[FFmpeg-trac] #6837(undetermined:new): overlay fails on pix_fmt change without an error message

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6837: overlay fails on pix_fmt change without an error message
   Reporter:  cehoyos|  Owner:
   Type:  defect | Status:  new
   Priority:  normal |  Component:
Version:  git-   |  undetermined
  master |   Keywords:  overlay
 Blocked By: |   Blocking:
Reproduced by developer:  0  |  Analyzed by developer:  0

 Create an image sequence:
 $ ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc2=s=pal -vframes 5 out%1d.jpg
 Change the pix_fmt for one frame:
 $ ffmpeg -i out1.jpg -pix_fmt yuvj422p out3.jpg
 Overlay fails for the third frame and does not recover:
 $ ffmpeg -loglevel verbose -i out%1d.jpg -i fate-suite/lena.pnm
 -filter_complex overlay -qscale 2 out.avi
 ffmpeg version N-89041-g91a565e Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg
   built with gcc 6.3.0 (GCC)
   configuration: --enable-gpl
   libavutil  56.  0.100 / 56.  0.100
   libavcodec 58.  3.101 / 58.  3.101
   libavformat58.  2.100 / 58.  2.100
   libavdevice58.  0.100 / 58.  0.100
   libavfilter 7.  0.101 /  7.  0.101
   libswscale  5.  0.101 /  5.  0.101
   libswresample   3.  0.101 /  3.  0.101
   libpostproc55.  0.100 / 55.  0.100
 Input #0, image2, from 'out%1d.jpg':
   Duration: 00:00:00.20, start: 0.00, bitrate: N/A
 Stream #0:0: Video: mjpeg, 1 reference frame, yuvj420p(pc,
 bt470bg/unknown/unknown, center), 720x576 [SAR 1:1 DAR 5:4], 25 fps, 25
 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc
 Input #1, ppm_pipe, from 'fate-suite/lena.pnm':
   Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
 Stream #1:0: Video: ppm, 1 reference frame, rgb24, 256x256, 25 tbr, 25
 tbn, 25 tbc
 Please use -q:a or -q:v, -qscale is ambiguous
 Stream mapping:
   Stream #0:0 (mjpeg) -> overlay:main
   Stream #1:0 (ppm) -> overlay:overlay
   overlay -> Stream #0:0 (mpeg4)
 Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
 [graph 0 input from stream 0:0 @ 0x3db8840] w:720 h:576 pixfmt:yuvj420p
 tb:1/25 fr:25/1 sar:1/1 sws_param:flags=2
 [graph 0 input from stream 1:0 @ 0x3db9600] w:256 h:256 pixfmt:rgb24
 tb:1/25 fr:25/1 sar:0/1 sws_param:flags=2
 [auto_scaler_0 @ 0x3dba500] w:iw h:ih flags:'bilinear' interl:0
 [Parsed_overlay_0 @ 0x3db8020] auto-inserting filter 'auto_scaler_0'
 between the filter 'graph 0 input from stream 1:0' and the filter
 [auto_scaler_1 @ 0x3db9a20] w:iw h:ih flags:'bilinear' interl:0
 [format @ 0x3db8580] auto-inserting filter 'auto_scaler_1' between the
 filter 'Parsed_overlay_0' and the filter 'format'
 [auto_scaler_0 @ 0x3dba500] w:256 h:256 fmt:rgb24 sar:0/1 -> w:256 h:256
 fmt:yuva420p sar:0/1 flags:0x2
 [Parsed_overlay_0 @ 0x3db8020] main w:720 h:576 fmt:yuvj420p overlay w:256
 h:256 fmt:yuva420p
 [Parsed_overlay_0 @ 0x3db8020] [framesync @ 0x3db8148] Selected 1/25 time
 [Parsed_overlay_0 @ 0x3db8020] [framesync @ 0x3db8148] Sync level 2
 [swscaler @ 0x3e6abe0] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set
 range correctly
 [auto_scaler_1 @ 0x3db9a20] w:720 h:576 fmt:yuvj420p sar:1/1 -> w:720
 h:576 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 flags:0x2
 Output #0, avi, to 'out.avi':
 ISFT: Lavf58.2.100
 Stream #0:0: Video: mpeg4, 1 reference frame (FMP4 / 0x34504D46),
 yuv420p, 720x576 [SAR 1:1 DAR 5:4], q=2-31, 200 kb/s, 25 fps, 25 tbn, 25
 tbc (default)
   encoder : Lavc58.3.101 mpeg4
 Side data:
   cpb: bitrate max/min/avg: 0/0/20 buffer size: 0 vbv_delay: -1
 [graph 0 input from stream 0:0 @ 0x3db9f00] w:720 h:576 pixfmt:yuvj422p
 tb:1/25 fr:25/1 sar:1/1 sws_param:flags=2
 [graph 0 input from stream 1:0 @ 0x3dcb4c0] w:256 h:256 pixfmt:rgb24
 tb:1/25 fr:25/1 sar:0/1 sws_param:flags=2
 [scaler_out_0_0 @ 0x3db8660] w:720 h:576 flags:'bicubic' interl:0
 [auto_scaler_0 @ 0x42c1240] w:iw h:ih flags:'bilinear' interl:0
 [Parsed_overlay_0 @ 0x3daa440] auto-inserting filter 'auto_scaler_0'
 between the filter 'graph 0 input from stream 0:0' and the filter
 [auto_scaler_1 @ 0x4564d40] w:iw h:ih flags:'bilinear' interl:0
 [Parsed_overlay_0 @ 0x3daa440] auto-inserting filter 'auto_scaler_1'
 between the filter 'graph 0 input from stream 1:0' and the filter
 [swscaler @ 0x3e4ff00] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set
 range correctly
 [auto_scaler_0 @ 0x42c1240] w:720 h:576 fmt:yuvj422p sar:1/1 -> w:720
 h:576 fmt:yuva420p sar:1/1 flags:0x2
 [auto_scaler_1 @ 0x4564d40] w:256 h:256 fmt:rgb24 sar:0/1 -> w:256 h:256
 fmt:yuva420p sar:0/1 flags:0x2
 [Parsed_overlay_0 @ 0x3daa440] main w:720 h:576 fmt:yuva420p overlay w:256
 h:256 fmt:yuva420p
 [Parsed_overlay_0 @ 0x3daa440] [framesync @ 0x3da5228] Selected 1/25 time

