Re: Cat on immunoregulin - fear of injections

2007-05-10 Thread Nazleen Rahmat
Thanks so very munch Nina. That was a lovely email. I'll update you on how 
it goes tomorrow and yes I'll not do it in the room. I'll do it in the 
kitchen or something.

Subject: Re: Cat on immunoregulin - fear of injections
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 20:32:22 -0800

I understand how you feel about not wanting to give your little sweetheart 
injections.  It won't help him one little bit to give in to your fear about 
it.  Just put on your nurses hat and detach yourself from the discomfort of 
it as best you can.  Approach it and Abu with a positive, loving and 
purposeful manner, you are doing this to help him, and the calmer and more 
matter-of-fact you are about it the sooner it will be over.  Have something 
yummy like some tuna or baby food ready to go.  You may even want to give 
him something to eat while you are giving him the shot.  Sometimes when 
they are distracted, they don't even feel it.  My dentist pinches my 
opposite cheek when he gives me novocaine to distract me, even though I 
know what he's doing, it still helps.  Tell Abu what you are doing is going 
to help him get better and to trust you.  Have everything prepared before 
you pick him up.  If you can get someone to hold him from squirming out of 
your grip, esp the first time, all the better.  1,2,3, you're done!  
Medicate him in the same place each time, (I use the kitchen counters 
because they're not suppose to be up there anyway, if they develop an 
unpleasant association with the counter, it's better than someplace we 
usually cuddle together.

I have learned through experience that the fear of the medication is far 
worse than the medicating itself.  You'll see if you have to give him shots 
on a regular basis that he will begin to be much calmer in time because he 
knows what to expect.  Take the fear out of it for yourself and you'll take 
the fear out of it for him.

Prayers and blessings,

Nazleen Rahmat wrote:

Hi guys,

Thanks so much for the replies. Please send us your prayers. Abu finished 
up all his food yesterday. I was sooo happy!

I've to give him his jab tomorrow and I'm super frightened!

Get MSN Messenger emoticons and display pictures here!

Re: Cat on immunoregulin - fear of injections

2007-05-10 Thread Nina

I understand how you feel about not wanting to give your little 
sweetheart injections.  It won't help him one little bit to give in to 
your fear about it.  Just put on your nurses hat and detach yourself 
from the discomfort of it as best you can.  Approach it and Abu with a 
positive, loving and purposeful manner, you are doing this to help him, 
and the calmer and more matter-of-fact you are about it the sooner it 
will be over.  Have something yummy like some tuna or baby food ready to 
go.  You may even want to give him something to eat while you are giving 
him the shot.  Sometimes when they are distracted, they don't even feel 
it.  My dentist pinches my opposite cheek when he gives me novocaine to 
distract me, even though I know what he's doing, it still helps.  Tell 
Abu what you are doing is going to help him get better and to trust 
you.  Have everything prepared before you pick him up.  If you can get 
someone to hold him from squirming out of your grip, esp the first time, 
all the better.  1,2,3, you're done!  Medicate him in the same place 
each time, (I use the kitchen counters because they're not suppose to be 
up there anyway, if they develop an unpleasant association with the 
counter, it's better than someplace we usually cuddle together.

I have learned through experience that the fear of the medication is far 
worse than the medicating itself.  You'll see if you have to give him 
shots on a regular basis that he will begin to be much calmer in time 
because he knows what to expect.  Take the fear out of it for yourself 
and you'll take the fear out of it for him.

Prayers and blessings,

Nazleen Rahmat wrote:

Hi guys,

Thanks so much for the replies. Please send us your prayers. Abu 
finished up all his food yesterday. I was sooo happy!

I've to give him his jab tomorrow and I'm super frightened!