Here's another update phenomenon. Maybe one of you font guys can solve this one.
In my last few months of Finale files, I have exclusively used the font Chalkboard for all my text expressions and most of my headers. It worked fine in everything up to and including Finale 2005. Since updating to 2005a, Chalkboard no longer comes out looking like the font. It's still listed in the fonts, but appears on the screen and in printout like some generic default font. This was confirmed tonight by Karen also.
Not only do I like the look of Chalkboard (I use it in all e-mails now also), but more importantly I do not want to go back into my hundreds of Finale files and change all the supposed occurrences of the font to something. Incidentally, Chalkboard works fine in all other applications.
Any solution?
All the best,
KIM Richmond

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