Re: [Fink-devel] Proposal new Fink engine (Finch?)

2003-08-08 Thread Kyle Moffett
I just got back from my trip, I will work on my code over the next week 
(Yay, vacation!) and hopefully have some prototype material by then.

On Sunday, Jul 20, 2003, at 03:58 US/Eastern, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
Why objective-C?  Perl would get the job done faster, cheaper, and
with a larger installed base of people who can make contributions.
I chose Objective-C not because of speed, but because it contains the 
cross-language compatibility that would be useful in the library.  
Writing XS around Obj-C is not that difficult (Not that XS is difficult 
for anything else), and C callbacks are simple.  If someone really 
wanted a C++ wrapper to something, that could easily be implemented in 
Obj-C++ (How horrid! But that is just my personal opinion).  If we 
tried to do this in Perl, we would need to call Perl from C, C++, 
Obj-C, etc, which is somewhat clumsy with the need to maintain a global 
Perl instance, but not difficult.  On the other hand, Obj-C is better 
than C or C++ for this because of its dynamism and flexibility.

On Sunday, Jul 20, 2003, at 10:02 US/Eastern, Benjamin Reed wrote:
I'm with Randal on this.  Keep in mind that while performance is 
certainly important, the larger number of people who can contribute is 
the biggest reason to stick with perl.  We've just now started getting 
enough people who are not only are capable of working on the fink code 
base, but willing.  Now is not the time to abandon that.  =)
I am not thinking that we should code the interface in any C-type 
language anyway, they are far too clumsy for command line "UI" anyway.  
I was thinking of abstracting away an Obj-C library that would just 
provide the engine and package interface.  The actual package 
implementation for enumerating and reading files, etc, could still be 

And while you may be able to embed a perl interpreter into your ObjC 
code, it's much easier to mix-and-match from the perl end, as far as 
I'm aware.  It would be a lot more work, I think, to be able to 
arbitratily use perl in an OjbC program than the other way around.
Yes, that is true.  It is probably easier to have a C-type language 
library with XS stubs that call in to the functions, register 
callbacks, etc, than to have a C-type program use a Perl library.  I 
originally referred to a C-type library anyway, without anyy

There are definite performance problems with the current 
implementation of fink, and it's a known issue, but starting from 
scratch is gonna be a lot more work than you think.  And, for that 
matter, it's not the dep engine, it's data-access (reading/scanning 
info files).
I am not really concerned with speed, just the weird internal node 
errors and other problematic symptoms, but that could be fixed as a 
side effect of this.  Do we really need to read the entire info file 
every time?  Could we not just have a list of certain fields to cache, 
and stop parsing when we have found all of them?  Then only put those 
fields in the database.  It is just as easy to read the file for the 
install instructions as it is to extract it from a file.

Now, if you can write a fink/dpkg/apt compatible dependency engine 
that can drop into the existing Fink code, *that* would be great.  But 
otherwise, there's a *lot* of stuff to implement that isn't the dep 
engine, otherwise.  I'm not saying what you're doing is impossible, or 
unappreciated, but there's a lot more to Fink than the dep engine, and 
reinventing the wheel because one spoke is off is generally a bad > 
Yes, that is kind of what I was thinking.  I want to abstract out the 
dep logic into the "Finch" library (Obj-C) so that it can be used by 
any program.

On Sunday, Jul 20, 2003, at 10:32 US/Eastern, Max Horn wrote:
Personally, I don't consider Perl a holy grail, I must say. However I 
also don't get why one would write this in Objective C. Don't get me 
wrong, I love Objective C - it rocks when used with Cocoa. But esp. 
when talking about performance, it's dynamic nature makes it slower 
than C++ in general (not that I really think this is a limiting 
factor, I just find it funny that somebody says Perl is not good 
enough but Objective C is better.. hum :-).
Why do minor language speed quibbles matter when the file access 
patterns themselves are simply not efficient enough? :-)

Anyway, the real problem is that there are only few programmers who 
know Objective C (and even less who know it *well* and code well in 
it). A much better choice would be plain C or C++, because far more 
people are able to code in it. For our purposes, I simply see no 
advantages in using Objective C. Oh, and don't forget that it limits 
portability, too - ObjC works on less platforms than C/Perl/C++. And 
the GNU ObjC runtime differs from the Apple one. Etc.
But the GNU Obj-C Foundation is interchangeable with Apple's. (Mostly)  
(BTW, have you ever looked at the number of emails per day on the 
cocoa-dev list?  In the last 5 weeks, I have 2547 new email on that 

Re: [Fink-devel] gettext upgrade

2003-08-08 Thread Max Horn
Am Mittwoch, 06.08.03 um 18:21 Uhr schrieb David R. Morrison:

Hi Max.  I need your help in figuring out the correct strategy for 

There are two issues, which I will keep separate so as not to confuse 

As I've mentioned before, the major version number in libintl.dylib has
changed in recent versions of gettext, so we need a new gettext2 
Indeed. BTW an unrelated question: why are the man pages in the -bin 
splitoff, not in the -dev splitoff ? man3 is documentation for the 
developer APi after all.

