Re: [FFmpeg-user] V4L2 recording results in invalid data buffer still owned errors.

2014-09-17 Thread Louis Rossmann
 Louis Rossmann l.a.rossmann at writes:

  So that messed up configure line is not Gentoo's
  fault, but all mine. :(

 Then please reconfigure with ./configure --enable-gpl
 and add the external libraries you need, do NOT add any
 --disable-* flags and do NOT add any --extra-cflags /
 --extra-ldflags except those needed for library detection.

 Your current executable is intentionally slow.

 Carl Eugen

 ffmpeg-user mailing list

 I've done everything I can with my executable, however, the problem

 If I run a recording, it works. if I stop the recording, there is little I
 can do short of reboot the system to record a second video using the V4L2
 device. I've tried on an Ubuntu desktop and a Gentoo laptop. Do you have
 any suggestions? Kernel 3.14 was a quick fix but sadly that did not last
 long. :(

I decided to try on a different computer with a fresh install and the
problem persists. I can only record once before having to reboot.

I have two of the same device. What is interesting is, even after I have
run out of recording tries with one device, I can try again with the next
and it works - but of course, only for one time.

The only other software I can find that allows me to simultaneously capture
raw video from an HDMI source is $1000 on Windows 7. If someone can fix
V4L/ffmpeg so it works properly with these devices, I'd be willing to match
the $1k in donations. I absolutely love how no frills this is - no crap, no
tons of menus, no junk I don't need, just type a line tell it how to encode
and it gives me files I can easily edit. I love it... I just hate rebooting
my machine for each take. I have an SSD, but still, cmon! :)
ffmpeg-user mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-user] V4L2 recording results in invalid data buffer still owned errors.

2014-09-15 Thread Louis Rossmann
On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:

 Louis Rossmann l.a.rossmann at writes:

  So that messed up configure line is not Gentoo's
  fault, but all mine. :(

 Then please reconfigure with ./configure --enable-gpl
 and add the external libraries you need, do NOT add any
 --disable-* flags and do NOT add any --extra-cflags /
 --extra-ldflags except those needed for library detection.

 Your current executable is intentionally slow.

 Carl Eugen

 ffmpeg-user mailing list

I've done everything I can with my executable, however, the problem

If I run a recording, it works. if I stop the recording, there is little I
can do short of reboot the system to record a second video using the V4L2
device. I've tried on an Ubuntu desktop and a Gentoo laptop. Do you have
any suggestions? Kernel 3.14 was a quick fix but sadly that did not last
long. :(
ffmpeg-user mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-user] V4L2 recording results in invalid data buffer still owned errors.

2014-09-06 Thread Louis Rossmann
On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 7:22 AM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:

 Louis Rossmann l.a.rossmann at writes:

  *  built on Sep  4 2014 22:48:40 with gcc 4.8.3 (Gentoo

 I know this doesn't help you with your problem but this
 configure line looks (or if you like feels) *completely*

  *[rawvideo  at  0xfb5040] Warning: not compiled with
  thread support, using thread emulation*

 ... and unfortunately my feelings are right!

 Again, this will not help you but is there nobody who
 uses Gentoo and wants to fix this?
 My todo list is unfortunately long enough (and I don't
 use Gentoo).

 To make sure I am not misunderstood: This isn't about
 removing one bad option from the configure line but to
 fix the system that creates this absurd mess!

 Carl Eugen

 ffmpeg-user mailing list


Thank you for your reply.

Firstly, I fixed my problem. I would like to share how - I dumped 3.16.1
kernel and compiled 3.14.14. This problem is 100% solved, and all runs very
stable. The V4L2 drivers in 3.16.1 are terrible for USB devices. They
worked for my integrated laptop webcam, but did not work for this. Also CPU
usage went down a lot when I compiled 3.14.14 for capturing video.

Secondly, I did not use Gentoo's portage system to compile ffmpeg, I did it
by hand, since I could not get v4l2 support combined in with any
combination of USE flags. So that messed up configure line is not Gentoo's
fault, but all mine. :(

Hopefully this helps someone else who is driving themselves nuts with this
same problem Lesson learned, use a stable kernel!
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