Hope this is an appropriate query for this list group, withdrawn and
apologies if not.

Long story short, got permission from a publisher to turn a children's book
into an opera. Writing the opera, as we all know, was the easy part.

As a next step, I wanted a recording, so the publisher could include a CD
with the book, hopefully getting little people interested in opera at an
early age.

Used a recording engineer I'd worked with in the past, with a simple but
very rugged system that let him record human voices over enhanced
instruments generated from my MIDI files.

He said he had a new system that was 10x more sophisticated, so
sophisticated in fact that it was_terrible! And finally, it crashed, taking
all my voice recordings and all past work with it. So, I need to start from

Need someone with the capacity to import my Finale (or MIDI) files, record
the (two) singers and produce .mp3's we could use for a final CD. The whole
piece is fairly short, 18 minutes, score for a standard orchestra
(woodwinds in pairs, 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones and tuba, strings
and_lots of percussion).

And something hopefully not outrageously expensive, but I do need something
that'll sound professional, and I know I'll have to pay for it.

Ideally in NYC, but Philly could work as well. Any suggestions deeply
appreciated, thanks and best,

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