Re: [Finale] What is GRP:Orff Instruments?

2005-11-15 Thread Rocky Road

Thank you very much for everyone who responded.  Now I learned Orff is a
name of a German educator, I just googled Orff Instruments in Japanese,
and I got a pretty good hits.  The Orff instruments are (a) instruments
that produces beautiful timber, (b) have to be easy to play, (c) have to
be durable.

I have done some Orff-Schulwerk certification and we have a room of 
Orff instruments at school (an "Orff-Instrumentarium"!). Having 
played a few different brands, my favourite brand for build and sound 
is Sonor.

Long link:

Short Link:

David Stonestreet

Rocky Road - in Oz
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Quoting

2005-08-11 Thread Rocky Road

What messes me up is coming up on an interesection and seeing..



reminds me of lots of  WAY - FREE's  that I drive on.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

RE: [Finale] Is this a Finale or Sibelius list?

2005-07-13 Thread Rocky Road

Okay, I seem to have started a tempest in a teapot here. I joined this list
serve a week ago. There were days when all I saw where lists of Sibelius
this and Sibelius that. As a newcomer I was beginning to believe this was a
Sibelius list and that I had joined the wrong one. I thought, okay, this is
a general music software discussion site. Then Michael Lawler and Ken Folwer
complained and I realized what was wrong.

In peace.


Ron, its just the timing of when you joined. New Sibelius or New 
Finale - it always peaks up then gets back to business. Just cruise 
back for a bit and it will die down and go back to normal.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] USB MIDI Interface (was: Sibelius version 4 has dynamic score/parts linking!)

2005-07-13 Thread Rocky Road

Darcy James Argue / 2005/07/07 / 07:14 PM wrote:

I agree, USB 1.1 is inadequate for MIDI + everything else, but that's
why the pros get a FireWire or USB 2 MIDI interface.

Are you sure about this? MIDI's 1980 technology is so slow I can't 
understand how even USB 1.0 wouldn't be miles faster than the fastest 
MIDI signals. Or are you saying that using a Qwerty keyboard, mouse, 
scanner, digital camera, etc on USB alongside MIDi is creating a data 

I run an 8 port Unitor8 (old serial) on an OSX Mac (using the Gee 
Three serial port) without any trouble, as do I get no trouble from 
an AMT8 (USB) on a USB1 Powerbook. But I don't put anything else on 
USB besides a QWERTY and a mouse, everything else is on Firewire.

I can see the point of smart interfaces where the MIDI data is sent 
ahead of time (time stamping) so that all 8 MIDI ports can be 
triggered simultaneously, but I'm not sure this is the issue.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] [Tan] Take it down!

2005-07-13 Thread Rocky Road
I believe, as has been pointed out before, that to Mailman the 
words "private list" mean something different from how you mean it. 
As the list page says, "This is a private list, which means that 
the list of members is not available to non-members." That's *all* 
it means to Mailman. It does not mean that you have any greater 
than usual expectation of privacy in your postings.

Running a Mailman mailing list myself, I know that it is possible to 
make email addresses unaivailable to anyone, including subscribers.

Yay - that might finally fix the "Reply to list" behaviour! (runs and 
ducks for cover).


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] A Brief Commentary

2005-07-13 Thread Rocky Road
I've been away for a few days, receiving e-mails but not really 
reading any.  Today I looked to see 457 messages in my "Finale List" 
folder.  243 of them are about Sibelius.  It's no skin off my nose, 
since I'll delete 'em without further ado, but if "" 
is going to be spending so much time on Sibelius, maybe it ought to 
be the composer we're talking about!


Every time a new Finale or a new Sibelius is announced this happens, 
then it dies down. It will pass.

Same thing happens on the Logic mailing list. You should have seen 
when Apple bought logic and announced they were dropping the Windows 


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale SongWriter??

2005-07-13 Thread Rocky Road

Does MakeMusic! really need *another* intermediate-level notation product?

I just wish they'd update Printmusic from 2004 so I can replace 
NotepadFree with something cheap that recognizes a USB MIDI keyboard.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale in the Education Market (Was Dynamic Parts)

2005-07-10 Thread Rocky Road
I am probably going to have to buy a copy of Sibelius soon, just so 
that our school can cater for students who already have this 
package at home and are more used to it. If a student from our 
school goes to a shop without talking to me first, they always seem 
to be directed to Sibelius.

