2005-09-15 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hello list,
I am Karen from Texas some of you may remember me and my positive 
Gloria you still here arent you?
Belinda keeps my website...love ya
Dont have any positives right now but a few katrina kittens and they drank 
the water and they are not very healthy..


2005-09-15 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Terri !!!
Hello and God Bless you


2005-09-15 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hi Barb how are ya?
Busy weekend a head. Petsmart three day adopt a thon
I have no positives at the time but Katrina orphans
and the news is right they are not very healty

Re: Atlanta and Athens :(

2005-09-16 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Terri. I am so sorry. God bless you and remember they are waiting for 
you at the bridge.

Re: Our Beautiful Salome'

2005-09-16 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

omg I just relived the pain of losing my Baby C all over again. I cant stop 
I share your pain and pray that God heals your 


2005-09-17 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Jenn I would be very interested in hearing about that.  You can never 
learn too much. Stools are ALWAYS a issue with cats
The first two Katrina kittens had bright green and I mean green poop. My 
vet put them on flagyl and Zithromax. 
Second set of kittens well that's another set of problems all 


2005-09-17 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Tonya !
Hello.  I am having a amazing adoption summer. Not one cat testing 
positive for Fiv or Felv. 
I dont know however how many more I can take that survived the hurricane. 
The toxins in the systems of these poor babies is amazing. 

Re: Assist feeding Grace - Darla's recipe

2005-09-18 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

smidgen.my mom used to say that. She was italian and never wrote 
anything down pinch of this a smidgen of that

Re: Pet friendly hotels in Arkansas--Rita evacuation!

2005-09-20 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hey Jen,
yep high tail it out of there. Were are ready in the Dallas Fort Worth area 
for any and all animals.I havent gotten my Katrina kittens all adopted out 
yet but I hear some of the animals will be headed this way. If I can help in let 
me know

Re: My ANGEL Sebastian

2005-09-20 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I have been there with my Baby C and a couple of others. You will know. 
Your heart will tell you. Bless you for loving him

Re: Paulie

2005-09-23 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Julie my thoughts and prayers are with both you and Paulie.
God Bless you both.

Home testing? when to test

2005-09-23 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I think I was told 90 days.
Since I was last on the list tests have become available you can do your 
I would like the expert opinions on this from you guys.
My vet charges 30.00 for the combo test
this would save me 15.00 per cat.

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I use lysine for skin problems along with the omega 3 fatty acids. its 
worth a try.

DR. Pitcairn's book

2005-09-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I am sorry I just recently got back on the list.
is this a book about Felv?
What is the name of it I would like to purchase it. 
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Home Testing

2005-09-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Have you guys heard anything good or bad about the snap tests you can do at 

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

hmmm apple cidar? Never heard of it sorry

Re: Home Testing

2005-09-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I am gonna give it a trythe vet charges way too 

Re: DR. Pitcairn's book

2005-09-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

forget it I found both books on ebay and bid on 

Re: DR. Pitcairn's book

2005-09-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Thank you so much. I love reading.

Re: Home Testing

2005-09-26 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

H my vet is awesome. He is from Africa and in this for the animals not 
the money. Maybe that idea will work

Herpes virus in the eyes.

2005-10-03 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hello list. I have been gone a long time. Since my baby c and nitro and 
phantom passed.
But you guys are the smartest people I know. And I need your help.
I have two kittens that have not been tested yet...they are katrina 
kittens. Whisper and willow
They had rhino, chlamydia. ringworm earmites and both had very bad 
infection in the eyes.
after weeks of treatment everything is healed but one eye. My vet has given 
But if I remember from back in the day...didn't we used to put the 
interferon in the eyes?
Nitro...my felv siamese had it cured that way. but I am trying to think 
doesn't it have to be mixed a certain way Do most of you still buy it from 
island pharmacy?
any help you can give this tired rescue lady I would appreciate it. I just 
want to make sure that I explore every option before removing the eye
God Bless

Re: Herpes virus in the eyes.

