray with the water. The water will prevent the ants
> from reaching the food, while the cats can easily
> lean over and eat.
> Slugs - well, strange as it sounds the way I solved
> this problem was to feed the slugs separately!  Just
> take a little bit of dry or wet food and put it on
> the ground near the slugs, at least several inches
> away from the cat food bowls -- they'll be happy to
> not have to climb into the bowls.
> Flies become a problem when the food is left out
> uneaten in warm weather.  They are more of a problem
> with canned food than with dry.  If your colony
> isn't trained to eat at a scheduled time, don't
> leave out wet food on hot days.  Feed in the evening
> or at night instead.  Or leave out dry food only. 
> In the case of a sudden rainstorm, it's recommended
> to have a covered feeding station for your colony. 
> If this isn't possible and you have to put food out
> unprotected from the elements, you can try this
> method to keep it dry:  Again, take a Tupperware
> container, or a typical styrofoam take-out container
> from a restaurant, usually about nine inches wide. 
> Fill it with dry food.  Place the matching lid on
> the container upside down so it is covering the food
> but not snapped on.  Put a few pieces of food on top
> of the turned-over lid.  Even in this position, the
> lid will keep the rain out.  When the rains stops
> and the cats come out they'll smell the food and
> flip the lid off to get it.
> Both pigeons and raccoons love cat food!  Hopefully
> in your area you only have one or the other -- not
> both!  If you have pigeons, feed after dark when the
> pigeons are sleeping.  With raccoons, just the
> opposite; usually they rarely venture out during
> daylight hours.  And if you do have both in your
> neighborhood -- good luck!  Leave out plenty of
> food.  Raccoons and cats can get along and eat
> together if there's enough for everybody.
> What to feed.  Feed the best quality food you can
> comfortably afford.  If you have a colony of three
> you may be able to feed a higher quality (more
> expensive) food than if you have a large colony. 
> You may find that if you switch from a low quality
> to a higher one you'll soon be feeding a smaller
> quantity, so when you average out the cost, it may
> not be much greater after all.  And if you do
> switch, do it gradually, mixing in the old with the
> new.  
> Generally, canned food is more nutritious than dry,
> but almost all feral cats will have to be given dry
> food at least some times for a variety of reasons. 
> Check the ingredients on the label. If the first one
> is some kind of grain, or byproducts, it's not the
> best food as it contains mostly that ingredient. 
> Remember, cats are carnivores and actually require
> no carbohydrates at all.  

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