I have done the same thing at Sydney Uni - the majority of students 
I deal with use Sibelius, until they do our Music Publishing course 
which is based upon Finale.  I too get the "why don't you teach 
Sibelius instead" comments on a regular basis.  From talking to the 
students, a sizeable proportion of them use cracked versions of 
Sibelius, which, being more powerful than Finale Notepad, yields 
them better results. While Finale Notepad is free, so are cracked 
versions of Sibelius.

Sadly, I have heard that a nearby State School teacher gives out 
cracked Sibelius to all his music elective students. Not something 
I'm about to do so I will stick with Finale Free.

It is great to be able to tell students to download Finale Notepad 
though.  For a lot of them, it's all they need anyway.

Yes. Some of our students do HSC compositions on Fin Notepad Free and 
only bring it into Finale right at the end for some prettying up.

  And those who have bought the AUS$299 education priced Finale 
certainly seem to be happy enough.

Three or four students here bought the full Finale last year, all 
because they had used the Free version first. And the $299 price is 
also for Tertiary and Schools - Sibelius charges AUD$499 for schools.


Rocky Road - (David Stonestreet)
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Sibelius usable for excerpt and test examples?

2005-07-09 Thread Rocky Road
A big use of Finale for me is for short, single-line notation 
examples used either as part of some teaching notes, home-grown 
theory papers, or part of a question in an exam. To do this I utilize 
the following abilities in Finale:

* Hide time signatures and key signatures
* Hide rests
* Measures which allow any number of notes in them (such as a notated 
scale of eight whole notes without needing to make a 32/4 time sig).
* Move individual noteheads in a measure (eg: to make space at the 
end of a measure)

* Exporting of a selection to TIFF or EPS

Generally I then bring these into MS Word to be surrounded with text 
or explanation.

Does Sibelius have this flexibility for measures that are a bit odd 
in their timing or positioning?

PS: The huge discussion of Sibelius 4 here is the first time I've 
seen this list have more "hmmm interesting" rather than "not bad, but 
no dice" posts. I don't remember the tenor of potential Sibelius 
acceptance ever being as strong here before.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Sibelius version 4 has dynamic score/parts linking!

2005-07-09 Thread Rocky Road

David W. Fenton wrote:

Er, doesn't Sibelius have a little copy protection/activation code 
problem that ought to prevent you from switching, given that you 
won't upgrade past Finale 2003?

Yep, they've got the same call-response sort of activation scheme 
that Finale has.

Sibelius was very helpful when I needed to get back one of my 2 
installs due to a hard-disk change, as was Finale.

Do they allow two "locations" like Finale do from the one purchase? I 
have Finale on my laptop for mobile work and on a desktop computer 
for office work.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Sibelius - Dynamic Parts

2005-07-09 Thread Rocky Road

Not to mention EPS export, broken for years and years, and probably 
never to be fixed. I must say I'm very tempted to switch, at least 
for some projects.

It's also quite amazing  that many of us got more attention from 
Sibelius than from MM.


You might be a different Dennis but I'm sure there was a Dennis on 
this forum swearing he'd never upgrade software that used 
Challenge-Response copy protection. Isn't Sibelius CP even more 

(Does it allow more than one copy?)


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Finale in the Education Market (Was Dynamic Parts)

2005-07-09 Thread Rocky Road

David (and then Darcy) wrote:

If Finale doesn't start listening to its core users and stop 
dicking around with fancy playback issues, it's going to lose the 
entire educational and professional market, plain and simple.

David, this is a baseless assertion.  First, hardcore engravers 
don't drive sales of Finale.  Second, what on earth makes you think 
the educational market isn't interested in playback? Third, Finale 
is only just now catching up to (and, in some was, surpassing) 
Sibelius in terms of playback capabilities.  Sib has had it together 
on playback for a while now, which is why they were able to be 
innovative in other areas, like the new Dynamic Parts.

