Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/sound
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv19482/sound

Added Files:
Log Message:
Updated and moved to 10.7

--- NEW FILE: mma.info ---
Package: mma
Version: 1.7
Revision: 1
Depends: python27
Maintainer: Matthias Neeracher <neerac...@mac.com>
Source: http://www.mellowood.ca/%n/%n-bin-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 80350ec704e21bce8e75b5f30efc454e
TarFilesRename: INSTALL
PatchScript: <<
perl -i -pe 's|#!.*|#!%p/bin/python2.7|' mma.py
perl -i -pe 's|/usr/local|%p|' mma.py MMA/{gbl,main}.py
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
echo No compilation required. Installing...
InstallScript: <<
mkdir %i/bin
cp %n.py %i/bin/%n
mkdir -p %i/share/%n
cp -r includes lib MMA %i/share/%n
mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
cp -r egs docs/html %i/share/doc/%n
PostInstScript: <<
mma -G
DocFiles: text/*
Description: Musical MIDI Accompaniment
DescDetail: <<
"Musical MIDI Accompaniment" is an accompaniment generator -- it
creates midi tracks for a soloist to perform over from a user supplied
file containing chords and MMA directives.

MMA is very versatile and generates excellent tracks. It comes with an
extensive user-extendable library with a variety of patterns for
various popular rhythms, detailed user manuals, and several demo

MMA is a command line driven program. It creates MIDI files which are
then played by a sequencer or MIDI file play program.

MMA is currently in BETA. We are looking for lots of help in debugging
the program, creating songs for distribution, and new and improved
library files.

There are lots of other generators like MMA. The most popular are
"Band In A Box" and "Jammer". The problem with many of these programs
is that they lock you into a proprietary format, work only with
limited computing platforms, or insist on a silly GUI which limits
your choices. You might think that the lack of a GUI is limiting, but
we've found that MMA's method gives you a great deal of flexibilty in
setting volumes, patterns, etc.
License: GPL
Homepage: http://www.mellowood.ca/mma/index.html

Magic Quadrant for Content-Aware Data Loss Prevention
Research study explores the data loss prevention market. Includes in-depth
analysis on the changes within the DLP market, and the criteria used to
evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these DLP solutions.
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