Re: [Fink-devel] Re: Re: Re: glut-3.7-23

2005-04-17 Thread Martin Costabel
Jack Howarth wrote:
If fink's dpkg weren't so brain dead about shared library versioning
While you have IMHO correctly diagnosed the idiocy of freeglut using the 
same name libglut.3.dylib as the old glut when it is not a binary 
compatible dropin replacement, you are certainly barking up the wrong 
tree here.

I could do that and then use a correctly different version for the glut
produced by freeglut (it really should be libglut.11.dylib anyway).
However dpkg in fink seems unable to detect whether a package has a
dependency on libglut.3.dylib or libglut.11.dylib when a package is 
installed. So that option is out as well. 
Until now (this may change in the future), Fink packages do not depend 
on library files or versions thereof, they depend on other Fink 
packages. So your statement does not make sense. Binaries OTOH, linked 
with one of the libglut dylibs will know exactly which one they were 
linked with, provided the install_name of the dylib is correct (which it 
probably isn't in your version).

No matter what I do all the packages that use glut will need to
be rebuilt so you might as well follow Redhat and Debian's lead and
just toss out glut as of 10.4.
I do still not understand why you don't want to follow one of the 
established ways of adding a package with a new version of a library to 
Fink. The packages using the old glut have no need to be rebuilt if you 
do one of the following two things:

1. (This is what has been proposed to you several times in this 
collection of threads): Put the freeglut dylibs into a separate 
directory and *most important* make their install_name reflect this path.

2. (This corresponds to what you seem to have in mind but did not 
implement correctly, and it corresponds to the situation of other 
packages like db3/db4 or libdvdnav/libdvdnav2 etc): Change the name *and 
the install_name* of the freeglut dylib to /sw/lib/libglut.11.dylib.

In both cases, you don't touch the old libglut package except for a 
Conflicts/Replaces of the glut-dev and freeglut-dev packages which both 
will contain /sw/lib/libglut.dylib as a symlink to the respective real 
files. In both cases, the *-shlibs packages do not Conflict/Replace. 
They coexist.


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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: Re: Re: glut-3.7-23

2005-04-17 Thread Jack Howarth
I've tried a test build of the current glut package where I have
the following packaging...

...for the glut package...

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  744232 17 Apr 15:56 /sw/lib/glut/libglut.a
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  14 17 Apr 15:56 /sw/lib/libglut.a -> glut/libglut.a
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  20 17 Apr 15:56 /sw/lib/libglut.dylib -> 

...and for glut-shlibs...

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  1625308 17 Apr 15:56 /sw/lib/glut/libglut.3.7.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  17 17 Apr 15:56 /sw/lib/glut/libglut.3.dylib -> 

While this packaging works fine for building pymol and other things that
require glut anew, it breaks copies that were built against the previous
packaging since they expect to see /sw/lib/libglut.3.dylib. The only
way to avoid this problem would be to move the libglut.3.dylib out of
/sw/lib/glut into /sw/lib.
If fink's dpkg weren't so brain dead about shared library versioning
I could do that and then use a correctly different version for the glut
produced by freeglut (it really should be libglut.11.dylib anyway).
However dpkg in fink seems unable to detect whether a package has a
dependency on libglut.3.dylib or libglut.11.dylib when a package is 
installed. So that option is out as well. 
No matter what I do all the packages that use glut will need to
be rebuilt so you might as well follow Redhat and Debian's lead and
just toss out glut as of 10.4.

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: Re: Re: glut-3.7-23

2005-04-17 Thread Jack Howarth
Well I did a quick test of changing the versioning and that doesn't help
much under fink anyway. If I use...

