I get it girl.  You don't have to explain why you do what you do to me, or probably anyone else on the list.  Just in case you were, don't take offense, they were just trying to help.  I don't know how anyone deals with adoption.  I have such a hard time letting go of anyone, which is why we have so many!  You're my hero.  I don't know how you take care of so many.  I get so overwhelmed with my family and it's nothing like yours.  What's your secret?  Vitamins?

Did you get the pictures I just sent?  I sent them to Kerry too, but I just realized she may have already left town.  I called her back yesterday, (I think it was yesterday, my mind has turned to mush and I can't remember the simplest things), and she didn't return my call.  Isn't it wonderful news about not only Mickey testing neg, but Momma is neg too still?  She doesn't have anymore felv kitties in the house!!!  Hooray!!  And the way she helped convince the money person behind PAWS to add the felv shelter space!  Kerry inspires me too.  What a great person she is.  I love the way she looks for and acknowledges the miracles in her life.  It's so great that you got a chance to meet her.  I really would love to figure out a way for us all to get together.  I was talking to Jasmine the other day and she said that she would be willing to travel for a workshop in AC if we could get enough people interested.  Maybe we could do that and all get together then.  What do you think?

How are all the new guys doing?  Have you decided if you are going to trap the Momma of the new guys yet?  If you do, will you release her?  I know how hard it is to do.  We have to start trusting that they will be okay on their own path, without taking personal responsibility for every one of them.  I know, I know, easier said than done.

Much love to you my dear,

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

I am so sure that they are adoptable ---and I used to go to adoption clinic every single week a few years ago.. maybe I did adopted out a couple of them during that time.. (I was very very selective as to whom ) but considering the number that I have, considering the amount of time I need to care for the ones I have.. I decided to spend time taking care of them instead of finding a home for one or two in a year or two which will not make much difference in my life..

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