Re: Long post..Tiny and Junior's stories

2006-12-27 Thread Lernermichelle
Sally, you and yours have been through a lot. I am sorry for it.  But  glad 
you are blessed with all of them, and them with you. 

Long post..Tiny and Junior's stories

2006-12-26 Thread Sally
Tiny and Junior


As I get older my memory gets a bit fuzzy. This is Tiny's and Junior's


Summer of 2001 my doorbell rang. This was not a usual occurrence. I opened
the door and there was a neighbor's child holding this tiny precious buff
colored kitten. She told me it was born under her porch and her parents were
threatening to get rid of it. OK she already knew I had cats probably 4 or 5
at that time. So Tiny joined my crew. He was about 5 or 6 weeks old. Not
even weaned. I thought her story about a mother cat just having kittens
under their deck sounded fishy. Actually it was true. I was to wind up with
2 more kittens from this semi wild mom.


Tiny (whiny) was always a bit small for a male cat. He weighed 10 pounds in
adulthood. He was smaller than my other male cats. I had him neutered and he
became part of my cat family. He had this thing of making biscuits in my
hair. He also slept on my head. Literally he used me as a pillow.


As he grew older he came to love the outdoors and spent more time outside
than inside. He loved to hunt and would eat what he caught.


Junior came to us the following year. He is Tiny's half brother. By now the
people have moved away and the house was vacant. I also have their half
sister from another litter that same year. I found homes for Junior's
siblings and kept a female kitten named her Misty. She later was hit by a
car. She came to me in spirit the day after she was killed to say she was
sorry. That was very strange, but very real.


For the most part all was well with my cat family. Oh sure they would get
the occasional upper respiratory. Tiny seemed to always have on and off have
a cough. Nothing too severe. I later thought he may have had asthma.maybe
not. Fluffy was the king of this family and I so miss him. I lost him last
February to osteo-sarcoma. We are now in the year 2006. A week later I found
an older cat on Petfinder in a shelter not far from here. My husband went
and got this big old tomcat his name was Lionel. He sprayed the house as
soon as we got him home. He was injured in a fight with a raccoon and the
wound took forever to heal. The same day we got Lionel a coworker gave me
another yellow longhaired kitten named Pumpkin. 


In April Junior was hit by a car. I found him hiding on my back deck, He had
a split pallet and a broken jaw. He was tested for FeLV at that time and was
negative. Hr spent a week at the hospital and came home still not eating
much. I took him back for hydration the following Monday.


My husband Eric for some reason found another kitten at the same shelter and
brought her home this is Daisy, She was about 8 weeks old. You can never
have too many cats.


The time line here may not be quite accurate, but I think the respiratory
infections started in May with Tiny. He coughed so hard he would knock
himself off his feet. I took him to the vet and got antibiotics. Then Lionel
got sick. Also coughing a lot and somewhat violently. Just as one cat was
getting better another was getting sick. It was Junior's turn then Pumpkin's


These 4 cats got sick the other 7 cats did not get sick.


I later took Junior back to the vet because he was not feeling well. He was
anemic and was treated for hemabartenella. Then Pumpkin started acting
lethargic. Too many cats sick. I did not realize Pumpkin wasn't really
eating, just pretending to eat. By the time Pumpkin was taken in to my old
vet he was anemic and jaundiced. He was sent home with antibiotics, but
taken back after the weekend. He was put on IV and baytril He had seizures
and was not responsive I had him euthanized. I am dealing with two
veterinarians, because my regular vet was not available when Junior was hot
by the car. OK I now know something is wrong. So I take Junior back to his
vet. He was running a temp of 106.5. he did not even look sick! They kept
him for the day. He was still anemic and they wanted to test him for FeLV. I
knew then what the answer might be. After he tested positive for FeLV. I had
to get all the cats tested and vaccinated. This whole thing was a nightmare.
Lionel was in the first group and was positive for Felv and FIV. I suspect
he had the FIV when I adopted him and caught FeLV later. I had him
euthanized as he was not doing well. 


Tiny was in the next group tested. He too was positive. He and Junior were
isolated together. They do not like each other so this was interesting. Tiny
seemed to be the healthier of the two. No symptoms after the initial URI.
They both went on immunoregulin. Junior got another URI and uveitis. I hope
for the best. Junior finally got better from his URI. Now Tiny had a slight
respiratory infection, but still playful and was eating up until his last


Christmas day, I spent doing nothing. I decided Tiny was not feeling well so
we sat on the sofa and I changed channels on the TV. He normally doesn't sit
with me but I saw something in his eyes. I now know he was saying goodbye. I

Re: Long post..Tiny and Junior's stories

2006-12-26 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
It feels better to tell their stories doesn't it? Your story was nice, and
it sounds like you've opened your heart to compassion often over the years.
Tiny had a good life with you, surrounded with love. You did everything
right, and you shouldn't have any remorse. I do hope time brings you peace.

In time your broken heart will ache less, and only a small tear will well up
in the corner of your eye as you recall all of the GOOD times with Tiny.
Time doesn't really heal, like so many people say, but it does ease the
intense pain one feels so close to a loss. There's a whole process to
grieving, there's the intense pain and suffering, then time smoothes it over
eventually, and there's guilt, because you feel bad that you're NOT still in
such intense pain, because you think you should be; then there's acceptance,
where you realize that it's ok to let go of the suffering, and instead
recall the memories. But they are always with you, forever, and of course,
that's the way we want it.

I'm sorry for your loss Sally.


Donations Needed for Whitey's emergency Vet Care!
12/24/06 Whitey Pictures:
Whitey Models on Ebay: