Re: [FFmpeg-user] Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Composite/S-Video Capture

2022-05-03 Thread Roger

Figured it out finally.

The Hauppauge 2250 (SAA7164 chip), has two tuners, each with dvb/analog 
TV/composite/svideo inputs.  The exact inputs need to be specied, else without 
specifying, using ffmpeg on simply "Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture" will 
produce random results with inputs, including the audio input.

I'm focused on capturing the raw audio and video streams provided by the 
Hauppauge 2250 PCIe card's MS Windows proprietary SAA7164 chip driver.  Using 
Linux open source SAA7164 driver, or using MS Windows' Hauppauge WinTV, users 
will only be able to record the already compressed transport and progressive 
MPEG2 combined audio/video streams.

For me and many power users, we want the raw stream, or the yuyv422 rawvideo 
and s16 PCM audio.  Still, both streams will be already combined by the 
Hauppauge card.

c:\ ffmpeg -f dshow -list_options true -i video="Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog 
ffmpeg version Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100] DirectShow video device options (from video devices) 

[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]  Pin "~Capture" (alternative pin name "0")   

[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=720x576 fps=25 max 
s=720x576 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=720x480 fps=25 max 
s=720x480 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=640x480 fps=25 max 
s=640x480 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=352x288 fps=25 max 
s=352x288 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=352x240 fps=25 max 
s=352x240 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=720x352 fps=25 max 
s=720x352 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=704x576 fps=25 max 
s=704x576 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=704x480 fps=25 max 
s=704x480 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=704x512 fps=25 max 
s=704x512 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=624x256 fps=25 max 
s=624x256 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=624x240 fps=25 max 
s=624x240 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=544x480 fps=25 max 
s=544x480 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=544x384 fps=25 max 
s=544x384 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   pixel_format=yuyv422  min s=352x256 fps=25 max 
s=352x256 fps=29.97 
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]  Pin "~Audio" (alternative pin name "1") 

[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]  Pin "I2S Audio" (alternative pin name "3")  

[dshow @ 02229f7a5100] Crossbar Switching Information for Hauppauge 
WinTV-7164 Analog Capture:  
[dshow @ 02229f7a5100]   Crossbar Output pin 0: "Video Decoder" related 
output pin: 1 current input pin: 2 compatible input 
pins: 0 2 3 4 6 7 8

[FFmpeg-user] Can ffmpeg calculate the min and max bitrate of a video?

2022-05-03 Thread smu johnson

ffprobe / ffmpeg can show a video's avg. bitrate easily enough but I would
like the option for ffmpeg to scan an entire video file (if need be, I
don't think this info is stored anywhere) to find out the lowest (min)
bitrate of a video stream as well as the highest (max) bitrate it uses and
print them.

Ideally it would be nice if x264 / Handbrake's logs showed you these values
when encoding, but unfortunately they do not.  My goal is that I'd like to
know if I'm setting the right "L" encoding level or if it can be lower /
higher.  (e.g., 3.0 or 3.1 for DVDs).  I realize the profile can probably
change this but sometimes the "Auto" Encoder Level in Handbrake is all over
the place instead of consistently say, L3.0 for all NTSC DVDs.

This has been asked on Stack Exchange before by someone else here:
.  The only problem is people are suggesting running scripts and other
hacks in order to do this instead of ffmpeg being able to just do it itself.

I'm on Windows 11 so I don't know how easy it would be to run these scripts
others wrote and I'd rather get an official answer from ffmpeg instead of
some script that might not even work properly or give me accurate

Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

smu johnson 
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Re: [FFmpeg-user] FFMPEG opencl hwaccel, opencl tonemap, vulcan hw accel for record desktop/streaming

2022-05-03 Thread DEF
On Tue, 3 May 2022 at 15:13, KoreanFanOfficial
> ffmpeg -y -vsync 0 -r 25 -video_size 1920x1080 -f x11grab -i :0 -f alsa -i
> default -vf 'scale=1280x720,format=nv12' -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast
> -profile baseline -sws_flags fast_bilinear -b:v 4500k -maxrate 4500k
> -minrate 4500k -bufsize 4500k -c:a aac -b:a 96k -f flv soft.flv
> this is my default command for record

I cannot see what you are tonemapping.

replace your c:v libx264 with -c:v h264_mf  and omit -preset ultrafast
-profile baseline -sws_flags fast_bilinear.

I think -vf 'scale=1280x720,format=nv12' is needed when you use other
hardware acceleration.


> вт, 3 мая 2022 г. в 09:41, Def Etienne :
> >
> >
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Re: [FFmpeg-user] Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Composite/S-Video Capture

2022-05-03 Thread Roger

I've found, after searching Google, the following on Linux pulls the entire 
video+audio stream successfully:

$ cat /dev/video0 | ffplay -


$ ffmpeg -i file:/dev/video0

Now to see if doing so within Windows does the same, likely omitting the "-f 
dshow", similar to omitting the "-f v4l2" on Linux.

- Forwarded message from Roger  -

Subject: Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Composite/S-Video Capture
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2022 14:50:31 -0400
From: Roger 

Seems I'm plagued by the same bug as described here:

Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Composite/S-Video Capture
Using this device trying to capture composite/s-video from VCR/VHS media.

dshow device: "Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture"

(NTSC Model 2250)

This Hauppauge PCIe device, likely many Hauppuage video capture cards,
capture a video stream already combined with an audio stream.  The bug
and fix posted to stackoverflow is similar.

