Re: When is a sneeze more than a sneeze?

2006-10-11 Thread Leslie Lawther
Leslie - Here's a link to the Oreck Air Purifier on Ebay (can't remember if I sent that to you in a previous email)... You can usually get them new for right around $200 (they're pushing $500 retail).  I noticed a big difference with my Asthma kitty when I got one.  We are getting ready to purchase another as well.  As to Beatrix, I wouldn't worry about the odd sneeze here and there... are you dosing l-lysine to both Satch and Beatrix? 

Leslie =^..^= 
On 10/11/06, Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So Satchmo and Beatrix are still doing well, but I'm wondering if there is something in my apartment that is irritating them.  Satch's cough is definitely better, but he'll still "huff" every now and then and Beatrix has started sneezing - but not like a URI, no temp, big appetitie, lots of energy, no runny nose.  The sneezes are small, dainty and nothing "big" comes out of them. 

I'm vacuumming, but the apartment is pretty tidy, I clean with homemade cleaners (lots of soda water, vinegar, baking soda, etc), so nothing very obvious sticks out to me.  I'm going to get an air cleaner that Leslie Lawther recommended, but am hoping that I can work it into a Christmas present.  If it's an emergency, I'll spring for it now, but am hoping that it's not. 

Any ideas?  Could it be a food allergy?  I would think that sneezing would be an odd manifestation of that, but that's the only thing that I change with any regularity.  Would you worry if in all other ways they seem fine? 

Leslie-- Leslie =^..^=To leave the world a better place - whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or an improved social condition - that is to have succeeded.  That only one life breathed easier because you lived - that is success. 
---Ralph Waldo Emerson 

When is a sneeze more than a sneeze?

2006-10-11 Thread Leslie
So Satchmo and Beatrix are still doing well, but I'm wondering if there is something in my apartment that is irritating them.  Satch's cough is definitely better, but he'll still "huff" every now and then and Beatrix has started sneezing - but not like a URI, no temp, big appetitie, lots of energy, no runny nose.  The sneezes are small, dainty and nothing "big" comes out of them.

I'm vacuumming, but the apartment is pretty tidy, I clean with homemade cleaners (lots of soda water, vinegar, baking soda, etc), so nothing very obvious sticks out to me.  I'm going to get an air cleaner that Leslie Lawther recommended, but am hoping that I can work it into a Christmas present.  If it's an emergency, I'll spring for it now, but am hoping that it's not.

Any ideas?  Could it be a food allergy?  I would think that sneezing would be an odd manifestation of that, but that's the only thing that I change with any regularity.  Would you worry if in all other ways they seem fine?