2005-10-03 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I think it was pamor Jamie
this list knows more than most vets. I asked my vet and he looked at me 
with very strange lookshe is in shock they are aliveZithromax is my new 
best friend.

Re: Herpes virus in the eyes.

2005-10-03 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

NO patti that was a big help. At least I feel confident they are on the 
right antibiotics.
they get lysine in the food too. Terri if you remember jamies or Pam's 
email address I would appreciate it . I will dig through the archives. must be 
2000 or 2001.
I am running out of time she seems like she is getting in more pain.

Re: Herpes virus in the eyes.

2005-10-03 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

they get lysine zithromax and the triple opthalmic since well the hurricane 

Re: Herpes virus in the eyes.

2005-10-03 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

oh boyI am beginning to hate the name Katrina.
I will do what ever it takes...

Re: OT: questions re: New Orleans kitties

2005-10-04 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

The experience I have had with new orleans cats and kittens has been pretty 
frightening. The URI's they had were very serious. adults and kittens here went 
straight to zithromax.
The Loose stools we have seen have been from coccidia, giardia and also 
from toxin found in the water down there. of course there may be some worms 
thrown in and STRESS.  Some kittens had a very very foul smell their toxin 
level was so high it was being released through the skin...you could bath them 
and the smell would be back in a few hours. 
do you have metronidazole on hand? a lot also depends on how long it will 
be till they see a vet. 

Re: Herpes virus in the eyes.

2005-10-04 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

yes yes yes I knew itGloria you are wonderful ! Do you remember 
anything else? 
I dont remember any Tally.

Re: Herpes virus in the eyes.

2005-10-04 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

so I dont need to have it mixed a certain way?
Do you remember?

Re: Need encouragement, PLEASE

2005-10-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Oh patti,
my heart breaks for you. That decision is yours and yours alone. In the 
area I live in Texas I would trap her again if I were you.we have lots of 
coyotes. with you she has care and can live much longer. But do what feels right 
in your heart.

Re: wormers--- coccidia

2005-10-07 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I have switched from albon to baycox for coccidia. treat once repeat in 5 
days much better.
firmer stools in 24 hours.
I get a lot of coccidia from the pounds

Re: wormers--- coccidia

2005-10-07 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Its Karen
Baycox was developed  for pigeons...but I really appreciate the 
warning. Rescue is s hard when they are on 10 day albon and sometimes by 
time I get them (from the pound) they have had it so long its past 
dangerous.  I have the doses down and havent had any problems 

Re: Baycox vs Baytril - my bad!

2005-10-07 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

o cool. I used baytril on dogsnever used it on 

Re: wormers

2005-10-07 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

the best think for Giardia is panacurnothing else has ever worked for 
panacur can be VERY dangerous unless the cat is in the best of health. 


Re: wormers--- coccidia

2005-10-08 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I have petsmart today and I am running late but I will get you the info and 
email it to the list.
I am very impressed with this stuff we get it from bird supply company. As 
you know when doing rescue its so hard to shove stuff down cats mouths every day 
so twice in 10 days is much easier. I have had some people tell me mild cases 
are cured in one dose

update on Katrina kitten with eye herpes

2005-10-10 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I thought I would give you an update on the Katrina kitten with the herpes 
in the eyes.
She had her check up today and so far the vet says she is in no pain and as 
of right now the eye does not have to be removed. In one month she will be 
spayed and if it needs to be removed he will do it 

Re: update on Katrina kitten with eye herpes

2005-10-10 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hey Chris,
these two were surrendered to us when the owners were living in Reunion 
arena. they were very sick and the owners homeless. They did what was 
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 


2005-10-14 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I sent a file on baycox to the list but got a email that it had to be 
approved by the moderator casue of the size of the fileanyone know if you 
guys got it?


