Re: Another Update on Smokey

2006-08-22 Thread Belinda

   The reason 1/3 die from it is it is VERY hard to diagnose and some
cats will have it and get a negative test result and not get the
treatment, I have never heard of a cat getting the correct treatment
(doxy is preferred to treat it, though some cats need a 6 week course
to eradicate it) ever dying from it.  Any one else heard of that???

I alwyas treat if there is the slightest suspicion that my cat has it
no matter what the test results are, I've known people who's cats have
had 5 and even 6 negative tests but the cat actually had it!!

feline leukemia home page says it is a contagious disease, 1/3 of cats
die from it, & the ones who don't will have it for life.


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Re: Another Update on Smokey/Hemobartanella info.

2006-08-22 Thread wendy

Count your blessings as Hemobartanella is extremely
hard to find on a slide at the lab and can be treated.
 That's what's causing the low blood count most

Here's info. from
A cat with hemobartonellosis experiences depression,
weight loss, decrease in appetite and anemia. There
may be jaundice associated with this and approximately
one-third of untreated cats will die from the
infection. Cats that "recover" are usually infected
for life but the organism is suppressed by the cat's
immune system. Subsequent immune compromise from
viruses like feline leukemia, stress or administration
of corticosteroids cause a recurrence of the
infection. The disease is probably transmitted by
blood sucking insects and from infected mothers to
their kittens during pregnancy. It may be possible to
transmit from bite wounds and blood transfusions as
well. The organism is visible in blood smears of
infected cats but it has a tendency to come and go in
the blood stream so it is sometimes necessary to make
blood smears over the course of several days to
identify the parasite. It can be treated with
tetracycline class antibiotics with good success but
even treated cats should be considered to be carriers
of the disease and may experience recurrences later.
Supportive care is often necessary for several days in
cats with this condition and during the acute
infection if may be necessary to use corticosteroids
despite the immune suppression associated with these
medications. It is very important to control fleas and
other blood sucking organisms in a multiple cat
household in which one member is found to have
hemobartonellosis. It is a good idea to occasionally
do followup bloodwork to make sure anemia is not
Mike Richards, DVM 

Dee, this is not some horrible infection.  It's
treatable, although not curable.  Don't freak out over
it.  None of us here freak out over it; we're more
relieved when that's what's causing anemia because
many times it's not diagnosed, and the cats die from
anemia.  Mine did.  He was tested for hemo, but of
course came back neg.  This was before I knew how hard
it is to find on a slide.  Had I known, we would have
tried doxy anyway, and he might still be here today. 
I am not sure what caused his anemia, but I will be
damn sure from now on that anyone else who posts here
on anemia has the info. on hemobart and doxy.

As far as the probiotics goes, I have never used them
with my kitties, but others here have.  Post to the
group about this with the subject line "probiotics
question" or something like that, and you should get
good info. on this.  Sorry I can't be of more help to


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Re: Another update on Smokey

2006-08-21 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi,  Bandy had to stay on doxy for awhile until they ruled out hemobart.  He was also on Lysine and interferon, baytril and pred at the same time...I just made sure that I gave him food before and after the doxy..something about it irritating them..Usually, I would give him his interferon right after I gave him the doxy so I was sure it went down..I think Nina told me to put it in some nutrical or a/d or something like that to make sure it went down and wouldn't irritate his stomach or esophagus.  I know he stayed on the doxy for over a month...I think when they have hemobart, they stay on it for along time..Bandy seems to do well on all the supplements...I just add them to every meal..and I feed him wet food at least 4 times a day and all the dry he can eat.  Kerry, Bandy and Inky 
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Re: Another Update on Smokey

2006-08-21 Thread catatonya
Actually with a leukemia cat hemobart is better news than non regenerative anemia.  At least it can be treated.  I haven't dealt with it myself, but many on the list have. with good results.     tonyaDee & Evan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  We got a called from our vet today on the results of Smokey's lab work that was sent away since their equipment could not read his blood. His red blood cell count is at 30, 29 is at the edge of low for anemia, so he just missed that. But she had more bad news about the little guy. He has the parasite Hemobartonella Telis (Hemobartinella). The vet said he will have to be on antibiotic (Doxycycline) for at least three more weeks to battle this parasite. Does anyone else have any experience dealing with this? The feline
 leukemia home page says it is a contagious disease, 1/3 of cats die from it, & the ones who don't will have it for life. Once again I'm freaking out! We are to consult with the vet tomorrow on a "game plan" for Smokey. Wendy, you had said something about putting him on probiotics. What is probiotics? Can you give me a name brand, dosage, etc I can ask our vet about when we consult with her tomorrow? I want to put him on at least the Interferone & Lysine but I don't know if this will be too much with the long regiment of antibiotics he will be taking. How much should I worry about my other cats? Everyone is on Frontline Plus. Just when you think the little guy is going to turn the corner something like this happensAny information or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. 

Another Update on Smokey

2006-08-21 Thread Dee & Evan
We got a called from our vet today on the results of Smokey's lab work 
that was sent away since their equipment could not read his blood.  His 
red blood cell count is at 30, 29 is at the edge of low for anemia, so 
he just missed that.  But she had more bad news about the little guy.  
He has the parasite Hemobartonella Telis (Hemobartinella).  The vet said 
he will have to be on antibiotic (Doxycycline) for at least three more 
weeks to battle this parasite.  Does anyone else have any experience 
dealing with this?  The feline leukemia home page says it is a 
contagious disease, 1/3 of cats die from it, & the ones who don't will 
have it for life.  Once again I'm freaking out!  We are to consult with 
the vet tomorrow on a "game plan" for Smokey. Wendy, you had said 
something about putting him on probiotics.  What is probiotics?  Can you 
give me a name brand, dosage, etc I can ask our vet about when we 
consult with her tomorrow?  I want to put him on at least the 
Interferone & Lysine but I don't know if this will be too much with the 
long regiment of antibiotics he will be taking.  How much should I worry 
about my other cats?  Everyone is on Frontline Plus.  Just when you 
think the little guy is going to turn the corner something like this 
Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.