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #6835(avcodec:new): DVBSUB -> DVDSUB "blurring"

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6835: DVBSUB -> DVDSUB "blurring"
 Reporter:  Sami32 |Owner:
 Type:  enhancement|   Status:  new
 Priority:  normal |Component:  avcodec
  Version:  git-master |   Resolution:
 Keywords:  dvbsub dvdsub  |   Blocked By:
 Blocking: |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0  |

Comment (by Sami32):

 Could that be related to the color/alpha palette of up to 256 conversion
 used for DVDSUB ?

 Hard and soft DVBSUB have a nice looking.

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #6835(avcodec:new): DVBSUB -> DVDSUB "blurring"

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6835: DVBSUB -> DVDSUB "blurring"
 Reporter:  Sami32 |Owner:
 Type:  enhancement|   Status:  new
 Priority:  normal |Component:  avcodec
  Version:  git-master |   Resolution:
 Keywords:  dvbsub dvdsub  |   Blocked By:
 Blocking: |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0  |

Comment (by cehoyos):

 I don't know if there is a reason why dvdsub subtitles look very ugly
 while dvbsub subtitles look nice, even after re-encoding (to dvbsub).

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #6835(avcodec:new): DVBSUB -> DVDSUB "blurring"

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6835: DVBSUB -> DVDSUB "blurring"
 Reporter:  Sami32 |Owner:
 Type:  enhancement|   Status:  new
 Priority:  normal |Component:  avcodec
  Version:  git-master |   Resolution:
 Keywords:  dvbsub dvdsub  |   Blocked By:
 Blocking: |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0  |

Comment (by Sami32):

 Damn !!! i have totally missed that point. Thank you very much for your
 help :)
 I tried -canvas_size 1280x720 and size and position was fine.