My school here in Sydney, Australia uses Finale, but this is because 
I like it and I introduced it here when we brought computers into the 
music department some years back (being head of music has its 
privileges  :-)  ). However, all around us, it seems to be all 
Sibelius. Most Music Technology and Music Education stores sell both, 
but only seem to push SIbelius. The nearest Music Education store 
regularly promotes Sibelius in their literature and technology 
training days (and the other Sibelius - linked products like 
Auralia). They are quite happy to sell you Finale products, but you 
usually have to ask specifically.

So I would conclude that most music teachers who didn't have any 
previous notation software experience would end up as Sibelius uses 
here in Sydney. The only difference could be what software is being 
used in the Universities in around Sydney that offer Music Ed degrees 
(and I don't know what that is now - when I went through it was 
Notator Logic on Atari and Master Tracks Pro on a Mac Plus!)

This school semester I even got a potential new parent asking why we 
didn't use Sibelius - they assumed it was what school's use (They had 
not ever heard of Finale!).

I hear a lot of baseless comments among music teachers at other 
schools, and also among our own students (stemming from their private 
teachers) about how Sibelius is better - but when you dig deeper it 
nearly always comes down to what they heard off some sales rep or at 
a conference trade display rather than experience with both software 
packages. I don't at all mind that some (or many) people prefer 
Sibelius, but I hate when the marketing engines drive the buzz 
instead of reality.

I am probably going to have to buy a copy of Sibelius soon, just so 
that our school can cater for students who already have this package 
at home and are more used to it. If a student from our school goes to 
a shop without talking to me first, they always seem to be directed 
to Sibelius.

Later in the thread Matthew Hindson wrote:

However unless they've integrated Scroll View into Sibelius, made 
articulations draggable, added handles to slurs and other items, add 
a graphics creator/editor and release a free "Notepad" version of 
Sibelius for my students, (amongst many other things) then I will 
for the time being stay put.  The hours of frustration from these 
missing/malfunctioning items will not quite compensate for saved 
hours in linking revisions in parts to score, as tempting as it 
seems: though it is getting much closer...  Finale is going to have 
to lift its game.

Notepad free is also a clincher for me. To be able to tell all our 
elective students to go home an download for free something that will 
look just like the "expensive" software at school is a great bonus, 
and has been the prime reason that computer technology has caught on 
among our music students. Some of these students go on to buy the 
full Finale at the education price (currently AUD$299). I doubt many 
parents would have paid that without seeing its use first.

You (and I) might stick to Finale, but I don't think you are the 
typical education user (you make your own fonts for goodness sake!). 
The average B.Mus/B.Ed from UNSW or Sydney or Newcastle or the 
Crematorium are still not greatly technology savvy (or interested) 
and will go with the marketing flow. Even if Finale lift their game 
they will need to win over the Retailers and Trade Show marketers.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] MOTU Updates vs. MakeMusic Updates

2005-07-09 Thread Rocky Road
Looking that MOTU just updated Digital Performer to 4.6 for free to 
it's 4.5 users, and seeing all the GREAT improvements, it makes me 
laugh at MakeMusic and Finale. My God, there are a lot of useful, 
functional features that I can get for FREE updating to 4.6. 
Congrats MOTU!

Honestly, this latest Finale update should have been for 
free...makes me wonder about MakeMusic...Couldn't they have 
updated Finale 2005 with the "textured paper" feature? Or some of 
these other things? Like the Handbell chart? I don't get the 
reasoning here

Maybe if MakeMusic was also selling a truckload of 2408's, 828's 
24IO's, 96HD's, and other assorted hardware interfaces, they might be 
able to afford a free Finale update here and there.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Wil Jari review Fin2006

2005-06-29 Thread Rocky Road

I always enjoy his reviews.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Origin and usefulness of these music fonts

2005-06-18 Thread Rocky Road
I have a number of music fonts that have populated my Fonts folder 
over the years (apart from common ones like Jazz and Maestro), and I 
was wondering if anyone could tell me what program they come from, 
and if they are still used by current version of the programs:

Engraver Font
PG Music font

Does Finale use any of these?



Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT - Apple move to Intel

2005-06-10 Thread Rocky Road

I don't know of any other actively-developed commercial app that 
took longer releasing a native OS X version than Finale.

It was such a great race to be last...

