Re: [FFmpeg-user] compiling ffmpeg for nvidia gpu under Debian Bullseye

2021-02-11 Thread Steve Newcomb

On 2/11/21 9:35 AM, Moritz Barsnick wrote:

Did you give feedback to nvidia regarding their document?
I wanted to, so I looked around, probably not long enough, and I found 
no obvious way to do so.   I saw no "feedback" links anywhere.  The 
document I was working from was presumably revised last October, I 
think.  To be sure, that doc was extremely helpful, just a tiny bit 
buggy.  Also helpful was the fact that the ffmpeg configuration log said 
exactly what was wrong (deprecated arg) and how to fix the problem.

perhaps ffmpeg developers need to look at [nvccflags_default value in configure]

I still don't know how to report effectively to that crew.  The last time I 
tried to put in my $0.02 was unpleasant and frustrating.  Feel free to tell me 
how to contribute effectively, or to put it through channels yourself.  It does 
seem pretty clear that the configure script as presently written will always 

Thanks for noticing that I'm trying, Moritz!  One does what one can.


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Re: [FFmpeg-user] compiling ffmpeg for nvidia gpu under Debian Bullseye

2021-02-11 Thread Moritz Barsnick
On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 13:53:32 -0500, Steve Newcomb wrote:
> about what happened and how I eventually succeeded.  (I did everything as
> superuser, so you won't see any "sudo" below.)

I do see sudo below. And I don't see any reason to do any steps beyond
installation as superuser or with sudo. Don't compile as root!

> cd nv-codec-headers && sudo make install && cd –
> This worked, but the final invocation of cd was uninterpretable due to the
> last character's being garbled (by my browser? or by Emacs?).  I followed
> this incantation with a "cd ..", which turned out to be the right thing to
> do.

In nvidia's instruction, the web code apparently inserted some fancy
dash '–' instead of the regular '-'.

> apt-get install build-essential yasm cmake libtool libc6 libc6-dev unzip wget 
> libnuma1 libnuma-dev
> This turned out not to be enough packages.  I ended up installing the 
> following packages, as well, even if some of them may not be strictly 
> necessary.
> I always install lots of utility packages which don't appear on this list, so 
> this list, too, may not be complete:
> nvidia-detect
> nvidia-driver
> libnvidia-encode1
> libnppc11
> libnppial11
> libnppicc11
> libnppidei11
> libnppif11
> libnppig11
> libnppim11
> libnppist11
> libnppisu11
> libnppitc11
> libnpps11
> nvidia-cg-toolkit
> nvidia-cuda-gdb
> nvidia-cuda-toolkit
> nvidia-cuda-toolkit-gcc
> nvtop

These all look like nvidia's dependencies. Could it be that they are
part of the mentioned "CUDA toolkit", as listed under "Prerequisites"?
(Though if you can get them from the system repos, I think's that's
fine. Just perhaps not what nvidia wants you to do.)

> ./configure --enable-nonfree -–enable-cuda-sdk –enable-libnpp
> --extra-cflags=-I/usr/local/cuda/include
> --extra-ldflags=-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64
> This incantation had 2 problems.
> (1) --enable-cuda-sdk is an obsolete argument.  I changed it to 
> --enable-cuda-nvcc
> (2) The configure failed with the report: "ERROR: failed checking for nvcc."  
> Why?
>     The configure script checks nvcc by passing itan obsolete architecture
> code, "compute_30", which modern nvcc does not support.  
> I edited the part of the configure script that says:
> if enabled cuda_nvcc; then
> nvcc_default="nvcc"
> nvccflags_default="-gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 -O2"
> else
> nvcc_default="clang"
> nvccflags_default="--cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 -O2"
> NVCC_C=""
> fi
> it instead said:
> if enabled cuda_nvcc; then
> nvcc_default="nvcc"
> nvccflags_default="-gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 -O2"
> else
> nvcc_default="clang"
> nvccflags_default="--cuda-gpu-arch=sm_75 -O2"
> NVCC_C=""
> fi
> ...although apparently it would have been fine to change "30" to "50" 
> instead of "75" as I did.
> Perhaps ffmpeg developers should make this change, or do something 
> similar.

Indeed, perhaps ffmpeg developers need to look at this.

Did you give feedback to nvidia regarding their document?

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[FFmpeg-user] compiling ffmpeg for nvidia gpu under Debian Bullseye

2021-02-10 Thread Steve Newcomb
I'm hoping to encode h265 streams using my new nvidia glx1650-super.  As 
a Debian devotee, the first thing I learned was that the drivers aren't 
available in the Debian 10 ("stable") repository, so I did a fresh 
install of Debian Bullseye ("testing").  That done, I attempted to 
compile ffmpeg, following the ffmpeg compilation instructions provided 
I succeeded eventually, after encountering problems.  Here are the 
instructions provided at the aforementioned link, but with added 
commentary about what happened and how I eventually succeeded.  (I did 
everything as superuser, so you won't see any "sudo" below.)

git clone
No problem here.

cd nv-codec-headers && sudo make install && cd –
This worked, but the final invocation of cd was uninterpretable due to 
the last character's being garbled (by my browser? or by Emacs?).  I 
followed this incantation with a "cd ..", which turned out to be the 
right thing to do.

git clone ffmpeg/
No problem here.

apt-get install build-essential yasm cmake libtool libc6 libc6-dev unzip wget 
libnuma1 libnuma-dev
This turned out not to be enough packages.  I ended up installing the following 
packages, as well, even if some of them may not be strictly necessary.
I always install lots of utility packages which don't appear on this list, so 
this list, too, may not be complete:

./configure --enable-nonfree -–enable-cuda-sdk –enable-libnpp 

This incantation had 2 problems.

(1) --enable-cuda-sdk is an obsolete argument.  I changed it to 

(2) The configure failed with the report: "ERROR: failed checking for nvcc."  
    The configure script checks nvcc by passing itan obsolete architecture code, "compute_30", which modern nvcc does not 
support.     I edited the part of the configure script that says:

if enabled cuda_nvcc; then
nvccflags_default="-gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30 -O2"
nvccflags_default="--cuda-gpu-arch=sm_30 -O2"
fi it instead said:
if enabled cuda_nvcc; then
nvccflags_default="-gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 -O2"
nvccflags_default="--cuda-gpu-arch=sm_75 -O2"
...although apparently it would have been fine to change "30" to "50" instead of 
"75" as I did.
Perhaps ffmpeg developers should make this change, or do something similar.
That done, the configure incantation that actually worked was:
./configure --enable-nonfree --enable-cuda-nvcc --enable-libnpp 
--extra-cflags=-I/usr/local/cuda/include --extra-ldflags=-L/usr/local/cuda/lib64

make -j 8
No problem here.

make install
No problem here.

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