 Still this weird blurring though.

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #6836(avcodec:open): Incompatible DNxHD video parameters although listed in valid profiles

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6836: Incompatible DNxHD video parameters although listed in valid profiles
 Reporter:  pbogdan |Owner:
 Type:  defect  |   Status:  open
 Priority:  minor   |Component:  avcodec
  Version:  git-master  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:  dnxhd   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:  |  Reproduced by developer:  1
Analyzed by developer:  0   |
Changes (by cehoyos):

 * priority:  normal => minor
 * status:  new => open
 * reproduced:  0 => 1


 Patch sent, the required pix_fmts are yuv444p10 or gbrp10.

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #6835(avcodec:new): DVBSUB -> DVDSUB "blurring"

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6835: DVBSUB -> DVDSUB "blurring"
 Reporter:  Sami32 |Owner:
 Type:  enhancement|   Status:  new
 Priority:  normal |Component:  avcodec
  Version:  git-master |   Resolution:
 Keywords:  dvbsub dvdsub  |   Blocked By:
 Blocking: |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0  |

Comment (by cehoyos):

 The resolution of the dvb subtitles is (approximately) 720x576, the video
 resolution is 1280x720. If you neither scale the subtitles nor the video,
 the subtitles will not correctly fill the screen.

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

[FFmpeg-trac] #6836(avcodec:new): Incompatible DNxHD video parameters although listed in valid profiles

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6836: Incompatible DNxHD video parameters although listed in valid profiles
 Reporter:  pbogdan  | Type:  defect
   Status:  new  | Priority:  normal
Component:  avcodec  |  Version:  git-master
 Keywords:  dnxhd|   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|
 Summary of the bug:
 Some of the DNxHD parameters are not valid even though they are listed as

 How to reproduce:
 % ffmpeg -i input -vf scale=hd1080 -r 50 -b:v 730M -c:v dnxhd -pix_fmt
 yuv422p10 out.mov
 ffmpeg version git-2017-11-03-0b93c61 Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg
   built with Apple LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.57) (based on LLVM
   configuration: --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-doc --disable-
 devices --enable-indev=lavfi
 --install-name-dir='@rpath' --extra-
 --extra-ldflags='-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../lib' --enable-libvorbis
 --enable-libvpx --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopenh264 --enable-
   libavutil  56.  0.100 / 56.  0.100
   libavcodec 58.  1.100 / 58.  1.100
   libavformat58.  0.102 / 58.  0.102
   libavdevice58.  0.100 / 58.  0.100
   libavfilter 7.  0.101 /  7.  0.101
   libswscale  5.  0.101 /  5.  0.101
   libswresample   3.  0.101 /  3.  0.101

 [dnxhd @ 0x7fd6c3004a00] video parameters incompatible with DNxHD. Valid
 DNxHD profiles:
 [dnxhd @ 0x7f824b0cfe00] Frame size: 1920x1080p; bitrate: 730Mbps; pixel
 format: yuv422p10; framerate: 50/1
 [dnxhd @ 0x7fd6c480cc00] ff_frame_thread_encoder_init failed
 Error initializing output stream 0:0 -- Error while opening encoder for
 output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate,
 width or height
 [aac @ 0x7fd6c4811800] Qavg: 11229.511
 [aac @ 0x7fd6c4811800] 2 frames left in the queue on closing

 Here a list of the possible false (in)valid parameters:
 [dnxhd @ 0x7f824b0cfe00] Frame size: 1920x1080p; bitrate: 350Mbps; pixel
 format: yuv422p10; framerate: 24000/1001
 [dnxhd @ 0x7f824b0cfe00] Frame size: 1920x1080p; bitrate: 390Mbps; pixel
 format: yuv422p10; framerate: 25/1
 [dnxhd @ 0x7f824b0cfe00] Frame size: 1920x1080p; bitrate: 730Mbps; pixel
 format: yuv422p10; framerate: 50/1
 [dnxhd @ 0x7f824b0cfe00] Frame size: 1920x1080p; bitrate: 880Mbps; pixel
 format: yuv422p10; framerate: 6/1001

