Dear Barbara,
Thank you for going to the effort of helping Harbour. She certainly sounds like a wonderful girl and very deserving of you intervention. (I saw your post on the FelV list). I have six cats and four dogs, so I'm full up at the Inn.

Which test was used for her positive result, the ELISA, (notorious for false positives), or IFA? Usually cats are retested after a couple of months to make sure the test was accurate, (she could very well turn up negative). As I understand it, if she is 4 or 5 years old, healthy and testing positive, there is a good chance that she's either contracted the disease and is in the process of fighting it off; (most adults have been exposed to the disease, but are able to clear it from their system); she's a carrier and has the antigens present, but won't manifest the symptoms, (which would mean she doesn't have the compromised immune system that causes the downfall and death of these guys); or she has had the disease and has already fought it off , but not cleared it from her system completely so that the antigens/antibodies are still present. Usually, because their immune systems are compromised, these guys 'crash' when they are put under stress. Harbour's unfortunate situation has put her under a great deal of stress, and yet she remains asymptomatic, that tells me she has a very good chance at a long and happy life.

People (including vets) hear the words Feline Leukemia and equate it with a death sentence. It's just not true. Many, many of them, with quality care and a safe environment live full, rich, even long lives. Please consider revising your notion of her prognosis. A lot of people on the list (myself included) mix their negatives and positives in the household and I have not heard of one instance were an adult, vaccinated, negative contracted the virus, (kittens are much more susceptible). Her options for a good home are wider than you may presently think. Please keep looking for a home for Harbour, there is a match out there somewhere just waiting for this special girl, I just know it. I'll be praying for the two of you. Let us know what happens.

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