Hi all,

Is there any way to get Human Playback to correctly play back glissandos 
(straight gliss line using “tab slide” smart shape) when there are notes that 
are both the endpoint of one gliss and the beginning of another?

The results are fine when the tab slide just connects two pitches, but as soon 
as you want to gliss from an arrival note to another note, the results are 
invariably catastrophic.

I've tried moving the notation to a hidden layer, which lets me split arrival 
notes into two tied notes (which kinda sorta works, sometimes). But then adding 
a display-only layer that also includes the necessary glissandos for display 
screws up the gliss playback of the hidden layer, even with "Playback" 
unchecked in the display-only layer.

Any solution that does not involve making a separate file for playback?



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