2005-10-14 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I guess the moderator is busy so the file on baycox I sent is still being 
held for approval.
if anyone needs this please let me know and I will email it to you off 
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Re: Nat'l. Feral Cats Day

2005-10-14 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

as good as you treat them I wouldn't leave either..
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Re: OT: Sorry Guys, just can't help myself :)

2005-10-14 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

In a message dated 10/14/2005 10:11:43 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 

you guys got any transport connections? I'll take her God she will probably 
shed the virus
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Re: OT: Sorry Guys, just can't help myself :)

2005-10-14 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I work for a major airline that wont let me transport animals...
she can probably shed the virus
if I can work out transport I will take her.
I dont have any positives at this time
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Re: OT: Sorry Guys, just can't help myself :)

2005-10-15 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Please let me know if Kyle takes her soon. I may have someone heading her 
way but I only want the kitten if I would be her last resort...
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

cute fiv kitten in florida

2005-10-18 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

that sweetie found a home locally. 
that suits me fine I need a another kitten like I need a whole in my 

DFW area texas

2005-10-19 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I know its a long shot but I am in Arlington texas and I have bottle babies 
and must return to work tomorrow. anyone know anyone in this area who might have 
a momma cat with milk that needs rescue? 
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Re: A few questions

2005-10-21 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

are you having fecals done? I rescue from the pounds and see that all the 
time. For URI zithromax is my best friend. 
The biggest killer of all time getting kittens in the pound is 
parasites.which can lead to uri from lower immune system. I just lost my 
little casper. we spent a fortune at the vet and couldn't save her. she was 5-6 
weeks solid white.11:00 PM she was in her cage eating and screaming to get out. 
4am the next day. 29 hours later she was dead. she stopped eating gums went 
white...we did sub q vet gave her antibiotic shots and anything else we could 
think of. She had been given baycox and that didn't work she was on her 5th day 
of albon and clavamox. 
Belinda can you add her to the candle light list. she wasn't positive we 
know of but she died in my armsloved.
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Re: A few questions

2005-10-21 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Thanks for that post. Rescue little ones from the pound I lose too may. 
feral kittens trapped are much healthier...its sad. 
Please pray that my little casper found Baby C my positive. Baby C was my 
very first rescue and very first positive. 
After kitten season is over I will be looking for a positive to give a 
forever home.

Re: A few questions

2005-10-21 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

ps you must think I am crazy I meant I hope she found baby C at the 

DR Pitcairn book....I'm confused I need help fast...

2005-10-24 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I just got the book. I look up the illness say page 319 Rhino...it says 
homeopathic schedule one or twopage 348 says give one pellet one pellet 
of what
or go back to reading on the illness ...homeopathic 30c quicksilver?
where are the recipes for these things? 

herbs in powder form

2005-10-24 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hey I am looking for Vit C , Lysine and anything else I can find in a 
powder form I am way tired of crushing pills.

Re: DR Pitcairn book....I'm confused I need help fast...

2005-10-24 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

its uriwhat is meant by pallets?

still confused.....why do I bother giving shots

2005-10-24 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

nope still confused and ticked off. Do I waste my money giving 
Two adult cats that are fully vetted have come down with symptoms. to top 
it all off it was in the 90's the other day now we have lows of 40.
Nux Vomica? 
ok I got Rhino for sure. pulled from the pound and been on zithromax 10days 
now my two adult cats are showing symptoms. The kittens were in cages with 
covers over them.  Tissue salts? what are those? where do you see 
I am doing vit c lysine b complex ecchansia with golden seal. 

Re: DR Pitcairn book....I'm confused I need help fast...

2005-10-24 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

ok yes desolving pills when looking on line do I look for 


2005-10-24 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

what do you think of interferon with Rhino? 

Re: still confused.....why do I bother giving shots

2005-10-24 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

ok Gloria,
what do you use for the sneezing and congestion?

Re: Emilio and Frito

2005-10-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

If I remember Niki is always full that woman has a heart of 

Re: Patches coughing, Lucy needs surgery

2005-10-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I live in texas would it be economical to have it shipped here? at my 
expense of course.