Who _did_ win? Was it Quark or MM? I can't remember :-!

Fin2004 was released after the X versions of Quark, Cubase and Protools.

- Darcy

But Finale did beat Band in a Box!


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] .eps Export/Import into Word

2005-05-22 Thread Rocky Road
In an exchange with MacSupport, they told me that the ultra low-res 
preview image was the result of design. If they had included a 
high-res preview, then your word processing file would have been 

I complained, and said that the resolution was so low I couldn't 
proof my word-processing document without printing it out, which of 
course adds yet another useless step to the already fussy procedure. 
I suggested that there be a user-selectionable image resolution, set 
low by default if they like, but the default should be 
user-adjustable. Maybe a slider. They said they would forward it to 
feature requests, but it will die there unless other people write in 
and ask for it as well.

I complained too. But in the meantime I have switched to 600dpi TIFF 
images so I can read and check music on screen, which like you I like 
to do. They look good.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Early report - Tiger & Finale

2005-05-03 Thread Rocky Road
Title: Re: [Finale] Early report - Tiger &

Reports seem to
indicate that screen rotation is available in Tiger, but I have been
unable to find the place that controls it.  Maybe Darcy, Hiro, or
Brad, or another of the Mac mavens on the list, can help.

Look up in System Preference panel -->
Monitor --> Pivot --> 90 deg.

Mais je ne le trouve pas!  Where is
this hidden?  I see settings for resolution etc. but not for
"Monitor --> pivot.  What error am I making?

System Preferences > Displays >
Display > Rotate. I have 2 Formac displays, 17" and 20".
This option is shown for both and works perfectly. My problem is how
to prop the display up on its side, as it is not designed for

Does anyone know if it works on the built in screens on recent
Apple Powerbooks?

(I use an external keyboard and mouse)


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica,
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger)

2005-05-03 Thread Rocky Road

For me, the greatest thing in Tiger is the untrumpeted arrival of 
display rotation. I use two monitors: 17" and 21". In system 
preferences you can rotate either or both monitors through 90, 180 
(why?) or 270 degrees.
I imagine 180 degrees is useful for roof mounting displays or 
something like that.

Can it reverse the Left-right image (so that you could read it in a mirror)?
Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Print Music 2005?

2005-03-01 Thread Rocky Road
Is Finale Print Music up to 2005 version? If not, is it coming soon?
I have Finale 2005 on the main Dept computer and was thinking of 
buying Printmusic for the 5 classroom iMacs, but I don't want 
incompatible versions.
Nobody using Print Music (probably not)?
I guess I'll ask MakeMusic.
Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

[Finale] Print Music 2005?

2005-02-26 Thread Rocky Road
Is Finale Print Music up to 2005 version? If not, is it coming soon?
I have Finale 2005 on the main Dept computer and was thinking of 
buying Printmusic for the 5 classroom iMacs, but I don't want 
incompatible versions.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT somewhat...CD players

2005-02-26 Thread Rocky Road
Wouldn't this be better done with index numbers within the tracks?
I considered that option, but at McGraw-Hill, when I was producing 
their recordings (not that long ago) we found that MANY teachers did 
not want index points, because they could not access them on their 
CD players.  In fact, my brand new SONY boombox, though it has 
enough buttons for a 747, will not find indexes.  So I have to go 
with tracks.

I agree it's a TERRIBLE idea to have so many tracks, but that's what 
the asked me for, and mine is not to reason why (within the limits 
of the technology).

If you did it as an MP3 disc, the schools could play them on their DVD player.
Actually, I do many of my classroom lessons straight off my iPod 
these days using playlists - we leave an aux-in plug to the HiFi 
available in the music rooms.

PS: Would you believe there are still companies advertising cassettes 
as the only option for accompanying excerpts. I don't even know if 
our tape layer still works, its been so long.

David Stonestreet, Assistant Principal (Teaching and Learning)
& Creative Arts Co-ordinator
Sutherland Shire Christian School
Barden Ridge, NSW, Australia
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] TAN: OSX Panther Upgrade

2005-02-20 Thread Rocky Road
Rocky Road / 05.2.10 / 04:10 AM wrote:
I'm sure you had a good reason, but I hope you realise that Tiger
(10.4) could be just around the corner.