 Thank you in advance,

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #6835(avcodec:new): DVBSUB -> DVDSUB "blurring" (was: DVBSUB -> DVDSUB)

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6835: DVBSUB -> DVDSUB "blurring"
 Reporter:  Sami32 |Owner:
 Type:  enhancement|   Status:  new
 Priority:  normal |Component:  avcodec
  Version:  git-master |   Resolution:
 Keywords:  dvbsub dvdsub  |   Blocked By:
 Blocking: |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0  |

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

[FFmpeg-trac] #6835(avcodec:new): DVBSUB -> DVDSUB

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
 Reporter:  Sami32   | Type:
   Status:  new  |  enhancement
Component:  avcodec  | Priority:  normal
 Keywords:  dvbsub   |  Version:  git-
  dvdsub |  master
 Blocking:   |   Blocked By:
Analyzed by developer:  0|  Reproduced by developer:  0
 Summary of the bug:
 The resulting DVDSUB seem to be "blurred"
 VLC and PotPlayer was used, and the subtitle position is different than
 the DVBSUB default one.

 How to reproduce:
 Here the source file used: https://we.tl/sDXeChYS61
 TS file of around 66 MB, link valid for 7 days.
 % ffmpeg -fflags +genpts -i "F:\!MEDIA_TEST_FILES\UMS Video Testing Suite
 (20150121)\TESTS\INTERNAL SUBTITLES\20130718 2342 - NRK2 HD - Barnearbeid
 og slaveri.[0].ts" -map 0:v -map 0:a:0 -map 0:a:1 -map 0:s:0 -c:v copy
 -c:a:0 copy -c:a:1 copy -c:s dvdsub -f matroska

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #6801(avformat:reopened): libavformat/tls_openssl.c: implicit declaration of function 'BIO_meth_*'

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6801: libavformat/tls_openssl.c: implicit declaration of function 'BIO_meth_*'
 Reporter:  LigH|Owner:
 Type:  defect  |   Status:  reopened
 Priority:  normal  |Component:  avformat
  Version:  git-master  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:  libopenssl  |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:  |  Reproduced by developer:  1
Analyzed by developer:  0   |

Comment (by heleppkes):

 The patch is still on the mailing list, being discussed.

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #6801(avformat:reopened): libavformat/tls_openssl.c: implicit declaration of function 'BIO_meth_*'

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6801: libavformat/tls_openssl.c: implicit declaration of function 'BIO_meth_*'
 Reporter:  LigH|Owner:
 Type:  defect  |   Status:  reopened
 Priority:  normal  |Component:  avformat
  Version:  git-master  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:  libopenssl  |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:  |  Reproduced by developer:  1
Analyzed by developer:  0   |

Comment (by LigH):

 I wonder if your commit got lost; I don't see any updates related to "tls"
 or "ssl" in the github repo since this one (which I suspect to have caused
 it, but I have no clue, just spotted changes around a "BIO_*" function
 name mask):

 avformat/tls_openssl: move some functions up in the file]

 Can you link your submitted patch, please? (mere curiosity)

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #6825(avformat:closed): hlsenc muxer in fmp4 mode creates broken init.mp4 with ac3 surround sound input

2017-11-14 Thread FFmpeg
#6825: hlsenc muxer in fmp4 mode creates broken init.mp4 with ac3 surround sound
 Reporter:  tmm1|Owner:
 Type:  defect  |   Status:  closed
 Priority:  normal  |Component:  avformat
  Version:  git-master  |   Resolution:  fixed
 Keywords:  hls |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:  |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0   |
Changes (by cehoyos):

 * keywords:   => hls

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list