Re: Question about IFA Test Results

2005-10-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hey guys
I have been off the list for what two or three years now...I want to say 
that I am seeing so many more over coming the virus to negative. Back in the day 
it was very rare at times I thought some people might have made it up or the 
tests were not accurate.
What do you contribute the success to?
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Re: Patches coughing, Lucy needs surgery

2005-10-26 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Sorry Michelle 
I thought some one might be selling it?

Re: Patches coughing, Lucy needs surgery

2005-10-26 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hi sorry about the confusion I was interested in purchasing your interferon 
if you want you would have to mail it to texas I would pay shipping if you think 
it would be worth it. 
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

fever....how to break

2005-10-26 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

ok I  know I have been out of rescue for quite a while I have a 
adult negative cat with viral uri who has seen two vets in the past 48 hours and 
just busted out with a high fever 104 and dehydration.sub Q now while typing 
but what do you suggest to break the fever ? anyone?
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Re: fever....how to break

2005-10-27 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

ok and what herbs are you giving for fever. The sub q breaks the fever but 
goes up again till about 103.5 which is not that bad. I wasn't using antibiotics 
but I got real scared of losing her at one point and the vet said to start 
clavamox even though it was viral cause she didn't want secondary infection 
setting in. She is still not eating I may have to resort to liver 
its been about 3 days in this condition

Re: fever....how to break

2005-10-27 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

She is a very high strung PB siamese rescue cat. She is being syringe fed 
and would fight it if she was strong enough. She was very healthy tested neg on 
both fully vetted and had run of my bedroom not caged. but no not affectionate. 
Loves any kittens and the pups too

Re: fever....how to break

2005-10-27 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

tested for both...negative very strange. every cat I took to petsmart 
that weekend got it but Bianca's experience is near death the other got sniffles 
and watery eyes.

Re: fever....how to break

2005-10-27 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

tired the nutra cal...tried baby food and canned 

Re: fever....how to break

2005-10-27 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

My vet finally mixed the interferon and will be getting it 

Re: fever....how to break

2005-10-27 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

6 months? only a highly contagious uri that could damage a rescue severly. 

of course she and the kittens is isolated but nothing leaves or comes in 
till its over.
so I am basiclly shut down

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Cats that have had URI often bust out in ringworm...welcome to my world.Its 
from the lowered immune system.  I use blue start ointment and it never 
fails you can get it in any pharmacy. Or in real bad cases I take them to the 
vet and he gives them a liquiddon't know what it is though works every time. 

its contagious to humans and to other animals so careful when handling 
BTW the interferon on my URI negative kittens has made all the difference 
in the world. 

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I do rescue. And any cat or dog that has lowered immune system can bust out 
in ringworm.
Yes its now a practice here that any cat or kitten neg or positive gets 
interferon with URI. I have viral URI going around in all the pounds. And I darn 
near lost a mom with 4 week olds but the interferon and support therapy is 
pulling them through. Try it it works

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Yeah use a black light..that's how you can tell for 

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

No ringworm wont make them any sicker its just a pain to get rid of and it 
could take a couple of months for the hair to grow 

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Some times kittens getting over ringworm dont make adoption for a long time 
cause its unsighly...we just wait till the fur grows completely back
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

The URI and probably stress caused the low immune system. Yes I use Alpha 
he mixes it for adults and then for kittens I have never had any side effects 
with Negatives or positives.
I am positive it is what is making the difference here.
They seem to bounce back faster and better. 
see our 
available orphans at:http://members.petfinder.org/~TX418/index.htmlKaren 

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Pretty trueits hard to say. I have had very healthy dogs catch 

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Yes I got it from my vet this time he charges a arm and a leg but I usually 
get it from Island Pharmacy with a perscription. http://www.islandpharmacy.com/
unless you guys found a cheaper place since I have been 

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I got mine at walmart.

Re: Ringworm

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I have had cats sleep in bed with me and never caught it. My oldest 
daughter 22 years old we use as the ringworm tester if she is in the same room 
she catches it !

