Re: [Fink-devel] X11 Documentation

2003-02-14 Thread Torrey Lyons
At 9:20 AM -0500 2/14/03, Alexander Hansen wrote:

I've slowly started making some changes in the X11 docs.  As of right
now all that I've changed is the current stable version to install from
fink, and added Apple X11 Beta 2 info. 

The next issue, then, is section 3.3:  Official Binaries. 

I'd like to confirm that the proper sequence for Jaguar as of right now

1)  Install the 4.2.0 binary

The easiest thing is to install the Xinstall_10.1.sit binary from 
XonX, although the tarballs are identical. The tarballs are just harder to deal with since they require 
downloading separately and running a shell script.

2)  Apply the 4.2.0-> patch from XonX
3)  Apply the> patch from XonX

This is correct as of today. Very shortly this will change to just 
installing XFree86 4.3.0 which will be available from XonX and 
XFree86.Org as before.


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[Fink-devel] XFree86 4.3.0 close

2003-01-31 Thread Torrey Lyons
The code freeze for XFree86 4.3.0 will be any day now. I believe the 
Mac OS X/Darwin part of the code base is pretty much in final form. 
Benjamin put together a package in fink unstable which builds 
something very close to the top of the tree. I would encourage as 
many people as possible to give it a try. The libraries and clients 
from this version will be used for Apple's final release of X11 
although the X server will not be synced up until after 4.3.0 is out. 
Please let me know promptly if you find any bugs.

There has been only one bug fix since Benjamin's package was put 
together: In 16-bit color pixmaps could sometimes appear shifted by 1 
pixel from what was intended.


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Fink-devel mailing list

Re: [Fink-devel] GIMP's shared memory broken

2003-01-13 Thread Torrey Lyons
At 8:00 AM -0800 1/13/03, Ben Hines wrote:

On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 03:03  AM, Jakub Steiner wrote:

Hello there,
I noticed fink's GIMP package uses --no-shm --no-xshm because it's
broken. This is a call for help if anyone's interested/has some idle

I don't think your shm will ever work well on OS X. I assume you are 
using sys v shared memory - OS X by default has a very small sysv 
shared memory allocation, which you are likely to hit quickly. 
 It looks like you are using SysV shm with 
shmat(). I think POSIX shm works better on OS X, and definitely mmap 
works fine. POSIX shm is more standard than sysv shm anyway, so you 
should probably switch.

Of course the --no-xshm refers to using the MIT-SHM X extension. This 
is not something GNOME can do anything about. MIT-SHM only works with 
Sys V shared memory. I have thrown around the idea of writing an 
MIT-SHM2 which would abstract the shared memory API and allow us to 
write a POSIX shared memory implementation. Although the idea was 
well received, it requires time to write, time to become part of the 
next major XFree86 release, and time for application developers like 
the GNOME project to switch over to using the new X extension. A good 
idea that's not happening soon...


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Re: [Fink-devel] X11 compatibilty problems

2003-01-12 Thread Torrey Lyons
At 1:59 PM -0500 1/12/03, David R. Morrison wrote:


My understanding is that the following upgrade path:

  XFree86-4.2 or Fink-4.2/ threaded-version / XFree86-4.3 or Fink-4.3

is expected to work just fine.

Yes. This kind of problem is why I got bent out of shape awhile ago 
about Fink adding dynamic libraries that are only static in the 
standard distribution. It is essential that everyone can rely on 
compatibility between X11 libraries. I think as you say, Fink and 
XFree86 are on the same page now.

However, as has become apparent this week, the libraries shipped by Apple
are not binary compatible with other versions of the libraries.

Yes indeed. There are other issues besides the wrong install name, 
but the Apple engineers are aware of them. I am fairly certain that 
Apple will address all these problems inn the final release. In the 
mean time I think the proper attitude is to treat Apple's X11 as the 
beta it is. You may well find mysterious breakages and you will 
likely have to rebuild everything you build with it again once the 
final version comes out.

I'm not sure what we can do about this, other than to post a big warning
on Fink's website.  We can probably include a short list of Fink binaries
which are known not to work with Apple's libraries.

