Re: Smokey Update Condolences

2006-08-21 Thread wendy

Wow!  What an improvement in the weight!  Bless you
for taking care of this little furbaby.  I know he is
SOO thankful for you guys!  You  might consider
giving him probiotics to supply him with the good
bacteria that the Baytril will wipe out while he is on
it.  I hope you get some good suggestions on pilling
him.  I'm not very good at it either.  I hate that
frothing at the mouth you wrote about!  No matter how
many times it happens, it always freaks me out!!!  I
would definitely stick to the L-lysine and Interferon
to supplement him.  Really good stuff-both of them! 
The only thing I can think of adding to that regimine
would be Vitamin C.  Watch the dose though.  You might
want to research that some.  

Your email made my day! 
Prayers going out to your little trooper!

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RE: Smokey Update Condolences

2006-08-21 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
 I hate that frothing at the mouth you wrote about!  No matter how
many times it happens, it always freaks me out!!!

Ugh.  We had our Missy do that just last night, while she was still in
my arms from the pilling session.  Sensitive-stomach housemate goes
running from the room, and I, who have let her down in a hurry, run
after her with a Kleenex before the leaves a rope of goop on the
furniture.  Fun times!!

Yes, I will be asking about transdermal next vet visit.

Diane R.
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Smokey Update Condolences

2006-08-19 Thread Dee Evan
First of all, I just wanted to take a moment to send my condolences to 
everyone that have lost their cherished little ones.  They leave their 
little tiny paw prints in every heart that they touch while here on this 
Earth.  So sorry to hear of each  every one of your losses.

I just wish I could do more for Smokey.  When cats have this disease 
they can be so fragile  unpredictable.  They could live for only a few 
days or yearsthey can tank in a matter of hours.  You never know 
what the future holds.   Soon I am hoping to update our website to 
include pictures of the little guy.  If I can get this task completed 
I'll add a link later for anyone who wants to visit our website.

_Update_: We took him back to the vet on Tuesday, 08/15/06 for a 
recheck.  The vet guesses he is between 2 to 3 years old.  He is still 
too weak to vacinate for rabies,etc. or get neutured.  He weighed only 4 
1/2 pounds when we took him into the vet on 08/01/06.  As of his last 
vet visit on Tuesday 08/15/06 he now weighs 7 1/2 pounds.  He has gained 
three pounds in the 14+ days we've taken care of him!  He no longer has 
a fever  his diarrhea has let up (except when he is taking his 
antibiotics).  I am no longer Sub-Qing him  his 2nd dose of wormer was 
given to him this morning, 08/17/06.  We were concerned about his fast 
breathing.  The vet said she was worried about fluid around the lungs or 
in his chest.  So we had blood work done  x-rays taken.  The blood work 
had to be sent away because our local vet's machines can't read his 
blood properly.  The vet said this can happen due to the feline 
leukemia.  The only reading they got on his blood is that one of his 
liver function levels is very high, 245.  I'm not sure which one but I 
think the high end of normal was 111.  The vet diagnosed him with a 
slight pnuemonia due to the lungs having a fluffy cotton look to them, 
not clear.  He is now only on one, new antibiotic, beef flavored 
Baytril, due to the slight pnuemonia.  The vet is suppose to get back to 
me with his blood work results and starting him on a regiment of 
Interferone  L-Lysine.  He is a little trooper.
Has anyone else ever used this Baytril  how did you get it into your 
little one?  I am having a heck of a time getting it into him.  I'm 
usually a pro at giving cats pills but not this time.  I tried mixing 
it in his food (canned cat food  tuna).that only worked once.  I 
tried the old fashioned route of just popping it in his mouth.  He acts 
like he is choking, screams,  spits it out.  My last resort  the way I 
am getting it into him right now is:  crushing the pill, putting it in a 
syringe, adding liquid,  squirting it into his mouth.  This causes him 
to froth at the mouth horribly, works him up,  he runs around the room 
drooling everywhere.  He gets so mad at me.I don't want him to feel 
upset every time he sees me now.  I just don't know any other way to get 
it into him.  Any ideas?  I actually have to go into the vet  get more 
pills because I've wasted three of them.

