shirling & neueweise shirling at wrote

there are a number of groups of instruments (not always adjacent staves) that i need the MIDI data for (basic pitch info is enough), so i copied the (large) score, deleted measures surrounding the cue and deleted all instruments which are not used in the cue. at a quick glance, the music seems correct, but why would staccato 8ths in the .MUS show up as non staccato 16ths when i open the extracted .SMF in finale? i've tried a number of combinations of "retain note durations" and "soften syncopations" and "sensitivity level"... HP is off as well.

i really only need plain vanlila MIDI, pitches and dynamics.


One possibility is the playback info assigned to staccato dots. The staccato symbol (and indeed any articulation) can be assigned a midi command such as alter the duration or the velocity. In the original file, select the articulation tool, double-click on one of the staccato dots, and change the playback effect to "none". Then export the file again. See if that works.


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