In my opinion,
You do not want to depend your work on first generation anything, both
software and hardware.  First generation is for you to play with, getting
used to, and read reports around until you feel comfortable to move your
workstation over.
Buying Panther now is not a waste of money at all.
Wasn't OSX 10.0 the First generation? 10.1 was when it really got usable.
Tiger is the fifth generation of OSX.
Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] TAN: OSX Panther Upgrade

2005-02-10 Thread Rocky Road
Okay, so I ordered the Panther upgrade.
I'm sure you had a good reason, but I hope you realise that Tiger 
(10.4) could be just around the corner.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Garage Band 2

2005-01-12 Thread Rocky Road
Mark D Lew wrote:
Or maybe Recordare will look into creating a utility to convert them
 to MusicXML?
If they could it would be great, because since GB is based on Logic, 
we would have some hope of directly exporting MusicXML files from 
Logic as well.

BTW GarageBand is a great little app for anyone who hasn't tried it. 
It's an extreme resource hog, but still, students LOVE working with 
it.  And once they learn how to bounce down tracks to save 
processing power, it's possible to do some quite sophisticated 
things with it, even if you can't change time signatures.

The first time I've ever seen year 10 students willingly miss recess 
break was when I got them onto GBand for the first time in the lab in 
the period before break. This continued for weeks - started taking 
something to eat with me

Rocky Road
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Johnny Williams

2005-01-05 Thread Rocky Road

Could you be referring to John Williams the British classical 
guitarist and founder of Sky??
I always thought of him as an Australian. I'm not sure why. Was he 
born in Australia?

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Back to EPS

2004-11-18 Thread Rocky Road
EPS worked fine for me in FinMac2002 and 2003, in system 9. It works 
after a fashion in 2005 in OSX as well, it's just that the previews 
are such low quality as to be illegible, but they print OK.
That's what has forced me to switch to 600dpi TIFF. I like to be able 
to clearly read the music on screen inside things like Word documents.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OSX strikes again

2004-11-16 Thread Rocky Road
ALL my eps files seem to break whenever I upgrade Finale. I use eps 
extensively in my school handouts,
I do school handouts and exams - after the EPS preview quality became 
so bad in Fin2004 (deliberate choice by Makemusic), I have now 
switched to 600dpi TIFF. The onscreen image is back to where it used 
to be with EPS (I like to be able to see the graphics clearly on 
screen - not just when printed).

I also experienced the EPS font changing problem at times, especially 
across different version of MSWord.

I think TIFF will do me fine now. Unsized, I couldn't tell the 
difference off my Laser printer. 300dpi TIFF was slightly jaggy 
compared to EPS, but 600dpi is identical to my eye.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] FINALE in two monitors

2004-11-16 Thread Rocky Road
I have read some comments about the possibility of this.
I have, however, been unable to find a definitive procedure.
Can someone help me on this?
If you have a Mac Powerbook, plug another monitor in the video port 
and away you go (this is what I do).

If you have a recent desktop mac like a G5 or late G4, the video card 
has two ports and with the right adaptor (depending on whether your 
monitors are CRT or LCD) you can run two out of the box

If you have an older desktop mac like an earlier G4 tower, you can 
buy a second PCI video card like the Radeon 7000.

If you have a PC - dunno! I suppose you just buy another video card.
Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Public Domain Music

2004-09-16 Thread Rocky Road
Title: Re: [Finale] Public Domain

BTW, here is the copyright notice Woody
Guthrie affixed to his own self-published songbooks:
"This song is Copyrighted in U.S.,
under Seal of Copyright # 154085, for a period of 28 years, and
anybody caught singin it without our permission, will be mighty good
friends of ourn, cause we don't give a dern. Publish it. Write it.
Sing it. Swing to it. Yodel it. We wrote it, that's all we wanted to
do."  W.G.

How things change. Check what was displayed below the scoreboard
at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics:

"The Olympic Movement tends to bring together in a radiant
union, All the qualities which guide mankind to perfection -
classification of points on a national basis is not


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica,
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT - free ear training software?