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Del.Blue Star ointmentbeing using it for 10 years. You can get it 
at any pharmacy. 
like any rescue I get it. but the blue star has always worked for me. 5.00 
a jar

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

once per day.never seen it fail

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS


Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Yes my Katrina kittens were 7 weeks old. Ringworm, earmites, Rhino and 
chlymedia I used blue star on both.Whisper has since been adopted. I have a 
6 week old here now from the pound with URI he gets both interferon and blue 
star it cleared up after one week.

Re: Update on Cricket

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Healing prayers coming your way for cricket.

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

grocery stores also carry it.

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

ringworm is extremely common on the outside of the 

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I tried all the lastest from revival with ringworm...nothing works like 
the old fashioned stuff. Blue star. its thick and prevents it from spreading. it 
smells bad and they dont lick it.

Re: OT: Help ! ringworm in kittens

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

My daughter really suffers cuase she is allergic to the blue star too so 
she uses iodine and benedryl for the itch

Re: Ringworm

2005-10-31 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I never get it...

Re: Mixing

2006-04-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I understand your fear and frustration I think you even heard me quit one 
or twice this year
Girl you are the best bottle feeder I have ever known and a awesome 
rescuer, Mom and friend.
The world of homeless kitty's would suffer without you. Take a break if you 
need to call me if you need any help what so ever.
Your charges may be in a SLIGHT bit of danger now but what kind of danger 
would they be in if they were with a collector, kill shelter or out on the 
Call me if you need to talk
PS got a situation in garland with 15 cats and 20 with a very elderly lady 
in Irving. THEY are in danger. Carrie let me know if you know anyone with room. 

Re: Mixing

2006-04-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Ok Carrie lets not panic
get the mega c and the interferon lets see if we can get them to through 
the virus.
retest on the ifa in 120 days

Re: Mixing

2006-04-25 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

because of the other two positive maybe maybe not.
treat him with the meds retest in 120 days if that is negative then I would 
accept that.
could have been a false elisa positive or it could be he was exposed and 
now tryng to rid himslelf of it. retest in 90-120 days of the meds and immune 

Re: Bad news/JuneAmy

2006-04-26 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Don't give up Pam !
healing vibes on the way


2006-04-27 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Mercy is a 10 month old pit bull mix that was stabbed and set on fire with 
gasoline because she would not breed for her stupid pysco owner.
She died a horrible death even though operation kindness spared no expense 
to try and save her. Her little heart gave out Sunday night due to her being 
burned over 60% of her body
This horrid creep was arrested today and we would like to see this man 
suffer. Texas is famous for its non caring attitude towards what it deems 
"property" yet they will lock you up for many years for marijuana. Please tell 
the City of Dallas that Mercy's killer should pay.
Sign and pass it on please 

Re: Alpha interferon for Hannibal?? for URIs

2006-04-28 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I use interferon for dogs and cats for URI.I have heard it used for 
I have had good success with it

Re: Prayers for Demetri again

2006-04-29 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Prayers for healing on the way to Demetri from my whole crew here in 

Re: Advice for Conjunctivitis Remedy?

2006-05-01 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I used the human interferon directly in the eyes.
believe it or not it works.

Re: Advice for Conjunctivitis Remedy?

2006-05-01 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

yeah this list recommended it hmmm four years ago my vet blew a 
but nothing else worked but that.

Re: Advice for Conjunctivitis Remedy?

2006-05-02 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I think it was Pam or Jamie..

Re: Idexx seminar on FELV and FIV - May 30 Englewood, Colorado

2006-05-03 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hey all my vet said he is willing to go if I help him with the plane 
what info do you guys need

Re: Bailey has gone home

2006-05-07 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

My heart aches for you...I am so sorry for your pain. He is waiting for 
you at the bridge.

Re: is vitamin C out?

2006-05-08 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

excellent questions and I am interested in the reply's from the list. I 
ordered the mega C my self but have not gotten the info to my vet. 

Re: is vitamin C out?

2006-05-09 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I used aloe vera for gum problems with fiv cats back in the day but never 
heard of it helping felv itself

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