Apple is planning on syncing up their libraries with XFree86 4.3 for 
the final release. Making the public and Apple aware of the problems 
in the beta is probably all we can or need to do. The last thing 
Apple wants is to fork off the XFree86 mainline.


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Re: [Fink-devel] Who should Provide X11 ?

2003-01-06 Thread Torrey Lyons
At 9:25 PM +0100 1/6/03, Martin Costabel wrote:

Bruce Korb wrote:

Jeff Whitaker wrote:

Why force people to install xfree86-rootless if they
don't really need to?

Because is solves real, multi-hour problems.  The cost is very
marginal:  systems that need x-base and not x servers and their
price is only a few minutes of install time.  The disk space is
only worth mentioning that it is sub-marginal.

Yes, exactly.

I haven't been lurking on fink-devel long enough to have insight into 
what the earlier debates on this were, but I have always found it 
strange that fink still separates the server from rest of XFree86. 
Sure you can think of scenarios where someone might want the X 
libraries installed and not the X server, but these are largely 
artificial. As people have pointed out you are only saving 5-10% of 
the size of the distribution by separating out the server and there 
is a very real complexity cost for doing so. There are other parts of 
the XFree86 distribution one might want to separate out as well that 
save even more space. Why is the server special?

I think the reason is largely historical. Back in the XFree86 4.1.0 
days there was no rootless X server, only a full screen one. There 
was, however, a rootless X server that mostly worked under 
development in the top of the XFree86 CVS tree. Christoph Pfisterer 
wanted fink users to be able to use the rootless X server from the 
top of the tree without having to worry about upgrading the libraries 
and everything else as well. Thus he separated the packages, which 
worked at the time. These days it does not even make sense to use an 
X server and libraries from different XFree86 tags because the server 
depends on the libraries. Today people either live with the last 
stable version or the cutting edge, but they upgrade server and 
libraries together.

Since there is no longer any desire to update the server and the rest 
of XFree86 separately, keeping the two in separate packages seems to 
complicate things for no reason.


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Re: [Fink-devel] Accelerated OpenGL under OSX and X windows.

2002-11-04 Thread Torrey Lyons
At 3:14 PM -0600 11/4/02, Stephen Hocking wrote:

Has anyone in the XonX team sat down coded up the libGL stuff as a relatively
thin wrapper around Apple's native implementation?

(Probably not the ideal list for this question, but...)

Yes. TOT XFree86 CVS. :-)


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Re: [Fink-devel] xterm & xload permissions

2002-10-18 Thread Torrey Lyons
At 6:45 PM +0200 10/18/02, Jorge Acereda MaciĀ· wrote:

Is this normal?

[Silver:~] admin% ls -l /usr/X11R6/bin/xload
-rws--x--x  1 root  admin  22240 Oct 18 05:33 /usr/X11R6/bin/xload
[Silver:~] admin% ls -l /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm
-rws--x--x  1 root  admin  275668 Oct 18 05:33 /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm
[Silver:~] admin%

Yes. A better question is whether it is necessary since it is
undesirable. This has come up in XonX developer discussions, but we
really haven't spent much time on it. It works as is so it has not
been a high priority. If you have some thoughts on this it would be
interesting to hear them.


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[Fink-devel] lesstif and XFree86

2002-06-06 Thread Torrey Lyons

The lesstif discussion reminded me that I should point out some 
important changes that are coming soon for XFree86. The XonX project 
will be releasing a bug fix update soonish to XFree86 from the 4.2 
branch. In addition to fixing a few crashing bugs and adding Jaguar 
compatibility, it will also revert libXt to a flat-namespace image. 
When this becomes available, you will likely want to move the Fink 
distribution to using it.

After having some time to look at this issue in more detail it is 
clear that libXt will never work properly with two-level namespace 
binding semantics. The Fink approach of using -force_flat_namespace 
will continue to work, but it will not be needed after the update. 
Keeping libXt as a two-level namespace image forced every application 
that used libXt to link _all_ their libraries as flat namespace 
images, even though only libXt needs it. In addition it became 
obvious that there were subtle problems in applications that used 
libXt without -force_flat_namespace, even if they did not fail as 
dramatically as lesstif.