2004-09-16 Thread Rocky Road

Someone from another list is looking for free or nearly free PC (not Mac)
ear training software, just for himself, not a classroom situation.  I see
several out there; anybody recommend one in particular?
For the price (free), you can't go past Music Trainers and Utilities
Good site too.
Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT - New toys (I mean, productivity aids!)

2004-08-25 Thread Rocky Road
 > > > One is a Logitech cordless optical mouse
 >Wait until the batteries start to run out.
 >Which should be about two hours after you hook it up.
 >More specifically: none of my clients have kept used a cordless mouse
 >for very long, because the batteries run out so quickly, and start
 >causing unreliability of the mouse pointer so soon that it's just too
 > >annoying to deal with.
The Logitech Bluetooth cordless mouse (MX500 I think) includes a 
holster with a recharger in the receiving base station. You just sit 
your mouse in it at the end of the day and its fully recharged every 

My Mac has BT built in so I don't need the receiver but it still 
works as a charger. Haven't changed the mouse batteries since I 
bought it (it comes with a set of NiMH AA's).

I also have the Apple BT keyboard. Its still on its original alkaline 
batteries, but I do turn it off when I'm not using it.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] .eps in Word

2004-08-22 Thread Rocky Road
On the Mac side, The quality of the EPS preview was downgraded 
significantly in Finale 2004. I use Finale EPS's in Word and up 
till then had found them very readable on screen. In 2004 they are 
It's not a question of awful quality, it's like Maestro/Petrucci 
aren't installed -- ae's instead of noteheads, etc.  (And 
Maestro/Petrucci ARE available to Word -- listed in the font list, 
and I've used 'em for some music symbols in text...

Oh Ok. That's a different problem. And I had that problem once. I 
think it was when I was using Word OSX with an earlier version of 
OSX, like 10.1. THe EPS's worked in Word 98 (in classic) but not in 
Word v.X. Somehow it fixed itself up for me, I think it was with an 
OS update.

WHat I was referring to in my first post, is you can see the 
notation, but the notes and lines are low res and blocky.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] .eps in Word

2004-08-20 Thread Rocky Road
This problem may be old news for many of you, but it's new to me.
I've just started using Word as my word processor after years of 
using WordPerfect.  I just did a test to see how smoothly .EPS 
import into Word and how they look on-screen.

How smoothly?  Very.
How do they look?  Wrong.  The music fonts don't turn up as they're 
supposed to (regardless of whether they're in Petrucci or Maestro). 
These tests were of .EPS files that do work just fine when imported 
into WordPerfect and into page layout programs.  If the files are OK 
(and they include the font, plus a TIFF display version), why isn't 
Word displaying them properly???

What Computer Platform?
What Operating System version?
What version of Word?
What version of Finale?
On the Mac side, The quality of the EPS preview was downgraded 
significantly in Finale 2004. I use Finale EPS's in Word and up till 
then had found them very readable on screen. In 2004 they are awful.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] [OT] Color Laserprinters Duplex Experiences

2004-08-20 Thread Rocky Road

In conclusion, I'm very glad of my C4000, no technical or printing
problems 'till now, and it's gradually paying back the money I invested
for, as my financial planning had, in the best case, previewed.
Giovanni Andreani
Wow. In Australia that's a $5000 printer!
Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale 2005 announced

2004-08-17 Thread Rocky Road
Title: Re: [Finale] Finale 2005

New Fit Width Command.

That will be nice for viewing. I always use "Fit Width"
in MS Word. Great way to quickly choose and define the size you


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica,
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] 2004c User Manual inoperative

2004-08-10 Thread Rocky Road
Yeah, but it doesn't.  OS X's default PDF reader is Apple's Preview 
(which is much better than Acrobat Reader in almost every single 
Except when copying text. It doesn't copy line returns so everything 
becomes a big block of text.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

[Finale] email for Feature Request?

