P.S. Prayers going out for an increase in your
finances.  We know here all too well how our checkbook
can limit how we care for our animals.  It's horrible!

--- wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey Caroline,
> I'm glad to hear that your vet is using Epogen. 
> That's probably one of the most, if not the most,
> effective drugs in treating anemia.  I am surprised
> that she didn't just remove the leg itself instead
> of
> just the tumor (I know that sounds callous, but
> considering the alternative, I'd vote to remove the
> leg).  I don't know what the stats are on tumors
> coming back after surgery in felines, but I am
> guessing it's fairly high.  The yahoo lymphoma group
> might have a better knowledge of this, and actual
> scenarios similar to Monkee's if you want to check
> them out.   Does your vet say what type of cancer
> Monkee had, based on a biopsy after the surgery? 
> That's important to know also.  In fact, that
> probably
> should have been known before the chemo was given,
> because the type of chemo is based on the type of
> cancer, but I'm not sure how I know that, so it
> might
> not be right.  Also, we don't see a lot of cancer in
> the limbs from FeLV, at least not here.  It's more
> in
> the lungs, and stomach, so I was surprised when you
> mentioned Monkee's leg.  It makes me wonder if
> Monkee
> didn't have Injection Site Sarcoma or Vaccine
> Associated Sarcoma (VAS).  Has Monkee received
> vaccines where the cancer was located?  Sarcoma
> (fibrosarcoma) is a different form of cancer from
> lymphoma, if I'm not mistaken.
> If your vet feels there is time for the Epogen to
> work, then the HCT count is probably not too low. 
> That's a good thing.  It's when the HCT is around
> 7-9
> or lower when we see a lot of our furbabies often
> lose
> their battles to the anemia.  And if Monkee is
> FeLV+,
> then it's entirely possible that the cancer is
> unrelated based on where it was, and that the stress
> of the surgery is what is causing the FeLV to kick
> in,
> surpressing the immune system, thus the anemia.  The
> two most important things in caring for FeLV+
> furbabies are a good diet with supplements, and a
> stress free environment.   You might consider
> starting
> Monkee on lysine, which is an immune system
> supplement.  If you do, post here so you can get the
> specifics, because there are just a few guidelines
> to
> follow.  There are other supplements too.
> You are right about the veterinary world not knowing
> much about FeLV.  It's kind of like AIDS in that
> it's
> a fairly 'new' disease, or newly diagnosed.  There
> are
> still so many, too many, unanswered questions about
> FeLV.  The scary thing is I feel strongly that WE
> here
> are figuring out some things through trial and error
> before the veterinary community is!!!  Or at least
> making it known.  For instance, a lot of vets have
> no
> idea what ImmunoRegulin (IR) is, but a lot of people
> use it to combat feline fevers and to fight FeLV. 
> Even the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary gives sub-M
> injections of the IR once a month to their furbabies
> in Casa de Calmar, the FeLV sanctuary.  It's really
> scary how little the general veterinary population
> knows about new developments.  Which makes me wonder
> about human doctors!  lol.  My own vet was
> overdosing
> my hyperthyroid cat, even after I told him the
> information I had learned from the hyperT group,
> which
> was to start at a certain dose, but he insisted that
> this other dose was the standard.  And guess what,
> my
> cat had really bad side effects.  When we restarted
> her on the meds at the lower dose, lo and behold,
> she
> fared just fine on the meds, even with an increase
> at
> a later date.  I even wrote a letter to one of the
> professors at Texas A&M University about the
> Tapazole
> overdosing world wide (learned from all the members
> who've experienced it on the hyper T site).  He
> called
> me and assured me that they do teach the lower
> dosing.
>  So I think in general there is a lack of
> communication between the universities (those that
> do
> the research) and the vets who are already
> practicing.
>  That is why one of the most important thing anyone
> can do for their pets is to do their own research in
> a
> very discerning way, and see what options they have,
> rather than lean only on the knowledge their vet
> has,
> which can never be omniscient.  I'm glad you are
> doing
> that for Monkee.  Sadly, so many do not.  I will say
> we probably are the best source of info. on FeLV you
> will find.  A lot of people here have already done a
> lot of research on the net and brought it here and
> it's archived if you ever want to go through the
> archives and search using various keywords.  Here is
> the link to the most recent posts:
>  You will muddle through a lot of posts, but will
> find
> valuable info.  I have a sick kitty manual that I've
> been working on also that I have not updated in a
> year, and I need to update that and get it out to
> the
> members soon.  I may work on that today and get it
> out
> to you asap.
> Please post after you've visited your vet.  I hope
> the
> Epogen is working.  Anemia can be horrible (I lost
> my
> Cricket to it), but it's wonderful when it's
> reversed,
> which we have seen happen here!!!
> Best wishes for a lucrative vet visit today!
> :)
> Wendy
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
> committed citizens can change the world - indeed it
> is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret
> Meade ~~~
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