Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/devel
In directory sfp-cvs-1.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv12446

Added Files:
Log Message:
updated to latest version and moved to devel/ like in the 10.7 tree

--- NEW FILE: py2app-py.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: py2app-py%type_pkg[python]
Version: 0.7.3
Revision: 1
Distribution: (%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.4, (%type_pkg[python] = 24) 10.5
Type: python (2.6 2.7)
BuildDepends: sphinx-py%type_pkg[python]
Depends: <<
  macholib-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 1.5),
  modulegraph-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 0.10.3),
  altgraph-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 0.10.1)

Source: https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/py2app/py2app-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: fad705e63d335c570fde3bee48129730

CompileScript: python%type_raw[python] setup.py build
InstallScript: <<
  python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --prefix %p --root %d
  mv %i/bin/py2applet %i/bin/py2applet-py%type_pkg[python]
  mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
  cp -r doc/_build/html/ %i/share/doc/%n
  cp -r examples %i/share/doc/%n
PostInstScript: <<
  update-alternatives --install %p/bin/py2applet py2applet 
%p/bin/py2applet-py%type_pkg[python] %type_pkg[python]
PreRmScript: <<
  if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]
    update-alternatives --remove py2applet %p/bin/py2applet-py%type_pkg[python]
DocFiles: README.txt LICENSE.txt

Description: Creates standalone python OS X applications
DescDetail: <<
py2app is a Python setuptools command which will allow
you to make standalone Mac OS X application bundles
and plugins from Python scripts.

py2app is similar in purpose and design to py2exe for
License: BSD
Homepage: http://undefined.org/python/#py2app
Maintainer: Brendan Cully <f...@brendan.cully.org>

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