* Michael Connolly on Monday, August 18, 2014 at 00:40:53 -0700
> I'm new-ish to encoding with FFMPEG and am hoping you guys can
> assist on a confusing issue.
> I'm transcoding from ProRes with PCM audio to H.264 with AAC
> audio.  After transcoding, my audio track is advanced (appears
> earlier in the file) by about 1.5 frames.  This doesn't occur
> if I trancode from H.264 to H.264 at a different bitrate.  In
> that case the audio is preserved.    I did try converting from
> XDCAM -> h.264 as well and encountered the same issue -- the
> audio is advanced.

I _always_ experience a video delay of about half a frame with
x264, even when encoding x264 -> x264:


\black\trash movie           _COWBOY  CANOE  COMA_
            Ein deutscher Western/A German Western

--->> http://www.blacktrash.org/underdogma/ccc.php
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