
I use Petrodex Enzymatic Toothpaste in Malt flavor on Autumn. Autumn loves
it so much that she chased me down when I went to check the brand. I started
her out by letting her lick the paste off the brush and then flipped her
upside down in my lap and used the brush on her. From what I've read, you
only have to worry about the outside of the teeth and the gums so if you can
get the lips apart you can lightly scrub the teeth with the paste. Also the
little brush that comes with the paste is wedge shaped so you can gently
force their teeth apart for quick scrubs in the back.  Another sneaky mommy
trick that I used was to get her to bat at and attack the brush and when she
bit it or opened her mouth I could pop in for a quick cleaning. That doesn't
work as well as it used too - she knows. =^._.^=  They say to brush for
about 30 seconds and to always stop while it's still fun and not too
stressful. I also reward her for good behavior with a couple of hard, tartar
control treats after the brushing for positive re-enforcement. the package
says to do it 3 times a week, but I do it every day so I can have a
cumulative effect and I can cut things short, if she's particularly
uncooperative. Also this was the best way to get her used to the routine.
When I started she had red gums, bad breath,  and seemed to be having a hard
time with hard food, but now her mouth looks very healthy. Good luck!

~Susan A.

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