When specifying the following, either with/without ~Audio (pin 1), I
do get an audio stream detected, but the audio stream is null/silent:

D:\record-ffmpeg>ffplay -f dshow -rtbufsize 500M -video_size 720x480
-framerate 29.97 -audio_pin_name ~Audio -show_video_device_dialog
false -i video="Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture":audio="Hauppauge
WinTV-7164 Analog Capture"

D:\record-ffmpeg>ffplay -f dshow -video_size 352x288 -i
video="Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture":audio="Hauppauge
WinTV-7164 Analog Capture"
ffplay version Copyright (c) 2003-2022
the FFmpeg developers
  built with gcc 11.2.0 (Rev7, Built by MSYS2 project)
  configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-static
--disable-w32threads --disable-autodetect --enable-fontconfig
--enable-iconv --enable-gnutls --enable-libxml2 --enable-gmp
--enable-bzlib --enable-lzma --enable-libsnappy --enable-zlib
--enable-librist --enable-libsrt --enable-libssh --enable-libzmq
--enable-avisynth --enable-libbluray --enable-libcaca --enable-sdl2
--enable-libdav1d --enable-libdavs2 --enable-libuavs3d
--enable-libzvbi --enable-librav1e --enable-libsvtav1 --enable-libwebp
--enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxavs2 --enable-libxvid
--enable-libaom --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libvpx
--enable-mediafoundation --enable-libass --enable-frei0r
--enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-liblensfun
--enable-libvidstab --enable-libvmaf --enable-libzimg --enable-amf
--enable-cuda-llvm --enable-cuvid --enable-ffnvcodec --enable-nvdec
--enable-nvenc --enable-d3d11va --enable-dxva2 --enable-libmfx
--enable-libshaderc --enable-vulkan --enable-libplacebo
--enable-opencl --enable-libcdio --enable-libgme --enable-libmodplug
--enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libmp3lame
--enable-libshine --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame
--enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libilbc --enable-libgsm
--enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopus --enable-libspeex
--enable-libvorbis --enable-ladspa --enable-libbs2b --enable-libflite
--enable-libmysofa --enable-librubberband --enable-libsoxr
  libavutil  57. 17.100 / 57. 17.100
  libavcodec 59. 18.100 / 59. 18.100
  libavformat59. 16.100 / 59. 16.100
  libavdevice59.  4.100 / 59.  4.100
  libavfilter 8. 24.100 /  8. 24.100
  libswscale  6.  4.100 /  6.  4.100
  libswresample   4.  3.100 /  4.  3.100
  libpostproc56.  3.100 / 56.  3.100
[dshow @ 020e9bb04f00] Could not find audio only device with name
[Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture] among source devices of type
[dshow @ 020e9bb04f00] Searching for audio device within video
devices for Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture
Input #0, dshow, from 'video=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog
Capture:audio=Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture':
  Duration: N/A, start: 3738.527811, bitrate: 1536 kb/s
  Stream #0:0: Video: rawvideo (YUY2 / 0x32595559), yuyv422, 352x288,
29.97 fps, 29.97 tbr, 1k tbn
  Stream #0:1: Audio: pcm_s16le, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 1536 kb/s
3740.13 A-V: -0.010 fd=   0 aq=0KB vq=0KB sq=0B f=0/0


It's possible the fix was, possibly a hack/workaround, specifically
applied only for certain devices such as "AJA Capture Source".  Many
Hauppauge capture cards should be added as well.

Sometimes right after booting into Windows 10, I may get ffplay to
play audio only with a blue screen.  Subsequent ffplay executions drop
audio, with a blue screen, until either Hauppauge's WinTV10 or
VirtualDub64 are subsequently executed, likely properly initializing
the video capture card.  Subsequent ffplay executions show video
properly but again without audio, only stating the video/audio stream
specifications.  Nor is the audio stream recorded to file using

- End forwarded message -

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Re: [FFmpeg-user] FFMPEG opencl hwaccel, opencl tonemap, vulcan hw accel for record desktop/streaming

2022-05-03 Thread KoreanFanOfficial
ffmpeg -y -vsync 0 -r 25 -video_size 1920x1080 -f x11grab -i :0 -f alsa -i
default -vf 'scale=1280x720,format=nv12' -c:v libx264 -preset ultrafast
-profile baseline -sws_flags fast_bilinear -b:v 4500k -maxrate 4500k
-minrate 4500k -bufsize 4500k -c:a aac -b:a 96k -f flv soft.flv
this is my default command for record

вт, 3 мая 2022 г. в 09:41, Def Etienne :

> Sent from my iPhone
> > On 3 May 2022, at 06:10, KoreanFanOfficial 
> wrote:
> >
> > How i can use those option for desktop record/streaming with software
> > encoder, cant find working ffmpeg code
> Could you please give a sample command line that does not use them.
> I am assuming that you just want to use hardware acceleration for
> screencasting, in which case you do not need to use all the options at
> once.
> Def
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Re: [FFmpeg-user] FFMPEG opencl hwaccel, opencl tonemap, vulcan hw accel for record desktop/streaming

2022-05-03 Thread Def Etienne

Sent from my iPhone

> On 3 May 2022, at 06:10, KoreanFanOfficial  
> wrote:
> How i can use those option for desktop record/streaming with software
> encoder, cant find working ffmpeg code

Could you please give a sample command line that does not use them. 

I am assuming that you just want to use hardware acceleration for 
screencasting, in which case you do not need to use all the options at once. 


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