Is it possible to select/extract individual angles from a VOB file?

I found an 8-year-old thread suggesting at least at that time it wasn't possible

There appears to be an "-angle" option but as best I can tell that only applies to BluRay playlists.

If ffmpeg can't extract angles, can anyone suggest a currently maintained tool that does?

The closest I've found is tccat from the transcode package which does exactly this, but transcode is no longer maintained and doesn't build in recent Linux distribution releases. Getting it to compile or run on a modern distro would require some patching for updated libraries. When running under an old version, it's as simple as "tccat -i file.vob -T 1,-1,1 > file_angle_1.vob" to extract angle 1 from file.vob.

If this isn't supported in ffmpeg, might it be possible to implement based on the transcode/tccat source code?

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