2004-07-30 Thread Rocky Road
What email can I use to make a feature request to Makemusic? I want 
to request a return to the higher resolution EPS previews for Mac OSX 
so I can better read the EPS content on screen in my documents when 
preparing worksheets and exams.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale and Laptops

2004-07-23 Thread Rocky Road
On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 21:23:20 +0200, Johannes Gebauer
 I still have one application which I cannot replace
 by an OS X equivalent, Emagic Waveburner. There simply isn't one at this
Good news for you!
 >From :
NOTE: WaveBurner Pro for Mac OS X is currently in development.
So Finale *wasn't* the last straggler, then. :)
Finale beat Band in a Box too.
Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] FinMac 2004c - Taking too long to allocate instruments

2004-07-15 Thread Rocky Road
To answer everyone in one go.
Yes, its OSX
Its a brand new install of OSX10.3.4 which I loaded yesterday 
(complete install, not an update), followed by a fresh install of 
Finale 2004, which I then updated to 2004c

If I cancel the document wizard at the start, Finale boots quickly, 
but as soon as I open a new document (or an old one) the instrument 
assigning thing starts.

I didn't think fragmentation was an issue in OSX 10.3. All other 
software (including Logic, Reason and Peak) runs fine.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

[Finale] FinMac 2004c - Taking too long to allocate instruments

2004-07-14 Thread Rocky Road
I have updated from Finale 2002 to 2004c on my desktop machine 
(G4/400). When I open a new document it sits for 4-6 minutes (!) 
while displaying this message:

"Finale Is Allocating Instruments for internal speaker playback"
Then everytime I press the play button it sits for 1:30 while 
displaying the same message

Can I speed this up? Its crazy.
Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

[Finale] FinMac 2004c - Taking too long to allocate instruments

2004-07-14 Thread Rocky Road
I have updated from Finale 2002 to 2004c on my desktop machine 
(G4/400). When I open a new document it sits for 4-6 minutes (!) 
while displaying this message:

"Finale Is Allocating Instruments for internal speaker playback"
Then everytime I press the play button it sits for 1:30 while 
displaying the same message

Can I speed this up? Its crazy.
Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

[Finale] OT: Band in a Box released for OSX

2004-07-09 Thread Rocky Road
And thus ends (for me) the ballad of OS9.
(and if you hate top quoting check out the PG web forums - new posts 
appear above the previous one and you have to go to the bottom and 
scroll up to read them in order!)

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] {Spam} FinMac 2004c - What happened to EPS preview

2004-06-26 Thread Rocky Road

I guess ideally Finale should allow to set the preview resolution, but as it
stands I am glad EPS works at all.
Yes, I agree there.
Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

[Finale] {Spam} FinMac 2004c - What happened to EPS preview quality?

2004-06-26 Thread Rocky Road
Title: FinMac 2004c - What happened to EPS preview

Now we have EPS back in Finale for mac, but what on earth
happened to the on screen preview quality? It's dreadful. I used to be
able to read EPS's in Word quite clearly on screen when they were made
in Finale 2002b, now they are quite blocky and low res.

I opened a Fin2002 document up in Fin2004 and exported the same
graphic into word, and although they print the same, on screen the new
version is awful.

Why would this be?


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica,
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining
planet known as Earth."

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale 2004 copy protection help.

2004-05-28 Thread Rocky Road
Can I easily transfer my registration to the portable?
You can register two computers simultaneously -- there is no problem 
registering both a portable and a desktop computer.
I had a laptop and a desktop registered, and then sold the laptop and 
bought a new one. Rang them up and the changeover all went smoothly.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale 2004b back to 2004

2004-05-12 Thread Rocky Road
This is strange
I've updated Finale to 2004b (OS 10.3.3) but when I double click on 
a Finale document, it'll open with the previous version (2004 non b 
update), So, then I have to quit, launch Fin2kb from the dock, then 
open my document. Anybody knows how to get away with it?
Stuff or zip the old one.

That's how I keep all my previous versions. Doesn't take long to 
unstuff if you need it.


Rocky Road - in Oz

"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] NotePad 2004 is up.

2004-04-26 Thread Rocky Road
So, the NotePad is available, and there is a full breakdown of all 
the lesser versions. Frustrating, but useable by beginners.
And after two years the fractured world of Mac OSX notation achieves 
a unity again.

And all the school teachers rejoice, including me.

Rocky Road - in Oz
"Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last Battlestar, Galactica, 
leads a ragtag, fugitive fleet, on a lonely quest, for a shining 
planet known as Earth."
Finale mailing list