Do any of you have any suggestions on an immunity boosting regiment I 
can start him on in addition to or instead of the Interferone  
L-Lysine, slowly at first?
This is new territory for me so I really can't tell if he is doing good 
for his circumstances or if I should be preparing for the worst.  Please 
send all your good vibes to Smokey right now.  He needs all he can get.  
Thanks a bunch!


Re: Smokey Update Condolences

2006-08-19 Thread TenHouseCats

baytril comes in a flavored chewable form that some cats take
readily--talk to your vet about that

i have persians, who are a real pain to pill because of their tiny
little mouths--hard to even do the
pop-the-mouth-open-shove-pill-to-back-of-throat trick cuz there's no
ROOM in there whenever possible, i use the injectible meds,
because they don't seem to mind that nearly as much (and i swear
they get a huge kick out of making mommy chase them around the house
with a loaded syringe). while not all meds come in injectible
forms, baytril certainly is one that does

On 8/19/06, Dee  Evan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First of all, I just wanted to take a moment to send my condolences to
everyone that have lost their cherished little ones.  They leave their
little tiny paw prints in every heart that they touch while here on this
Earth.  So sorry to hear of each  every one of your losses.

I just wish I could do more for Smokey.  When cats have this disease
they can be so fragile  unpredictable.  They could live for only a few
days or yearsthey can tank in a matter of hours.  You never know
what the future holds.   Soon I am hoping to update our website to
include pictures of the little guy.  If I can get this task completed
I'll add a link later for anyone who wants to visit our website.

_Update_: We took him back to the vet on Tuesday, 08/15/06 for a
recheck.  The vet guesses he is between 2 to 3 years old.  He is still
too weak to vacinate for rabies,etc. or get neutured.  He weighed only 4
1/2 pounds when we took him into the vet on 08/01/06.  As of his last
vet visit on Tuesday 08/15/06 he now weighs 7 1/2 pounds.  He has gained
three pounds in the 14+ days we've taken care of him!  He no longer has
a fever  his diarrhea has let up (except when he is taking his
antibiotics).  I am no longer Sub-Qing him  his 2nd dose of wormer was
given to him this morning, 08/17/06.  We were concerned about his fast
breathing.  The vet said she was worried about fluid around the lungs or
in his chest.  So we had blood work done  x-rays taken.  The blood work
had to be sent away because our local vet's machines can't read his
blood properly.  The vet said this can happen due to the feline
leukemia.  The only reading they got on his blood is that one of his
liver function levels is very high, 245.  I'm not sure which one but I
think the high end of normal was 111.  The vet diagnosed him with a
slight pnuemonia due to the lungs having a fluffy cotton look to them,
not clear.  He is now only on one, new antibiotic, beef flavored
Baytril, due to the slight pnuemonia.  The vet is suppose to get back to
me with his blood work results and starting him on a regiment of
Interferone  L-Lysine.  He is a little trooper.
Has anyone else ever used this Baytril  how did you get it into your
little one?  I am having a heck of a time getting it into him.  I'm
usually a pro at giving cats pills but not this time.  I tried mixing
it in his food (canned cat food  tuna).that only worked once.  I
tried the old fashioned route of just popping it in his mouth.  He acts
like he is choking, screams,  spits it out.  My last resort  the way I
am getting it into him right now is:  crushing the pill, putting it in a
syringe, adding liquid,  squirting it into his mouth.  This causes him
to froth at the mouth horribly, works him up,  he runs around the room
drooling everywhere.  He gets so mad at me.I don't want him to feel
upset every time he sees me now.  I just don't know any other way to get
it into him.  Any ideas?  I actually have to go into the vet  get more
pills because I've wasted three of them.

Do any of you have any suggestions on an immunity boosting regiment I
can start him on in addition to or instead of the Interferone 
L-Lysine, slowly at first?
This is new territory for me so I really can't tell if he is doing good
for his circumstances or if I should be preparing for the worst.  Please
send all your good vibes to Smokey right now.  He needs all he can get.
Thanks a bunch!


Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Smokey Update Condolences

2006-08-19 Thread ETrent

I'm not qualified to answer many of your questions - but I can't help but 
think that the significant weight gain is a very good sign.