I think that only libXt consistently relies on the kind of binding 
semantics that make two-level namespace a problem, but please let me 
know if you think there are other X libraries that might need to be 
make flat. Hopefully when XFree86 4.3 release gets close we can move 
Fink's unstable XFree86 package to using the release candidate 
libraries so we don't have another surprise like the libXt-lesstif 



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Re: [KDE-Darwin] Re: [Fink-devel] KDE-Fink library problem

2002-05-31 Thread Torrey Lyons

At 4:17 PM -0400 5/31/02, David R. Morrison wrote:
>Just to followup one more time: Torrey, we've had a bit more discussion
>among fink developers on IRC, and it turns out that the problem which
>Justin is having with xine is related to the lack of x-shm support on
>Darwin.  Somehow with the shared libs he can get around this (I wasn't
>too clear about how).  Do you know the status of x-shm support in Darwin?

As far as I know x-shm support is still stuck at not good enough to 
be useable because of small number of shared memory segments Darwin 
supports. We may fix this issue in OpenDarwin. I also proposed, and 
the XFree86 Core Team embraced, an idea to write an update to the 
MIT-SHM extension that uses POSIX shared memory. In the mean time, 
x-shm basically doesn't work on Darwin.

Now that I understand the problem I think the best compromise is do 
something like Justin suggested and put libXv and libXinerama shared 
libraries in a special package. (Actually I'm still not sure why you 
would need libXinerama, but once you've got the package you can go 
crazy if you want.) Those packages that need these shared libraries 
can depend on the "shared-lib" or "xfree86-extras" package. These 
shared libs should be installed somewhere in /sw so they do not 
pollute normal builds of X11 applications that don't need these 
non-standard shared libraries. The packages that need these shared 
libraries need only be modified with an extra -L to point to wherever 
you decide to store these libraries in /sw. This way everyone is 
happy. Those packages that need shared libraries will get them and 
everything else will remain binary compatible with mainline X11.

Note that from what I have heard, KDE is not one of the packages that 
would need to depend on this shared library package. It only depends 
on them as an undesirable side-effect of revision 5 of the 
xfree86-base package.



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Re: [KDE-Darwin] Re: [Fink-devel] KDE-Fink library problem

2002-05-31 Thread Torrey Lyons

At 11:43 AM -0600 5/31/02, Justin Hallett wrote:
>no there isn't.  Plus why would you want to revert the change?  It doesn't
>hurt anything unless you try and mix to systems.  hmmm...I think this
>might end up being a problem with other pkgs for the bin dist as well.
>shared libs and system pkgs are not gonna mix well in the bin dist.
>>Fine. Remains the question: for what did you need xinerama/xv as
>>shared libs, and why, and is there another way to get that package to
>  >work then?

The main reason to revert the change is that most every X11 
application binary distributed by Fink is in danger of being 
incompatible with any other X11 implementation other than Fink's. KDE 
was just the first such high profile example of this. Thus we will 
have fractured the X11 standard on Darwin/Mac OS X. This would hurt 
quit a bit. In one corner we would have Fink's binaries which only 
run with Fink's version of XFree86, and in the other corner we would 
have binaries from GNU-Darwin, XFree86, XTools, etc. that would run 
on any X11 implementation.

When an application is linked with a shared version of libXv or 
libXinerama present, the linker will prefer this shared version over 
the static one. The resulting application will fail to run anywhere 
where the shared library does not exist. You might ask why we can't 
just get XFree86 to adopt your patch and start distributing shared 
versions of these libraries. I seriously doubt the XFree86 Core Team 
would accept such a change as:

1. Such changes should be made across all platforms.
2. There are good reasons why these libraries are not shared.
3. This has already come up before and Red Hat was bapped for doing 
exactly this.

It can't be true that some packages can only be ported by using 
shared versions of libXv and libXinerama because no other platform 
provides shared versions. Darwin does have different binding 
semantics in some edge cases, but these can be worked around. For 
example, I saw one case in the mailing list archives where -lXv by 
itself produced as error, but -lXv should always be used with -lX11. 
If you have a specific package that works other the shared library 
problem, we can help get it working the right way.



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