Package: freeglut
Version: 2.2.0
Revision: 2
GCC: 3.3
Maintainer: Jack Howarth>
Source: mirror:sourceforge:freeglut/%N-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 9439b8745f443131c2dad00bc93dc0ef 
Patch: %n.patch
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.9.9), x11-dev
Conflicts: glut (<< 3.7-25)
Replaces: glut (<< 3.7-25)
BuildDependsOnly: True
SplitOff: <<
 Package: %N-shlibs
 Depends: libgl
 Conflicts: glut-shlibs (<< 3.7-25)
 Replaces: glut-shlibs (<< 3.7-25)
 Files: lib/lib*.*.dylib 
 Shlibs: %p/lib/libglut.11.dylib 11.8.0 %n (>= 2.2.0-1)
Description: Opengl utility toolkit
DescDetail: <<
Freeglut is a completely OpenSourced alternative to the OpenGL Utility 
Toolkit (GLUT) library released under the X-Consortium license. The
original GLUT library seems to have been abandoned with the most recent
version (3.7) dating back to August 1998. Its license does not allow 
anyone to distribute modified library code. Freeglut is actively
developed and doesn't suffer the license restrictions. The goal is
to gradually depreciate the current glut package out of fink replacing
it with freeglut.
License: OSI-Approved

with the patch...

diff -uNr freeglut-2.2.0/src/
---  Wed Dec 10 20:32:09 2003
+++ freeglut-2.2.0/src/  Sun Apr 17 13:04:23 2005
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 # Additional linker flags
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]@_la_LIBADD = $(LIBM) $(X_LIBS) -lGL -lGLU -lXext -lX11 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 11:0:8
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 11:0:0

The resulting freeglut amd dummy glut packages do not appear to cause a pymol
package previously built against the stock glut package to not install. Despite
the fact that this pymol package is linked against libglut.3.dylib and I have
installed a libglut.11.dylib now. I guess I had forgotten that our library
dependency tracking in fink is quite so brain dead. Blah. 
   It is interesting to note that the above patch is required to get 
built. Freeglut should really be building that out of the box as far as I can 
see. I can't quite find the glitch in the makefiles that is causing 
to be built instead of libglut.11.8.0.dylib as -version-info 11:0:8 directs.
Oh, I did notice we could also just start passing --disable-replace-glut to
configure and end up with libfreeglut libraries instead. Of course that means
more changes for the packages that use glut.
   Lastly I found this web page...

...which seems to summarize the mess that glut is in.

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Re: [Fink-devel] Re: Re: Re: glut-3.7-23

2005-04-17 Thread Chris Zubrzycki
On Apr 17, 2005, at 11:55 AM, Jack Howarth wrote:
What if we patch the freeglut package to build with a different
shared lib version number? I think this is the main source of the
confusion out there. The developers of freeglut let it create a when it should have been bumped up to or such rather than just 
In fact that this should have been the case is clear from the answer
I got from them about the compatibility version being set to 12.0.0
when building on MacOS X.
bad idea
Shouldn't the packaging I am suggesting (using a dummy package for
glut) work if we bump up the version of libglut to force anything
linked against it to get rebuilt? We need to deal with the fact that
glut is an orphaned project and everyone else out there is switching
to freeglut. Its just that the linux distros don't seem to be worried
as much about the backward compatibility issue.
Follow what we had to do to fix ncurses: keep the -dev package the  
same, but move the actual installed libs to a subdir of /sw/lib. -- 
lib-dir in configure will help. Then anything built with the new  
freeglut lib will be fine, and not need any changes, except a  
versioned dep.

-chris zubrzycki
- --
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Fink-devel mailing list

[Fink-devel] Re: Re: Re: glut-3.7-23

2005-04-17 Thread Jack Howarth
What if we patch the freeglut package to build with a different
shared lib version number? I think this is the main source of the
confusion out there. The developers of freeglut let it create a when it should have been bumped up to or such rather than just
In fact that this should have been the case is clear from the answer
I got from them about the compatibility version being set to 12.0.0
when building on MacOS X.

Shouldn't the packaging I am suggesting (using a dummy package for
glut) work if we bump up the version of libglut to force anything
linked against it to get rebuilt? We need to deal with the fact that
glut is an orphaned project and everyone else out there is switching
to freeglut. Its just that the linux distros don't seem to be worried
as much about the backward compatibility issue.

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