Constructing gettext2-shlibs and gettext2-dev is no problem, and these
will obviously coexist with existing packages.  (I remind you that
"gettext" contains the shlibs, for backwards compatibility, and is an
Essential package, while "gettext-dev" is not an Essential package and
can be swapped in and out with gettext2-dev.)
The problem arises with the executables, like /sw/bin/gettext.  At the
moment, they are in "gettext-bin" which is an Essential package.  I'm
having a hard time finding an upgrade strategy when this package is
Essential.  If it weren't Essential, I could just create "gettext2"
to contain v.2 of the executables, and swap it back and forth with
"gettext-bin".  But I can't do that with an Essential package.
However, I am a bit nervous about removing the "Essential" tag from
gettext-bin.  There might be some packages that depend on this, right?
Not too likely, but possible.
I am actually not sure if it's that unlikely. I am not a gettext pro, 
so somebody else will probably know better; but a quick check reveals 
that the configure sycripts of many gettext using apps refer to various 
of the tools in gettext-bin (like msgfmt, xgettext etc.). I am not sure 
in how far those are only used in maintainer mode, or if they are 
actually used during normal configure/make runs, too... That is 
something we need to know definitely.

  I suppose one thing I could do is to
add "BuildDepends: gettext-bin" to every package which currently says
"BuildDepends: gettext-dev".  But would that be enough?
I'd hope it should be enough. Strictly spoken, I am not sure if it's a 
good idea to have -dev and -bin separated (are there scenarios were one 
would want/need to use one without the other?)
In any case, it'd be vital that the -bin and -dev version match; i.e. 
if an app builds against gettext2-dev, it should "see" the 
gettext2-bin, and if it uses gettext-dev, then gettext-bin. Which 
presumably would be the case if we specify explicit BuildDepends

The other option I thought of was to continue keeping the gettext
executables in a package called "gettext-bin", which would now become
a splitoff of "gettext2" and get a later version number.  The newer
versions of gettext-bin would depend on gettext2-shlibs not gettext.
The problem with this approach is that iw would be difficult to "go 
to earlier versions.  (It's particularly hard for apt-get
users, since I don't believe apt-get will recognize the older 
Not only that, it would mean that developers would be forced to develop 
their apps against the new gettext. If somebody for some reasons wishes 
to develop apps based on the old gettext, they won't be able to do that 
anymore with Fink, because they can't access the older tools anymore 
(unless the newer tools are 100% compatible to the old ones. I don't 
know if that's the case or not, but a simple way to find out the answer 
to this and my above question would be to contact the gettext 
developers, I'd think)

This would also mean that we have to make gettext2-shlibs into an
Essential package immediately, since the latest version of the 
package gettext-bin would depend on it.
This should not be rushed. It can be annoying to remove the essential 
status from a package again, so let's make sure we know we are right.

Your thoughts on this would be most welcome.  I have packages for 
ready to go, except for getting the depedency issues sorted out.  I 
have a package for the latest texinfo ready to go, which depends on
Fine :-)

Oh yes, I mentioned that there are two issues.  The second issue is 
the upstream maintainers of gettext are now recommending that packagers
separate gettext into "gettext-runtime" and "gettext-tools".  I'm 
to do this with gettext2 unless you think it's a bad idea.  It means
six total packages for fink (gettext2, gettext2-shlibs, gettext2-dev,
gettext2-tools, gettext2-tools-shlibs, gettext2-tools-dev) but a 
installation requirement for bootstrapping and for most users.
You mean they can be compiled separately? I.e. you are not talking 
about splitoffs, but gettext-tools really would be a 100% independent 

  Some of
the executables which are currently in "gettext-bin" will end up in
"gettext2-tools" rather than "gettext2", so this affects the earlier
discussion of dependencies as well.


This SF.Net

[Fink-devel] glut, X11 1.0 and Panther

2003-08-08 Thread John Davidorff Pell
I just thought i'd let y'all know that X11 1.0 in the panther preview 
is built FAT just like everything else and so the Imake files that glut 
uses to configure itself have '-arch i386' in them all over the place 
so it won't work on a normal osx box. :-) either a custom version of 
this file is needed or apple needs to be killed or maybe some patch to 
glut or maybe our own version of Imake? :-)


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