I always try to get liquid meds when I can since we have the technique down 
here...but as to pills, in my view - the quicker you can get the business over 
with - the better. There is a tool the vet gave me - a piller...long post 
kind of thing (about pencil length)that grips the pill and 
thenreleases it at the very back of their throat when you push the 
end. Pop that thing in and massage their throat so that they do swallow it 
down and just 'git er done'. There's just no pretty way to do it, I 
think...but quicker is better. Hold kitty for a minute or so 
afterward - don't let them bolt until you say "all done!" in a very happy 
and positive voice. praise them greatly and give treats.

I hope so much that Smokey will continue to improve. The Acemannan 
worked great for Mama Kitty -- I don't know if it is back on the market since 
the USDA audit though...

In a message dated 8/19/2006 10:07:47 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
First of 
  all, I just wanted to take a moment to send my condolences to everyone 
  that have lost their cherished little ones. They leave their little 
  tiny paw prints in every heart that they touch while here on this 
  Earth. So sorry to hear of each  every one of your 
  losses.I just wish I could do more for Smokey. When cats have 
  this disease they can be so fragile  unpredictable. They could 
  live for only a few days or yearsthey can tank in a matter of 
  hours. You never know what the future holds. Soon I am 
  hoping to update our website to include pictures of the little guy. 
  If I can get this task completed I'll add a link later for anyone who 
  wants to visit our website._Update_: We took him back to the vet on 
  Tuesday, 08/15/06 for a recheck. The vet guesses he is between 2 to 
  3 years old. He is still too weak to vacinate for rabies,etc. or get 
  neutured. He weighed only 4 1/2 pounds when we took him into the vet 
  on 08/01/06. As of his last vet visit on Tuesday 08/15/06 he now 
  weighs 7 1/2 pounds. He has gained three pounds in the 14+ days 
  we've taken care of him! He no longer has a fever  his diarrhea 
  has let up (except when he is taking his antibiotics). I am no 
  longer Sub-Qing him  his 2nd dose of wormer was given to him this 
  morning, 08/17/06. We were concerned about his fast breathing. 
  The vet said she was worried about fluid around the lungs or in his 
  chest. So we had blood work done  x-rays taken. The blood 
  work had to be sent away because our local vet's machines can't read his 
  blood properly. The vet said this can happen due to the feline 
  leukemia. The only reading they got on his blood is that one of his 
  liver function levels is very high, 245. I'm not sure which one but 
  I think the high end of normal was 111. The vet diagnosed him with a 
  slight pnuemonia due to the lungs having a fluffy cotton look to them, 
  not clear. He is now only on one, new antibiotic, beef flavored 
  Baytril, due to the slight pnuemonia. The vet is suppose to get back 
  to me with his blood work results and starting him on a regiment of 
  Interferone  L-Lysine. He is a little trooper.Has anyone 
  else ever used this Baytril  how did you get it into your little 
  one? I am having a heck of a time getting it into him. I'm 
  usually a "pro" at giving cats pills but not this time. I tried 
  mixing it in his food (canned cat food  tuna).that only worked 
  once. I tried the old fashioned route of just popping it in his 
  mouth. He acts like he is choking, screams,  spits it 
  out. My last resort  the way I am getting it into him right now 
  is: crushing the pill, putting it in a syringe, adding liquid,  
  squirting it into his mouth. This causes him to froth at the mouth 
  horribly, works him up,  he runs around the room drooling 
  everywhere. He gets so mad at me.I don't want him to feel upset 
  every time he sees me now. I just don't know any other way to get it 
  into him. Any ideas? I actually have to go into the vet  get 
  more pills because I've wasted three of them.Do any of you have 
  any suggestions on an immunity boosting regiment I can start him on in 
  addition to or instead of the Interferone  L-Lysine, slowly at 
  first?This is new territory for me so I really can't tell if he is doing 
  good for his circumstances or if I should be preparing for the 
  worst. Please send all your good vibes to Smokey right now. He 
  needs all he can get. Thanks a 

Re: Smokey Update Condolences

2006-08-19 Thread Lernermichelle

 I very, very strongly recommend giving him Immuno-Regulin (See 
articles on 
website). It helped my Patches recover from pneumonia quickly. I think I 
only got her 1 shot. With Ginger it took 2 to get rid of a bad URI. Others have 
had good results with it too. It is an intense immune stimulant.
