RE: [Fwd: [FelineIBD] OTDesperately need home for gorgeous "special needs" 5 mos. black kitten RI/MA]

2005-06-06 Thread Chris
Oh well---I think kitty's already home!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: [FelineIBD] OTDesperately need home for gorgeous "special
needs" 5 mos. black kitten RI/MA]

Thanks Chris, I'll forward this on.  You're going to love this.  I 
"suggested" to her that this kitty might just be meant for her and asked 
if she considered keeping her.  Here's her reply:

 > Thanks for your message - I do not think you are being mean or 
pressuring me - believe me the same thing keeps going through my head 
over and over. I did not mention in my post - but will tell you since 
you have brought it up that the day (and even approximate time) she is 
being released to me this week marks the exact 1 year anniversary of 
when I had to put my very most dear true soul mate kitty of 18 years to 
sleep (liver cancer) after a long 2 year battle with illnesses - he was 
also found in the woods as a kitten that everyone told me was not worth 
keeping. And - oh - I should also mention that a week after he went to 
the bridge I had a weird dream about a black kitten.. So - I'm 
sure you are asking how many signs does one person need that a kitten 
has picked them! >


Re: [Fwd: [FelineIBD] OTDesperately need home for gorgeous "special needs" 5 mos. black kitten RI/MA]

2005-06-06 Thread Nina
Thanks Chris, I'll forward this on.  You're going to love this.  I 
"suggested" to her that this kitty might just be meant for her and asked 
if she considered keeping her.  Here's her reply:

> Thanks for your message - I do not think you are being mean or 
pressuring me - believe me the same thing keeps going through my head 
over and over. I did not mention in my post - but will tell you since 
you have brought it up that the day (and even approximate time) she is 
being released to me this week marks the exact 1 year anniversary of 
when I had to put my very most dear true soul mate kitty of 18 years to 
sleep (liver cancer) after a long 2 year battle with illnesses - he was 
also found in the woods as a kitten that everyone told me was not worth 
keeping. And - oh - I should also mention that a week after he went to 
the bridge I had a weird dream about a black kitten.. So - I'm 
sure you are asking how many signs does one person need that a kitten 
has picked them! >


RE: [Fwd: [FelineIBD] OTDesperately need home for gorgeous "special needs" 5 mos. black kitten RI/MA]

2005-06-06 Thread Chris
I tried to send this but it was sent back because I was not a member... Just
thought it might be an idea if she has someone who can temporarily foster
this kitty

Read this on a cross-post to FELV group.  Just an idea for you.  I had a
very similar thing happen to me with my local shelter.  The kitten I found
reacted in much the same way & they asked if perhaps I could put him back
where I found him since I was feeding another stray there as they thought he
was too 'feral'!  What I worked out with them was that I would foster him
for a couple of weeks.  Well, I have one cat already who was not too
thrilled but I found that somehow they all took to the pain in the neck
kitten who followed them around continuously!  Occasionally, there were some
swats but no more than his own mother would have given him to teach him how
to behave. Anyway, after a couple of weeks he was really pretty well
socialized-was still afraid if you came upon him suddenly but then, I'd be
afraid if something as big as a person suddenly loomed over me.  I made a
deal with the shelter that I would bring him there every AM & pick him up in
the PM so that he could be shown for adoption-It took 3 days & someone came
in and fell in love with him & took him home...So much for the 'feral'
kitten label they had hung on him!!!



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 10:05 AM
Subject: [Fwd: [FelineIBD] OTDesperately need home for gorgeous "special
needs" 5 mos. black kitten RI/MA]

This was posted to my IBD list this morning.  Breaks my heart, anyone 
out there who could take this baby in, or might be able to help this 
newbie rescue lady?